cover of episode 10/27 TOP NEWS丨进博会文物查验/首架C919飞机12月交付东航/苏纳克首次演讲

10/27 TOP NEWS丨进博会文物查验/首架C919飞机12月交付东航/苏纳克首次演讲

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NEWS ON 10/261.CUSTOMS CLEARS ARTWORK DESTINED FOR CIlE第五届进博会文物类展品完成进境查验2.CHINA EASTERN TO FLY FIRST C919 IN MID-DECEMBER首架C919飞机将于12月交付东航3.SUNAK VOWS TO FIX TRUSS'S MISTAKES IN FIRST SPEECH AS PM英国:苏纳克就任首相并组阁 誓要纠正前任政府错误**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CUSTOMS CLEARS ARTWORK DESTINED FOR CIlE第五届进博会文物类展品完成进境查验A shipment of cultural relics cleared customs today, the last stop on their journey to the National Exhibition and Convention Center for the CIIE. This is the second year the CIIE will feature a section for art. Zhang Yue finds out more.今天(10/26),一批文物顺利通关,这是它们通往国家会展中心的最后一站。这些作品将在中国国际进口博览会上参展,今年是进博会第二年设立艺术展区。记者张乐带来更多报道。Employees at the Waigaoqiao Bonded Area of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone were carefully checking and examining 43 pieces that will be on display at this year's CIIE. They have a combined value of 316 million yuan and include rare pieces by Xu Beihong, Zhang Daqian, Qi Baishi, and French painter Pierre Bonnard. During the CIIE, the import duty and value-added tax is waived【免除】, and the sales tax is just 14.13% on up to five items for overseas exhibitors selling artworks, collectibles and antiquities. 在位于外高桥的上海国际艺术品保税服务中心,工作人员正在对这些文物进行仔细查验。今年参展的文物类展品共43件,货值约3.16亿元,其中不乏徐悲鸿、张大千、齐白石、爱德华·蒙克等中外艺术大师的精品。进博会期间,每个境外展商在会展期内销售5件以内艺术品、收藏品、古物类进口商品,可以免征14.13%的进口关税以及进口环节增值税。Li Jing, SH Admin. of Cultural Heritage****李晶 上海市文物局文物处处长We will work with different departments to make sure these exhibits are properly transported and displayed at the CIIE venue. We will also making sure the tax-free policy is implemented. 我们也会同有关单位和部门,共同做好运输、布展等保障工作,我们还会确保“五件免税”政策得到落实。A total of 102 pieces of art worth a combined 1.26 billion yuan have been declared at Shanghai Customs for this year's CIIE. They include works by Marc Chagall, Yayoi Kusama and Yoshitomo Nara at the expo. Last month, the Pudong government issued a regulation covering the sale of private cultural relics. It includes more preferential【优惠的】** policies for those who intend to make a purchase at the CIIE.今年进博会申报展品数量为102件,总货值约12.6亿元。夏加尔、草间弥生、奈良美智等现当代艺术家作品,也将亮相本届进博会。上个月,浦东新区政府发布了《上海市浦东新区文物艺术品交易若干规定》,为进博会展期内达成购买意向的人们提供了优惠政策。Yang Yuancao, Chairman for Christie's China****杨媛草 佳士得中国区主席The Shanghai government, the Shanghai Administration of Cultural Heritage and other government bodies have been introducing preferential policies, which has boosted our confidence in returning to the CIIE. 不管是文物局、上海政府或者是各个层面对政策落实和服务的推进,都增加了我们进一步、再一次参加进博会的信心。Purchase intent agreements were registered for 41 artworks at last year's CIIE. They had a combined value of more than 760 million yuan.去年第四届进博会设立文物艺术品板块,41件作品完成交易,总成交额7.6亿元。 2.CHINA EASTERN TO FLY FIRST C919 IN MID-DECEMBER****首架C919飞机将于12月交付东航China Eastern Airlines said yesterday that it will receive its first C-919, a domestically developed narrow-body jet-liner, in mid-December and become the first carrier in the world to operate the air-craft. China Eastern purchased five C-919s. It's the first trunk jet-liner developed by a Chinese company in accordance with international airworthiness standards. Development of the C919 began in 2008. Production of the first prototype**【原型】 b*egan in December 2011 and was completed in 2015. The plane averages 160 seats and has a range of up to 5,500 kilo-meters. Its *maiden【首次的】 *test flight was completed in 2017 and it obtained air certification last month.