NEWS ON 09/27 *1. CHINESE SCIENTISTS SYNTHESIZE STARCH FROM CARBONDIOXIDE 从0到1的突破!中国首次实现二氧化碳人工合成淀粉 *2. CULTURE SQUARE CELEBRATES 10TH ANNIVERSARY 拾穗而歌!上汽·上海文化广场十周年生日快乐 *3. CHINA ISSUES FACT SHEET ON U.S. INTERVENTION INH.K. AFFAIRS 外交部发布对美重磅事实清单 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1. CHINESE SCIENTISTS SYNTHESIZE STARCH FROM CARBON DIOXIDE 从0*到*1*的突破!中国首次实现二氧化碳人工合成淀粉* Chinese scientists have developed a world’sfirst with their artificial method of synthesizing【合成】** starch**【淀粉】 from carbon dioxide in a breakthrough that could help ease foodshortages. The study was conducted by the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology【生物技术】, Chinese Academy of Sciences and published today in the journal “Science”.Zhang Hong has more. 中国科学家首次实现二氧化碳到淀粉的从头合成,这在全球范围内尚属首例。该研究由中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所主导完成,相关成果于9月24日在国际知名学术期刊《科学》发表。 Starch is mainly synthesized from wheat【小麦】, potato, rice and corn after more than 60 biochemical reactions. Thetheoretical energy conversion efficiency is only 2%. Scientists have nowmanaged to reduce the biochemical reactions to just 11 steps. 在小麦、马铃薯、大米、玉米等农作物中,淀粉合成与积累涉及60余步生化反应以及复杂的生理调控,理论能量转化效率仅为2%。我国科学家则成功构建出一条只有11步反应的人工合成途径。 INTERVIEW: Cai Tao, Research Associate, Tianjin Inst. OfIndustrial Biotechnology, CAS 蔡韬,中科院天津工业生物所副研究员 Our team came up with a new idea to synthesizestarch, which is coupling chemocatalysis and biological catalysis. Now we onlyneed a few hours in a lab to complete the process, which takes plants months todo. 我们研究团队提出了化学和生物耦合催化合成淀粉的一个新的思路,目前在实验室只需要几个小时就可以完成农作物需要几个月的淀粉合成过程。 Researchers said their method converts carbondioxide to starch 8.5 times faster than corn. Theoretically, given enoughcarbon dioxide, the annual production capacity of starch in a one cubic meter bio-reactorwould equal the annual yield of starch harvested from a one-third hectare ofcorn. The structure of the synthetic starch proved to be the same as that ofnatural starch. 实验室初步测试显示,人工合成淀粉的效率约为传统农业生产淀粉的8.5倍。在充足能量供给的条件下,理论上1立方米大小的生物反应器年产淀粉量,相当于我国5亩玉米地的年产淀粉量。核磁共振等检测发现,人工合成淀粉与天然淀粉分子的结构组成一致。 INTERVIEW: Chu Xiaoying, Director of Global Collaboration &Partner Publishing for “Science” 初晓英,《科学》杂志国际及学术出版合作总监 It is a breakthrough in artificial starch, andalso a global first to synthesize starch from carbon dioxide. It’s a groundbreaking【开创性的】 discovery in biosynthesis and bio-manufacturing. It also provides a newpath for agricultural production and industrial bio-manufacturing and makes agreat contribution. 它是人工合成淀粉这个领域的一个重大突破,也是从国际上来说第一次(在实验室)从二氧化碳合成了淀粉的整个的过程,对农业生产、对工业的生物制造实际上提供了一个新的途径,对这个领域有非常重大的推进意义。 The research team said although the newapproach is still in the laboratory stage, it could be of great significanceonce applied in the real world. The team said it could help ease food shortagesand avoid the negative environmental impact of using pesticides【农药】 and fertilizers【化肥】. 科研团队介绍,人工合成淀粉仍处在实验阶段,若未来实现工业化生产,将改善粮食短缺问题,避免农药、化肥等对环境的负面影响。 2. CULTURE SQUARE CELEBRATES 10TH ANNIVERSARY 拾穗而歌!上汽·上海文化广场十周年生日快乐 SAIC ShanghaiCulture Square has announced its line-up of upcoming performances and plans toproduce original musicals in celebration of its 10th anniversary. Zhang Yue hasmore. 9月23日,上汽·上海文化广场迎来了改建开业的十周年生日。