NEWS ON 12/08 1. SHANGHAI TIGNTENS PANDEMIC CONTROLS 严加防守!上海加强来沪返沪人员健康管理 2. DRIVERLESS TAXIS TO RUN IN SH AND SUZHOU 科技照进生活,无人驾驶出租车驶入上海、苏州街头 3. CHINA URGES AUSTRALIA TO TAKE ACTIONS TO IMPROVE TIES 外交部:没有人会在意澳大利亚政府官员是否出席冬奥会 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. SHANGHAI TIGNTENS PANDEMIC CONTROLS 严加防守!上海加强来沪返沪人员健康管理 Now, Shanghai is closely monitoring people arriving in the city from medium or high-risk areas. They are required to report to their company and neighborhood or village committee within 12 hours after arriving in Shanghai. Zhang Hong tells us more. 目前,上海正对来自国内疫情中高风险地区的人员进行密切监测,他们被要求在抵达上海的12小时内主动向他们的公司、社区或是乡镇委员会进行登记报告。 The Shanghai Health Commission said all people from or passing by high-risk areas need to complete 14 days of quarantine at a designated【指定的】site. They need to take a nucleic acid test on the 1st, 4th, 7th and 14th day upon arrival in Shanghai. 上海市卫健委表示,对所有来自或途经疫情高风险地区的来沪返沪人员,一律需实施14天集中隔离健康观察,并分别在隔离的第一天,第四天,第七天,和第十四天实行1次新冠病毒核酸检测。 People from or passing by medium-risk areas need to quarantine at home for 14 days. They will take a nucleic acid test on the first and last day during quarantine. Students and school employees, as well as medical workers are required to provide a negative nucleic acid test within 48 hours after returning to Shanghai, even if they have not been to or passed by a medium or high-risk area. 而对所有来自或途经中风险地区的人员,则一律实施14天严格的社区健康管理,并分别于第一天和最后一天实行1次新冠病毒核酸检测。同时,对于医疗工作者来说,即使他们没有去过或经过中高风险地区,也要在抵沪后提交48小时内的阴性核酸检测报告。 Wu Jinglei Director, Shanghai Municipal Health Commission 邬惊雷 上海市卫健委主任 Places like medical institutions and schools are likely to see infections, so there are stricter requirements for people working at these places. 特别是像医疗机构,是一个容易遭受感染或容易造成传播的地方,所以我们这次特别对医疗机构和学校的人员的管理的要求,提出了更为严格的这些措施。 They are also required to report their daily temperature for a week after returning to the city. 同时,抵沪的医疗工作者还被要求在一周内进行自主体温监测并报告。 2. DRIVERLESS TAXIS TO RUN IN SH AND SUZHOU 科技照进生活,无人驾驶出租车驶入上海、苏州街头 Now, Shanghai residents will be able to take driver-less taxis for free in Jiading District. Zhang Yue tells us more about the service. 现在开始,上海市市民能在嘉定免费乘坐自动驾驶出租车。接下来,张乐将带领我们一同去体验一下自动驾驶的新鲜之处。 The 360-degree camera on top of the Robo-Taxi detects surrounding objects. The trip begins after a passenger enters the last four digits of their phone number for identification, or does a facial recognition scan. Voice control is also available for turning on the air conditioning or listening to music. For safety, one employee will sit in the driver’s seat in the event of an emergency, but his or her hands will not touch the steering wheel. 自动驾驶出租车的车顶上配置了360度环绕的摄像头。乘客在进入车辆后,可通过输入手机号码后四位,或是人脸识别进行认证,确认上车。同时,乘客还可以通过语音系统控制空调的开启与音乐的播放。为了安全起见,出租车会在驾驶位配备一位司机,以应对紧急情况的发生,但他的手不会接触到方向盘。 Passenger 试运行乘客 I was so excited to take a driverless car for the first time. The driver’s hands didn’t touch the wheel, and the starting and braking was also smoother than I’d expected. 也是第一次接触到自动驾驶,非常新奇。我还在行驶过程中特地去看了一下安全员的手,他是真的离开了方向盘,没有接触,包括后面起步、刹车都比我想象中的平稳非常多。 The service was launched by Xiangdao Chuxing, SAIC’s online car-hailing subsidiary. The company said it is working on information security to protect the privacy of passengers. 上汽集团旗下的移动出行品牌享道出行主要参与到了这项自动驾驶出租车的服务提供中。运营方表示,他们将不断致力于信息安全技术的发展,以保护乘客的隐私安全。 