NEWS ON 10/11 1.**** FIRST WIND TURBINES READY TO SHIP TO EGYPT 中国电建埃及500MW风电项目首批风****电机组发运 2.**** SHANGHAI WELCOMES CHINA-EUROPE FREIGHT TRAIN PACKED WITH CIIE GOODS 今年首列“中欧班列—进博号”抵沪,货值逾1600万欧元 3.**** 15 STATES ELECTED MEMBERS OF U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 中国连任!15国当选联合国人权理事会成员 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.FIRST WIND TURBINES READY TO SHIP TO EGYPT 中国电建埃及500MW风电项目首批风电机组发运** In the 10 years since the Belt-and-Road Initiative was proposed, China has been shipping wind turbines**【涡轮机】 to participating countries. Today, the parts of what will become the largest wind farm in Africa have been loaded onto a cargo ship. Once assembled, the wind turbines will provide electricity to almost 1 million residents in Cairo, Egypt. Sun Siqi has the story. 自“一带一路”倡议提出以来的10年里,中国一直在向参与国家出口风电机组。今天(10/11),用以打造非洲最大风电场的部分零部件已被装上货船。组装完毕后,这些风力发电机将为埃及开罗市近100万居民供电。本台记者孙思齐带来详细报道。 At the port of Lyusigang in Nantong, the first 7 wind turbines were being loaded. 在南通市吕四港,第一批7台风电设备正在装载中。 唐坤中波轮船股份公司货运技术中心港口船长 “塔筒总共是28节、主机是7个。总共包括叶片21片。” “That is 28 tower parts, 7 turbines and 21 blades.” Each** blade****【叶片】 is 84 meters in length, or about the height of a 30-story building. 每片叶片长84米,约相当于30层楼的高度。 The port is being developed in the direction of a specialty dock for general cargo, like the parts being shipped this time. 吕四港正致力于发展成普通货物专用码头,如这次运输的风电设备零部件。 For this particular shipment, the port has made ample preparations. 对于这次的装运,港口做好了充分的准备工作。 Zhen Jie, Deputy GM of**** Nantong Tongyang Port Co.** 镇杰南通通洋港口有限公司常务副总经理 “我们精心准备,包括这个重件的抬吊、包括超长叶片的起吊,双机抬吊协同作业等方面做了大量要求,确保这个船期能够及时(发运)。” “We have a step-by-step procedure on how to lift the heavy parts, how to load the oversized blades, and how to operate the twin cranes, all to make sure the ship sets sail on time.” Loading was completed this afternoon and the ship Dadanxia will sail tomorrow for Adabiya Port in Egypt. Another 5 ships will carry the remaining 35 turbines. 装载工作已于今天下午完成,明天“大丹霞”号将驶往埃及阿达比亚港。另外。还有5艘船将运输剩下的35台风电设备。 Once the turbines and booster stations are assembled and completed, the wind farm will produce electricity at an output of 500-megawatts. The project is part of the Egyptian government's plan to have renewable energy make up 42 percent of its total by 2035. 风电机和升压站组装完成后,风电场的发电量将达到500兆瓦。该项目是埃及政府综合可持续能源战略计划中的一部分,到2035年,埃及42%的电力供应将来自可再生能源。 2.SHANGHAI WELCOMES CHINA-EUROPE FREIGHT TRAIN PACKED WITH CIIE GOODS 今年首列“中欧班列—进博号”抵沪,货值逾1600万欧元 A freight train, which departed from Duisburg, Germany at the end of September, arrived in Shanghai this afternoon. This is the first freight train of the year to be exclusively【专门的】 carrying exhibits for the upcoming China International Import Expo next month. Reporter Zhang Yue brings us more. 今天(10/11)下午,一列9月底从德国杜伊斯堡出发的货运列车抵达上海。这是今年首列专为下月即将举行的中国国际进口博览会运送展品的货运列车。本台记者张乐带来详细报道。 The train entered China via the Alataw Pass, a major rail port in Xinjiang on October 6th, it arrived at Minhang District Freight Train Transportation Station this afternoon. Most of the transported goods are cosmetics, with a total value of about 16 million euros. 这趟列车于10月6日经新疆重要铁路口岸阿拉塔图口岸进入中国,并于今天下午抵达闵行区货运列车运输站。运输的货物大部分是化妆品,总价值约1600万欧元。 Tang Hao, Deputy General Manager of DB Cargo Transasia Co. Ltd. 唐昊****德铁承亚国际货运代理(上海)有限公司副总经理 “这次整列的进博号上面所有的货物都是要参加今年的进博会的,一共有35个集装箱,部分商品先展示,会后,所有的商品就要在中国进行销售。” “There are a total of 35 containers on the train. All the exhibits will be sold in the China market, after they're displayed at the 6th CIIE.” This is the fourth time a freight train has arrived from Europe carrying goods exclusively for the China International Import Expo since the CIIE-Express line began operating last year. 这是自去年进博会快线投入运营以来,第四列送抵的运输进博会参展展品的中欧班列。 Zhang Yue, Reporter 张乐本台记者 Two more CIIE Express freight trains from Germany will arrive in Shanghai before the fair opens on November 5th. The two trains are hauling 210 standard containers. Their cargo is valued at more than 350 million yuan. 在11月5日进博会开幕前,还将有两列德国始发的“中欧班列-进博号”抵达上海。这两列班列预计承运 210个标箱货物,货值超过3.5亿元人民币。 *Zhu Yi, Deputy President ofOrient International Group* 朱毅****东方国际集团公司副总裁 “总计货值大概在3.5亿人民币,主要的产品包括高端的消费品,主要是一些高档的化妆品以及一些高档的设备,人工(智能)AI的设备。” “The cargo is mainly high-end consumer products, mostly cosmetics, but there is also some equipment and components for the Artificial Intelligence industry.” Wei Wei**,Shanghai Train Station Customs 魏巍上海车站海关铁路监管科副科长 “我们今年延续了以往的进博专窗和班列绿色窗口的模式,通过优化监管流程,今年实现了无需查验的货物轨边直提、需要查验的货物即查即放,确保货物高效通关。” “We have streamlined the whole customs clearance process for exhibits on the CIIE Express. Cargo that does not need examination can be unloaded directly.” For the first time, electronic bills of lading were put into use to speed up the the clearance procedure. 值得一提的是,本次“进博号”列车实现了铁路电子提单的应用,,加快了清关程序。 Li Chaoyang, Deputy GMof China Construction Bank, Shanghai Branch** 李朝阳****中国建行上海市分行副行长 “铁路电子提单通过特定平台实现全程线上流转,大大提升单据周转效率、降低交易成本,有效促进贸易便利化,未来还将改善铁路运输企业融资难等痛点问题。上海建行将继续践行新金融理念,金融赋能进博,全力服务上海五个中心建设和全市高质量发展。” “A railway electronic bill of lading improves efficiency and reduces transaction costs, promoting trade facilitation. Future improvements will address pain points such as financing difficulties for railway transportation companies.” The CIIE Express makes use of the China-Europe freight service line, during the past ten years, approximately 77,000 China-Europe freight trains have delivered goods to 217 cities in 25 European and Eurasian countries. 在过去十年间,“进博号”所行驶的中欧货运铁路线上,约77,000列中欧货运班列将货物送达欧洲和欧亚大陆 25个国家的217个城市。 3.15 STATES ELECTED MEMBERS OF U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 中国连任!15国当选联合国人权理事会成员 The United Nations General Assembly elected 15 new countries yesterday, to serve on the Human Rights Council for a three-year term starting January 1, 2024. Stephen Rancourt has more. 联合国大会昨天(10/10)选举产生了15个新的人权理事会成员国,任期将于2024年1月1日开始,为期3年。本台记者Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。 After the ballots【选票】 were cast and counted, Burundi, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Malawi, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait; Albania, Bulgaria, Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, France and the Netherlands were elected. 经过投票和计票,此次选出的联合国人权理事会成员为:布隆迪、科特迪瓦、加纳、马拉维、中国、印度尼西亚、日本、科威特、阿尔巴尼亚、保加利亚、巴西、古巴、多米尼加共和国、法国和荷兰。 This is the sixth time that China has served as a member of the UN Human Rights Council, making it one of the countries with the most elections to this position. 这是中国第六次担任联合国人权理事会成员,是当选次数最多的国家之一。 Established in 2006, the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council is responsible for promoting and protecting human rights. About a third of its 47 members are replaced every year so that the council members serve staggered【错列的】 three-year terms for the sake of continuity. 联合国人权理事会成立于2006年,负责促进和保护人权,总部设于瑞士日内瓦。理事会47名成员中每年更换约三分之一,因此理事会成员的三年任期交错排列,以保持连续性。 Dai Bing, deputy permanent representative of China to the UN, said yesterday that the attempt of the United States to suppress developing countries by using human rights issues is doomed to fail. Dai made the remarks at an interactive dialog held by the third committee of the UN Human Rights Committee with the High Commissioner on Human Rights Volker Türk in Gevena. 昨日,中国常驻联合国副代表戴兵在与联合国人权事务委员会第三委员会与人权事务高级专员福尔克尔·蒂尔克(Volker Türk)在日内瓦举行的互动对话上表示,美国利用人权问题压制发展中国家的企图注定要失败。 Dai Bing, China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN 戴兵中国常驻联合国副代表 “凡是去过中国的人和任何不带偏见的人都知道,中国新疆各族人民和谐相处,西藏经济社会不断繁荣进步,香港各界民众依法享有广泛权利和自由,任何涉华谎言在事实面前都不攻自破。” “Anyone who has been to China and anyone without prejudice knows that people of all ethnic groups in China's Xinjiang live in harmony, Xizang has achieved economic and social prosperity and progress, and people in Hong Kong enjoy extensive rights and freedoms in accordance with the law. Any lies about China are self-defeating in the face of these facts.” Dai called on all parties to fully respect that all countries have the right to choose their own path of advancing human rights based on their own national conditions. He also called for the joint opposition to the politicization human rights in order to interfere in other countries' internal affairs, or in an attempt to contain other countries' development. 戴兵呼吁各方充分尊重各国根据本国国情自主选择人权发展道路,共同反对将人权问题政治化,坚决反对以人权为借口干涉别国内政,围堵遏制别国发展。 #热词加油站 turbines /ˈtɜːbaɪn/【汽轮机】 blade /bleɪd/【(船或飞机螺旋桨的)桨叶】 exclusively /ɪkˈskluːsɪvli/【专门的】 ballot/ˈbælət/【选票】 staggered/ˈstæɡəd/【错列的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~