NEWS ON 12/21 1. CHINESE LIVESTREAMER VIYA FINED 1.34 BLN YUAN FOR TAX EVASION 直播女王“翻车”!薇娅偷逃税被罚13.41*亿(2.1亿美元*) 2. CEREMONY HELD TO MARK 22ND ANNIVERSARY OF MACAO'S RETURN TO MOTHERLAND 澳门举行升国旗仪式,庆祝回归祖国22周年 3. JAPANESE BILLIONAIRE SPACE TOURIST RETURNS TO EARTH 自费太空之旅结束,日本亿万富翁返回地球 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINESE LIVESTREAMER VIYA FINED 1.34 BLN YUAN FOR TAX EVASION 直播女王“翻车”!薇娅偷逃税被罚13.41****亿 Top Chinese livestreaming host Huang Wei, better known as Viya has been ordered to pay 1.34 billion yuan in fines【罚款】 for tax evasion. 中国网络主播黄薇(网名薇娅)因偷逃税款,被处罚13.41亿元(约合2.1亿美元)。 According to a statement released today by the Hangzhou Taxation Bureau【杭州市税务部门】, between 2019 and 2020, Huang evaded 643 million yuan in taxes by concealing her personal income and falsely declaring the nature of her income while failing to pay an additional 60 million yuan in other taxes. 浙江省杭州市税务部门公布,在2019年到2020年期间,薇娅通过隐匿其从直播平台取得的佣金收入,虚假申报偷逃税款等,偷逃税款6.43亿元(约合1亿美元),其他少缴税款0.6亿元(约合941万美元)。 As for whether she will be held criminally responsible, officials said as this is her first tax dodging offense【违法】, she will not be investigated for criminal responsibility if she pays the fine within the prescribed time limit. 关于薇娅是否会被追究刑事责任,税务部门表示,本案中,薇娅首次被税务机关按偷税予以行政处罚,如果她能在规定期限内缴清税款、滞纳金和罚款,则依法不予追究刑事责任。 However, if she fails to pay the fine in a timely manner, her case will be transferred to the police. 但是,如果薇娅在规定期限内没有缴清,税务机关将依法将其移送公安机关处理。 2. CEREMONY HELD TO MARK 22ND ANNIVERSARY OF MACAO'S RETURN TO MOTHERLAND 澳门举行升国旗仪式,庆祝回归祖国22周年 The Macao Special Administrative Region【澳门特别行政区】 government today held a flag-raising ceremony at Golden Lotus Square to mark the 22nd anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland. 今日(12月20日),澳门特别行政区政府在金莲花广场举行了升国旗仪式,庆祝澳门回归祖国22周年。 Attending the ceremony were about 500 people, including Chief Executive of Macao SAR, Ho Iat-seng, officials of the Macao government, representatives of the central government** liaison****【联络】** office in Macao, and people from all walks of life in the region. Once again, Song Wenjing has more. 现场观礼人数大约500人,澳门特区行政长官贺一诚、中央政府驻澳主要官员、特区政府主要官员及澳门各界人士参加了升旗仪式。 At 8 o’clock in the morning, the national flag and regional flag were slowly raised with the melody of "The March of the Volunteers". A delegation of mainland elite【精英】 Olympians visiting Macao also attended the ceremony. 上午8点整,五星红旗和澳门特区区旗在《义勇军进行曲》的旋律中缓缓升起。参加升旗仪式的,还有内地奥运健儿代表团一行。 Gong Lijiao Olympic Shot Putter 巩立姣,铅球运动员 Today marks the 22nd anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland. Attending the flag-raising ceremony with Macao residents is really meaningful. I hope the SAR will develop better and better. 今天正好是澳门回归(祖国)22周年,然后我们正好和澳门市民一起参加升旗仪式,感觉特别有意义,也祝澳门越来越好。 Zou Jingyuan Parallel-bars Gold Winner 邹敬园,体操运动员 I feel very happy to live in this era, thanks to my stronger country. I wish my motherland to be more and more prosperous. 我觉得(生活在)我们这个时代的人,特别幸福活在这个时代,感谢国家的强大,祝福我们的祖国越来越繁荣昌盛。 The delegation arrived in Macao yesterday at the invitation of the SAR government. They will also have exchanges with Macao athletes, youths and ordinary people during their three-day visit. 应澳门特别行政区政府邀请,内地奥运健儿代表团昨日(12月19日)抵达澳门,开展为期三天的交流活动。访问期间,代表团还将与澳门当地的青少年、运动员和市民进行互动交流。 On December 20th, 1999, the Chinese government resumed the exercise of sovereignty【国家主权】 over Macao and announced the official establishment of the Macao SAR of the People's Republic of China. 1999年12月20日,中国政府对澳门恢复行使主权,中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区成立。 3. JAPANESE BILLIONAIRE SPACE TOURIST RETURNS TO EARTH 自费太空之旅结束,日本亿万富翁返回地球 Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa, his video producer and a Russian cosmonaut【(俄国)宇航员】 departed the International Space Station today after a 12-day stay in orbit. 日本亿万富豪前泽友作与日本制片人平野阳三、俄罗斯宇航员米苏尔金,于今日(12月20日)结束了为期12天的太空之旅,从国际空间站启程返回地球。 The trio landed in Kazakhstan【哈萨克斯坦】 at around 9:00 am local time today as scheduled. 当地时间上午9时,他们按照预定时间在哈萨克斯坦境内降落。 The 46-year-old fashion magnate made the trip in a Soyuz spacecraft**【****“联盟”**号飞船】 on the 8th December, becoming the first space tourist to pay his way up to the ISS in more than a decade. 现年46岁的时尚界富豪前泽友作,于12月8日乘坐“联盟”号飞船出发。此次太空之旅使他成为2009年以来,首位进入国际空间站的"自费游客"。 Maezawa’s video producer has been documenting their orbital experience and sharing clips online, showcasing how to perform ordinary activities in microgravity. 前泽友作的制片人拍摄记录了他们的太空之旅,并在网络上分享,展示了在失重状态下的日常生活。 Maezawa also plans to take eight people with him on a SpaceX 2023 mission around the moon. 前泽友作还计划在2023年携8人一起,乘坐美国太空探索技术公司的飞船绕月飞行。 #热词加油站 fine[faɪn]【罚款】 offense[əˈfens]【违法】 liaison [ˈliːəzɑːn]【联络】 elite [eɪˈliːt]【精英】 sovereignty【国家主权】 cosmonaut[ˈkɒzmənɔːt]【(俄国)宇航员】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~