NEWS ON 10/27 1.SHANGHAI ECONOMY REBOUNDS IN Q3 上海经济第三季度实现反弹 2.TRANSIT SYSTEM MAKES FINAL PREPARATIONS FOR CIIE 进博会交通保障就绪 3.RUSSIAN STRATEGIC NUCLEAR FORCES TEST FIRE MISSILES 俄罗斯战略核武部队演练 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.SHANGHAI ECONOMY REBOUNDS IN Q3 上海经济第三季度实现反弹 The Shanghai Development and Reform Commission said that the city’s main economic index【指标】 registered double-digit growth in the third quarter of this year, compared to the second three-month period. Strong gains were registered in industrial added value, as well as imports and exports. Song Wenjing has more. 上海市发改委表示,今年第三季度,上海主要经济指标实现两位数增长,较第二季度有所改善。产业附加值和进出口方面实现强劲增长。记者宋文静为您带来更多报道。 The gross domestic product of Shanghai dropped 1.4% in the first nine months compared to the same period in 2021, after a 5.7% decline in the first two quarters year on year. Shanghai’s foreign trade volume had double-digit growth each month in the third quarter of this year. Actual use of foreign investment rose 8.4 percent year-on-year to over 16 billion US dollars in the first ninth months of 2022. The city’s fixed-asset investment rose 9.2 percent year-on-year in the first three quarters. 上海前三季度GDP同比下降1.4%,前两季度同比下降5.7%。今年第三季度,上海外贸额每月均实现两位数增长。2022年1至9月,上海实际使用外资超过160亿美元,同比增长8.4%,前三季度固定资产总额同比增长9.2%。 Ruan Qing, Deputy Director, Shanghai Development & Reform Commission 阮青 上海市发改委副主任 The city’s economy has demonstrated a trend with a stable start, a sharp decline, a rapid rebound【反弹】 and a sustained recovery. In the third quarter, policies to stabilize the economy started to take effect. Main economic indicators performed better than expected. The market has gained confidence, showing strong economic resilience. 经过不懈努力,全市经济运行呈现平稳开局,深度回落,快速反弹,持续恢复的V型反转走势。特别是三季度以来,稳经济一揽子政策效应持续显现,主要指标表现好于预期,市场预期和信心逐步改善,展现出较强的发展韧性。 The commission said the government’s policies to stabilize【稳定】 the economy have contributed to the rebound. Shanghai has introduced policies by the end of March, May and September to reduce the burden of market entities by more than 240 billion yuan, and is expected to reduce over 300 billion yuan by the end of the year. 发改委表示,上海之所以能在第三季度实现经济反弹,得益于政府稳经济政策效应持续显现。上海在3月底、5月底、9月底先后制定出台三轮政策,为各类市场主体减负超过2400亿元,预计全年为企业减负超过3000亿元。 2.TRANSIT SYSTEM MAKES FINAL PREPARATIONS FOR CIIE 进博会交通保障就绪 The city’s transportation authorities say they are making final preparations for the China International Import Expo, making sure traffic services will run smoothly during the event. This year’s focus will be balancing the flow of traffic on the east and west sides of the venue【场所】 in order to avoid congestion. Zhang Yue has more. 上海交通部门表示正在为进博会开幕做最后准备,保障会议交通顺利运行。今年的重点放在均衡场馆东西侧客流,避免堵塞。记者张乐为您带来更多报道。 During the CIIE from November 5th to 11th, an extension to bus No. 121 will bring CIIE exhibitors, and visitors to the intersection of Huaxiang road and Suhong road. The stop is near the P8 parking lot on the east side of the venue, just 100 meters from the entrance gates. 11月5日至11日的会议期间,121路公交将延伸至华翔路苏虹路站,该站点位于国展中心东侧的P8停车场,距国展中心只有100米。 Li Changhai, Driver, Shanghai Bashi Group 3rdDivision **李昌海 **上海巴士三公司九车队见习队长 Taking the bus is even faster than the shuttle service. It only takes five minutes for people to walk across the bridge after stepping off. 坐公交比短驳车还要方便。下车,上天桥 5分钟就直接到达(进博会)场馆。 Parts of the the 121 extension will remain in service even after the CIIE closes, in addition to the 121, bus No. 71 will also be serving the CIIE. The 7-kilometer route passes through several subway stations along lines 2 and 13 in Changning, Putuo, Jiading, Minhang, and Qingpu. At the venue, a fast track has been set up at Exit 4 of East Xujing Station for participants whose identity has already been verified, making the subway an ideal option. 进博会闭幕后,121路延伸段仍将保持运行。71路也将为进博会服务,该路线全长7公里,串起长宁、普陀、嘉定、闵行、青浦,接驳地铁2号线和13号线。徐泾东站4号出入口开辟了快速通道,已核验过身份信息的参会人员可快速通行,是参会人员的理想交通选择。 