cover of episode 11/27 TOP NEWS|数据标的物将推动形成新一轮资产化创新

11/27 TOP NEWS|数据标的物将推动形成新一轮资产化创新

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NEWS ON 11/27 CHINA'S INFO BROKERS ARE TURNING DATA INTO PROFIT 数据标的物将推动形成新一轮资产化创新 **-----------------**记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.     CHINA'S INFO BROKERS ARE TURNING DATA INTO PROFIT 数据标的物将推动形成新一轮资产化创新 Last year, data trading in China accounted for 13.4% of the world's total. Many companies active in the sector gathered in Shanghai at the weekend for the Global Data Ecosystem Conference. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan was there to find out what kind of data is being bought and sold, and whether the data trade in China is secure. 去年,中国的数据交易量占全球总量的13.4%。本周末,许多活跃在数据交易领域的公司齐聚上海,参加全球数据生态系统大会。记者张诗旋在现场了解了数据买卖的种类,以及中国的数据交易是否安全。 Where we go; What we buy; Who we are⋯ To someone, we're data. 我们去哪里;我们买什么;我们是谁......对某些人来说,我们就是数据。 “We need data. Data is the oil in the 21st century. ” “我们需要数据。数据就是21世纪的石油。” If it's regarded as critical as crude - it's going to be valuable, and serve as a foundation for a wide variety of businesses. Just as oil needs to be refined; data needs to be collected, sifted【筛选】 and analysed for it to be worth something. And in a country like China - with 1.4 billion people - there's a mountain of data out there. Let's start with a look at the nation's vast road transport network. 如果数据像石油一样重要,那么它就很有价值,并成为各种业务的基础。就像石油需要提炼一样,数据也需要经过收集、筛选和分析才能发挥价值。而在中国这样一个拥有14亿人口的国家,数据堆积如山。我们先来看看中国庞大的公路运输网。 Xu Saihua, Chairman & CEO /// Shanghai Jinron Digits Technology **徐赛花 *上海金润联汇数字科技有限公司董事长兼首席执行官 “When a car passes by an ETC on the expressway, there's the information on the plate, the owner, the mileage, the time, the direction and the traffic fee.” “当一辆车过了ETC上高速,这辆车的车牌,车主,行驶的行程里程数,经过时间,行驶方向以及通行费的信息都有了。” ETC, or Electronic Toll Collection forms an online system which allows nonstop passage of freight vehicles. As of the end of 2019, there already nearly 200 million cars equipped with an ETC device. But who would want data from road toll gates? ETC即电子收费系统,是一种允许货运车辆不停车通行的线上系统。截至2019年底,已有近2亿辆汽车安装了ETC。但谁会想要公路收费站的数据呢? Xu Saihua, Chairman & CEO /// Shanghai Jinron Digits Technology 徐赛花 上海金润联汇数字科技有限公司董事长兼首席执行官 “In the past, traditional financial institutions were hesitant to enter the road cargo transport industry. They think it's of high risks. There were internet platforms offering loans with annual interest rate as high as more than 30%. Now, we some banks are cooperating with us. They can get logistics operation information, and get data support after loan issuance【发行】. They are providing a less than 5% interest rate.” “以前传统金融机构根本就不敢进入货运行业,因为觉得这个风险高。现在我们合作的几家银行开始能够获得比如说这些物流的经营信息,及时地跟踪,他还贷中、贷后还能够有一些数据提供。他们的企业资金成本都在5%以内。” There have also been data products that can help insurance companies decide a reasonable price for different vehicles' insurance. These were first listed on the Shanghai Data Exchange last year. 此外,还有一些数据产品可以帮助保险公司决定不同车辆保险的合理价格。去年,这些产品首次在上海数据交易所上市。 Zhang Shixuan Reporter 张诗旋 *记者 “The annual trading volume of data products at the Shanghai Data Exchange exceeded 100 million yuan last year, and this year's on-exchange trading volume is expected to exceed 1 billion yuan. But where is all this growth coming from?” “去年,上海数据交易所的数据产品年交易额超过1亿元,今年的场内交易额预计将超过10亿元。