NEWS ON 10/201. URBAN JOBLESS RATE AT LOWEST SINCE 20194.9%! 城镇调查失业率降至2019年以来新低2. CIIE ATTRACTS MORE OVERSEAS COMPANIES开幕在即!第四届CIIE为全球企业打开市场大门3. DPRK TEST-FIRES BALLISTIC MISSLE FROM SUBMARINE朝鲜成功试射新型潜艇弹道导弹**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. URBAN JOBLESS RATE AT LOWEST SINCE 20194.9%! 城镇调查失业率降至2019年以来新低*The National Development and Reform Commission said today that the urban unemployment rate in September was 4.9 percent, its lowest since 2019, due to a stable economic recovery. Yuan Chenyue has more.国家发改委今日(10/20)表示,随着经济持续稳定恢复,9月我国城镇调查失业率已经降至4.9%,是自2019年以来的新低。The commission said since the start of the year, the job market developed steadily. Authorities set this year’s target to create urban jobs for over 11 million people, 95% of which was achieved in the first three quarters. Officials also said in recent years that the urban jobless rate tended to be higher for those aged 16 to 24. More than 9 million students graduated from college this year, and some small and medium-sized companies recruited【招聘】 less due to summer flooding and the pandemic.国家发改委介绍,自今年以来,就业市场总体呈现出稳中向好的发展态势。2021年度,城镇新增就业目标为新增岗位1100万以上,前三个季度累计已完成全年目标的95%。而在青年就业方面,国家发展和改革委员会就业司司长哈增友表示,近年来,以高校毕业生为主的16-24岁城镇青年调查失业率一直偏高。以今年为例,高校毕业生已经达到了九百多万人,而受疫情和夏季洪涝灾害的影响,部分中小企业出现缩招简招的现象,招聘形势相对紧张。Ha Zengyou, DirectorDepartment of Employment, Income Distribution and Consumption哈增友 国家发展和改革委员会就业司司长The commission will develop more high-quality positions for youth. We will continue improving entrepreneurship innovation bases and events, develop financial support to encourage young people to open their own business, which will lead to the creation of more jobs.国家发改委将开发更多适合青年群体的高质量就业岗位,继续建好双创示范基地,办好双创活动周,用好创业担保贷款,鼓励青年创新创业,增强创业带动就业倍增效应。The official also said the job market’s structural imbalance remains a challenge. Next, authorities will continue to upgrade【改善】 economy to create more jobs.同时,哈增友提到,当今就业市场还存在着结构性失衡的问题,下一步,相关机构将继续推动经济发展,以创造更多就业岗位。2. CIIE ATTRACTS MORE OVERSEAS COMPANIES开幕在即!第四届CIIE为全球企业打开市场大门*Today marks the 15-day countdown to the China International Import Expo. And the fair has attracted companies from around the world as they set up an office here in Shanghai in an effort to expand their presence in China. Some companies said the benefits can be seen after participating in past expos. Zhang Yue has more.第四届中国进口博览会进入15天倒计时。这项国际盛事吸引了全球各地的公司纷纷在上海落地,以提高企业在中国市场的影响力,部分公司表示进博会的溢出效应已逐渐显现。Xu Wenyong’s global trade company has been at three straight events. Xu said the Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee that it introduced at previous fairs has been popular. Reputed to be one of the best-tasting coffees in the world, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is rare in the market due to strict growing conditions, industry regulations, and small annual harvests.徐文勇的国际贸易公司已经参加了三届进博会。徐表示,之前自己带去参展的牙买加蓝山咖啡正在国内市场逐渐走俏。牙买加蓝山咖啡是世界上口味最佳的咖啡之一,但是由于种植条件严苛,以及受到行业规范和产量的限制,正宗的牙买加蓝山咖啡在市场上极为少见。Xu Wenyong, General ManagerShanghai Wolunfen International Trade Co.,Ltd.