NEWS ON 10/12 1. CHINA TO LIBERALIZE COAL-FIRED POWER PRICING TO STABILIZE SUPPLIES 重磅!国家发改委:有序放开全部燃煤发电电量上网电价 2. VIDEO OF DANCING SENIORS GOES VIRAL 又燃又治愈!魔都网红养老院上新啦~ 3. UK'S BIOBANK LOOKS TO SAFEGUARD BIODIVERSITY 21****世纪“诺亚方舟”?英国建立“物种银行”保护生物多样性 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINA TO LIBERALIZE COAL-FIRED POWER PRICING TO STABILIZE SUPPLIES 重磅!国家发改委:有序放开全部燃煤发电电量上网电价 China is to fully liberalize pricing for electricity generated by coal-fired power plants, the National Development and Reform Commission told a news briefing today. All industrial and commercial users will now have to buy directly from the market or via agents over the power grid, in contrast to just 44 percent who are required to do so now. The moves are to ensure sufficient power supplies amid recent large-scale shortages. 国家发展和改革委员会今天在新闻发布会上表示,中国将全面、有序放开全部燃煤发电电量上网电价。推动工商业用户都进入市场,直接从市场购电,或通过电网企业代理购买。目前,大约44%的工商业用电量已通过参与市场形成用电价格。此次改革举措的目的在于为了抑制不合理的电力消费、改善电力供求状况。 The state planner told a news briefing that 100 percent of electricity generated from coal-fired power plants will now be priced via market trading, up from just 70 percent nationwide now. And the float range of the market price for electricity will be expanded to 20 percent from the current ceiling of 10 and floor of 15 percent from the benchmark【基准】 price. Electricity prices for high energy-consuming industries will not be subject to any controls at all. 国家发改委表示,目前,我国燃煤发电已有近七成电量通过参与市场形成上网电价。接下来将有序推动所有燃煤发电电量进入电力市场。电力市场价格浮动范围由现行基准价格的10%上限和15%下限扩大到上下浮动均不超过20%。高耗能企业市场交易电价不受上浮20%限制。 Wan Jingsong, Director, Pricing Department National Development and Reform Commission 万劲松 国家发改委价格司司长 The market transaction price of energy-intensive enterprises is not subject to the 20 percent rise. That is to curb unreasonable power consumption while encouraging these enterprises to improve energy efficiency and promote upgrading of the industrial structure. 高耗能企业的市场交易价格不受20%的涨幅影响。既要抑制不合理的用电量,又要鼓励企业提高能源利用效率,促进产业结构升级。 Officials also said that the market-based reform of the industry would help to stabilize power supplies, giving power plants more incentives【动力】 to generate power. 政府相关人员还表示,以市场为基础的电力行业改革将有助于稳定电力供应,给发电厂更多的动力来发电。 2.VIDEO OF DANCING SENIORS GOES VIRAL 又燃又治愈!魔都网红养老院上新啦~ A music video titled "Dancers in Wheelchairs" went viral on the Internet. The video showed a group of seniors with an average age of 92 years old dancing as they celebrated the upcoming Chongyang Festival at Yangpu Social Welfare Institution. 一部《轮椅上的舞者》MV走红网络。上海杨浦区社会福利院,让平均年龄92岁的高龄老人们,也快乐地舞蹈了起来,迎接即将到来的重阳节。 The seniors were dressed fashionably, enjoyed the music and the fun of dancing in their wheelchair. 94-year-old Chen Lingying is the oldest in the video. 老人们个个打扮时髦,虽然坐着轮椅,却阻挡不了他们享受音乐和舞蹈的快乐。这支MV中最年长的老人,是今年已经94岁的陈玲影。 *Chen Lingying / Yangpu Social Welfare Institution *陈玲影 / 杨浦社会福利院 People have been giving me a lot of praise to encourage me. I guess I’ll just accept the praise. I’ve been living here for 13 years and I’m still flexible at the age of 94. 