cover of episode 10/13 TOP NEWS丨天宫课堂圆满成功/上海“一网通办”再升级/俄乌冲突最新进展

10/13 TOP NEWS丨天宫课堂圆满成功/上海“一网通办”再升级/俄乌冲突最新进展

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NEWS ON 10/121.CHINESE ASTRONAUTS GIVE LECTURE FROM SPACE STATION中国空间站第三次太空授课活动取得圆满成功2.SH GOV'T CONTINUES TO OFFER MORE SERVICES ONLINE上海“一网通办”再升级3.RUSSIA CONTINUES MISSILE ATTACKS ON UKRAINE俄称继续打击乌设施,乌称摧毁俄军多个目标**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINESE ASTRONAUTS GIVE LECTURE FROM SPACE STATION中国空间站第三次太空授课活动取得圆满成功The third live class from the country's space station took place this afternoon. Shenzhou-14 crew members Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe did a few experiments for hundreds of students on Earth. Zhang Hong has the details.今天(10/12)下午,“天宫课堂”第三课在中国空间站开讲,神舟十四号飞行乘组航天员陈冬、刘洋、蔡旭哲为广大青少年带来一场精彩的太空科普课,记者张泓带来更多详细报道。During today's lesson that lasted about 50 minutes, Chen, Liu and Cai gave a tour of the space station. The first experiment they carried out showcased capillary action in space, which is when a liquid flows in a narrow space without the assistance of external forces like gravity. 在约50分钟的授课中,三位航天员在展示了空间站问天实验舱工作生活场景之后,首先演示了微重力环境下毛细效应实验,揭示流体现象的天地差异。Liquid in the thinnest tube climbed very quickly. It has already reached the top of the tube. Liquid in the other two tubes climbed slower. Compared to the environment on Earth, there is no gravity in space so the impact of surface tension is stronger. Eventually the liquid will reach the top in all three tubes. 看到这边这根最细的管子,这个液面上升(速度)太快了,它已经上到顶了。这边这两根上(升)得比较慢,别着急。和地面最明显的区别就是,在太空由于没有重力的束缚,表面张力作用会更加明显,最终液面都会上升到管顶。They then showed rice and thale cress plant that are growing inside a special cabinet on the space station. 此次太空授课还介绍了在中国空间站开展的水稻和拟南芥种植研究情况。Now I'll start taking samples. Let me remove the lid first. I'll cut it with my scissors. Got it. Put the lid back on... The sample will be brought to scientists when we return to Earth.那我开始采集了,先把这个盖子打开,拿上我的小剪刀,我们先剪这个(拟南芥)。好的,盖上盖子。等到返回地面的时候带回地球,交给科学家研究。About 400 students watched the class. It was the first class from the station's Wentian lab module. The previous two were delivered from the space station's core module, which is called Tianhe.大约400名学生观看了这堂课。这是第一次在问天实验舱授课。前两次“天宫课堂”,航天员们都是在天和核心舱内授课。2.SH GOV'T CONTINUES TO OFFER MORE SERVICES ONLINE****上海“一网通办”再升级Digitalization is playing an increasingly bigger role in government services. An online service portal has improved efficiency since it was launched in 2018. Zhang Yue has more.数字化在政府服务工作中正发挥着越来越大的作用。上海“一网通办”总门户自2018年推出以来,服务效率越来越高。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。At noon, Ms. Gao was preparing lunch for her 30-year-old son, who has a mental illness. 中午时分,高女士正在为她30岁的儿子准备午餐,她的儿子患有精神疾病。Ms. Gao, Shanghai Resident****市民 高阿姨I need to go to a hospital twice a month for prescription refills.(我)每半个月要去一次医院配药。Gao receives a subsidy【补贴】** from the local government. She used to carry a stack of invoices【单据】 to the local community affairs center for reimbursement【报销】. But now everything can be done faster and easier because Jing'an District introduced medical insurance services online in October 2021.高阿姨从当地政府获得补贴。之前,她要拿上厚厚的一叠纸质单据到社区事务受理中心办理报销。但去年10月,高阿姨所在的静安区推出了网上医疗保险服务,现在报销可以更快、更容易地完成。Ding Wenshu, Deputy Director, Jing'an Healthcare Security Administration****丁文淑 静安区医疗保障局副局长Applicants don't need to provide any materials. The system can automatically check and calculate the information before dispersing a medical subsidy to applicants.不需要提供任何的材料,通过系统的自动核算,一键确认,(经办人员)就可以主动将医疗救助的款项,发放给相关的救助对象。Previously, parents had to fill in 7 forms and provide 26 paper-based materials for 10 things including getting a social insurance card for a newborn. But now, only one form is needed to apply online. 