NEWS ON 12/22 1. SHANGHAI UNVEILS HIGH-CAPACITY SUPERCONDUCTIVE POWER CABLE 世界首条!“上海造”35千伏公里级超导电缆成功投运 2. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION: NEARLY 80% STUDENTS SLEEP FOR 9 HOURS 教育部:近八成学生中小学生睡眠时间达9小时 3. PUTIN VOWS RESPONSE TO “AGGRESSIVE” WESTERN POLICY 普京:我们将对西方**“咄咄逼人”的行径施行对等措施 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. SHANGHAI UNVEILS HIGH-CAPACITY SUPERCONDUCTIVE POWER CABLE 世界首条!“上海造”35**千伏公里级超导电缆成功投运 Shanghai now stands at the fore-front of super-conductor technology after a 35-kilo volt super-conducting power cable became operable today. The company behind the cable says it’s the first time in the world a cable of such capacity is being used commercially. Sun Siqi tells us more about what it does. 今天(12月22日),35千伏超导电缆正式在上海投入使用,标志着上海现在正式迈入了超导技术的尖端领域。负责建设该超导电缆的公司表示,这是世界上第一次有这样大容量的电缆被运用在商业领域。 The one-kilometer cable in Xujiahui connects two 220-kilovolt substations【变电站】, and has higher transmission capacity than any other commercial superconductive cables in the world. Construction took more than five years. The cable transmits the same amount of electricity per second as a 220-kilovolt high-voltage line, and saves up to 70 percent of underground space. 这条长约1千米的超导电缆位于上海徐家汇核心区,起到将两座220千伏变电站联结起来的作用。该工程历时五年完成,是目前世界上输送容量最大并且进行商业化运行的超导输电工程。现在,该电缆能在节省了高达70%的地下空间的情况下,输送与220千伏的高压线相同的电量。 Zong Xihua GM, Shanghai Int’I Superconductor Technology *宗曦华 上海国际超导科技有限公司总经理 These cables come into great use when you need to transmit a large amount of power in a very small space. They generate no magnetic field and thus has no impact on the environment in that respect. 尤其是在传输容量大,载流空间或者输电空间又比较狭小的场合,超导电缆将会发挥它的优势。超导电缆,对外是没有任何磁场,所以又是符合绿色环保等相应的要求。 The cable uses superconductive materials that are kept cool with liquid nitrogen. This cuts electric resistance to close to zero, thus achieving almost zero transmission loss. 超导输电技术,其原理是通过液氮制造极寒的环境,以激发超导材料的超导特性得到,进而使得电力传输介质接近于零电阻,电能传输损耗趋近于零。 Cai Chuanbing Director, Shanghai High-Temperature Superconductor Lab *蔡传兵 上海大学上海市高温超导重点实验室主任 After more than 10 years of research, we’re now proud to have developed superconductive materials that exceed our competitors worldwide. In the future, such materials will be used in major science projects in China, from fusion nuclear reactors to superconductive maglev【磁悬浮】trains. 经过我们十多年奋战,国内的超导带材,无论从产能,无论从性能上面,都远远超过国际其它的竞争伙伴。我们正在组织项目,对接国家的重大科学工程,包括核聚变的工程,包括超导磁悬浮列车,都即将用到我们中国自己产的超导带材。 Engineers say the success of this project bodes【预示】well for future urban power construction. With this technology, cables with higher transmission capacity can extend closer to downtown areas, thus counteracting growing challenges regarding limited space and rising power demand. 相关工程师还表示,超导电缆工程的成功为推进为未来的城市电力建设开了个好头。在超导输电技术的帮助下,大容量输电能力电缆的建设将更快在城市区域内得以实现,从而解决由有限空间与日益增长的电力需求所带来的挑战。 2. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION: NEARLY 80% STUDENTS SLEEP FOR 9 HOURS 教育部:近八成学生中小学生睡眠时间达9*小时* The Ministry of Education today at a press conference introduced the progress of "five management" work on primary and middle school students. In terms of sleeping, the ministry said nearly 80 percent of students sleep for 9 hours every day. Song Wenjing has more. 教育部今天上午(12月22日)举行新闻发布会,介绍中小学生"五项管理"工作进展。睡眠管理方面,近八成中小学生每日睡眠时间达9小时。 The ministry said according to unregistered【未登记的】questionnaires of more than 77 million parents, over 76 percent of students in the last semester met or approached the requirement of "10 hours of sleeping time in primary school and 9 hours in secondary school". That number was 36 percent more than last year. In terms of cellphone management, 99.8 percent of schools strictly require students not to bring cellphones to classrooms, and nearly 92 percent of schools set a special zone to store cellphones. 教育部相关负责人介绍,根据超过770万份家长无记名调查问卷反馈,本学期,有超过76%的学生睡眠时长达到或接近"小学10小时、初中9小时"的规定要求,较去年提高36个百分点。 在手机管理方面,99.8%的学校严格执行了学生手机有限带入校园、不得带入课堂的规定,近92%的学校设置了专门的手机保管装置。 