cover of episode 8/10 Top News丨东部战区深海“猎鲨”/原创抗癌药从上海走向世界/俄乌局势

8/10 Top News丨东部战区深海“猎鲨”/原创抗癌药从上海走向世界/俄乌局势

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NEWS ON 08/09 1.PLA EASTERN THEATER COMMAND CONTINUES JOINT EXERCISES AROUND TAIWAN 东部战区:深海"猎鲨" 全面提升联合反潜作战能力 2.CANCER DRUG DEVELOPED IN SHANGHAI COMPLETES GLOBAL CLINICAL TRIALS 呋喹替尼完成全球三期临床 国内原创抗肿瘤药即将"出海" 3.TWO MORE GRAIN SHIPS LEAVE UKRAINIAN PORTS 俄乌局势:黑海港口粮食运输工作持续进行 两艘货船将赴乌克兰运粮 **-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.PLA EASTERN THEATER COMMAND CONTINUES JOINT EXERCISES AROUND TAIWAN 东部战区:深海"猎鲨" 全面提升联合反潜作战能力 The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army today continued to carry out combat exercises around Taiwan Island. The drills were focused on the PLA’s *blockade **【封锁】and support operations. On Monday, combat training exercises were completed in the waters and airspace around Taiwan. Lei Shuran has more. 解放军东部战区今天(8/9)发布消息,宣布继续在台岛周边海空域进行军演,除了针对性的演练反潜和水上目标打击之外,解放军还出动了大批战机越过所谓的“海峡中线”,在台岛附近海域和空域进行作战演练。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 Multiple types of warships, aircraft and land-based missile units participated in Monday’s drill. After receiving a report on "enemy" submarine activity, a destroyer patrolling 【巡逻】waters to the southwest of Taiwan moved at high speed to engage the "enemy". Several anti-submarine warfare patrol aircraft took off from an airport in eastern Guangdong and soon arrived in the area to form a joint combat group with warships and helicopters. The patrol aircraft dropped sonobuoys声呐浮标 and launched a wide search, with helicopters taking off to coordinate precise positioning, and warships searching the area. 多艘驱护舰艇、多型多架战机、多个岸导火力单元以及陆基导弹部队,在战区统一指挥下参加了本周一(8/8)的演习。在接到有“敌”潜艇活动情况通报后,在台岛西南警巡的某驱逐舰高速向目标海域机动,与“敌”交战。与此同时,粤东某机场,数架反潜巡逻机也接令起飞,相继抵达目标空域,与水面舰艇和舰载反潜直升机完成组网建链,构成联合反潜作战编组。反潜巡逻机投放声呐浮标,展开广域搜索;反潜直升机升空,前出协同精准定位;水面舰艇展开地毯式搜索。 Zhang Xiaoshen, Chief of Anti-submarine Tactical Command of a Division of Naval Air Force in the Eastern Theater of Operations 张晓珅 东部战区海军航空兵某师反潜战术指挥长 We have jointly established an integrated sea-air anti-submarine warfare system with several armed services, using multi-platform coordinated operations that effectively enhanced the breadth, depth and accuracy of our search for the target. 我们与多兵种联合,构建海空一体反潜作战体系,充分发挥多平台协同作战效能,搜索的广度深度精度得到有效加强。 Minutes later, the aircraft detected a suspected signal, and all units in the combat group quickly zeroed in on the scene. They then located its position, and identified the nature of the target. The destroyer launched attacks against the enemy, and then fired several underwater acoustic jammers to protect itself from the submarines. In the air, patrol aircraft and helicopters also launched simulated attacks on locked targets. 数分钟后,反潜巡逻机率先发现疑似信号,编组内各反潜平台闻令而动,根据现场态势,快速占据有利阵位,对可疑目标进行多源印证,确定目标位置,判明目标性质。驱逐舰完成攻击后,立即转入对潜防御,发射数枚水声干扰弹。空中,反潜巡逻机、直升机也同步展开对锁定目标的模拟攻击。 Zhao Lei, Captain of a Ship of the Eastern Theater Navy 赵磊 东部战区海军某舰舰长 With the support of the joint command system, we have detected, steadily tracked and launched multiple simulated attacks against the targets, and conducted comprehensive defense and resistance drills, comprehensively improving the units’ joint anti-submarine warfare capability. 