cover of episode 12/30 TOP OF THE DAY 国台办回应台独行径/上海漫画大展/古特雷斯新年致辞

12/30 TOP OF THE DAY 国台办回应台独行径/上海漫画大展/古特雷斯新年致辞

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NEWS ON 12/29 1. MAINLAND TO UPHOLD STRONG STANCE ON TAIWAN QUESTION IN 2022 国台办:****“台独是绝路,必须悬崖勒马! 2. ANIMATION EXHIBITION EXPLORES INFLUENTIAL WORKS 在百年漫画中,寻找喜欢上海的理由 3. UN CHIEF DELIVERS NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE *古特雷斯发表新年致辞:2022应当是所有人的复苏之年* -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. MAINLAND TO UPHOLD STRONG STANCE ON TAIWAN QUESTION IN 2022 *国台办:***“台独”**是绝路,必须悬崖勒马! Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, today stressed continuous efforts in exploring new ways to push integrated【综合的】development across the Taiwan Strait and development opportunities with Taiwan compatriots in 2022. Zhang Yue has more. 国台办发言人马晓光今天(12月29日)强调称,明年,我们将继续与台湾同胞们一道,为推动台海两岸的全面发展探索新的途径。 Ma reiterated【重申】the central government’s strong stance on the Taiwan question for the upcoming year.  马晓光还重申了中央政府在台湾问题上的坚定立场。 Ma Xiaoguang, Spokesperson Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council 马晓光 国台办发言人 “We will take more forceful measures to crush attempts of secessionists who seek Taiwan independence, oppose external forces that intervene in Taiwan affairs, and continue promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.” 我们坚信我们握有主导权和主动权。我们的政策非常清楚。我们愿意以最大诚意、尽最大努力争取和平统一的前景。但如果"台独"分裂势力挑衅逼迫甚至突破红线,我们将不得不采取断然措施。 Ma also responded to the move by the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, which has invited Taiwan to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. 11 countries are already members of the partnership. Ma said China opposes any wrong remarks on Taiwan from the Japanese government referring to Taiwan as a country. He stressed that the standpoint【立场】of the one-China principle is definite and consistent, adding the Democratic Progressive Party’s attempts to collude with external forces in the name of economic and trade cooperation to challenge the one-China principle cannot alter the fact that Taiwan is a part of China.  同时,针对日本自民党方面表示欢迎台湾加入CPTPP(全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定,包括有11个成员国),马晓光表示,针对民进党日本政府一段时间来在台湾问题上发表一系列错误言论,我们对此表示坚决反对。他还强调,一个中国的原则是不可撼动的,民进党试图以经贸合作为由与外部势力勾结,并进而挑战一中原则的尝试是无法改变台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分的。 The spokesperson also said that flights between Taiwan and mainland cities won’t be affected during the New Year holiday, although some flights have been adjusted due to the pandemic. Shanghai Pudong International Airport has updated pandemic prevention measures for flights between international cities, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau. 马晓光还表示,尽管目前已经有台湾航空公司调整了部分两岸航班安排,但大陆与台湾的航空运输保障在新年之际不会受到影响。上海浦东机场对所有国际航线和涉港澳台航线航班采取了新的机上消杀防疫措施。 2. ANIMATION EXHIBITION EXPLORES INFLUENTIAL WORKS 在百年漫画中,寻找喜欢上海的理由 An animation exhibition opened today at Marie Art Gallery in Jing’an District, showcasing nearly 200 works by over 10 artists like Feng Zikai, Zhang Leping and Ding Cong. Many of the pieces are on public display for the first time. Song Wenjing has the story. 今天(12月29日),在静安的马利美术馆,一场漫画大展正式拉开了序幕。包括丰子恺,张乐平,丁聪在内的数十名漫画家近两百件作品被展出,其中,许多展品还是第一次在公共场合下亮相。 One highlight【最好的部分】is this series of sketches called "Beauty of the Body" by film director Wan Laiming, known as China’s first animator. He spent nearly 20 years to realize his dream of bringing the "Monkey King" to the big screen in the 1960s. "Beauty of the Body" was created by Wan in 1933. The lines and colors reinvented the classical portrayal【描绘】of human bodies in what late became known as artistic realism.  