在当日举行的“剧院十周年特别发布”上,文化广场公布近日演出排片计划及《关于进一步深化上海音乐剧文化研究中心实体化运作计划》。 Deputygeneral manager Fei Yuanhong says the renovation【翻修】 of ShanghaiCultivation Center of Musical Theatre will be finished in April. The centerwill be used for writers, directors, composers and others to share ideas fornew musicals, and host workshops. Founded in 2019, the cultivation center ismeant to increase the talent pool for musicals. 上汽·上海文化广场副总经理费元洪表示,上海音乐剧文化研究中心的实体化运作拟于22年4月完工并启用。届时编剧、导演、作曲家等业内名流将汇聚一堂,发挥人才聚合作用,为观众选好戏,为艺术家搭好台。文化研究中心自2019年成立以来,致力于为音乐剧提供更广阔、更优渥的发展平台。 INTERVIEW: Fei Yuanhong, Deputy GM, SAICShanghai Culture Square 费元洪,上汽上海文化广场副总经理 We’ll initiate more projects,manage copyright issues, and engage in more talent exchanges from home andabroad. The goal is to better integrate the resources that a musical needs inChina and further explore the possibilities of Chinese musicals. 那么这个文化研究中心将对音乐剧未来的原创的创制,中文版的制作,作品版权的经纪,人才的交流,以及相互资源间的互助,包括创制的排演,平台孵化的资源都把它纳入到音乐剧文化研究中心去,这个中心可以讲是把中国原创音乐剧所需要的各种各样的资源做了个集合,让大家能够在这样一个平台上来探索音乐剧这样一种音乐戏剧样式在中国的未来该如何进行表达和融合。 In celebration of its 10thanniversary, Culture Square will stage “A Musical Is Born” and “Romeo andJuliette”. “A Musical Is Born” is the theatre’s fourth original production, andis set backstage during the creation of a musical. While, “Romeo and Juliette”is a French musical based on the William Shakespeare play of the same name. Themusical premiered in Paris in 2001. The Chinese version will premiere inNovember. Culture Square has stage 726 shows in front of 3 million people sinceopening in 2011. 为庆祝上汽·上海文化广场改建开业十周年,《蛋壳里的心跳》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》剧目将登台演出。《蛋壳里的心跳》为文化广场原创孵化作品,呈现了音乐剧人在创作过程中的甜酸苦辣和琐碎日常。法语原版音乐剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》改编自莎士比亚的同名经典剧作,于2001在巴黎首次登台,其中文版本将于今年11月首映。自2011年开业以来,文化广场共举办演出726台,接待观众人数约3百万人次。 **3. **CHINA ISSUES FACT SHEET ON U.S. INTERVENTION INH.K. AFFAIRS 外交部发布对美重磅事实清单 Chinese Foreign Ministry spokespersonZhao Lijian said today that the United States’ attempt to undermine Hong Kong’sprosperity and stability and contain China’s development is doomed to fail. 外交部发言人赵立坚在9月24日例行记者会上表示,美方通过打“香港牌”、破坏香港繁荣稳定,遏制中国发展的图谋,不可能得逞。 The response came after Chinaissued a fact sheet today on US intervention in Hong Kong affairs and how theUnited States supported anti-China forces in Hong Kong. The fact sheethighlighted five aspects with a total of 102 examples. It details a series ofinterventions since early 2019, including enacting anti-China policies based onunfounded charges against Hong Kong affair, imposing sanctions【制裁】 in anattempt to obstruct the implementation【实施】 of the national security lawin Hong Kong, as well as shielding and supporting anti-China forces and colluding【勾结】 with othercountries to exert pressure on China. 9月24日,中国外交部网站发布了《美国干预香港事务、支持反中乱港势力事实清单》。事实清单共罗列了102条事实,系统梳理了2019年修例风波以来,美方干预香港事务,插手中国内政的种种劣迹,具体包括炮制涉港法案、悍然实施制裁、污蔑诋毁特区事务、包庇支持反中乱港分子、多边串联施压等内容。 #热词加油站 synthesize/ˈsɪnθəsaɪz/【合成】 starch /stɑːtʃ/【淀粉】 biotechnology /ˌbaɪəʊtekˈnɒlədʒi/【生物技术】 wheat /wiːt/【小麦】 groundbreaking /ˈɡraʊndbreɪkɪŋ/【开创性的】 pesticide/ˈpestɪsaɪd/【农药】 fertilizer/ˈfɜːtəlaɪzə(r)/【化肥】 renovation /ˌrenəˈveɪʃn/【翻修】 sanction/ˈsæŋkʃn/【制裁】 implementation/ˌɪmplɪmenˈteɪʃn/【实施】 collude/kəˈluːd/【勾结】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”