NEWSON 08**/**10 1. CHINA RELEASES WHITE PAPER ON TAIWAN QUESTION 国台办发表《台湾问题与新时代中国统一事业》白皮书 2. AFTER-SCHOOL CENTERS PREPARE FOR IN-PERSON CLASSES 培训机构为恢复线下教学积极准备教学和防疫工作有序开展 3. CHINESE FM : US CHIPS ACT IS ANOTHER EXAM OF ECONOMIC COERCION BY THE UNITED STATES 外交部:《芯片和科学法案》是美国大搞经济胁迫的例证 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.1.CHINA RELEASES WHITE PAPER ON TAIWAN QUESTION 国台办发表《台湾问题与新时代中国统一事业》白皮书 The State Council’s Taiwan Affairs Office and Information Office today published a white paper titled "The Taiwan Question and China’s Re-unification【统一】in the New Era". 国台办、国新办今天发表《台湾问题与新时代中国统一事业》白皮书。 The white paper re-iterated【重申】that Taiwan is part of China, demonstrated the resolve of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people and their commitment to national re-unification, and emphasized the position of the CPC and the Chinese government in the new era. Sun Siqi has the details. 进一步重申台湾是中国的一部分的事实和现状,展现中国共产党和中国人民追求祖国统一的坚定意志和坚强决心,阐述中国共产党和中国政府在新时代推进实现祖国统一的立场和政策。记者孙思奇带来更多详细报道。 The white paper stated that Taiwan is part of China and it’s an indisputable fact supported by history and law. Taiwan has never been a state; its status as part of China is unalterable【不可改变的】. 白皮书指出,台湾是中国的一部分的历史事实和法理事实不容置疑,台湾从来不是一个国家而是中国的一部分的地位不容改变。 It stated the CPC is committed to the historic mission of resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete reunification. China’s development -- in particular, the achievements over 4 decades of reform, opening up and modernization -- has had a profound impact on that historical process. 中国共产党始终把解决台湾问题、实现祖国完全统一作为矢志不渝的历史任务。国家发展进步、特别是40多年来改革开放和现代化建设所取得的伟大成就,深刻影响着解决台湾问题、实现祖国完全统一的历史进程。 The document stated the actions of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have endangered peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and restricted the space for peaceful reunification. These are obstacles that must be removed in advancing peaceful reunification. 白皮书指出,民进党当局的谋“独”行径导致两岸关系紧张,危害台海和平稳定,破坏和平统一前景、挤压和平统一空间,是争取和平统一进程中必须清除的障碍。 External forces have encouraged and instigated provocative actions by separatist forces. It added that relying on external forces will achieve nothing for Taiwan’s separatists, and using Taiwan to contain China is doomed to fail. It writes that peaceful reunification and the "one country, two systems" approach are the basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question. 外部势力纵容鼓动“台独”分裂势力滋事挑衅, 但“挟洋谋独”没有出路,“以台制华”注定失败。祖国统一的历史车轮滚滚向前,任何人、任何势力都无法阻挡。白皮书强调,“和平统一、一国两制”是我们解决台湾问题的基本方针。 The central government is ready to create vast space for peaceful reunification, but it will leave no room for separatist activities in any form.The document adds that China will work with the greatest sincerity and exert utmost efforts, but China will not renounce the use of force and will reserve the option of taking all necessary measures. This is to guard against external interference and all separatist activities. In no way does it target fellow Chinese in Taiwan. 我们愿意为和平统一创造广阔空间,但绝不为各种形式的“台独”分裂活动留下任何空间。我们愿继续以最大诚意、尽最大努力争取和平统一,但我们不承诺放弃使用武力,保留采取一切必要措施的选项,针对的是外部势力干涉和极少数“台独”分裂分子及其分裂活动,绝非针对台湾同胞。 The use of force would be the last resort taken under compelling circumstances. The paper adds that the central government will work with fellow Chinese in Taiwan to strive for national reunification and rejuvenation. 非和平方式将是不得已情况下做出的最后选择。我们将团结广大台湾同胞共创祖国统一、民族复兴的光荣伟业。 2.AFTER-SCHOOL CENTERS PREPARE FOR IN-PERSON CLASSES 培训机构为恢复线下教学积极准备教学和防疫工作有序开展 The Shanghai Training Association said yesterday it’s preparing to reopen after-school education businesses. Some training schools said they are devising plans to meet corona virus controls and financial regulatory requirements. Sun Siqi brings us the story. 昨晚,上海市培训协会发布校外培训机构恢复线下培训服务须知,其中提到,目前本市正有序推进培训机构恢复线下培训服务的相关工作,培训机构应做好疫情防控、消防安全、资金监管等准备工作。记者孙思奇带来更多详细报道。 At Little Star’s Daning branch, a vocal teacher is leading a warm-up in an online class. For now, dancing, acting and drawing classes are still only allowed online. 在小荧星大宁校区,声乐老师唐盛兰正带着孩子们做热身,目前,舞蹈课、表演课、绘画课仍在以线上形式授课。 INTERVIEW: **Tang Shenglan,**Vocal Teacher 唐盛兰小荧星大宁校区声乐老师 We’ve been giving vocal classes on the basics: scales, breathing techniques, some songs and musical theory. This way, the kids will transition into offline classes when they come back. 我们一直没有落下声乐基础课,比如练声、气息、歌曲以及乐理的知识,这样也是为了帮助孩子们在回归课堂之后可以尽快适应线下学习。 As enrollment is underway for the fall semester, the school has created disinfection protocols and prepared pandemic supplies including health code scanners. 