NEWS ON 11/10 *1. HEALTHCARE FIRMS ENVISION FUTURE CANCER, HEART TREATMENTS 亮相进博,癌症治疗有了“新武器” *2. SHANGHAI UNVEILS 3-YEAR PLAN TO DIGITALIZE EDUCATION 教育数字化!上海教委发布三年转型实施方案 3. JAPAN’S KISHIDA RE-ELECTED PM AFTER STRONG GENERAL ELECTION WIN 岸田文雄当选日本第101*任首相* -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. HEALTHCARE FIRMS ENVISION FUTURE CANCER, HEART TREATMENTS 亮相进博,癌症治疗有了“新武器” As the CIIE wrapped up, pharmaceutical【制药的】and medical device makers have shown new products that may reach hospitals and research institutions in the near future. 11月10日,进博会圆满落幕。此次进博会上,制药和医疗设备制造商向人们展示了可能在不久之后进入医院和研究机构的新产品。 PerkinElmer’s new device is used in the RD processes for medications. It tests more than 30,000 samples in 24 hours, a 400 percent jump in efficiency. Regular testing of the efficacy of a medication or vaccine on a cell requires coating, marking and signal reading. Together, they account for at least 24 hours of work on one sample. Using new marking and reading solutions, the company’s new technique shortens the work to just 2 hours. 珀金埃尔默发明的新设备可以被用于药物的研发中,它能够在24小时内进行超过三万次的样本检验,效率相较前代产品提高了四倍。对于一般的测试而言,在活体细胞上进行药品或是疫苗效力的检测需要进行涂层,标记以及信号阅读几步,总共可能需要至少24小时才能完成对一份样品的检测。但是在运用新型的标记和阅读技术后,该设备已经能够将检测所需时间缩短到接近2小时。 This can be used in the assessment of effectiveness and safety of vaccines and the selection of anti-viral drugs. We’d like to work with biomedical companies and vaccine developers in China. 该设备可以用来检测疫苗效力及安全性,也可以参与到抗病毒药物的挑选工作上。我们希望能与中国的生物医学和疫苗研发公司进行合作。 So you think you have a strong heart? US-based Edwards Lifesciences’ real-time monitor shows your blood pressure, hydration and heart’s pumping motion. You could be surprised by the readings. 你有没有一个强壮的心脏呢?由美国的爱德华兹生命科学公司研发发明的检测仪可以让你实时了解自己的血压,水分量,以及心脏搏动的具体数据。看到这些数据,你可能会大吃一惊。 Wow! 145/97? That blood pressure belongs to a monster. Alright, a little warning sign right here: this number that you see here 4.8 measures the amount of blood that your heart pumps out every minute. The good range should be within 2 and 4, mine is 4.8. That means I’m using an excessive【过多的】amount of oxygen. 哇塞!145/97?这血压已经不属于正常人了吧。好吧,这里有一个小小的警告标志:你在这里看到的数字与你心脏每分钟泵出的血液量相关。一般来说,该数值如果能保持在2-4之间是非常不错的,而我的是4.8,也就是说我正在消耗过多的氧气。 After immediate hydration and a squatting game, one sees perilous changes to blood pressure and oxygen levels. 在进行补水和剧烈的蹲起运动后,我们会发现人的血压和含氧量会向一个比较危险的程度变化。 All the numbers are going to the heavens ... 各项数据都高出了天际… To help patients with heart valve regurgitation, which afflicts more than 7 million people in China, Edwards’ new minimally invasive technology repairs the valve through a tube inserted through the veins and avoids open-heart surgery that can be traumatic on older patients. 在中国,有超过七百万人患有心瓣膜回流的疾病,而为了帮助这些患者,爱德华兹发明了一种微创手术,他们可以通过一根插入静脉的导管来修复瓣膜,从而避免了开胸手术,减少了对高龄患者的身体损伤。 We are actually the partner of a clinical trial. We partner with top-tier centers in China such as Fuwai, Zhejiang No.2 and Anzhen (all hospitals). So we expect in the next 3-5 years it’ll be ready to serve the Chinese population. 