NEWS ON 11/09 1. COMPANIES TARGET GREENER FUTURE 瞄准“双碳”目标,进博企业展示绿色发展新产品 2.SMG’S PEKING OPERA FILM POCKETS GOLDEN ANGEL AWARD 国粹精品!世界首部8K京剧电影喜提“金天使奖” 3. CHINA URGES IMPLEMENTATION OF PARIS AGREEMENT 应对气候变化,中国在行动! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. COMPANIES TARGET GREENER FUTURE 瞄准“双碳”目标,进博企业展示绿色发展新产品 China has set a goal of reaching peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. Many companies in the environmental sustainability sector are using the CIIE to present their latest products and ideas. Reporter Zhang Yue shows us some you don’t want to miss. 中国的目标是在2030年前达到碳排放峰值、2060年实现碳中和。许多致力于环境可持续发展的企业正通过进博会展示自己的最新产品和理念。 Denmark-based Novozymes has high hopes for this feed enzyme【酶】. A company executive said it improves the feed utilization rate while also reducing feed costs and adverse impacts on the environment. 来自丹麦的诺维信公司对这种饲料酶寄予厚望。一位公司高管表示,它提高了饲料利用率,同时还降低了饲料成本和对环境的不利影响。 Lensey Chen President, Novozymes China Lensey Chen,诺维信中国区董事长 Sustainability is our company’s DNA. We are providing biological solutions and utilizing the power of nature to cure the challenges that we are facing as human beings. 可持续发展是我们公司的基因。我们提供生物解决方案,利用自然的力量来解决人类所面临的挑战。 Japanese electronics maker Seiko Epson has pledged to achieve negative carbon dioxide emissions and zero consumption of underground resources, especially from nonrenewable resources such as oil and metals by 2050. 日本电子制造商,精工爱普生承诺到 2050 年实现二氧化碳负排放和地下资源的零消耗,尤其是石油和金属等不可再生资源。 Zhang Yue SMG Reporter All right. I’m not at a gym. This bike is connected to a printer. The energy from pedaling provides electricity to the printer. One minute of pedaling provides enough power to print one piece of paper. The company says it reduces energy use by 80% compared to most printers. 其实我不是在健身房。这辆自行车连上了打印机,踩踏板产生的能量可以为打印机提供电力。骑一分钟提供的能量足够打印一张纸。该公司表示,与大多数打印机相比,它可以减少80%的能源消耗。 The company’s PaperLab, a dry fiber papermaker, which was at last year’s fair, has been launched on the Chinese market. 该公司的干纤维造纸机PaperLab在去年的博览会上亮相,目前已在中国市场推出。 Volvo Trucks revealed a new flagship vehicle. The company says it improves fuel efficiency by 3%, and cuts fuel consumption by 11%. 沃尔沃卡车也发布了一款新的旗舰车型。该公司表示,它提高了3%的燃油效率,降低了11%的油耗。 Michael Dong SVP&President,Volvo Trucks Sustainability environment and caring for the people is really our top priority. For European markets, our market share of fully electric heavy-duty trucks is over 40%. So, we really look forward that we can bring all this technology to the Chinese market. 推动环境可持续发展以及对人的关注,是我们的首要任务。在欧洲市场,我们的全电动重型卡车所占的市场份额超过40%。我们真的很希望能把这些技术引入中国市场。 And this electric excavator creates zero-emissions with reduced energy costs, improved efficiency, and less maintenance demands. 再看这款电动挖掘机,它实现了零排放,同时降低了能耗,提高了效率,维护需求也很少。 The idea of green transportation has also been adopted by Germany-based Hexagon Purus as it expands into the Chinese market with fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen cylinders. 德国Hexagon Purus公司也推行绿色交通的理念,他们进入中国市场的主打产品是燃料电池汽车和氢气瓶。 Urs Laeuppi CEO, Hexagon Purus We want to make a contribution to support the efforts that are being made. And we want to make sure that hydrogen driven fuel cell electric vehicles are one additional option for clean transportation roads. 我们想要为节能减排尽一份力。我们希望证明氢驱动的燃料电池电动汽车也能助力绿色交通。 Aker BioMarine, a Norwegian fishing and biotech company, claims to solve the problem of harvesting krill in both a commercially viable and environmentally friendly way with Eco-Harvesting, a technology that brings live krill on board the boat and prevents by-catch such as birds and sea mammals. 挪威渔业和生物技术公司Aker BioMarine称通过生态捕捞技术,以商业可行且环保的方式解决了捕捞磷虾的问题,该技术可以将活磷虾捕捞上船,同时防止了误捕,如鸟类和海洋哺乳动物。 Thong Chi Luu Senior VIP Asia, Aker BioMarine Every bottle(krill oil), we have a label, a QR code on that you can trace back exactly what location is harvested so they can trace them by going to our website, and you know how much we harvested and which location are we harvested from. 在我们的产品包装上,每一瓶都有一个追溯原产地的二维码标签,扫码登录我们的网站,可以查询到我们捕捞了多少磷虾,在哪片海域捕捞的。 And consumer goods company Unilever is promoting a new laundry capsule that it says is better for the environment because recycled industrial emissions are used instead of petroleum. The company has helped plant more than 11 square kilometers of grassland in Qinghai and surrounding areas. This is the first time the CIIE has had a special area for companies showcasing low carbon and environmental protection technologies. 