cover of episode 12/18 TOP OF THE DAY 元旦火车票开售/国产大型邮轮上海起浮/第五次寒潮来袭

12/18 TOP OF THE DAY 元旦火车票开售/国产大型邮轮上海起浮/第五次寒潮来袭

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NEWS ON 12/17 1/ Train tickets for new year’s holiday go on sale tomorrow. (12/18) 你回家吗?元旦假期火车票开售 2/ First Chinese large cruise liner touches water. 666!首艘国产大型邮轮上海起浮 3/ Temperatures drop during 5th cold wave of this winter. 第五波寒潮来袭!这次能入冬成功吗? -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.     Train tickets for new year’s holiday go on sale tomorrow. (12/18) 你回家吗?元旦假期火车票开售 Train tickets for New Year’s day 2022 will be available for purchase tomorrow. 2022年元旦假期首日火车票明天(12月18日)开售。 Some provinces and cities have tightened pandemic control measures due to localized outbreaks. For example, travelers in Beijing and Xi’an are required to provide the results of a negative nucleic acid test issued within 48 hours of departure. According to a new requirement released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism today, from now until March 15th next year, travel agencies must suspend inter-provincial group tours【跨省团队游】 and "hotel plus air ticket" packages in and out of ports of entry, except for those connecting the special administration regions of Hong Kong and Macao. 受国内疫情影响,各地也在严格防控举措。例如北京、西安等地提出,须持48小时内核酸检测阴性证明才能进入。今天,文旅部也下发通知,从即日起至明年3月15日,暂停旅行社及在线旅游企业经营进出陆地边境口岸城市的跨省团队旅游及"机票+酒店"业务,与香港、澳门有口岸相连的除外。 2.First Chinese large cruise liner touches water. 666!首艘国产大型邮轮上海起浮 The first China-built large cruise ship is now afloat at Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding dock, marking another milestone in its completion. Sun Siqi takes a look. 今天,中国首制大型邮轮在上海外高桥造船有限公司顺利实现坞内起浮,标志着首艘国产大型邮轮建造工程,向着完工交付的总目标又迈出了关键一步。 Floating the ship took 4 hours. The 323-meter-long vessel is now 55 percent complete and will soon undergo structural tests. 邮轮起浮历时约4个小时。这艘中国首制大型邮轮,总长323.6米,总体建造进度达到55%,下一步,将全面转段进入结构性调试。 Chen Gang GM,Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding 陈刚/中国船舶外高桥造船总经理、大型邮轮项目总设计师 “After the systematic系统化的】tests are done, we’ll start installing living quarters, dining areas and entertainment facilities. After that, it’s time to train the crew.”围绕系统完工调试 以及围绕船上邮轮以人为主的,包括船员、乘客的吃、住、娱乐等方面的系统安装和调试工作。 Only a handful【少数的】of countries construct large cruise ships as complex production techniques are required. The one at drydock【干船坞】here has more than 25 million parts. The range of error in installation has to be under 20 millimeters. China State Shipbuilding Corporation, the parent company of Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, has made more than 1,000 breakthroughs in engine design, weight and buoyancy【浮力】systems and other critical functions. 大型邮轮因其制造工艺复杂,被誉为造船工业"皇冠上最耀眼的明珠",目前世界上具备这一建造能力的只有少数国家。 这艘中国首制大型邮轮全船涉及的零件就超过2500万个,搭载误差不能超过20毫米。中国船舶工业集团,也就是上海外高桥造船有限公司的母公司,依托大型邮轮工程,开展技术集智攻关,累计形成各类科技成果逾千项;相继攻克了重量控制、安全返港、动力系统等大型邮轮关键设计技术。 Chen Gang GM,Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding 陈刚/中国船舶外高桥造船总经理、大型邮轮项目总设计师 From the materials to the control systems, through this first ship, we’ve made a roadmap for other shipbuilders to follow. This will also open the mind for research and development in related industries.无论是材料端的,还是设备端、系统端、有很多方面,我们事实上,已经通过首制船做一个知识图谱,也是为国内的相关企业做研发提供一些方向。 The ship will be completed in 2023. The Shanghai government plans to build an industrial town focused on cruise ship building in Waigaoqiao, to improve the supply chain. 这艘邮轮将于2023年完工交付。上海还将在外高桥邮轮建造基地旁打造一个邮轮小镇,培育本土邮轮建造产业链,构建邮轮产业生态体系。 **3.Temperatures drop during 5th cold wave of this winter. 第五波寒潮来袭!这次能入冬成功吗? The fifth cold wave寒潮】 of this winter sent temperatures plunging over vast areas of China this week. The National Meteorological Center of China issued a blue alert today and suggests take precautions against the freezing temperatures. Zhang Yue has more. 今冬第五轮寒潮继续影响我国,降温范围进一步扩展。中央气象台继续发布寒潮蓝色预警,建议做好防范,应对冰冻天气。 Beijing residents are bundling up as a cold snap【寒潮】**pushed temperatures down. The day started at minus 7 degrees, the lowest recorded temperature in Beijing so far for this winter, daytime highs only made it up to minus one. 强冷空气来袭,北京居民“全副武装”,严阵以待。今晨(12月17日),观象台最低气温为零下7.5度,创今年入冬以来新低,日间最高气温仅零下1度。 Lei Lei Chief Forecaster, Beijing Meteorological Service 雷蕾/北京市气象台首席预报员 The weather will mostly be sunny next coming week, the highest temperature should be around 10 degrees. But another cold front is expected by the middle week which will bring temperatures back down.未来一周大部分时间,还是以晴到多云的天气为主。最高气温会回升到10度左右,但是下一周的周中后期会有一次冷空气的影响,气温会逐渐下降。 No area in the country has been hit by the cold as hard as Heilongjiang Province in the northeast, temperatures there dropped to minus 44.1 degrees in Dahinggan and minus 44.8 degrees in Hulun Buir yesterday. Ice fog has also occurred in the region. Driven by cold temperatures, the Yellow River finally began to freeze over yesterday in the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia, although slightly later in the year than usual, nearly 10 kilometers of the river’s surface has turned to ice. 受强冷空气影响,这两天黑龙江大兴安岭和呼伦贝尔地区气温齐齐“触底”,昨天的最低温度分别达到了达到了零下44.1度和零下44.8度,为本年度最低。昨天中午,黄河内蒙古河段出现封河,首封时间较常年偏晚,目前封冻长度约10公里。 Wang Pingwa Deputy Director, Yellow River Conservancy Commission 王平娃/黄河水利委员会蒙水文资源局副局长 The river has been flowing at larger volume this year, at about 900 cubic meters per second, this larger volume of moving water made it harder for the cold temperatures to freeze the river. 今年由于这个封河流量比较大, 800到900(立方米每秒)封河受这个气温影响比较大推迟了 Shanghai is also feeling the impact of the cold snap. The local authorities have dispatched emergency rescue teams to install protective covers for water pipes and water meters. Many tropical plants have also been properly insulated against the cooler temperatures. 上海也受到了此次寒潮的影响。当地政府已经派出应急抢险小分队,给水管和水表“加被”。一些热带植物也被妥善保护起来,以应对寒潮的侵袭。 **#**热词加油站 systematic  [ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk]【系统化的】 handful  [ˈhændfʊl]【少数的】 drydock  [ˌdraɪ ˈdɒk]【干船坞】 buoyancy  [ˈbɔɪənsi]【浮力】 cold wave / cold snap【寒潮】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~