cover of episode 12/20 TOP OF THE DAY 美国新任驻华大使/“玲娜贝儿”线下发售/英澳自贸协定

12/20 TOP OF THE DAY 美国新任驻华大使/“玲娜贝儿”线下发售/英澳自贸协定

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NEWS ON 12/20 1. U.S. SENATE CONFIRMS BURNS AS NEW AMBASSADOR TO CHINA 职位空缺一年多,美国终于任命新驻华大使 2. LINABELL TOYS BACK ON SHELF AT SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT 可爱狐狸成“年度网红”,“玲娜贝儿”玩偶线下开售引发热潮 3. BRITAIN FINALIZES FIRST FREE TRADE DEAL SINCE BREXIT 英澳签署自贸协定,英国“脱欧后遗症”或得到缓解 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. U.S. SENATE CONFIRMS BURNS AS NEW AMBASSADOR TO CHINA 职位空缺一年多,美国终于任命新驻华大使 The U.S. Senate yesterday confirmed veteran【资深的,经验丰富的】 diplomat Nicholas Burns as ambassador to China, filling a position that has been vacant for more than a year.  美国参议院昨日(12月16日)批准资深外交官尼古拉斯·伯恩斯为新任驻华大使,结束了这一职位空缺一年多的局面。 65-year-old Burns is currently an international relations professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. He has previously held senior positions in both Democratic and Republican administrations during his 27 years’ of government service.  现年65岁的伯恩斯目前是哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院国际关系教授。在他27年的履历中,在民主党和共和党政府均有过任职经历。 He also served as US ambassador to Greece and ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. During Burns’ time as the under secretary of state from 2005 to 2008, he worked with the Chinese government on various issues, including Afghanistan, Iran and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. 伯恩斯还曾担任美国驻希腊大使和驻北约大使。他在2005至2008年出任副国务卿期间,曾就阿富汗、伊朗、朝鲜等有关事务与中国政府合作。 2. LINABELL TOYS BACK ON SHELF AT SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT 可爱狐狸成“年度网红”,“玲娜贝儿”玩偶线下开售引发热潮 The high demand for LinaBell plush toys made it necessary for the Shanghai Disney Resort to require customers to book their visit to the souvenir shop online so that everyone would be given a fair chance to make a purchase. Zhang Hong tells us more about the customers’ experience. 上海迪士尼的"玲娜贝儿"毛绒玩具发售后即成为爆款,供不应求。为此,上海迪士尼度假区制定了第二批商品"线上预约、线下购买"的发售方案,让每个爱好者都有机会买到这款玩具。 Early in the morning, many LinaBell fans were waiting outside the souvenir store. They managed to make a reservation last Sunday. 一大早,不少玲娜贝儿的粉丝,已经等在了迪士尼小镇的纪念商店门口。他们都是上周日预约成功的幸运儿。 Ms. Zhang Visitor 张女士/游客 I wore this coat for today because I want to take a photo with LinaBell later holding my new plush toy. 今天是特意穿这个衣服来的,然后等会儿入园,带着玲娜贝尔公仔去和她合影的。 Ms. Li Visitor 李女士/游客 I asked my relatives for help to secure my appointment. We used about 11 phones and tablets, and finally succeeded in making the reservation at around 8 pm. 我还叫了我亲戚来帮忙,大概11台机器,8点02分跳出来说预约成功了。 Customers were seen waiting in an orderly fashion, and they were allowed into the store in small groups to avoid crowding. The products available for purchase include original LinaBell plush toys and keychains. It took an average of 5 minutes for each customer to make a purchase. 在商店外,游客们有序排队,秩序井然。为避免拥挤,上海迪士尼度假区设立了排队通道,游客需要分批进入。