昨天(10/25),东航方面消息,首架国内研发的大型窄体喷气式客机C919飞机将于今年12月交付东航。东航也将成为世界上第一家运营这种飞机的航空公司。东航与中国商飞正式签署首批5架C919购机合同,C919飞机是符合适航标准的第一架干线喷气客机。C919于2008年启动研制,2011年12月开始第一架原型机的生产,2015年完成总装下线。该飞机平均有160个座位,航程可达5500公里。2017年成功实现了首飞,今年9月获得了型号合格证。3.SUNAK VOWS TO FIX TRUSS'S MISTAKES IN FIRST SPEECH AS PM英国:苏纳克就任首相并组阁 誓要纠正前任政府错误**Rishi Sunak yesterday delivered【发表】 his first speech as the United Kingdom's new prime minister outside Downing Street. He said he would restore trust, rebuild confidence and lead the country through a profound economic crisis. Lei Shuran has more.里希·苏纳克昨天(10/25)正式就任英国首相,并在唐宁街发表了上任后的首次讲话。苏纳克承诺将带领英国恢复信誉、重建信心,度过经济危机。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。Sunak's leadership was confirmed when he met King Charles III at Buckingham Palace and was invited to form a government by the new monarch. Speaking outside his official Downing Street residence, Sunak praised the ambition of his predecessor Liz Truss to reignite【再点燃】 economic growth, but acknowledged mistakes had been made.当苏纳克在白金汉宫会见国王查尔斯三世并被新君主邀请组建政府时,他的领导地位得到确认。苏纳克在唐宁街官邸外发表讲话时,表达了对前任首相特拉斯重启经济增长的雄心的敬佩,但也表示,特拉斯“犯了一些错误”。Rishi Sunak, UK Prime Minister苏纳克 英国首相*And I have been elected as leader of my party and your prime minister, in part to fix them. And that work begins immediately. 我作为保守党党首和英国首相,有责任纠正这些(前任政府的)错误,这些工作会立即展开。Sunak removed about a dozen members of Truss' government, but kept several senior figures in place including Foreign Secretary James Cleverly and Defense Secretary Ben Wallace. He also restored Dominic Raab to the post of deputy prime minister. A Downing Street spokesperson said Sunak spoke with US President Joe Biden last night and they are set to meet in person at the upcoming G20 Summit in Indonesia. Sunak was tasked with taming【控制】** an economic crisis that has left the country's finances in a precarious【不稳固的】 state and millions struggling to pay their food and energy bills. 苏纳克免去了特拉斯政府中约十几名成员的职务,但保留了包括外交部长詹姆斯·克莱弗利和国防部长本·华莱士在内的几名高级部长。他还恢复了多米尼克·拉布的副首相职位。唐宁街的一位发言人说,昨晚(10/25),苏纳克与美国总统拜登进行了通话,相约在11月举行的印尼G20峰会上会面。不过,苏纳克当下最急需解决的,还是英国的经济困境。这场危机已经让英国的财政处于不稳定的状态,数百万英国人难以支付食品和能源账单。Jill Rutter, Senior Researcher, Institute for Government****鲁特 英国政府研究院高级研究员Produce a credible fiscal plan next week. Underpin it with tax rises he can get the party to agree to put through parliament and spending plans that can actually be delivered on the ground. 苏纳克需要在下周提交一份可行的财政计划,并确保这份计划能在保守党内部以及议会获得通过并付诸实施。Britain's inflation rate rose to a 40-year high of 10.1 percent in September. Soaring prices for food were the biggest driver behind the latest cost of living increase, with an annual rise of almost 15 percent, the fastest jump since 1980.英国9月份的通货膨胀率上升到40年来的最高点,达到10.1%。食品价格飙升是生活成本增长的最大推动力,年增长率几乎达到15%,是1980年以来的最大涨幅。#热词加油站waive  [weɪv]   【免除】preferential  [ˌprefəˈrenʃ(ə)l]   【优惠的】prototype  [ˈprəʊtətaɪp]   【原型】maiden  [ˈmeɪdn]   【首次的】deliver  [dɪˈlɪvə(r)]   【发表】reignite  [ˌriːɪɡˈnaɪt]   【再点燃】tame  [teɪm]   【控制】precarious  [prɪˈkeəriəs]   【不稳固的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~