cover of episode 11/04 TOP OF THE DAY 工信部回应美方禁令/上海获“三大奖”一等奖/气候峰会中国发声

11/04 TOP OF THE DAY 工信部回应美方禁令/上海获“三大奖”一等奖/气候峰会中国发声

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NEWS ON 11/3 1. CHINA OPPOSES U.S. FCC BAN ON CHINA TELECOM 工信部:敦促美方撤回吊销中国电信****国际电信服务牌照的决定 2. SHANGHAI SCIENTISTS HONORED FOR NEW MATERIALS, DROUGHT-RESISTANT RICE 新材料,抗旱稻,上海在“三大奖”实现“金花齐放”! 3. CHINA TO “HONOR ITS WORD” ON CLIMATE 信守诺言!中国将持续在气候方面为世界做出贡献 -----------------*记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINA OPPOSES U.S. FCC BAN ON CHINA TELECOM 工信部:敦促美方撤回吊销中国电信国际电信服务牌照的决定 The Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology today voiced China’s strong opposition to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission ban on a China Telecom U.S. subsidiary. The statement came after the FCC voted to revoke China Telecom Americas’ license to provide telecommunications services in the United States last week. The commission cited national security as concerns as the reason for the ban. The ministry said China Telecom Americas has been operating in the U.S. for nearly 20 years, abiding by U.S. laws, regulations and regulatory requirements. The ministry urged the U.S. to stop using the "national security" concept to crack down on Chinese companies without factual*justification【正当理由】, adding that China will continue to take all necessary measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies. 针对美方以国家安全为由,撤销中国电信国际电信服务牌照事项,工信部今天发表声明,表示坚决反对。声明指出,中国电信美洲子公司已在美运营近20年,一直谨遵美国法律法规及监管要求。此次美方在未列出我企业具体违法事实的情况下,仅凭主观揣测和怀疑就吊销其在美国国际电信服务牌照,不符合美国市场化国家的形象,也损害了包括美国用户在内的全球消费者的正当权益。中方敦促美方撤回这一决定,以公正、无歧视的态度对待中国电信企业,停止将国家安全概念泛化、将经济问题政治化的错误做法,同时,中方也将继续采取必要措施,保护中国企业在海外的合法权益。 2. SHANGHAI SCIENTISTS HONORED FOR NEW MATERIALS, DROUGHT-RESISTANT RICE 新材料,抗旱稻,上海在“三大奖”实现“金花齐放”! Among the three award categories, 4 science projects in Shanghai took home first prizes, including one involving new porous【多孔的】 materials and another a rice strain that requires only half the water. 在2020年度国家科学技术奖中,上海在国家自然科学奖、技术发明奖和科技进步奖"三大奖"上,牵头获得 4个一等奖,在包括新型多孔材料以及需水量减半的抗旱稻种植等项目上取得重大成果。 In the Natural Science Award category, a Fudan University chemistry professor took home a first prize for creating a new method for synthesizing ordered mesoporous carbon materials. Conventional【常规的】 syntheses can only produce randomly porous materials with little control over the distribution and size of the pores. The new material has pores sized between 2 and 50 nanometers, and has a wide range of applications as catalysts or as advanced electronic materials. 复旦大学赵东元院士主持完成的《有序介孔高分子和碳材料的创制和应用》摘得国家自然科学一等奖。他们解决了传统上只能合成随机大小的多孔材料的问题,成功将多孔材料的孔径固定在2-50纳米之间,使得这样的多孔材料在未来有成为催化剂或者是尖端电子材料的潜力。 Zhao Dongyuan Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor, Department of Chemistry – Fudan University 赵东元 中国科学院院士 复旦大学化学系教授 This project allows us to make all kinds of materials like plastic and rubber porous. These materials can henceforth become permeable. 从这个项目出发,我把高分子塑料,包括橡胶,我都可以用这个方法来打成孔,这样的话,原来我们塑料都是不透气,以后我都可以做成透气的塑料。 Shanghai’s agricultural scientist Luo Lijun took home a first prize for developing drought-resistant rice that can grow as a dry crop. Regular rice paddies often generate a significant amount of methane gas, which contributes to climate change. The dry rice strain reduces that considerably. 上海农科专家罗利军团队主持的《水稻遗传资源的创制保护和研究利用项目》获得国家科学技术奖一等奖。他们在抗旱稻种植的发展方面发挥了重要作用,抗旱稻的推广解决了传统水稻在生长过程中经常产生大量的甲烷气体的问题,为减缓全球气候变暖做出了贡献。 Luo Lijun chief scientist, SAGC 罗利军 上海市农业生物基因中心 首席科学家 The drought-resistant rice strain reduces water use by more than 50 percent and methane emission by 90 percent. 我们种节水抗旱稻,可以节水50%以上,这是第一个好处,甲烷排放量减少90%。 