cover of episode 12/17 TOP OF THE DAY 嫦娥五号月球样品/崇明越冬小天鹅/液化天然气运输船

12/17 TOP OF THE DAY 嫦娥五号月球样品/崇明越冬小天鹅/液化天然气运输船

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NEWS ON 12/17 1. CHINESE SCIENTISTS GAIN INSIGHTS INTO ANCIENT LUNAR VOLCANOES 发现新型玄武岩!嫦娥五号采集月球样品助力火山研究 2. TUNDRA SWANS FLOCK TO CHONGMING WETLAND 844****只!崇明东滩越冬小天鹅数量创新高 3. LATEST LNG CARRIER DEVELOPED BY CHINESE & FRENCH COMPANIES 打破日韩垄断,中法合作最新液化天然气运输船发布 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINESE SCIENTISTS GAIN INSIGHTS INTO ANCIENT LUNAR VOLCANOES 发现新型玄武岩!嫦娥五号采集月球样品助力火山研究 An analysis of moon rocks brought back to Earth by China's Chang'e-5 mission suggests the samples are a newly discovered type of lunar basalt【玄武岩】, which could provide insight into better understanding of ancient lunar volcanic activity. The results were published in the journalScience Bulletin. Song Wenjing has more. 一项对嫦娥五号带回的月球岩石的分析显示,这份样品是一种从未被发现过的新型月球玄武岩。通过对它的研究,科学家将有望更好地解读月球火山活动的历史。这一成果日前在学术期刊《科学通报》英文版上发表。 The Chang'e-5 probe returned to Earth last December with just over 1.7 kilograms of lunar samples. The China National Space Administration delivered approximately 17 grams of samples to 13 institutions.  去年十二月返回地球的嫦娥五号探测器带回了超过1.7千克的月球样品。中国国家航天局将其中约17克月球样品分发给了13个科研机构。 Researchers from the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences【中国科学院紫金山天文台】analyzed 15 milligrams of the lunar samples, and discovered that their characteristics were mainly those of a new type of basalt which has high levels of titanium【钛】. 中国科学院紫金山天文台的研究人员拿到的月球样品共计15毫克。经研究发现该样品钛含量极高,是新的玄武岩样品。 Xu Weibiao Researcher, Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS 徐伟彪,中国科学院紫金山天文台研究员 We have discovered a new type of basalt which suggests multiple volcanic eruptions on the moon in the vicinity of the Chang'e-5 landing zone, as the rocks produced from each eruption are almost the same. The discovery of basalt with high levels of titanium proves there have been at least three eruptions throughout the moon's history in that specific area. 我们找到了一个新的玄武岩的样品,意味着月球上面,至少在嫦娥五号着陆区那个地方,曾经发生过多次的火山喷发,每次喷发出来的都是一样的岩石、一样的样品,那么就要找到中钛、低钛,现在我们又找到了高钛,从直观上来讲应该说至少发生了3次火山喷发的过程。 According to the research team, the rock samples are high in ilmenite【钛铁矿】and phosphate minerals【磷酸盐矿物】, indicating a very special geological process taking place in the interior of the moon. These samples will open a new window for the study of lunar science and the new study would provide basic information for subsequent scientific research. 科研团队介绍,该样品含有极高的钛铁矿含量,并富集磷酸盐矿物,它的出现意味着月球内部发生了非常特殊的地质过程。这些样品为月球科学研究打开了新窗口,最新发现也将为随后的科学研究提供基本信息。 2. TUNDRA SWANS FLOCK TO CHONGMING WETLAND  844****只!崇明东滩越冬小天鹅数量创新高 It's time for birds to fly south, and bird watchers have observed close to 900 tundra【苔原】 swans at Dongtan Wetland Nature Reserve on Chongming Island【崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区】, the most since the 1990s. Sun Siqi has more. 现在正是候鸟迁徙越冬的季节,崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区的工作人员监测到,目前来这里过冬的小天鹅数量已接近900只,创下90年代以来的新高。 Out in the open water, flocks of tundra swans are feeding and playing after a lengthy journey from Siberia.  经过了从西伯利亚而来的漫长的旅途,成群结队的小天鹅正在开阔的水域上觅食、嬉戏。 Niu Dongliang Chongming Dongtan Wetland Nature Reserve 钮栋梁,上海市崇明东滩自然保护区管理事务中心 We once observed as many as 3,000 tundra swans in the 1990s. But they were not seen once this area was used for agriculture. 历史上从上世纪90年代时,崇明东滩曾经监测到3000只小天鹅的记录,但是从后期围垦后,小天鹅就看不到了。 Niu says restoration efforts and work to eliminate cordgrass【互花米草】, an invasive species that made it difficult for water birds to nest, has helped lead to a steady increase in migratory birds. The growth has been impressive for some species. 钮栋梁表示,外来入侵植物互花米草的治理和鸟类栖息地生境优化等修复工程的开展,使得包括小天鹅在内的许多鸟类逐渐回归,部分鸟类数量增长明显。 