cover of episode 11/08 TOP OF THE DAY 全球首发应接不暇,进博会上触摸美好生活

11/08 TOP OF THE DAY 全球首发应接不暇,进博会上触摸美好生活

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Shownotes Transcript

PLENTY OF PRODUCTS TO SEE AT CIIE 全球首发应接不暇,进博会上触摸美好生活 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- The CIIE has become one of the biggest marketing opportunities for exhibitors to promote their latest products and services in China. Zhang Yue has more. 每年的进博会,都是全球新产品和新服务的“竞技场”“发布秀”“展示台”。 Global logistics giant DHL is showcasing anelectric aircraft, which according to the company, requires a charging time of 30 minutes or less per flight hour. It also charges during loading and unloading. 今年的进博会上,全球物流巨头DHL带来一架全电动飞机,30分钟内可充满每飞行小时所需的电量,在装卸货物过程中也可以进行充电。 AlienGo is capable of carrying 7 kilograms worth of parcels【包裹】, and can run for twohours on one charge. The robot has been used in Singapore during the coronavirus pandemic to help reduce human interactions【互动,接触】, and will soon be promoted in Shanghai. AlienGo能载荷7公斤,充一次电能跑两小时。疫情期间,已在新加坡投入使用,以减少人际接触。在不久的将来,也有望出现在上海的街头。 This Himalayan salt lamp is also attracting curious folks. Sourced from Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan, the salt is edible【可食用的】. 这款喜马拉雅盐灯也在进博会上圈粉无数,它产自于巴基斯坦的克乌拉盐矿,被称为“可以吃的灯”。 CIIE Visitor 进博会参观者 It tastes pretty good. I’ve never heard of eating salt from a lamp before. 还挺好的,就感觉特别新奇,灯还可以凿出盐来。 A beer called Snake Venom comes from UK brewing company Brewmeister. It’s the world’s strongest beer with alcohol content coming in at a whopping【巨大的,很大的】 67.5%. 英国啤酒商Brewmeister带来一款“蛇毒啤酒”。它是世界上度数最高的啤酒,酒精含量高达67.5%。 This year’s trade fair features nearly 3,000 exhibitors from 127 countries and regions. 今年进博会,共吸引了来自127个国家和地区的近3000家参展商亮相企业展。 #热词加油站 parcel [ˈpɑːrsl]【包裹】 interaction [ˌɪntərˈækʃən]【互动,接触】 edible [ˈedəbl]【可食用的】 whopping [ˈwɑːpɪŋ]【巨大的,很大的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~