United Imaging’s 3-tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging device took home first prize in the Technological Invention category. These machines have doubled the signal strength of regular scanners and provide extremely clear images. The invention allowed China to break the monopoly of overseas manufacturers. 而今年的国家科技进步奖一等奖则是颁发给了上海联影医疗科技股份有限公司,他们通过多年的多学科团队联合攻关,研制出了首台国产3.0T磁共振整机产品,较其他同类产品而言,该设备提高了一倍的信号强度,能够提供更加清晰的图像。该产品的发明,有力地改变了我国高端影像核心技术缺乏的被动局面,重构了高端医疗设备国际产业格局。 Liu Xin, Deputy director, Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 刘新 中科院深圳先进技术研究院医工所副所长 Our resolution is 10 times higher than before, and the overall scan time is 5 times faster. 从传统技术到最新技术,意味着我们的空间分辨率要提高10倍,采集速度要提高5倍。 Among this year’s honorees, 48 projects were led or jointly developed by Shanghai scientists, that is representing 17.5 percent of the total. They have worked with scientists from 26 other cities. Half of them are in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui. Shanghai’s science commission says this shows the city’s capacity to collaborate with institutions from the Yangtze Delta Region. 今年的国家科学技术奖中,上海的科学家们牵头或合作完成共48项,获奖数量占到全国的17.5%,其中他们与来自其它26个城市的科学家进行了合作,半数来自于江苏,浙江和安徽地区,充分展示上海与长三角地区合作科技创新策源的硬实力。 3. CHINA TO “HONOR ITS WORD” ON CLIMATE 信守诺言!中国将持续在气候方面为世界做出贡献 Now at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, or COP 26, in Glasgow, China’s special climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said that China will "honor its word", and reach its carbon emissions peak before 2030 as he spoke to media yesterday. Zhang Hong has more. 第26届联合国气候变化大会在英国格拉斯哥举行。中国气候变化事务特使 解振华昨天接受中外媒体采访,他表示,中方将会履行自己的诺言,即在2030年前到达碳排放的峰值时间。 Xie said China is already taking concrete action to achieve its ultimate aim to reach net zero emissions before 2060. 解振华说到,中国已经开始采取具体措施来达到在2060年前完全实现碳中和的最终目标。 Xie Zhenhua China’s special climate envoy 解振华 中国气候变化事务特使 We have made our promises and we will honor our promises with action. This is how we show our determination instead of making promises without taking action or making policies. 说了,我们就得做到,这才是真正的体现力度,而不是光有目标、没有行动、没有政策,那算什么力度。 Xie also called on developed nations to make good on the promise of 100 billion dollars in annual climate financing for the developing world, a goal that was missed last year. 解振华还向发达国家“喊话”,称其未能履行其每年提供至少一千亿美元资助发展中国家的承诺。 Leaders at the UN Climate Summit have pledged【保证】 to stop deforestation by the end of the decade and slash methane emissions, a very potent greenhouse gas. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said yesterday it was important to guard against false hope, adding that he was cautiously optimistic but there was a very long way to go in the two-week summit. 各国领导人在联合国气候峰会上承诺将在2030年底之前停止对森林的滥砍滥伐,并且大幅度消减甲烷气体的排放。英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊在昨日说到,我们很有必要去与不切实际的希望作斗争。同时,他还表示自己抱持着审慎乐观的态度,但在为期两周的峰会上,各国领导人还有很长的路要走。 Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 约翰逊 英国首相 There are still two weeks of detailed negotiation to come. We must take care to guard against false hope and not to think in any way that the job is done, because is it not. There is still a very long way to go. 接下来还要进行两周的具体谈判,要谨防抱有不切实际的希望,别以为任务已经完成,因为并没有,还有很长一段路要走。 Leaders of developing nations called on their richer counterparts【相对应的人】 attending the summit yesterday, to halt rising global temperatures and release billions in climate financing. 昨日,发展中国家领导人向参会的发达国家呼吁称,他们需要做出努力去遏止不断上升的全球气温,并提供百亿美元的气候资助。 #热词加油站 Porous [ˈpɔrəs]【多孔的】 Conventional [kənˈvenʃ(ə)nəl]【常规的】 Justification [ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]【正当理由】 pledged [pledʒ]【保证】 counterparts [ˈkaʊntərˌpɑrt]【相对应的人】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~