cover of episode 12/15 TOP OF THE DAY 汉文帝霸陵现世/星巴克“翻车”/巴黎奥运会开幕式

12/15 TOP OF THE DAY 汉文帝霸陵现世/星巴克“翻车”/巴黎奥运会开幕式

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NEWS ON 12/15 1. MAUSOLEUM OF HAN DYNASTY EMPEROR FOUND IN SHAANXI 汉霸陵现世!国家文物局确认江村大墓为汉文帝陵寝 2. STARBUCKS FOUND TO HAVE USED EXPIRED INGREDIENTS 星巴克翻车”****,食品安全不容忽视 3. PARIS 2024 OPENING CEREMONY TO BE HELD ON RIVER SEINE 2024,去塞纳河畔看奥运 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1. MAUSOLEUM OF HAN DYNASTY EMPEROR FOUND IN SHAANXI 汉霸陵现世!国家文物局确认江村大墓为汉文帝陵寝 A tomb unearthed in Shaanxi Province has been confirmed as that of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, China’s National Cultural Heritage Ad-ministration said today. The finding was announced during an online press conference. Song Wenjing has the story.  12月14日上午,中国国家文物局召开线上会议。会上公布,陕西省西安市白鹿原江村大墓,即为汉文帝霸陵。 Archaeologists began studying a mausoleum【陵墓】*in Jiangcun Village in Xi’an City back in 2016. New research findings have traced the tomb to that of Emperor Wen, also known as Liu Heng, who reigned between 180 BC and 157 BC during the Western Han Dynasty. The tomb stretches as long as 75 meters and is about 30 meters deep. It has no grave marker, and there are four ramps leading to the entrance of the burial chamber.  早在2016年考古学家就开始研究位于西安市的江村大墓。最新研究认定,该古墓的主人就是汉文帝刘恒,他是公元前180年至公元前157年的西汉皇帝。古墓长75米,深约30米。它没有墓碑,有四个斜坡通向墓室的入口。 Ma Yongjing, Researcher Shaanxi Academy of Archaeology 马永嬴*陕西省考古研究院汉陵考古队队长* It was the highest level of configuration**【布局,配置】in the Han Dynasty, which only an emperor and empress could use. Tombs for ministers would not reach such scale. 这在汉代当时是顶级配置,是只有皇帝皇后才能用的这么一个墓葬形制,而且从规模来讲的话,一般诸侯王的墓,也都不会超过这个规模。 Rumors long persisted that Emperor Wen’s tomb was in nearby Fenghuangzui, just north of Jiangcun Village. The discovery of the mausoleum puts an end to the speculation. Ma said the mausoleum is similar to two other Western Han Dynasty emperors in terms of structure and scale, with traces of evolution.  长期以来一直有传言说,文帝的陵墓在凤凰嘴附近,也就是在江村的北边。霸陵的发现结束了这些猜测。马永嬴介绍说,这座陵墓在结构和规模上与另外两个西汉皇帝相似,有演变发展的痕迹。 About 110 pits have been found surrounding the tomb. Archaeologists have uncovered 1,500 cultural artifacts from them including pottery items, bronze ware and ironware. Pinpointing the location of Emperor Wen’s tomb offers important clues to the 11 emperor tombs built during the Western Han Dynasty and the wider imperial tomb system used in ancient China. 墓室四周发现110多座外藏坑。考古学家已经发现了包括陶器、青铜器和铁器的1500件文物。准确定位汉文帝霸陵,为西汉十一陵和中国古代帝王陵墓制度的深入研究提供了重要线索。 2. STARBUCKS FOUND TO HAVE USED EXPIRED INGREDIENTS 星巴克翻车”****,食品安全不容忽视 An undercover report by Beijing News said Starbucks was violating food hygiene rules such as using expired【过期的】ingredients and extending expiration dates. The coffee chain closed two of its cafes yesterday and said it is carrying out a thorough investigation. Zhang Hong has more. 《新京报》的一篇卧底报道称,星巴克使用过期原料和纂改延长保质期,违反了食品卫生规定。昨日(12月13日)星巴克称,已于第一时间关闭这两家涉事门店,并立刻启动深入调查。 Footage from a Starbucks outlet in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, appeared to show staff using expired chocolate liquid to make drinks. There was also an employee changing the expiration date on a package to a week later than the original date. 从拍摄于江苏省无锡市一家星巴克门店的视频中可以看到,工作人员使用过期的巧克力液来制作饮料。还有一名店员正在篡改保质期信息,原本要过期的食品便被人为延长了一周保质期。 