在联合作战体系支撑下,我们多次搜索发现 稳定跟踪,模拟攻击目标并展开综合防抗训练,全面提升了部队联合反潜作战能力。 According to the Guangdong Provincial Maritime Safety Administration, the Chinese navy is scheduled to carry out live-fire exercises in the South China Sea from 8am to 6pm each day between today and Thursday. It asked civilian ships to avoid the area. The Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration in Jiangsu Province today stated that live-fire drills will be carried out in the southern Yellow Sea from 9am to 4pm between Thursday and Saturday. 据广东海事局称,中国海军于今天(8/9)至本周四期间每天8时至18时,在南中国海湛江南三岛东部海域进行射击训练,禁止民用船只驶入受影响的海域。连云港海事局星期五(5日)则在中国海事局网站上公布,8月6日至8月15日每日8时至18时在黄海南部特定海域进行实弹射击。 2.CANCER DRUG DEVELOPED IN SHANGHAI COMPLETES GLOBAL CLINICAL TRIALS 呋喹替尼完成全球三期临床 国内原创抗肿瘤药即将"出海" The third-phase global clinical trial for Hutchison China Meditech’s cancer drug Fruquintinib was completed yesterday. The Shanghai-based pharmaceutical company is now preparing to apply for market approval in numerous overseas markets. Zhang Hong brings us more details... 和黄医药用于治疗晚期转移性结直肠癌的药物,呋喹替尼全球三期临床已于昨天(8/8)顺利完成,即将提交国外上市许可申请。原创新药"出海",走出了扎实的一步。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 Fruquintinib was developed in Zhangjiang Science City, Pudong. Since it was approved for the Chinese market in 2018, the drug has extended the life expectancy of about 50,000 patients with advanced colorectal cancer. The research team carried out clinical trials on 691 foreign patients in over 100 medical centers in 14 countries including the United States, some EU member states, Japan and Australia. 这款诞生在张江的创新药呋喹替尼,2018年上市至今,积极改善了国内晚期三线肠癌患者无药可用的状况,延长了约5万名患者的生存。 在此背景下,以国内全套临床方案,呋喹替尼在美国、欧盟、日本及澳洲等14个国家、100多个中心展开转移性直肠癌临床研究,共691名国外患者参与,目前已达到试验主要终点。 Li Jin, Head of Department of Medical Oncology, Dongfang Hospital, Tongji University 李进 同济大学附属东方医院肿瘤医学部 主任 The trials have been successful. During our clinical research in China, the drug was proved to extend a patient’s life expectancy by an average of 2.7 months to about one year at most. Now our global study has proven the drug’s efficacy abroad. 所谓研究终点达到,意味着这个药试验是成功的。在中国开展的呋喹替尼的临床研究在当时全球领先 ,(平均)2.7个月总生存期的延长,最长能够延长1年左右 ,(国外的研究)进一步证明该药物在中国人群中取得的成绩可以复制到国外。 Hutchison China MediTech, a subsidiary of Hutchison Healthcare Holdings Limited, said there are few cancer drugs developed by Chinese *pharmaceutical **【医药】*companies that have received approval in foreign countries. The company’s drug for pancreatic neuroendorcrine tumours was rejected by the FDA this year after two trials in China. 和黄医药表示,中国自主研发的抗肿瘤药物,跨出国门非常困难,目前在国外成功上市的几乎没有。此前,呋喹的研发企业:和黄医药,一款治疗神经内分泌肿瘤的原创药 索凡替尼,在国内完成了2项关键研究,但今年(2022)向美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)提出上市申请后被拒。 Su Weiguo, Chief Technology Officer of Hutchison Pharmaceuticals 苏慰国 和黄医药 首席科技官 This time, we carried out a study in various medical centers and on different ethnicities 【人种】around the world. The study will provide a scientific basis for us to get approval in various countries. Our next step is to submit applications to the FDA in the United States, EMA of the European Union, and drug regulators in Japan, Australia and other countries. 我们这一次直接做了全球多国家多中心多人种的全球研究,研究的成功为后续我们在这些国家注册报批提供了充分科学的依据 。