Hu Hongjie, Station Head, Metro Line Two *胡鸿杰 上海地铁2号线值班站长* We have set up two devices for ID recognition at exit four, so that people don’t need to scan the venue code, have their temperature checked, and pass through another security checkpoint when they are inside the station. It will be much faster, and help with congestion【堵塞】. 在4号口我们设置了两台识别身份的机器。过了机器之后,进站乘地铁可以实行"三免",也就是免扫场所码、免安检、免测温,加快进站速度,快速疏散乘客。 During the CIIE, passengers entering East Xujing Station from the other entrances are required to scan the venue and health code before entering. Subway management says more personnel will be dispatched during the CIIE, making sure Lines 2, 10, and 17 run smoothly. Those leaving the venue can also take a shuttle service, and transfer to subway Lines 9, 12, and 13. 进博会期间,徐泾东其他出入口需要乘客扫码才能进站。地铁站管理人员表示,已安排更多人员,确保地铁2号线、10号线和17号线运行通畅。离开站口的乘客也可乘坐接驳车,转乘9号线、12号线和13号线。 Sun Yuan, Traffic Support Team, 5thCIIE 孙媛 第五届进博会交通保障组现场指挥部运输保障组轨交组成员 Passengers with a yellow or red health code, or who are found to be running a temperature, will be taken to a designated area for observation where medical workers from the CDC will take over. We will also be operating a shuttle service. We’ll have 2 routes available for people to transfer to other bus stops. (如果)车站发现红黄码人员,或者是高温人员,我们是立即移送到他们所设置的地面隔离点,然后由疾控中心进行接下来的转运任务。运营安全方面,我们也是和公交接驳这一块联系好,我们会开两条线路将乘客及时送达其他车站。 Transportation authorities say safety drills will be conducted during the next few days, to make sure that each traffic department will be able to easily coordinate with each other in case of an emergency. 交通部门表示,接下来几天将进行安全演练,确保突发情况下各交通部门可协调顺畅。 3.RUSSIAN STRATEGIC NUCLEAR FORCES TEST FIRE MISSILES 俄罗斯战略核武部队演练 Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday supervised a military exercise of the country’s strategic deterrence force via video link from the Kremlin. Lei Shuran has the story. 昨天(10/26),俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京在克里姆林宫视频指挥了俄军战略威慑部队的演习。记者雷舒然为您带来更多报道。 The Kremlin said in a statement that a Yars intercontinental ballistic missile was fired from Northwestern Russia’s Plesetsk state test cosmodrome, as well as a Sineva ballistic missile from a submarine in the Barents Sea. Both of the missiles were aimed at targets in the Kura missile test range on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Tu-95MS strategic bombers also fired cruise【巡航】 missiles during the exercise. According to the Kremlin, all the missiles hit their targets. 俄方在一份声明中表示,亚尔斯陆基洲际弹道导弹从俄罗斯西北部的普列谢茨克国家测试航天发射场发射,同时,西涅瓦弹道导弹从巴伦支海的一艘潜艇上发射。两枚导弹都瞄准了勘察加半岛库拉演习场的目标。图-95战略轰炸机也在演习中发射了巡航导弹。据俄方消息,所有导弹均命中目标。 Sergei Shoigu, Russian Defense Minister **绍伊古 **俄罗斯国防部长 The tasks of working out a mass nuclear strike by our strategic nuclear forces in retaliation to an enemy attack, is being held. 训练期间,俄战略核力量实施大规模核打击任务,以应对敌方(潜在)的核攻击。 On the same day, the US military conducted a successful test launch of a rocket with experiments to help develop hypersonic weapons at the Wallops Flight Test Facility in Virginia.The data collected from these tests will help in the development of the Navy’s Conventional Prompt Strike hypersonic system, and the Army’s Long Range Hypersonic Weapon. 同天(10/26),美军成功试射一枚火箭,此次试射有助于美方发展弗吉尼亚州瓦勒普斯飞行设施的高超音速武器。试验中收集的数据将推动海军发展常规迅速打击进攻性高超音速导弹和陆军的远程高超音速武器。 Johnny Wolfe, U.S. Navy Vice Admiral **沃尔夫 **美国海军中将 So this hypersonic weapon gives us the capability to get deep inland, putting it on a ship, and putting it on a submarine, it allows us to pretty much go anywhere in the ocean. So, it gives us a competitive advantage 这种高超音速武器能深入内陆,做我们需要的事情。把它放在船上、潜艇上,可以去海上任何地方。所以,它增加了我们的竞争优势。 NATO is holding long-planned annual nuclear exercises code-named Steadfast Noon in northwestern Europe. Fourteen NATO member countries are taking part in the exercises, which involve around 60 aircraft including fighter jets, surveillance and refueling planes. 与此同时,北约正在举行计划已久的“坚定正午”核威慑演习。北约14个成员国都参与其中,涉及约战斗机、侦察机和加油机等60架飞机。 #热词加油站 index / ˈɪndeks /【指标】 rebound / rɪˈbaʊnd /【反弹】 stabilize / ˈsteɪbəlaɪz /【稳定】 venue / ˈvenjuː /【场所】 congestion / kənˈdʒestʃən /【堵塞】 cruise / kruːz /【巡航】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~