At another Wuxi store, employees sold baked goods dated the day before. Both stores involved were temporarily closed. Wuxi’s market supervision administration yesterday confirmed with Starbucks that expired ingredients were used and that expiration dates on labels were extended. The administration said it has begun investigating the chain’s 82 cafes in the city, and already found a variety of hygiene issues. 而另一涉事门店则出售前一天剩下的烘焙食品。这两家门店都被暂时关闭。无锡市市场监督管理局昨日(12月13日)证实,星巴克使用了过期配料,标签上的保质期也被延长了。该局表示,已开始调查星巴克在该市的82家连锁店,并已发现各种卫生问题。 Starbucks China apologized last night on its WeChat account. It said all cafes on the mainland were ordered to meet food safety standards. 星巴克中国昨晚(12月13日)在其微信账户上道歉,并声称,中国内地所有星巴克门店均被要求达到食品安全标准。 The Shanghai Market Supervision Administration conducted a surprise check at one Starbucks cafe today. Investigators checked the expiration dates of ingredients, disinfection records and baked goods. 上海市场监督管理局今天对一家星巴克咖啡店进行了突击检查。调查人员检查了配料的过期日期、消毒记录以及烘焙食品。 Dai Min Market Supervision Official 戴敏****上海市闵行区市场监督局监管组长 We didn’t find any expired items. Everything met food safety standards. 现场未查见过期原材料,该店对临期的原料及产品的处理符合要求,检查情况总体是良好的。 Starbucks China also announced that it will be retraining all employees about the importance of food safety. 星巴克中国还声明,将对所有员工进行关于食品安全重要性的再培训。 3. PARIS 2024 OPENING CEREMONY TO BE HELD ON RIVER SEINE 2024,去塞纳河畔看奥运 The Paris 2024 Organizing Committee announced yesterday that the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics will take place on the River ’Seine. The decision breaks the long-held Olympic tradition of a stadium procession of athletes and officials. Lei Shuran has the story. 巴黎2024年奥运会组委会昨日(12月13日)宣布,巴黎奥运会开幕式将在塞纳河上举行。按照长期以来的奥林匹克传统,开幕式上运动员和官员将在体育场列队行进,此次决定将是一大创新。 For the first time in a summer edition of the Games, the opening ceremony will take place outside of a stadium and in the heart of a city. More than 160 boats filled with athletes and officials from more than 200 countries and regions will sail almost 6 kilometers along the river from the Pont d’Austerlitz to the Eiffel Tower. 这是历史首次,夏季奥运会在体育场外的城市中心举行开幕式。来自200多个国家和地区的160多艘游船将从奥斯特里茨桥沿着塞纳河航行近6公里,到达埃菲尔铁塔。 Tony Estanguet, President Paris 2024 Organizing Committee 埃斯坦盖****巴黎奥组委主席 It’s unprecedented. Of course this will be the first time that an Olympic opening ceremony will take place outside a stadium. We want to rely on the landscape to democratize【使大众化】*access to this ceremony, so hundreds of thousands of people can see it for free. 这是史无前例的,奥运会开幕式第一次"走出"体育场,我们希望借助这些美景,让成千上万的观众免费参与到开幕式中来。 The organizers calculate that at least 600,000 people can attend the ceremony alongside the river. While the sections closest to the river bank will be subject to ticketing, there will be free access to the upper sections, and spectators able to see holograms on the water, dancers on the rooftops of nearby buildings as well as aerial shows. 据组委会预计,至少60万人可以在河边观看开幕式。虽然离河岸最近的区域将实行票务制度,但上游部分将免费开放,观众可以看到水面上的全息图、河岸建筑物屋顶的舞蹈表演以及航拍表演。 Anne Hidalgo Paris Mayor 伊达尔戈巴黎市长* We will rediscover the Seine. Because it will be sanitized, clean. We wanted these Games to be in harmony with the Paris Climate Agreement which forces us, to adapt our cities to deal with climate change. 我们将再次"发掘"塞纳河之美,它将得到净化。我们将遵循《巴黎气候协定》的理念,让奥运会将我们的城市变得更环保。 Some 80 giant screens will also be installed along the route. The final part of the ceremony will be staged at the Trocadero Gardens across the river from the Eiffel Tower. 沿河两岸还将树立超过 80 块巨型屏幕。开幕式的最终环节将在埃菲尔铁塔一河之隔的特罗卡德罗花园进行。 #热词加油站 mausoleum[ˌmɔːsəˈliːəm]n. 陵墓 configuration[kənˌfɪɡəˈreɪʃn]n. 布局,构造;配置 democratize[dɪˈmɒkrətaɪz] vt. 使民主化;使大众化 expired[ɪkˈspaɪəd]adj. 过期的;失效的 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~