cover of episode 10/11 WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS 神舟十三号/疟疾疫苗/老厂房运动/植物奶/蝴蝶馆/俄罗斯岩刻

10/11 WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS 神舟十三号/疟疾疫苗/老厂房运动/植物奶/蝴蝶馆/俄罗斯岩刻

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1. CHINA PREPARES TO SEND 3 MORE ASTRONAUTS TO ITS SPACE STATION The China Manned Space Agency is preparingthe country's next mission as the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft and a Long March-2Fcarrier rocket have been transferred to the launch pad at Jiuquan SatelliteLaunch Center. The agency said today the spaceship will belaunched in the near future at an appropriate time. The Shenzhou-13 will carry3 astronauts to the country's space station, where they will stay for sixmonths. Numerous pre-launch checks will be carried out. The mission is part ofa series of launches to complete the assembly of the new space station by nextyear. 2. WHO BACKS ROLLOUT OF MALARIA VACCINE TheWorld Health Organization is backing the rollout of the only approved vaccineagainst malaria to children in Africa, marking a potential advance against adisease that kills hundreds of thousands of people annually. Since2019, 2.3 million doses of Mos'quirix, developed by British pharmaceuticalcompany Glaxo-Smith-Kline, have been administered to infants in Ghana, Kenyaand Malawi in a large-scale pilot program coordinated by the WHO. The diseaseis caused by parasites and transmitted to people through infected mosquitoes.Symptoms include fever, vomiting and shivering. The vaccine's effectivenessagainst severe cases of malaria in children is only around 30 percent, but isthe only approved vaccine against the disease that kills one child in Africaevery minute. 3. SHANGHAI GOVERNMENT PLANS TO BUILD MORE SPORTS VENUES TheShanghai government says about 8,000 more sports venues and facilities,including outdoor activity centers and football pitches, will be built acrossthe city in the next five years. The city is also promising a better sportsenvironment by improving the management of such facilities. Zhang Yue tells ushow the city is on its way to achieving that goal. A20-meter-tall indoor rock climbing wall at this sports venue in BaoshanDistrict has attracted many residents during the holiday. The venue also has a300-square-meter artificial snow slope and six ski simulators. But, the venue'smanager said there is much more to do. Oursports venue is turning into an ecological park for the sports industry. Sportslovers are also able to play tennis, soccer, swim, and drive go-karts here. BridgelifeNeighborhood Park, which is about a 10-minute drive from the UKSports Works,features taekwondo lessons, basketball, and equestrian for both parents andchildren. The equestrian club already has about 150 members since opening oneyear ago. Abookstore and coffee shops are being planned. We are also updating thefacilities to provide a better experience. Sportsvenues can also be on rooftops, under a bridge, and other under-utilizedspaces. Youth training can also be conducted in these areas. Projects like thiswill become more frequent in the future. In Minhang'sHechuan Town, old factories have been transformed into sports venues like gymsand basketball courts. The surrounding outdoor space has been turned into asoccer field, which can also be used to play baseball or rugby. TheShanghai government has said there is expected to be 2.6 square meters ofsports facilities per capita by the end of 2025, compared to 2.35 square metersnow. 4. PLANT-BASED MILK INCREASINGLY POPULAR IN CHINA'S BEVERAGE MARKET Take alook through the coffee shops in Shanghai, and you'll often find something new- plant-based milk. The increasing popularity of the high-protein health drinkis impossible to ignore, but there could still be a long way to go forcompanies in the market. Ying Junyi has more. There'sa new and unusual way to lighten your coffee now - with milk made from plants.In many cafes, oat milk, one of the most popular products, is taking over anincreasing share from ordinary cow's milk to become coffee's best mate. Andwith so many coffee drinkers in China these days, there are plenty of domesticand international plant milk brands in the market. The price is higher thanthat for what the cows provide, but consumers don't seem worried about theextra cost. INTERVIEW: Ittastes better than cow's milk. 口感也会好一点,会和普通牛奶有区别。 Many ofmy friends prefer coffee with oat milk. 挺多的吧,就周边朋友喝咖啡点燕麦的。 I wascurious. I order it now because it's trendy. 新奇,我点这个也是觉得是一种跟上现在的流行时尚吧。 