秋季招生正在火热开展,学校的数字哨兵、防疫物资、消毒登记均已准备就绪。 INTERVIEW: **Gong YunYi,**Principle 龚韵宜小荧星大宁校区校长 Disinfection is especially important for kids in dance classes. They’re on the floor or at the barre the whole time, and so these classrooms need to be thoroughly disinfected. We spray them twice a day and use UV lamps to disinfect at night. 尤其是像舞蹈课教室这样的地方,小朋友总是要接触到地面和把杆。所以我们要进行全面彻底的消杀。恢复线下以后,我们每天会进行两次消杀工作,在夜间会用紫外线灯消杀。 Teachers are also preparing at the Jiading campus of a China Welfare Institute training school. 在中福会小伙伴学校嘉定校区,准备工作同样如火如荼。 INTERVIEW: He Hai,Principle 何海中福会小伙伴学校校长 All of our branches have met pandemic, fire safety and financial regulatory requirements. All the teachers are in place. 目前小伙伴学校各个校区已经按照相关部门的要求做好防疫、消防以及监管账户等各方面的充分准备,所有老师都已经到位。 The school says class sizes will be kept small to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission. It has also prepared a temporary isolation area on the first floor in case a kid develops a fever. 学校表示,他们根据常态化防控要求,将班级人数控制在较小规模。并且在一楼准备了一个临时隔离区,以应对孩子出现发烧的情况。 3.CHINESE FM: US CHIPS ACT IS ANOTHER EXAM OF ECONOMIC COERCION BY THE UNITED STATES 外交部:《芯片和科学法案》是美国大搞经济胁迫的例证 US President Joe Biden signed the CHIPS and Science Act yesterday, a 280-billion US dollar bill to boost domestic high-tech manufacturing. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin today responded the bill, saying that China firmly opposes the Act for its distortion of the global semiconductor supply chain and disruption of international trade. Zhang Yue has the story. 美国总统拜登昨天签署《芯片和科学法案》,将在未来5年,提供总额达2800亿美元的补贴,为美国半导体等行业设置所谓的“护栏”。对此,中国外交部发言人汪文斌今天回应称,该法案是美国大搞经济胁迫的例证,将对全球半导体供应链造成扭曲,对国际贸易造成扰乱,中方对此表示坚决反对。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 There are two main parts to the bill, one part is 52.7-billion US dollars in subsidies【补贴】for chip manufacturing and research, while the other is 170-billion US dollars in subsidies for space exploration, innovation and scientific research. 芯片法案主要有两大块:一块,是527亿美元,其中大部分用在补贴芯片产业,而另外一大块,则高达1700亿美元,用于科学研发、创新以及太空探索。 It is a core part of Biden’s economic agenda that will incentivize investments in the American semiconductor industry in an effort to ease reliance on overseas supply chains for critical, cutting-edge goods. 这是拜登政府财政政策的核心部分,它将鼓励对美国半导体行业的投资,以减轻关键、尖端商品对海外供应链的依赖。 **Jeo Biden,**U.S. President 拜登美国总统 And look at China, Japan, South Korea, the European Union, all making historic investments of billions of dollars to attract the businesses to their countries to produce these chips. But these industry leaders also see America is back. “中国、日本、韩国和欧盟都在进行数十亿美元的历史性投资以吸引企业到他们国家生产芯片。现在,美国也回来了。” Biden said the bill would provide funding for the US semiconductor supply chain and promote critical investments in the chip industry for research and development, adding that the bill also includes a 25% investment tax credit for chip plants. 拜登表示,这项法案将为美国整个半导体供应链提供资金,促进芯片产业用于研究和开发的关键投资。此外,在美国建立芯片工厂的企业还将获得25%的减税。 However, the market reacted negatively to the bill. The three major US stock indexes declined yesterday, and chip stocks fell even more sharply. The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index fell 4.6%, with the share prices of all 30 companies moving lower. 而最快做出反应的市场在当天表现并不佳。昨天,美股三大指数集体收跌,“芯片股”更是大幅下挫。被称为全球半导体行业“晴雨表”的费城半导体指数跌幅达4.6%,30家公司股价全部走低。 The persistent shortage of chips in the United States has affected many industries, including the automotive industry. 身为曾经的芯片“霸主”,美国如今的地位已“不复当年”;最近,更是闹起“芯片荒”,波及汽车等多个产业。 **Tom Caulfield,**U.S. Chip Manufacturing Company **汤姆·**考尔菲尔德美国芯片制造企业负责人 There’s a shortage of everything, whether it’s qualified people who can install tools, construction materials, high purity stainless steel, the other types of components we use to create fabs. “无论是合格的工人、材料、高纯度不锈钢,还是我们用来制造芯片的其他组件,所有东西都短缺。” Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin today responded to the bill, saying China firmly opposes the Act for its distortion of the global semiconductor supply chain and disruption of international trade. 中国外交部发言人汪文斌表示,这一法案将对全球半导体供应链造成扭曲,对国际贸易造成扰乱,中方对此表示坚决反对。 Wang added the bill, which includes differentiated industrial support policies and provisions disturbing cooperation between China and US companies, has strong geopolitical overtones and is another example of economic coercion by the United States. 汪文斌补充道:该法案中提出的所谓“保护措施”呈现出浓厚的地缘政治色彩,会破坏中美合作,是美国大搞经济胁迫的又一例证。 #热词加油站 unification【统一】 iterated【重申】 unalterable【不可改变的】 subsidy【补贴】