cover of episode 12/23 ShanghaiLive丨Latest Research:兵马俑才不是散装的呢!

12/23 ShanghaiLive丨Latest Research:兵马俑才不是散装的呢!

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Welcome to this editionof ShanghaiLive, I’m Aisin Giorro·Bei / ICS News Anchor 欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》, 我是爱新觉罗·贝 / ICS****新闻主播 Researchersfrom Emperor Qinshihuang'sMausoleum Site Museum and University College London have concluded that the terra-cottawarriors【兵马俑】 in Xi’an weremade by individual workshops. Zhang Hong has more. 秦始皇陵博物院和伦敦大学学院组成的研究团队 联合发布了最新的研究成果表示 兵马俑当年其实是多个独立作坊制作的

Their research waspublished inArchaeometry, aninternational journal covering the application of scientific methods todetermine the ages and places of origin of archaeological specimens【标本、样本】. Researchers took 213samples from 28 objects in Pit 1 and analyzed them geochemically【地球化学研究】 via X-ray. 这份研究报告被刊登在 国际著名科技考古权威期刊Archaeometry上 文物工作者运用X射线荧光光谱的分析方法 对秦俑一号坑内保存的28件文物藏品开展原位无损检测 获取了213个分析点土质的地球化学元素数据 杨莹 秦始皇帝陵博物院文物保护部助理馆员 We found that thereare geochemical similarities among different parts of a warrior while there are apparent显著的】 differences among thesame part on different statues.通过这个分析我们就发现 相同陶俑的不同部位 化学元素的组成是非常接近的 不同陶俑的相同部位 陶土的成分是有明显区别的 The researchersconcluded that one workshop would produce a complete statue, refuting【反驳】previous findings that body parts were assembled组装】 from prefabricated【预先制作的】 components made in several workshops. There is also a compositionaldistinction between figures marked with the name "Gong" and"Xianyang". They seem to be the products of two workshops. 最新研究成果证实了 同一窑口可以生产完成整装的兵马俑 而不是之前有些学者提出的 不同窑口生产后再进行的拼装 带有“咸阳”与“宫”陶文的陶俑 土质成分不同 这从科学考古的角度表明 “咸阳”与“宫”可能是代表制作秦俑的其中两个生产作坊

Researchers speculated【推测】 that this may have been necessary to meet therequirements of such an ambitious project in a relatively short time. 研究团队猜测 之所以采用这种制作流程的原因 可能是为了在相对短的时间内 完成兵马俑制作这项庞大的工程