我们现在正与阜外,浙医二院,以及安贞医院等中国顶尖的医疗机构在一项临床试验中进行合作,我们预计它将在接下来的三到五年中投入使用,为中国的民众服务。 Onto the cancer section, radiotherapy device maker Accuray’s synchronized technology aligns【使一致】radiation with the movement of your chest and abdomen when you breathe. This way, even patients whose cancer has spread can get treated. 而在癌症领域,放疗设备制造商艾柯雷的同步技术使得辐射的释放与人们呼吸时胸部和腹部的运动一致,以此来帮助癌症已经扩散的病人进行治疗。 In the old method, as a patient breathes and the position of the target organ changes, a radiotherapist will have to expand the range of the radiation. For larger tumors, where there’re key vessels or organs around, this method will cause serious damage. Some patients with multiple tumors can’t be treated at all. This new technology gives hope to a wider range of patients in the later stages of cancer. 在过去,因为病人的呼吸会导致病灶位置的变化,所以放疗师在进行治疗时必须要扩大放射范围,而对于较大的肿瘤来说,当周围有重要脏器时,这样的方法将会对其造成严重的损害。一些患有多肿瘤的病人甚至根本无法得到治疗。而这项新型技术的引入则给更多已经进入晚期的癌症患者带来了希望。 And its new 360-degree CyberKnife offers a likely alternative to surgery, where early-stage tumors can be treated with its precision radiation emissions, where tumor tissues are killed within the body with no need for incisions. Exhibitors say many of their products shown at past CIIEs are already helping patients at China’s leading hospitals, and they’re here again to show what they can do to help you live long and prosper. 同时,艾柯雷公司发明的360度射波刀则给癌症手术提供了一种可能的替代方案,早期的肿瘤可以通过由它精确发射的辐射进行治疗,无需开刀,肿瘤组织就将在体内被直接杀死。参展商说道,他们在进博会上展出的很多产品已经投入使用,正在中国的医院内帮助治疗病人,而他们现在再次在这里,向大众展示他们如何可以帮助人们长寿。 The fourth China International Import Expo came to an end today. At a news briefing this afternoon, officials said 70.7 billion US dollars in deals were signed at this year’s trade fair, down 2.6% compared to last year. The dip was attributed to the pandemic. No accidents or coronavirus infections occurred during the CIIE. More than 150,000 square meters of exhibition space has already been reserved for next year’s CIIE. 第四届中国国际进口博览会今天落下帷幕。在今天下午举行的闭幕通气会上,相关负责人透露,本届进博会,各方合作意向热度不减。受疫情等因素影响,按一年计,本届进博会的意向成交金额为707.2亿美元,较上届略降2.6%。在严峻复杂的疫情防控形势下,本届进博会实现了疫情防控零感染、零发生、零事故。此外,第五届进博会的招展工作已经启动。截至目前,企业预定展览面积超过15万平方米,进度快于去年同期。 2. SHANGHAI UNVEILS 3-YEAR PLAN TO DIGITALIZE EDUCATION 教育数字化!上海教委发布三年转型实施方案 The Shanghai Education Commission today released a three-year plan to digitalize classrooms and improve the quality of education. 上海市教委发布《上海市教育数字化转型实施方案(2021-2023)》,为在未来进行教室数字化以及教育水平的提升,描绘出一幅美好蓝图。 10 application scenarios will be promoted including the teaching process, campus management, and teacher evaluation systems. The introduction of data-driven education is aimed at creating better teaching models and diversifying teacher training. 包括教学过程,校园管理,以及教师评估体系在内的10项教育数字化应用场景将在未来不断深入发展,这种数据导向型教育体系的引入旨在打造更好的教学模式,并培训教师向不同方向进行发展。 Gu Xiaoqing Professor, East China Normal University 顾小清****华东师范大学教授 We will use accompanying digital terminals to record data on the student learning process such as their participation in lessons and feedback on assignments after class. It could enable us to better tailor our teaching based on student needs and promote their overall development. 