人家鼓励鼓励我呀,你们讲好,那我怎么办呢?只好接受吧!我在这里待了13年。你看我94岁,还是很灵活。 While it was the first video Chen recorded, 92-year-old Zhuang Shibiao has more experience. Last September, he became famous for imitating masterpieces with other senior residents. 相对于陈奶奶的首秀,92岁的庄世标爷爷可谓经验丰富。去年9月,庄爷爷就和福利院里的老人们一起模仿名画,并一举走红网络。 The event was organized by nursing staff. They’ve been making efforts to add more color to the lives of residents by organizing various activities and recording them. 这个作品背后,是福利院护理人员满满的爱。为了让老人们老有所乐,这群“护老天团”策划着老人们的活动,记录着老人们的生活。 So far Yangpu Social Welfare Institution has posted more than 360 videos on its Douyin account and received over 17,000 likes. 杨浦区社会福利院的抖音账号开通至今,已发布作品360余个,收获了1万7千多的点赞。 3. UK'S BIOBANK LOOKS TO SAFEGUARD BIODIVERSITY 21世纪“诺亚方舟”?英国建立“物种银行”保护生物多样性* A recent report from the United Nations showed one-eighth of the Earth’s flora and fauna are threatened with extinction. To tackle the situation, scientists in the UK have established a bio-bank network to help preserve biodiversity. 联合国最新的一份报告显示,随着气候变化以及人类的过度狩猎、过度捕捞,地球上约八分之一的动植物正面临灭绝威胁。为了延续生物多样性,英国科学家们经过数年努力,逐步建立起了保存动植物基因的"物种银行"。 At the National Museums Collection Center in Edinburgh, Scotland, workers were taking a biological sample from this deceased【死去的】 red squirrel. The samples are stored at minus 80 degrees Celsius to preserve them and ensure they are viable for use for decades to come. 位于爱丁堡的/苏格兰国家博物馆采集中心内,工作人员正在从一只死去的红松鼠身上采集生物样本。将样本分装在多个试管内,然后封存在零下80度左右的冰柜中。这样的条件下,样本活性能保持至少数十年。 Gill Murray Dickson Biobank Researcher*/National Museums Collections Center In conservation, sample collection is increasingly more difficult, and this is both because of restrictions in access to the animals, but also how rare the animals are themselves. 样本收集越来越困难。一方面是因为要接触这些动物有很多限制,另一方面是因为某些动物本身就非常稀少。 Conservationists across Scotland say they have already banked over 8,000 samples, covering more than 1,000 species. This includes the critically-endangered Sumatran rhino and the Scottish wildcat, of which there are less than 100 specimens left in the wild. 苏格兰的环保人士表示,他们已经储存了超过8000份样本,涵盖了1000多个物种。这其中包括濒临灭绝的苏门答腊犀牛和苏格兰野猫,它们在野外的个体数量,均不足一百。 As climate change is causing widespread extinction in plants, the Kew Millennium Seed Bank in the UK has established the world’s largest plant conservation program, where seeds from over 20 percent of the Earth’s plants are stored. As part of the world’s environmental protection efforts, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties will commence in Glasgow, Scotland at the end of the month. All countries are expected to back a statement that will recommit them to achieve net zero emissions【**排放】by 2050. 由于气候变化正在导致植物广泛灭绝,英国基尤千年种子银行建立了世界上最大的植物保护项目,在这里储存了地球上超过20%的植物种子。为保护地球生态环境,第26届联合国气候变化大会将于本月底在苏格兰的格拉斯哥举行,大会希望所有与会国家都能支持、并承诺于2050年实现净零排放。 #热词加油站 benchmark [ˈbentʃmɑːrk] 【基准】 incentive [ɪnˈsentɪv] 【动力】 deceased [dɪˈsiːst]【死去的】 emission [ɪˈmɪʃn]【排放】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~