徐文勇 上海沃伦芬国际贸易公司总经理Jamaica has great confidence in the Chinese market via the CIIE, and our company is happy to offer more coffee to China. Before the first CIIE three years ago, we imported 1,000 to 2,000 kilograms, but now it can reach 4,000 kilograms.通过进博会,牙买加对中国市场的信心,进一步增强了。更愿意把更多的出口的份额,分到我们中国市场。进博会以前可能一年的进口量,应该是1到2吨,现在可以到2到4吨的样子。Items made of alpaca fur from Peru also found its way to the Chinese market. At this shopping mall on Huaihai Road, stuffed toys and other products made of alpaca fur attracted many people. The company had a booth at the first CIIE and over the past few years it has set up stores in cities such as Beijing, Chengdu, and Shanghai.同样小众的秘鲁羊驼毛制品也通过进博会找到了打开中国市场的钥匙。位于上海淮海路的这家商场,上个月迎来了一个新品牌入驻,里面销售的,全是用羊驼毛手工制作的各类玩偶和摆件。创立该品牌的公司曾经参加过首届进博会,而在之后几年中,它先后成功在北京、成都、上海等地开出了自己的线下门店。Ma Yuxia, founder****Warmpaca马玉霞 秘鲁Warmpaca品牌创始人*This year we are going to display more accessories【配件】, and lantern carpet that is handmade by craftsmen in Peru. Our products are becoming more mature with better quality through CIIE participation. We are also gradually building our customer base. 今年我们带来了更多的,羊驼毛的配饰产品。另外我们还带来了,秘鲁当地工人精心手工拼接的皮毯。我们的产品也更成熟了,质量更好了,我们的客户基础也有了,所以肯定会借助进博会的东风,我们的事业会越来越好。The Shanghai government said the fair also helps attract more foreign funded projects to the city. 上海市政府表示,进博会的成功举办也为推动更多外资项目在上海的落地实施起到了关键性作用。Zhang Guohua, Deputy DirectorShanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce张国华 上海市商务委副主任We are confident in saying that the CIIE will improve Shanghai’s image, economy, and the quality of life.我们期待第四届进博会在不到20天里面即将举办,对于我们上海的经济升级,老百姓生活水平的提高,包括城市软实力的提高,都带来更大的溢出带动效应。The city’s foreign trade was valued last year at 1.2 trillion US dollars, 3.6% of the world’s total, according to the Shanghai Commission of Commerce. 根据上海市商务委的数据,去年,上海口岸进出口贸易额达1.2万亿美元,占到了全球的3.6%比例份额。3. DPRK TEST-FIRES BALLISTIC MISSLE FROM SUBMARINE*朝鲜成功试射新型潜艇弹道导弹**The Korean Central News Agency reported today that the DPRK successfully conducted the test-firing of a new type of submarine-launched ballistic【弹道的】missile yesterday. 据朝中社今天报道,朝鲜国防科学院昨天成功试射一枚新型潜射弹道导弹。The report said the missile contains advanced guidance technology, which would greatly contribute to the country’s defense and enhance the under-water operational capability of the navy. South Korea’s military also reported that Pyongyang fired a ballistic missile from the vicinity【周边地区】 of Sinpo into the sea east of the Peninsula. The US has condemned the missile launch, calling it a destabilizing act. In recent weeks, the DPRK has carried out several missile tests, including hypersonic and long-range weapons.报道称该枚导弹采用侧面机动及滑翔跳跃机动等许多升级的制导技术,将为提升国防技术和改进海军水下作战能力,作出重大贡献。另据韩媒报道,韩国联合参谋本部昨天称,韩国军队当天上午捕捉到朝鲜向半岛东部海域发射一枚弹道导弹。美国白宫发言人普萨基当天谴责朝鲜此次导弹试射,认为这凸显了开展外交与对话的迫切需要。上月,朝鲜国防科学院曾多次试射导弹,包括远程巡航导弹、铁路机动导弹和高超音速导弹。#热词加油站Recruit [rɪˈkrut]【招募】Upgrade [ˈʌpˌɡreɪd]【改善】Accessory [əkˈsɛsəri]【配件】Ballistic [bəˈlɪstɪk]【弹道(学)的】Vicinity [vɪˈsɪnəti]【周围地区】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~