cover of episode 11/03 TOP OF THE DAY 进博展品就位/上海迪士尼恢复运营/法澳潜艇风波

11/03 TOP OF THE DAY 进博展品就位/上海迪士尼恢复运营/法澳潜艇风波

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NEWS ON 11/03 1.EXHIBIT BROUGHT BY CHINA-EURO FREIGHT TRAIN READY TO BE SHOWNCASED AT CIIE 满载进博好物!中欧班列“上海号”到家啦 2.SHANGHAI DISNEY TO RESUME OPERATIONS TOMORROW 上海迪士尼恢复运营 再续魔法奇缘 3.AUSTRALIAN PM REJECTS SLEDGING FROM FRANCE OVER SCRAPPED SUBMARINE DEAL 法澳潜艇风波:高层互呛,到底谁在说谎? -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.EXHIBIT BROUGHT BY CHINA-EURO FREIGHT TRAIN READY TO BE SHOWNCASED AT CIIE 满载进博好物!中欧班列**“上海号”**到家啦 Basin cleaning equipment from Germany has been installed in the CIIE exhibition hall. It is one of the exhibits recently brought to Shanghai by the China-Euro Freight Train.  The product allows a thorough cleaning of deposits in basins and reservoirs. It was developed by HST, a German company specializing in clean energy. The unit was installed and tested at the exhibition hall by Chinese engineers with the help of some German engineers **via【通过】 **video call. Operators of the China-Euro freight train that runs between Shanghai and Hamburg say the overland mode of transport is 17 days faster than sea freight, and 80% cheaper than air freight. 来自德国的基础清洁设备已在进博会场馆完成布展。该仪器是近日搭载“中欧班列”从德国运抵的展品之一。该设备由德国环保企业HST研制,可对水池、水库沉积物进行全面彻底的清洁。通过德方的线上视频指导,中方工程师已在场馆内安装并测试了此项展品。列车运营方表示,往返上海和德国汉堡之间的“中欧班列”在时间上比海运快了17天,在费用上比空运节省近80%。 2.SHANGHAI DISNEY TO RESUME OPERATIONS TOMORROW 上海迪士尼恢复运营 再续魔法奇缘 Shanghai Disneyland and Disneytown, which were closed for two days due to a COVID-19 investigation, will resume 【重新开始】 operations tomorrow. The theme park will operate from 10am to 7pm, and Disneytown from 10am to 9pm. Shanghai Disney Resort cast members and third-party employees have completed two nucleic acid tests within 48 hours. All of them have tested negative. The environment samples also returned negative. Visitors with tickets for the last two days can contact the vendor and get a refund or exchange their tickets for a new date.  因疫情排查在过去两天内暂停开放的上海迪士尼乐园和迪士尼小镇将于明天(11月3日)恢复运营。上海迪士尼乐园的运营时间为上午10点到晚上7点,迪士尼小镇的运营时间为上午10点到晚上9点。上海迪士尼乐园和迪士尼小镇所有的演职人员和第三方工作人员都已经在48小时内完成了两次核酸检测,结果均为阴性。所有采集的环境样本均为阴性。购买了过去两天门票的游客可按渠道办理退票或改期前往。 3. SLEDGING FROM FRANCE OVER SCRAPPED SUBMARINE DEAL 法澳潜艇风波:高层互呛,到底谁在说谎? Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison shot back at French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday after Macron accused Morrison of lying to him over an abandoned submarine contract in September. Lei Shuran has more. 法国总统马克龙指责澳大利亚总理莫里森就九月弃购法国潜艇的事宜“故意欺骗”,澳总理昨日予以回击。 Morrison said his nation will not accept sledging and **slurs【诽谤】**and denied he had lied to the French president. He said he had explained to Macron that conventional submarines would not meet Australia’s strategic interests when the two leaders met in Paris in June. 莫里森表示,澳大利亚不接受污蔑和诽谤。他澄清说,自己没有撒谎,在今年6月的巴黎会面中就已经向马克龙清楚地解释过,法方的常规潜艇已无法满足澳大利亚的战略需要。 Scott Morrison Australian Prime Minister 莫里森 澳大利亚总理 I’ve got broad shoulders, I can deal with that. But those slurs, I’m not going to **cop【忍受】**sledging at Australia, I’m not going to cop that on behalf of Australians. 我承受能力强,能经受得住那些指控。但我不容许马克龙污蔑澳大利亚,我也不能代表澳大利亚人忍受污蔑。 During a meeting ahead of the G20 summit last Friday, US President Joe Biden admitted that the U.S. was clumsy in its handling of the contract signed between the UK, the US and Australia that lost France billions. Relations between France and Australia blew up in September after Australia canceled a 90-billion Australian dollar deal with France to build 12 submarines and instead negotiated a defense pact with the US and the UK.  早在上周五G20峰会召开之前的一次会议上,美总统拜登便承认美方在英美澳三国的潜艇合作中做法欠妥,三方协议(间接)致使法国损失百亿。自九月澳大利亚取消与法国签署的价值900亿澳元的12架核潜艇合同,转而寻求与英、美的国防合作之后,澳、法两国关系便已僵化。 #热词加油站 via [ˈvaɪə] prep.通过 resume [rɪˈzuːm] v.重新开始 slurs [slɜːr] v.诽谤 cop [kɑp] v.忍受;遭受 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~