50 different services can be completed on the service portal, improving efficiency 70 percent.之前,家长必须填写7张表格并提供26份纸质材料,来办理包括新生儿社保卡等10件事情。但现在,只需要一张表格就可以在服务门户上申请完成50种不同的服务,效率提高了70%。Shao Jun, Director, Shanghai Big Data Center****邵军 上海市大数据中心党委书记、主任We will step up efforts to establish a complete service system online and continue to apply digital tools to more scenarios. We plan to build more digital systems to give full play to digitalization and informatization in the city governance.加快形成“一网通办”全方位服务体系,持续丰富拓展治理数字化应用场景。研究规划建设一批大系统、大平台,以更好发挥数字化赋能、信息化支撑作用。An average of 230,000 applications are now handled on the online government service portal every day.现在每天平均有23万份申请在在线政府服务门户上得到处理。3.RUSSIA CONTINUES MISSILE ATTACKS ON UKRAINE****俄称继续打击乌设施,乌称摧毁俄军多个目标Russia continued missile strikes on Ukrainian targets, while Ukraine's defense forces claimed yesterday that they had destroyed some Russian military targets. Explosions were heard today in many cities across Ukraine. Lei Shuran has the story.昨天(10/11),俄军继续打击乌方的军事和基础设施,乌方则表示已经摧毁俄军多个军事目标。今天(10/12),乌克兰多地再次传出爆炸声。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。Air **raid【袭击】 **sirens today sounded in Ukraine's capital Kyiv. The International Atomic Energy Agency's team at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant reported that the facility had lost external power for the second time in five days. Russian President Vladimir Putin told IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi yesterday that he is open to dialogue on the nuclear power plant. Russia's Federal Security Service announced today that the mastermind【幕后操纵者】 behind the Kerch Bridge attack was the head of Ukraine's military intelligence service, Kirill Budanov. The FSB noted another 12 people were involved, eight of whom have already been detained【拘留】. The total weight of the explosive devices in the attack exceeded 20,000 kilograms. Leaders of the Group of Seven held a virtual meeting yesterday, after which they issued a statement on providing further military, financial, and other support to Ukraine. As for military assistance to Ukraine, a UK resident expressed concern. 乌克兰首都基辅今天(10/12)响起防空警报。国际原子能机构称扎波罗热核电站外部电力供应在五天内第二次发生中断。俄罗斯总统普京会见访俄的国际原子能机构总干事格罗西 时表示,愿就扎波罗热核电站有关问题展开对话持开放态度。今天(10/12),俄罗斯联邦安全局宣布,乌克兰军事情报局局长布达诺夫是克里米亚大桥袭击事件的主谋,俄方已查明参与袭击克里米亚大桥的12名共犯,其中8人已被拘留。俄罗斯联邦安全局还称,袭击中的爆炸装置总重量超过2万公斤。七国集团领导人举行了线上会议,承诺将继续对乌提供军事、财政等支持。有英国民众指出,七国集团的做法无助于俄乌冲突的解决。London Resident****伦敦市民That is not a good way because if more weapons are given to people, they are going to kill each other more and the conflict won't stop. So they should sit and stop the conflict. (七国集团进一步军援) 不是一个好的办法,因为一直向乌克兰输送武器,只会让冲突持续无法停止,(俄乌双方)首先需要停止军事冲突,坐下来(谈判)。Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov yesterday said that the United States has long been involved in the conflict in Ukraine and that it is providing intelligence data from satellites. The top diplomat also slammed US allegations【指控】 that Russia is refusing to take part in talks on Ukraine as lies. Putin will meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan tomorrow to discuss the conflict in Ukraine.俄外长拉夫罗夫指责美国,称其长期以来一直参与俄乌冲突,向乌方提供了军事和商业卫星的情报。对于俄乌和谈,拉夫罗夫表示,美国关于俄罗斯拒绝参加乌克兰问题谈判的指控是谎言。明天(10/13),普京就将同土耳其总统埃尔多安会面,讨论土方关于举行乌克兰问题和谈的建议。#热词加油站subsidy  [ˈsʌbsədi]   【补贴】invoice  [ˈɪnvɔɪs]   【单据】reimbursement  [ˌriːɪmˈbɜːsmənt]   【报销】raid  [reɪd]   【袭击】mastermind  [ˈmɑːstəmaɪnd]   【幕后操纵者】 detain  [dɪˈteɪn]   【拘留】allegation  [ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn]   【指控】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~