日用消费品公司联合利华正在推广一种新的洗衣胶囊,该公司表示,这种胶囊对环境更有利,因为它用回收工业排放物代替石油作为原料。该公司已经帮助青海及其周边地区种植了超过11平方公里的草原,这是中国国际进口博览会首次设立低碳环保技术展区。 2.SMG’S PEKING OPERA FILM POCKETS GOLDEN ANGEL AWARD 国粹精品!世界首部8K京剧电影喜提“金天使奖” 10 films took home a Golden Angel Award in Los Angeles at the 17th Chinese American Film Festival yesterday. SMG’s Peking Opera film "The Capture and Release of Cao Cao" was lauded【夸奖】for its classic storyline dating to the 3rd-century and new techniques in cinematography. 中国有10部电影在第17届中美电影节捧回“金天使奖”。上海广播电视台参与联合出品的京剧电影《捉放曹》,用最新电影科技呈现中国三国时期(公元三世纪)的经典故事,深受好评。 "The Capture and Release of Cao Cao" is a classic piece from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" based on stories in the third century. The focus is on Cao Cao, lord of the Wei Kingdom, and his vicious【恶毒的】character on his way to defeat the other 2 kingdoms and rule all of China. 《捉放曹》是《三国演义》中的经典桥段,主角是最后称霸三国的一代枭雄魏王曹操。 The film was produced by Shanghai Media Group and Shanghai Jingju Theater Company. It stars the nation’s leading Peking Opera actor Wang Peiyu. Directed by Teng Junjie, the film was shot at 8K resolution【清晰度】, that is 16 times higher than a regular HD film. 《捉放曹》由上海广播电视台、上海京剧院等联合出品,京剧名家王珮瑜主演,国家一级导演滕俊杰执导。电影采用了8K技术拍摄,相当于高清电影16倍的超高清晰度。 It was the only traditional opera film among the honorees at the Chinese American Film Festival. Chinese productions "A Writer’s Odyssey", "Cliff Walkers" and "Chinese Doctors" also picked up a Golden Angel award. 《捉放曹》是本届“金天使奖”获奖名单中唯一一部国粹电影。其它获奖的中国电影还有《刺杀小说家》、《悬崖之上》和《中国医生》。 3.CHINA URGES IMPLEMENTATION OF PARIS AGREEMENT 应对气候变化**,**中国在行动! The 26th United Nations Conference of Parties on Climate Change opened on Sunday in Glasgow, Scotland. It is the first conference after the five-year review cycle under the Paris Agreement signed in 2015. Zhang Yue has more. 第26届联合国气候变化大会于周日(11月7日)在苏格兰格拉斯哥开幕。这是2015年签署的《巴黎协定》继五年审查周期之后召开的首次缔约方大会。 China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua stressed that all countries should seriously honor their commitments, by backing up words with deeds in a global push for climate crisis mitigation and response adaptation. Xie elaborated China’s significant contribution in the field of energy conservation, as well as renewable energy resources development, and noted that China’s contribution accounts for 30-50 percent of the global contribution in this regard. 中国气候变化事务特使解振华强调,各国应认真履行承诺,言行一致,共同推动全球减缓和应对气候危机。谢阐述了中国在节能和可再生能源开发领域的重要贡献,并指出中国在这方面的贡献占全球贡献的30-50%。 Xie Zhenhua Special Envoy for Climate Change Affairs 解振华 中国气候变化事务特使 Demonstrated by the Kuznets curve, each country will have more and more emissions in its process of development. But China has lowered its peak by a lot. We also reduced the time span. These are the efforts China has made in response to climate change. 库兹涅茨曲线表明,各国在发展阶段肯定会随着发展增加排放,但是中国的排放已经把这个峰值大大降低了。我们既要压低峰值,又要缩短这个时间。这就是中国为应对气候变化做出的努力。 Former U.S. President Barack Obama addressed the U.N climate change summit on Monday. The Glasgow summit is the former American president’s first since he helped deliver the 2015 Paris climate accord, when nations committed to cutting fossil fuel and agricultural emissions fast enough to keep the Earth’s warming below catastrophic levels. 美国前总统巴拉克·奥巴马周一(11月8日)在联合国气候变化峰会上发表讲话。这是他自2015 年协助促成《巴黎协议》以来,第一次参加联合国气候变化峰会,当时各国承诺以足够快的速度减少化石燃料和农业排放,以将地球变暖控制在灾难性水平以下。 Barack Obama Former U.S. President 奥巴马 美国前总统 Some of our progress stalled when my successor decided to unilaterally pull out of the Paris agreement in his first year in office. I wasn’t real happy about that. 我的继任者(特朗普)在他执政的第一年就单方面宣布退出《巴黎协定》,使得我们的一些进展陷入停滞,我对此很不满意。 Activists said on Monday that promises on financing needed to tackle the impact of climate change are not being kept, delivering their message at an event held on the sidelines of COP26 in Glasgow. 而在当天大会一个活动上,有气候活动人士提出,当初各方承诺用于应对气候变化的资金并没有到位。 Vanessa Nakate Climate Activist from Uganda 纳卡特 乌干达气候活动人士 These first 100 billion dollars of climate finance was promised to arrive by 2020. It is 2021 and we are still waiting. And now they’re telling us we must wait until 2023. 第一批1000亿美元资金应该在2020年前到位,现在他们又告诉我们要等到2023。 After numerous rounds of negotiation, some of the stickiest issues still remain unresolved and teams of cabinet ministers from different countries are being sent to move things along. 经过多轮谈判,一些最棘手的问题仍未解决,各国与会成员正在继续推进中。 #热词加油站 enzyme [ˈenzaɪm] n. [生化] 酶 laud[lɔːd] vt. <正式>赞美,称赞 vicious [ˈvɪʃəs] adj. 严厉的,恶毒的,恶意的 resolution [ˌrezəˈluːʃn] n. 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