我们可以通过这种伴随式的这种终端来采集下来,就是说除了他的考试成绩之外的,其他的伴随他成长的这些数字轨迹都能够记录下来,最终就是为了要实现因材施教 Li Yongzhi Deputy Director, Shanghai Education Commission 李永智****市教委副主任 We will adopt unified data, authentication【认证】and interface standards. Thus, high-quality education resources can be easily shared among schools and students. 采用统一的数据标准,认证标准,接口标准来实现对于资源的共享和这个打通。通过这种方式这个优质的教育资源就可以方便地在各个学校,甚至在每一个学生之间都可以更方便地共享。 Deputy Director Li also said the ultimate goal of digitalizing schools is to provide the most appropriate education for each student. In August, the Ministry of Education approved Shanghai as a trial zone for this project. 李永智还提到,教育数字化的最终目标是要能够为每一个学生提供最适合其自身的教育。八月,教育部同意上海成为教育数字化的转型试点区。 3. JAPAN’S KISHIDA RE-ELECTED PM AFTER STRONG GENERAL ELECTION WIN 岸田文雄当选日本第101任首相 Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party President Fumio Kishida was re-elected as prime minister in a special parliament session today after the LDP secured majority of votes in the House of Representatives election at the end of last month. 在上月月底日本自民党获得众议院多数后,日本众议院在今天召开特别国会,岸田文雄成功通过首相指名选举,再次当选,成为日本第101任首相。 After coming into power on Oct. 4, Kishida launched his second Cabinet this afternoon, his previous Cabinet resigned en masse as required by the Constitution prior to the three-day Diet session through Friday. Today’s vote was a formality given the dominance in parliament of the party and its junior coalition partner, the Liberal Democratic Party won 261 out of 465 seats in the powerful lower house chamber. 在10月4日当选日本首相后,岸田文雄在为期三天的国会会议前率内阁政府全体辞职,并于下午组建了第二次岸田内阁。在10月底进行的日本众议院选举中,自民党获得了465个议员席位中的261个,而在于其它政党结成执政联盟后,他们在下议院压倒性的优势使得本次首相的选举变成了例行公事。 Hiroyuki Hosoda Speaker, House of Representatives, Japan 细田博之****日本众议院议长 Fumio Kishida has been appointed as Prime Minister by the Diet members. 众议院任命岸田文雄担任日本首相。 Kishida is expected to appoint former education minister, Yoshimasa Hayashi, as his foreign minister. Most of the current Cabinet members will remain unchanged as it was just formed last month when Kishida first took the office. Toshimitsu Motegi, who served as foreign minister since 2019, became the LDP’s secretary general in early October replacing Akira Amari. Following the special session, the LDP is looking to convene【召集】an extraordinary Diet session later this year to pass a supplementary budget to alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. He is also looking to secure salary increases for care workers, nurses and nursery school staff. 岸田预计将委任前文科相林芳正担任外交大臣,而大部分内阁成员将保持一个月前岸田第一次组阁时的职位不做变动。茂木敏充自2019年以来一直任日本外务相的职务,今年10月初,他代替甘利明开始在自民党中担任干事长。在特别会议后,自民党预计将在今年晚些时候召开一次国会特别会议,以通过扩大预算的提案,借此来缓解由新冠疫情造成的巨大影响,并且,他同时还希望能够通过提案来确保护理人员、护士和幼儿园工作人员的工资增长。 #热词加油站 authentication [ɔˌθentɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]【认证】 pharmaceutical [ˌfɑrməˈsutɪk(ə)l]【制药的】 excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv]【过多的】 aligns [əˈlaɪn]【使一致】 convene [kənˈvin]【召集】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~