Huang Shijie Senior Manager, Robotaxi, Xiangdao 黄仕杰 享道Robo taxi产品 高级经理 All user information can only be accessed upon the individual’s authorization, especially private and sensitive information. Information about passengers in the car will be stored temporarily before being deleted** automatically**【自动地】. 所有的用户信息我们会先经过用户的授权,尤其是敏感的个人信息,我们会单独请用户授权后使用,车内的录音录像等等信息我们都存储在车内,而且会定期删除,都是自动行为。 Passengers can book a free ride on Xiangdao Chuxing’s app. 现在,乘客已经可以在享道出行的手机app上呼叫车辆。 A total of 40 driverless taxis will be available in Shanghai, and another 20 in Suzhou by the end of the month. The company is expecting to have nearly 200 driverless taxis on the road next year. 到今年年底,享道出行的上海自动驾驶车队规模将增至40辆,苏州车队增至20辆,并在明年,车队整体规模预计将扩大到200辆。 3. CHINA URGES AUSTRALIA TO TAKE ACTIONS TO IMPROVE TIES 外交部:没有人会在意澳大利亚政府官员是否出席冬奥会 The Chinese Embassy【大使馆】in Australia said today that its success at Beijing Winter Games depends on the performance of the country’s athletes, not on the attendance of Australian officials. Lei Shuran has more. 中国驻澳大利亚大使馆今天表态称,澳方在北京冬奥会的成功与否取决于澳运动员的表现,不取决于澳官员是否出席。 The Chinese Embassy’s remarks were made in response to a statement by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, confirming that Australian officials will not attend the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics. The spokesperson went on to say that that according to Olympic rules, dignitaries are invited by their respective National Olympic Committee to attend the Olympic Games. It is up to the NOC to decide whether to extend invitations or not. 驻澳使馆的发言是对澳大利亚总理斯科特·莫里森宣布将不派官员出席北京冬奥会所作出的回应。使馆发言人还表示,根据奥运规则,各国政要出席奥运会是由本国奥委会发出邀请,是否邀请由该国奥委会决定。 The Embassy said the Australian PM’s decision to not send any officials to the Beijing Winter Olympics runs counter to its publicly pronounced expectation to improve China-Australia relations. Also today, the Australian Olympic Committee said that their government’s decision will have no impact on their preparations for the Winter Games, adding that it was a government matter, and that politics and sport should be separated. 使馆表示,澳方不派官员出席北京冬奥会,与其所谓希望改善中澳关系的公开表态,背道而驰。同一天,澳大利亚奥委会主席公开表态重申:澳政府的决定不会影响运动员参加北京冬奥会,并强调这仅仅是政府事务,而体育则要超越政治。 Matt Carroll Chief Executive Officer, Australian Olympic Committee 卡罗尔 澳大利亚奥委会主席 The biggest risk for the team is still COVID and the health risk. Security-wise we’re very confident. No athlete has expressed any concern or to boycott【抵制】In fact, some of the athletes are already over in or been to Beijing or been to the venues. The venues are fantastic. 眼下最大的风险依然是新冠疫情和健康风险。在安全方面,我们很有信心,没有运动员表示过担忧或想要抵制。事实上,有些运动员已经在北京,去过比赛场馆了,场馆棒极了。 The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games organizing committee said that politicizing sport is against the spirit of the Olympic Charter. It does harm to the common interest of athletes and the entire Olympic Family. The International Olympic Committee reiterated【重申】that the Olympic Games and the athlete participation in the games are beyond politics. 2022年北京冬奥会组委会称,体育政治化有违《奥林匹克宪章》的精神,像这样的行为对运动员和整个奥林匹克都将造成伤害。国际奥委会重申,奥运会和运动员参与奥运会应当是超越政治的。 The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will take place from February 4 to 20 and the Paralympic Winter Games from March 4 to 13. 2022年北京冬奥会将于2月4日至20日举行,冬季残奥会将于3月4日至13日举行。 #热词加油站 designated [ˈdezɪɡˌneɪtəd]【指定的】 automatically [ˌɔtəˈmætɪkli]【自动地】 embassy [ˈembəsi]【大使馆】 boycott [ˈbɔɪˌkɑt]【抵制】 reiterate [riˈɪtəˌreɪt]【重申】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~