NEWS ON 12/31 1. CHINA EXTENDS PERSONAL INCOME TAX POLICIES 年底发福利!个人所得税优惠政策延续 2. SHANGHAI PORT TARGETS 47 MILLION TEUs AMID PANDEMIC 领先全球!上海港集装箱吞吐量将达到4700万标准箱 3. INCARCERATED S.KOREAN EX-PRESIDENT TO BE RELEASED AT MIDNIGHT 身体状况堪忧,韩国前总统朴槿惠获特赦 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINA EXTENDS PERSONAL INCOME TAX POLICIES 年底发福利!个人所得税优惠政策延续 The State Council yesterday announced it would extend preferential personal income tax policies that were supposed to expire at the end of this year to ease the burden on middle and lower-income groups. Zhang Yue finds out the details. 为减轻个人所得税负担,缓解中低收入群体压力,29日召开的国务院常务会议,决定延续实施原本将于今年年底到期的部分个人所得税优惠政策。 A State Council meeting said when calculating the individual income tax, the annual one-off bonus will not be incorporated in to the salary income of the current month, and the implementation of the policy of separate monthly taxation will be extended to the end of 2023. That means individuals can choose a calculation method that helps reduce their income tax. 会议决定,将全年一次性奖金不并入当月工资薪金所得、实施按月单独计税的政策延至2023年底。这意味着纳税人可以选择一种能够降低纳税成本的个人所得税计算方式。 The other policy exempts people with annual income of 120,000 yuan or less from paying up to 400 yuan in additional adjusted taxes when their tax returns are finalized. This will also be extended to 2023. 此外,会议决定,继续对年收入不超过12万元且需补税或年度汇算补税额不超过400元的免予补税,政策延续至2023年底。 Another policy states that stock incentives【激励】 from listed firms should be taxed based on the income tax rate system and be separated from the individual's salary. The policy will be valid until the end of 2022. 会议还明确了将上市公司股权激励单独计税政策延至2022年底。 The State Council said the three policies are expected to reduce taxes by 110 billion yuan a year. 三项政策预计1年可减税1100亿元(172.59亿美元)。 2. SHANGHAI PORT TARGETS 47 MILLION TEUs AMID PANDEMIC 领先全球!上海港集装箱吞吐量将达到4700万标准箱 Despite challenges brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, annual container throughput【吞吐量】 at Shanghai port is expected to reach 47 million TEUs by the end of the year. The figure is expected to keep it as the world's busiest container port for the 12th consecutive year. Lei Shuran tells us more. 尽管面对全球疫情的挑战,到今年年底,上海港的集装箱吞吐量预计将达到4700万标准箱,有望连续12年位居全球第一。 Yangshan Deep Water Port【洋山深水港】 boasts one of the largest container terminals in China with a record 120,000 tons of imported fruits this year, up 48 percent year-on-year. A shipment of over 4,000 tons of fresh Chilean cherries had earlier arrived at the port. 今年以来,上海洋山深水港进口水果超过12万吨,同比增长近48%,上海口岸也由此成为我国最大的水果进口口岸之一。就在不久前,新一季4000多吨智利樱桃也搭乘首艘"樱桃快航"抵达洋山口岸。 Xu Zhen Head, Shanghai Huizhan Freight Forwarding Co. 徐真,上海惠展货运代理有限公司负责人 The maturity【成熟】 of Chilean cherries is later than that of last year. Although the overall shipping capacity【容量】 has been affected by the pandemic, Chile is still confident in the Chinese market. 智利樱桃产期比去年有一定延后,虽然受到海外疫情造成了运力影响,智利方面依然对(中国)国内市场充满信心。 Yangshan Port streamlined the clearance【审核批准】 process to ensure fresh fruit arrives in markets faster. 洋山海关推出多项改革便利措施,将进口水果的通关时间一再压缩,确保新鲜水果更快到达市场。 Ma Zhongming Deputy Director, Yangshan Customs 马钟鸣,上海洋山海关副关长 We will also carry out strict on-site inspections of the cherries to make sure that they have conformed to our requirements for imported products. 我们需要对车厘子进行现场获证核查、病虫害检疫、实验室检测等严格检疫,确保每一批车厘子都符合进口产品质量要求。 Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone【上海外高桥保税区】 will provide high value-added logistics【物流】 services to Shanghai port including overseas procurement【采购】 and distribution. 上海外高桥保税区将进一步吸引国际采购、分拨配送等高附加值物流增值服务向上海港集聚。 The city has been speeding up the construction of world-class ports in the Yangtze River Delta【长江三角洲】 in a bid to build itself into an international shipping center. 上海正在加快同长三角共建辐射全球的航运枢纽,进一步巩固上海国际航运中心地位。 Shanghai port is expected to achieve annual cargo throughput of over 50 million TEUs by 2025. "十四五"期间,上海港的集装箱年吞吐量有望超过5000万标准箱。 3. INCARCERATED S.KOREAN EX-PRESIDENT TO BE RELEASED AT MIDNIGHT 身体状况堪忧,韩国前总统朴槿惠获特赦 Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye's prison term will end at midnight tonight. 韩国前总统朴槿惠将于今天夜里(北京时间12月30日23时)获得特赦。 Last week, the country's President Moon Jae-in granted a special pardon for the new year to Park due to deterioration【恶化】 of her health and to promote national unity. Zhang Hong has more. 上周,从朴槿惠本人健康状况和民族团结等因素考虑,韩国总统文在寅决定新年特赦朴槿惠。 Park will be released at midnight from a hospital in Seoul. 朴槿惠将在位于首尔的医院中获释。 The 69-year-old has been hospitalized for one month due to chronic shoulder and waist pain. She underwent shoulder surgery in 2019. She might continue to stay in hospital until February. 由于肩部和腰部长期疼痛,现年69岁的朴槿惠已住院治疗一个月。她曾于2019年接受肩膀手术。获释后,她或许还将住院至明年二月。 The former South Korean President was included in Moon's special amnesty【赦免】 list which was granted to 3,094 inmates for the new year. 韩国政府新年特赦名单共3094人,前总统朴槿惠在列。 Park was sentenced to a combined 22-year prison term, and has been serving the sentence since March 2017 after being impeached and removed from office over corruption charges. 朴槿惠累计须服刑22年。2017年3月,朴槿惠因遭到弹劾而被免职,在看守所接受拘押。 Regarding the special pardon, President Moon said the country desperately needs national unity and humble inclusiveness given the challenges facing the country. 关于特赦决定,文在寅政府表示,考虑到正在面临的诸多难题,当前最迫切的是寻求团结。 The main conservative opposition, the People Power Party welcomed the pardon, saying they will make more efforts for national unity. 韩国最大在野党国民力量党接受赦免决定,表示将努力促进国民团结。 #热词加油站 incentive [ɪnˈsentɪv]【激励】 throughput [ˈθruːpʊt]【吞吐量】 maturity [məˈtʃʊərəti]【成熟】 capacity [kəˈpæsəti]【容量】 clearance [ˈklɪərəns]【审核批准】 logistics [ləˈdʒɪstɪks]【物流】 procurement [prəˈkjʊəmənt]【采购】 deterioration [dɪˌtɪərɪəˈreɪʃən]【恶化】 amnesty [ˈæmnəsti]【赦免】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~