cover of episode 10/19 TOP NEWS | 海关总署助力进博会展品入境/航班换季/俄乌进展

10/19 TOP NEWS | 海关总署助力进博会展品入境/航班换季/俄乌进展

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NEWS ON 10/18 1.CUSTOMS PROVIDES SUPPORT TO CIIE EXHIBITIONS 海关为进博会展品入境提供支持 2.AIRLINES TO INCREASE INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS 航空公司增加国际航班 3.RUSSIA EXCLUDES DEMILITARIZATION OPTION AT NUCLEAR PLANT 俄罗斯将保持核电站附近区域军事化状态 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CUSTOMS PROVIDES SUPPORT TO CIIE EXHIBITIONS 海关为进博会展品入境提供支持 The General Administration of Customs has been providing support to companies with exhibits that will be featured at next month’s China International Import Expo, especially large ones like vehicles. Zhang Yue brings us more. 第五届进博会将于下个月开幕,海关总署推出支持措施,助力公司产品,尤其是汽车等大型展品通关。记者张悦为您带来更多详细报道。 A 250-ton tractor arrived today at Waigaoqiao International Cruise Terminal. It will debut亮相】 at this year’s CIIE. A special service counter with an expedited clearance process has been set up for items being imported for the trade fair. Additional support has been provided to improve the customs procedures for automobile exhibits. 今天(10/18),总重达250吨的一辆运输车到达上海外高桥港区海通码头。它将亮相第五届进博会。海关为进博会展品设立特别服务柜台,提供快速清关程序,并提供额外支持,改进车辆展品的清关程序。 Zhang Lin, Director of No.1 Ehibits Supervision Dept., SH Customs 张琳 上海会展海关展览品监管一科科长 If automakers decide to hire-purchase the exhibits after the CIIE, customs officers will guide companies in advance and help them complete all procedures, such as getting a certification for exported products, and the disclosure of each model’s emissions standards. We will also use third party inspection institutes to determine whether exhibits meet China’s standards. Then we will issue the certificates and inspection sheet as soon as possible. 如果参展车辆在展会结束后申报留购,海关会提前介入,指导企业完成单车认证和环保信息公开等方面的前置准入要求。此外,海关会采信第三方检验机构的检验结果,快速完成合格评定后,优先出具货物进口证明书,进口机动车辆随车检验单等相关证明。 For some exhibits such as tractors, customs will waive免除】 the import tariff and consumption tax if a reasonable quantity is sold during the CIIE. 拖拉机等部分展品如果在进博会期间达到一定数额的销售量,海关将免除其进口关税和消费税。 2.AIRLINES TO INCREASE INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS 航空公司增加国际航班 China-based airlines will begin adding international flights to their schedules beginning on Thursday. 周四(10/20)起,中国航空公司将增加国际航班。 China Eastern Airlines will gradually double its international flights to 108 per week. The flights cover 42 routes. The airline said the additional flights will be phased in beginning on Thursday. Spring Airlines has announced it will increase its international flights to eight starting on Thursday. China-based airlines have been operating a daily average of 143 international and regional flights between October 1st and 17th, up nearly 17 percentage points from September. 东航每周国际航线将增加一倍至42条108班。东航表示,新增的国际航线将在本周四(10/20)开始运行。春秋航空也宣布,自周四(10/20)起,其国际航线将增加至8条。10月1号到17号,中国航空公司日均执行国际和地区航班143次,环比9月,日均执行航班量提升近17个百分点。 3.RUSSIA EXCLUDES DEMILITARIZATION OPTION AT NUCLEAR PLANT 俄罗斯将保持核电站附近区域军事化状态 A Russian diplomat said yesterday it’s impossible to demilitarize【撤军】 a nuclear power plant area while attending a United Nations General Assembly First Committee meeting. 昨天(10/17),俄罗斯一名外交人员在参加联合国大会第一委员会时表示,不会在核电站区域实施非军事化。 International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Rafael Grossi stated that he considers it possible to reach an agreement on a security zone around the Ukrainian nuclear power plant by the end of 2022, adding he wants to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin again. In other developments, the Russian Defense Ministry said its government and Ukraine have completed a prisoner swap【交换】. Among the prisoners were 108 Ukrainian women and 110 Russians, including 72 sailors from commercial vessels. 国际原子能机构总干事拉斐尔·格罗西表示,有望在2022年底前,就乌克兰核电站周围建立安全区达成协议,并补充说希望再次与俄总统普京会面。俄乌双方另有其他进展。俄国防部表示,已与乌完成战俘交换,其中有108名乌克兰妇女和110名俄罗斯公民,包括72名商船上的水手。 #热词加油站 debut / deɪˈbjuː /【亮相】 waive / weɪv /【免除】 demilitarize / diːˈmɪlɪtəraɪz /【撤军】 swap / swɑːp /【交换】 regarding / rɪˈɡɑːrdɪŋ /【关于】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~