此次可供购买的玲娜贝儿商品包括毛绒玩具和钥匙圈等,每位游客从进入室内到购买成功平均耗时5分钟左右。 Ms. Zhu Visitor 朱女士/游客 Everyone came here according to their reservation period. I think it’s nice because it saves us time. 大家都是根据时间段来排队的,我觉得这样也节约了大家的时间,也特别好。 Shanghai Disney Resort has denied hunger marketing, adding that the huge demand and the pandemic are the major factors behind the limited inventory【库存】. The resort said there will be more stock and people don’t need to buy them at extremely high second-hand market prices.  上海迪士尼度假区表示,"玲娜贝儿"系列产品货源短缺是因为短期内需求量过大,加上疫情影响,造成生产瓶颈,并非是在“饥饿营销”。上海迪士尼方面还表示“玲娜贝儿”毛绒玩具后期会不断补货,消费者不需要从黄牛手中高价购买。 A set of Linabell toys was once priced over 10,000 yuan (1,568 dollars). The official store price are around 200 (31 dollars) to 300 yuan (47 dollars) each. The resort also said it will limit the number of visitors to avoid large gatherings during the sale of the recently restocked plush toys until next Monday. 此前,一套“玲娜贝儿”玩具的价格一度达到了10000元(1568美元),而官方售价则在200元(31美元)到300元(47美元)之间。上海迪士尼还表示将在持续到周一(12月20日)的本次发售时间段内限制园区游客数量,以降低现场人员聚集。 3. BRITAIN FINALIZES FIRST FREE TRADE DEAL SINCE BREXIT 英澳签署自贸协定,英国“脱欧后遗症”或得到缓解 Britain and Australia yesterday finalized a free trade agreement that is expected to unlock more than 11.32 billion dollars per year in trade. Sun Siqi has more. 昨日(12月16日),英国与澳大利亚正式签署自由贸易协定,预计将使每年的双边贸易总额突破113.2亿美元。 The first trade deal that Britain has negotiated from scratch since its EU exit earlier this year was signed yesterday during a virtual meeting between the Australian Trade Minister and Britain’s International Trade Secretary. The broad strokes【原则,主体】 of the deal had already been agreed to in principle in June. 今年6月,英澳政府围绕自贸协定达成原则上的一致。昨日(12月16日),英国贸易大臣与澳大利亚贸易部长出席线上签署仪式。这也是英国自脱欧以来,从零开始谈判达成的第一个协定。 Dan Tehan Australian Trade Minister 丹·特汉/澳大利亚贸易部长 Our economies will be able to operate seamlessly【天衣无缝地】 again and that is wonderful news for everyone in the United Kingdom, it’s wonderful news for everyone here in Australia. 我们两国的经济能再次无缝衔接运作,这对英国和澳大利亚的每个人来说都是好消息。 The deal will eliminate tariffs on nearly all exports between the two nations. It will also open up sectors like agriculture and allow freer movement for service-sector professionals. The UK government predicts a 0.02 percent boost to the UK’s GDP over the next 15 years. 该协定将实现英澳间绝大部分产品出口"零关税",还将进一步开放农产品等市场,并使服务业人员流动更加便利。英国政府估算,协定将在15年内使英国GDP增长0.02%。 Anne-Marie Trevelyan U.K. International Trade Secretary 安妮-玛丽·特里维廉/英国贸易大臣 It is a truly historic deal, the first negotiated by the United Kingdom from scratch as a sovereign【有主权的,独立自主的】 trading nation. 这是一份具有历史意义的协定,是英国作为一个主权贸易国家从零开始谈判,达成的第一个协定。 The deal will now be laid up in UK Parliament for a period of scrutiny, but it is expected to come into effect next year. 该协定将被送至英国议会进行审核,但预计可以于明年开始生效。 #热词加油站 veteran [ˈvetərən]【资深的,经验丰富的】 inventory [ˈɪnvəntɔːri]【库存】 broad strokes [brɔːd stroʊks]【原则,主体】 seamlessly [ˈsiːmləsli]【天衣无缝地】 sovereign [ˈsɑːvrɪn]【有主权的,独立自主的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~