后续计划就是会尽快向美国FDA 欧盟的EMA 包括日本 澳大利亚等不同国家递交上市申请。 According to Zhangjiang’s report, out-licensing deals for domestically developed drugs reached 46.1 billion yuan in 2020, a jump from over 3 billion yuan in 2019. 去年(2021)10月,张江首次发布生物医药创新指数,其中一项“跨境对外许可交易”显示,2020年,交易金额461亿元,与2019年的30多亿相比,实现了指数级增长。 3.TWO MORE GRAIN SHIPS LEAVE UKRAINIAN PORTS 俄乌局势:黑海港口粮食运输工作持续进行 两艘货船将赴乌克兰运粮 Two more ships, carrying corn and soybeans, departed from Black Sea ports today. These are the 11th and 12th ships to leave Ukrainian ports under a deal that was signed between the United Nations, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia. Lei Shuran has the story. 今天(8/9),第五批两艘载有玉米和大豆的运粮船从黑海港口起航,前往韩国和土耳其,这是根据俄乌与土耳其和联合国就黑海港口外运农产品问题达成的相关协议以来,从乌克兰出港的第11和12艘船。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 The Polarnet, a Turkish bulk carrier arrived to a northern port in Turkey yesterday, becoming the first grain ship to reach its final destination. The Ukrainian embassy in Lebanon said yesterday the first shipment of grain exported from Ukraine since the crisis in Ukraine began is now looking for a new buyer, after the initial Lebanese buyer rejected it due to the five-month delay in delivery. Moscow and Kyiv are *accusing **【指责】*each other of shelling Europe’s largest nuclear facility, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Russia again accused Ukraine of attacking the plant yesterday, saying that the attack damaged high-voltage electric power lines that supply electricity to the Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions. Russian presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said yesterday that there were currently no prospects of a bilateral meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In Washington, the Biden administration announced that the United States will provide Ukraine with, the largest one-time weapons package to date, worth 1 billion U.S. dollars. While in Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has ruled out the use of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to support Ukraine. The Russian foreign ministry announced yesterday that the country has temporarily withdrawn its facilities from inspections under the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. The ministry said anti-Russian restrictions, imposed by Washington, have disrupted air travel between Russia and the United States, making it impossible for Russian inspection teams to reach necessary destinations. 昨天(8/8),"波拉内特"号货轮抵达土耳其代林杰港,成为首艘抵达最终目的地的运粮船。乌克兰驻黎巴嫩大使馆昨天表示,自乌克兰危机开始以来,最早驶离乌克兰的"拉佐尼"号,因延长发货超五个月,遭黎巴嫩买家拒收,目前正在寻找新买家。近期,扎波罗热核电站安全形势持续恶化。昨天(8/8),俄方再次指责乌方袭击核电站,称袭击切断了向扎波罗热和赫尔松地区的电力供应。乌方则指控俄方在核电站布雷,准备在必要时炸毁核电站。俄总统新闻秘书佩斯科夫昨天表示,由于乌克兰代表团"消失",目前俄乌谈判进程处于停滞状态,两国总统并不具备会面的条件。以此同时,美西方继续向俄罗斯施压。美国国防部宣布向乌克兰提供迄今最高金额的单笔安全援助,价值10亿美元。德国总理朔尔茨则表示,为支持乌克兰,已排除了批准“北溪-2”天然气项目支持乌克兰的可能性。俄罗斯外交部昨天(8/8)宣布,俄方已通过外交渠道通知美国,决定暂时退出《新削减战略武器条约》的设施核查机制。俄方称,欧美对俄采取的限制性措施,导致俄方检查小组无法入境美国,到达重要目的地。 **#热词加油站 *blockade [blɒˈ*ke**ɪ*d*]*【封锁】* patrolling [p**əˈ*trəʊl ːɪŋ****]【巡逻】 *sonobuoys [ˈs*əʊnə****(ʊ)bɔɪ]声呐浮标 *pharmaceutical [ˌ*ːməˈs(j)uːtɪk(ə)l]【医药】 *ethnicities [ɛθ*ˈnɪsɪti]【人种】 *accusing [əˈkju*ːzɪŋ]****【指责】** 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~