不过,这些增长从何而来?” Tang Qifeng, General Manager /// Shanghai Data Exchange 汤奇峰 上海数据交易所总经理 “China goes through unique ways quite different with the other countries typically quite different with the US and Europe. In the US you can find a lot of things is organized by a commercial company. But in China we take the data product like a data asset, so a lot of the market function should play by like us. They have the asset, they can use the asset using different roles. In the history, you use the cash to invest a company, but in this area, you can use your data asset to invest a company. Also data asset is very interesting since it goes to the securities areas. ” “中国采取了与其他国家,通常是与美国和欧洲迥然不同的独特方式。在美国,你会发现很多事情都是由商业公司组织的。但在中国,我们将数据产品视为数据资产,因此很多市场功能都应像我们一样发挥作用。他们拥有资产,他们可以用不同的角色来使用资产。在过去,你用现金投资一家公司,但在这个领域,你可以用你的数据资产来投资一家公司。数据资产也非常有趣,因为它涉及证券领域。” Whenever data collection is mentioned, the questions of privacy and security are raised. It's a subject the industry is vocal about. 每当提到数据收集,隐私和安全问题就会被提出来。这也是业界热议的话题。 Zhao Xingxing, Vice President /// Shanghai Jinron Digits Technology 赵星星 上海金润联汇数字科技有限公司副总裁 “All the data products are not allowed for cache【缓存】. Banks send a requirement to the API connector, and enter a firewall to access the intranet*【内联网】, where the database gives the bank a credit score. And the score will get to the bank after crossing another firewall.” “所有的数据产品是不允许它进行缓存的。银行会发送一个请求,这个请求通过数据API接口的形式,然后要通过一个互联网跟内网的防火墙进去之后,我在我的结果库里面进行搜寻到这个人所对应的信用分数,这个地方我们又要跨一层防火墙,把这个结果返回给银行。” Jinron Digits Technology says its data products have been accessed more than 20 million times this year, and each instance is recorded to guard against illegal use. At this weekend's Global Data Ecosystem Conference in Shanghai, security and data sovereignty【主权】 *were high on the agenda. 上海金润联汇数字科技有限公司表示,其数据产品今年已被访问超过2000万次,每次访问都会被记录下来,以防止非法使用。本周末于上海举行的全球数据生态系统大会上,安全和数据主权被列为重要议题。 Lars B?umann, China Ambassador /// International Data Spaces Association Lars Bäumann IDSA*国际数据空间协会驻中国大使* “The concept of data sovereignty means that you can decide what you share, how long you share, and also what not to share, and also to say what is allowed to do with my data and what is not allowed. And I feel that also China is very interested in that because people are afraid to put their data on some data platform and then the data stays there forever. There is really fast progress. It's really China speed like we say in Germany.” “数据主权的概念意味着,你可以决定分享什么、分享多久、不分享什么,也可以决定允许用我的数据做什么、不允许做什么。我觉得中国对此也非常感兴趣,因为人们害怕把自己的数据放到某个数据平台上,然后数据就永远留在那里了。进步真的很快。就像我们在德国说的那样,这真的是中国速度。” These data experts want more effort to be made to encourage institutions and companies to share their data. 这些数据专家希望做出更多努力,鼓励机构和公司共享数据。 Piero Scaruffi, Dean and founder of Silicon Valley Institute of Artificial Intelligence, USA **皮埃罗·****斯加鲁菲 **美国硅谷人工智能研究院院长、创始人 “It would be nice to have an international institution, part of the United Nations or not, that talks to governments and finds out which data are not sensitive, which data we should be sharing.” “如果能有一个国际机构,无论是不是联合国的一部分,能与各国政府对话,找出哪些数据不敏感,哪些数据我们应该共享,那该多好。” A trading chain was formed between 7 provincial level data exchanges in China on Saturday, when Shanghai also announced the first batch of data product brands, covering finance, manufacturing, transport, sports and technology. 上周六,中国7家省级数据交易所之间形成了交易链条,同时上海也公布了首批数据产品品牌,涵盖金融、制造、交通、体育和科技等领域。 #热词加油站 sift /sɪft/【筛选】 issuance /ˈɪʃu(ː)əns/【发行】 intranet /ˈɪntrənet/【内联网】 cache /kæʃ/【缓存】 sovereignty /ˈsɒvrənti/【主权】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~