展览中,值得一提的是画册《人体图案美》,这是由中国第一位动画师,同时也是电影导演的万籁鸣所绘,他曾经花了20年的时间,在60年代完成了自己将“美猴王”搬上银幕的梦想。而《人体图案美》则是由万籁鸣于1933年创作完成。其线条和色彩重新塑造了传统的人体描写方式,而这样的创作手法后来也被称为写实主义。 Sun Shaobo, Director Comic & Cartoon Arts Council, Shanghai Artists Assoc. **上海市美术家协会 漫画动漫艺术委员会主任 **孙绍波 “We found this series "Beauty of the Body" from a magazine published in the 1930s and we were so amazed. We couldn’t believe that director Wan had such creations. They are just as good as any contemporary work. ”我们这次也是偶然发现一本三十年代的出版物,看到这本出版物的时候,大家觉得很惊叹,竟然万老还有这样的作品存在过,很惊讶,这批作品的艺术水准现在看来也是一点不输于现在如今的当代艺术作品。 Other highlights include "Walk Around Shanghai", which covers how blind lanes were renovated; and "Magnolia Blossoms", which depicts【描写】a group of young people having a one-day trip in Shanghai. 除此之外,展览中还有很多其它优秀的作品,例如着眼于盲道翻修的“有“道”走遍上海”,以及讲述一群年轻人在上海一日游的“白玉兰”(直译)。 Zhao Weiqun, Deputy Director Comic & Cartoon Arts Council, Shanghai Artists Assoc. **上海市美术家协会 ***漫画动漫艺术委员会 副主任赵为群* “Apart from irony, the biggest characteristics of animation are that it can simplify complicated issues, upgrade topics to a higher level, and beautify philosophical problems.” 现在漫画除了讽刺这个功能以外还有很多功能可以体现。漫画的最大特点就是把复杂问题简单化、把简单问题哲学化,把哲学问题美学化。 Themed "Reasons of Loving Shanghai", the free exhibition will run until February 25th. “喜欢上海的理由”展览将展出至2月25日。 3. UN CHIEF DELIVERS NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE *古特雷斯发表新年致辞:2022应当是所有人的复苏之年* United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres yesterday urged everyone to strive【努力】for recovery that benefits all people, the planet in his New Year’s message. Lei Shuran has more. 昨天,联合国秘书长古特雷斯以视频方式发表新年致辞,呼吁全世界的人们团结互助,努力使来年成为全世界的复苏之年。 Guterres outlined how recovery should be carried out on each front. He said it is imperative that every person be vaccinated for coronavirus. As for economic recovery, the UN chief emphasized that wealthier countries must support the developing world with financing, investment, and debt relief. He concluded by extending his best wishes to the world. 古特雷斯说,我们现在需要在各个方面上同时进行复苏的计划。例如在新冠疫情方面,各国应该尽快为每一个人接种新冠疫苗。而在经济复苏方面,古特雷斯强调,富裕国家必须要在资金投资以及债务减免等方面给予发展中国家帮助。最后,他以自己对整个世界的美好祝福为他的演讲结尾。 Antonio Guterres United Nations Secretary-General **古特雷斯 *联合国秘书长 “Together, let’s make recovery our resolution for 2022. For people, planet and prosperity. I wish you all a happy and peaceful New Year.” 让我们团结一心,把复苏作为2022年的目标,为了人类、为了地球、为了繁荣而努力。祝大家新年快乐,和平安康。 A few dozen people lined up yesterday to burn things they want to forget about 2021 at the annual "Good Riddance Day"【解脱日】 event in New York City’s Times Square. Participants are encouraged to write down the year’s unpleasant memories, to be thrown into an incinerator. 昨天,在时代广场上,一些人聚在一起,将写有烦心事的纸条,扔到火炉中烧成灰烬,以此寓意"摆脱烦恼,展望来年"。 Reporter & Tennessee Resident 记者 *& **美国田纳西州居民 “What are you saying goodbye to?” 你在告别什么? “Well, I am a nurse in the ICU. Over the last two years, have been some of the hardest work I’ve done, and I just want it to end.” 我是重症监护室的护士,过去两年是我工作中最艰苦的时期,我想要这一切快些结束。 Financial woes were also people’s minds this year. One Manhattan resident even brought his annual financial statements to be incinerated【烧成灰烬】. He said he would like to get rid of COVID-19 pandemic, global suffering and all his financial headaches 财务问题同样在今年困扰着人们。一位曼哈顿的居民甚至把自己的年度财报表给烧了。他表示,对于他来说,最想摆脱的就是世界新冠疫情蔓延,各国国家深陷泥潭的现状,当然还有自己的财务困境。 #热词加油站 integrated [ˈɪntəˌɡreɪtəd]【综合的】 reiterate [riˈɪtəˌreɪt]【重申】 standpoint [ˈstæn(d)ˌpɔɪnt]【立场】 highlight [ˈhaɪˌlaɪt]【最好的部分】 portrayal [pɔrˈtreɪəl]【描绘】 depict [dɪˈpɪkt]【描写】 strive [straɪv]【努力】 Good Riddance Day【解脱日】 incinerate [ɪnˈsɪnəˌreɪt]【烧成灰烬】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~