Niu Dongliang Chongming Dongtan Wetland Nature Reserve 钮栋梁,上海市崇明东滩自然保护区管理事务中心 We noticed some tundra swans came back in 2016. There were about 60 of them that year. Later on, the numbers grew to 100, 200. Last year, there were more than 600 of them. This year, we've counted 844, which shows the environment is improving. 2016年我们就发现小天鹅回归了,当时只发现60多只,后面从一百多只、两百多只(逐年提高),去年达到600多只,今年已经达到844只了,说明我们的生态环境越来越好。 The wetland is an important layover point for north Asian migratory birds. Close to 1 million of them stop over or nest here every year. The swans will remain until breeding season begins next March. 东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区作为北亚候鸟越冬的重要栖息地,每年有近100万只次迁徙水鸟在这里栖息或过境。接下去,小天鹅将在这里过冬,到次年3月逐渐离开,北上进行繁殖。 3. LATEST LNG CARRIER DEVELOPED BY CHINESE & FRENCH COMPANIES 打破日韩垄断,中法合作最新液化天然气运输船发布 A LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) carrier designed by both Chinese company and French company GTT received approval certificates from four global classification societies. Construction of the first vessel will begin soon. It marks a ship-building technology breakthrough in an area long dominated by companies in Japan and South Korea. Zhang Hong brings us the details. 近日,中国船舶沪东中华和法国GTT公司联合研发的最新一代液化天然气运输船,获得全球四家权威船级社颁发的认可证书。意味着中国对于该新船型的建造技术已达到世界领先水平,打破日韩在该领域的技术垄断,即将实船建造。 The newly designed fifth generation LNG carrier will be 299 meters long, 46.4 meters wide and 26.25 meters deep. 第五代LNG运输船总长299米、宽46.4米、深26.25米。 Song Wei Deputy Chief Engineer, Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group Co. 宋炜,沪东中华副总工程师,LNG首席技术专家** It has a very smooth outline that can reduce resistance. It cuts daily carbon dioxide二氧化碳】 emissions by 10 tons. 我们设计的线型非常流畅,它可以减少船的支撑阻力,(第五代船的)单日航行能够比上一代船减少二氧化碳(排放)超过10吨以上。 LNG carriers are built using a double-hull construction**【双艉鳍线型with insulated绝缘的】 boxes holding the liquefied液化的】 gas. The boxes are kept at temperatures of minus 160 degrees to keep the gas in liquid form. LNG运输船采用双艉鳍线型,使用绝缘箱装载液化天然气。为保持天然气呈现液态,绝缘箱的温度保持在零下160度。 Smart robotic arms have replaced human labor on the automated box production line to ensure high precision. 沪东中华开发了一条智能化全自动绝缘箱生产线,用智能机械手臂代替人工,提高制作精度。 Qu Jiqiang Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group Co. 屈继强,沪东中华绝缘箱流水线生产主管 The precision of each insulated box is kept within 0.5 millimeters. The deviation【偏离】 of each nail's depth is within 2 millimeters. 每一个绝缘箱的长宽尺寸(误差)都要控制在0.5毫米以内,钉子的打钉的深度(误差)也要在2毫米之内。 With over 60,000 insulated boxes, the new model can carry 174,000 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas. 第五代LNG运输船最多可装载液化天然气17.4万立方米,需要绝缘箱6万多只。 The evaporation【蒸发】 rate is about 0.08%, 15% lower than the previous model. 最新LNG运输船的液化天然气蒸发率比上一代船降低15%,仅为万分之八左右。 Adnan Ezzarhouni General Manager, GTT China 安南·伊撒奥尼,法国GTT公司中国区总经理 We also collaborate with Hudong-Zhonghua on the construction in Hebei of GTT's membrane薄膜】 onshore tank【(贮放气体或液体的)罐】. That serves the local distribution in natural gas instead of using coal for power generation. This is again the first in China and together with Hudong-Zhonghua. 我们还与沪东中华合作,在河北建造GTT技术的陆上薄膜型全容罐,用于液化天然气的储存和本地分配。这还是GTT的薄膜陆罐技术在中国的第一次应用,和沪东中华一起。 In the past 2 decades, Hudong-Zhonghua has built over 30 large LNG carriers. The company aims to produce 10 to 12 vessels annually in the next five years, up from 5 to 6 vessels now. 20多年来,沪东中华已自主研发、累计交付30多艘大型液化天然气运输船。沪东中华现在年产的大型LNG船有5到6艘,计划在十四五将产能提升到10至12艘。 #热词加油站 basalt [bəˈsɔːlt]【玄武岩】 titanium [tɪˈteɪniəm]【钛】 tundra [ˈtʌndrə]【苔原】 insulated [ˈɪnsjuleɪtɪd]【绝缘的】 liquefied [ˈlɪkwɪfaɪd]【液化的】 deviation [ˌdiːviˈeɪʃn]【偏离】 evaporation [ɪˌvæpəˈreɪʃn]【蒸发】 tank[tæŋk]【(贮放气体或液体的)罐】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~