Andthere are niche brands with plenty of niche products. In addition to oat milk,you'll also come across soy-based, coconut-based, and even pea-based milk. Thenewest entry in the plant-based milk competition is potato milk, which alreadyhas its boosters on the internet. INTERVIEW: HyungWoo Kim, Internet Personality Consumerswill choose potato milk with curiosity. Making a milk by potatoes? It's a greatidea, and you can make a variety of flavored drinks with potato milk. As theSwedish oat milk brand "Oatley" is being popular in this world and iswelcomed in China, I think potato milk has plenty of potential as well. It lookslike a market in the early stages of development and with a large potentialhere -- a survey by medical research firm Somur shows over 90 percent ofChinese have trouble to some degree with digesting the sugars in animal milk.Adding to that is the increasing demand for healthier food options these days. INTERVIEW: Joy Yin,Senior Food & Drink Analyst, Mintel 65percent of our respondants have increased their frequency of healthy eatingcompared to before the Covid-19 outbreak. And 44 percent of our respondantsthink that healthy diet should include both animal and plant protein. On theother hand, we also observed consumers are considering plant-based drinks to bemore natural than milk and dairy beverages. Inforeign markets like the UK and the US, sales of plant-based milk are recordingdouble digit growth every year. Projections from Research and Markets show thatthe global plant-based milk market will be worth 22 billion dollars in 2024.Perhaps China too, will soon be putting the cows out to pasture. 5. AN ENCOUNTER WITH BUTTERFLIES AT SHANGHAI ZOO Abutterfly exhibition is now being held at the Shanghai Zoo in ChangningDistrict to raise people's awareness about eco-logical protection. Zhang Hongbrings us more. At thebutterfly garden, children released boxes of wild butterflies under theguidance of zoo keepers. INTERVIEW: Kid -I'veonly seen butterflies that have one single color. I've never seen butterflieswith so many colors before. 我以前只见过一种颜色的蝴蝶,没有见过这么多种颜色的(蝴蝶)。 Visitor I'd likemy daughter to be closer to nature and learn about the metamorphosis ofbutterflies. She has been observing the process for a long time. It's quite anew experience for her. 想让小孩子亲近一下自然,让她感受一下蝴蝶蜕变的过程。刚刚在那边她们观察了很久,非常新奇,是个很好的体验。 Visitor I'm fromShanxi and I came here especially for this butterfly exhibition. I saw manydifferent species that I had never seen before. A butterfly has just alightedon me. That's amazing. 我们是从山西来到上海,这次特地来看这个蝴蝶展,进来就看到很多以前没有看到过的种类。刚刚一只小蝴蝶就落在我身上,感觉特别神奇。 Duringthe exhibition, nearly 70,000 butterflies from some 30 species will be releasedat the zoo. All of them are indigenous to China including the Red Admiral andthe Asian Swallowtail. Visitors can also appreciate some rarer species such asthe dead leaf butterfly, which looks like a dead leaf when its wings areclosed. INTERVIEW: Li Qing,Technician, Shanghai Zoo Behindme are all kinds of plants that can provide nectar. There are orchids and plumflowers for butterflies to rest on and feed. We will also prepare fruit forthem to feed on. Visitors can observe how those butterflies eat to sustainthemselves. 身后这些是蜜源植物,如五色梅等,这都是蝴蝶需要进食的种类。我们饲养员每天都会准备水果拼盘,如橙子。我们的游客也能看到这些蝴蝶进食的过程。 One ofthe more interesting highlights of the exhibition is watching the butterfliesemerge from their cocoons. There are many species in their chrysalis stage ontree trunks, and visitors are able to observe the moment a caterpillar becomesan adult butterfly. INTERVIEW: -Thisbutterfly is a "Blue Tiger". It has just finished its metamorphosis.You need to put it onto the tree trunk. Then it will climb up, inflate itswings and finally become a butterfly. 青斑蝶呢,它刚刚化蛹,化蛹出来之后呢,一定要把它引到这树干上,它就慢慢爬上去,然后翅膀一抖动,蝴蝶就慢慢出来了。 Inaddition to the live creatures, various butterfly specimens and paintings arealso on display. Other activities such as lectures and DIY butterfly-themedhandicrafts are also being held to enhance the visitor experiences. Theexhibition is scheduled to run until the end of October. 6. KARELIAN PETROGLYPHS LISTED AS WORLD HERITAGE SITE (Russian)Vitaly Kudryavtsev, visitor: Humansmade it five or six thousand years ago, but we can still see it very clearly. SvetlanaKudryavtseva, visitor: Can yousee a dinosaur, Vitaly? Vitaly:It looks like a swan Svetlana:Yes, this swan. Vitaly:This with long neck. Thesetwo tourists are talking about the Petroglyphs which are located in the portcity of White Sea in northwestern Russia. These rock carvings were known as'devil's trails' by local villagers as they used the area as a cemetery for avery long time. In 1926,a depiction of a huge moose etched into a stone was discovered by a youngethnographer Alexander Linevskiy just outside White Sea and people have beenfascinated by them for the better part of a century. ThePetroglyphs of the White Sea are spread out across 1.8 kilometers from north tosouth and 0.6 kilometers from east to west. At least 3,400 individual figuresin 11 clusters were discovered in the area over the following decades. 330kilometers away, lies another petroglyph site, more than 1,200 figures sitalong 18.5 kilometers of the eastern shore of the Lake Onega. Although theserock carvings are much more spread out, they feature many fantasticalhalf-human half-animal creatures. Those of the White Sea are more mundane,depicting as hunters, gatherers, sea animals and birds, and the daily lives ofthe Neolithic people. INTERVIEW: TatianaGolovina, Director, Belomorsk Petroglyphs Museum 塔蒂亚娜·戈洛维娜,白海城岩刻博物馆馆长 Belugas,reindeer, moose, swans, large birds... all these allowed ancient humans tosurvive. It's the Neolithic epoch, the late Neolithic. These petroglyphs areestimated to be five to six thousand years old. 白鲸、驯鹿、驼鹿、天鹅、大型鸟类……它们是和古代人类共存的动物。