Lvu Yugang Director, Basic Education Department, Ministry of Education **吕玉刚 教育部基础教育司司长 Most of the schools have provided methods for students to contact their parents when necessary. Also during the autumn semester, most of the schools followed the requirements of not giving homework via cellphone or requiring students to do homework with a cellphone. 学校普遍提供了学生与家长必要时紧急联络的通道,秋季学期普遍做到了不再用手机给学生布置作业,或要求学生利用手机完成作业。 Also, primary and middle school students have shown gradual improvement in physical fitness. There are fewer overweight and obese children, and also fewer students with eyesight problems. In terms of the management on extracurricular reading, schools have placed more than 5,000 books on a banned list. The ministry also said the upcoming national postgraduate【研究生】entrance exam will feature 4.57 million students. For students in locked down areas due to the pandemic, local authorities will add extra testing spots at quarantine sites and hospitals for them to take exams. 同时,中小学生体质健康状况总体呈"逐步提升"的趋势,各学段学生超重和肥胖的比例、视力不良率比例呈逐年下降趋势。 课外读物管理方面,各中小学已按照负面清单对校园图书进行清理,共清理问题图书5000余种。 此外,对于即将到来的全国硕士研究生考试,发布会上透露,今年的报考人数为457万。同时,教育部还将针对疫情封控地区滞留考生,为其提供专用核酸检测站,隔离考点以及医院考场等,确保考生能够顺利参加考试。 3. PUTIN VOWS RESPONSE TO “AGGRESSIVE” WESTERN POLICY 普京:我们将对西方“咄咄逼人”**的行径施行对等措施 Russian President Vladimir Putin warned yesterday that Russia is prepared to take military action in response to "un-friendly" Western actions over the Ukraine conflict. Lei Shuran has more. 昨天(12月21日),俄罗斯总统普京警告称,如果美国与北约继续在乌克兰事件上进行挑衅,俄方将被迫作出强硬回应。 A Russian defense ministry meeting on Tuesday said that the United States had deployed some 8,000 troops near Russian borders, alongside North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies, and are frequently performing flights by strategic bomber planes close to Russia. 周二,(俄罗斯国防部长绍伊古)在国防部会议上表示,美国及其北约盟国已经在俄边界附近部署了约8000人的部队,同时美国的战略轰炸机也频繁地在附近活动。 Putin said if the United States and NATO deploy【部署】missiles in Ukraine, they would reach Moscow in only 7 to 10 minutes, --under 5 minutes, if they were hypersonic weapons. He added that western countries must understand that Russia simply has nowhere to retreat. 普京说,如果美国和北约将导弹系统部署到乌克兰,这些导弹将只需要7到10分钟就能对莫斯科进行打击——如果是超声波武器的话甚至只需要5分钟。普京同时表示,西方国家必须明白,现在俄罗斯已经退无可退。 Putin President of Russia **普京 **俄罗斯总统 If our Western colleagues continue with their clearly aggressive line, we will take adequate retaliatory【报复(性)的】military-technical measures and respond firmly to hostile actions. 如果西方继续侵略行动,我们将采取足够的军事和技术行动作为回应。 U.S. officials said that the country was considering tough export control measures yesterday, designed to disrupt Russia’s economy. The measures being discussed could halt Russia’s ability to import smartphones, as well as key aircraft and automobile components. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said there were no plans for Biden and Putin to meet in the new year. 拜登政府当天透露,他们正对俄罗斯酝酿严厉经济制裁,旨在对俄罗斯经济造成打击,其中,主要制裁内容包括阻止俄罗斯进口智能手机、关键的飞机和汽车零部件等。美国务卿布林肯证实,拜登和普京暂时不会举行会晤。 Blinken U.S. Secretary of States **布林肯 **美国国务卿 We also want to see Russia de-escalate to move forces back from the border with Ukraine to take down the tension. It’s much more appropriate to have a conversation in those circumstances than it is when the escalation【升级】is happening, not de-escalation. 我们希望看到俄罗斯缓和局势,将军队从乌克兰的边境撤回,以缓解紧张局势。在这种情况下进行对话,比在局势升级时进行对话要合适得多。 NATO says the alliance【联盟】wants meaningful dialogue with Moscow and plans to call a NATO-Russia Council meeting as soon as possible in the New Year. 北约方面表示,他们希望与俄罗斯进行有意义的对话,并计划在新年到来之后尽快召集北约-俄罗斯理事会会议。 #热词加油站 substation [ˈsʌbˌsteɪʃ(ə)n]【变电站】 maglev [ˈmæɡlev]【磁悬浮】 bode [boʊd]【预示】 unregistered [ʌn'redʒɪstəd]【未登记的】 postgraduate[ˌpoʊs(t)ˈɡrædʒʊət]【研究生】 deploy [dɪˈplɔɪ]【部署】 retaliatory[rɪˈtæliəˌtɔri]【报复(性)的】 escalation[ˌeskə'leɪʃ(ə)n]【升级】 alliance [əˈlaɪəns]【联盟】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~