cover of episode 09/26 TOP NEWS丨农民丰收节/上海书展开始/联合国安理会乌克兰问题外长会

09/26 TOP NEWS丨农民丰收节/上海书展开始/联合国安理会乌克兰问题外长会

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NEWS ON 09/231.PLANTING A BETTER FUTURE AT HARVEST FESTIVAL共享丰收喜悦 展望美好未来**2.BOOK EVENTS LAUNCHED ACROSS THE CITY“阅读走进如常生活”活动开启,引领申城读书新风尚3.CHINESE FM CALLS DIALOGUE ON RUSSIA-UKRAINE CONFLICT中国外交部:呼吁俄乌局势有关方通过对话谈判实现停火止战****-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.PLANTING A BETTER FUTURE AT HARVEST FESTIVAL共享丰收喜悦 展望美好未来Celebrations are taking place in cities around the country to mark the Harvest Festival. But Zhang Hong sticks close to home to find out what's happening in Shanghai's suburban districts of Fengxian and Chongming.全国各地的城市都在庆祝丰收节,记者张泓在家乡附近,了解到上海郊区奉贤和崇明丰收节的情况。In Zhuanghang Town, Fengxian, people were invited to taste freshly harvested rice. 在奉贤区庄行镇,人们受邀品尝新收割的大米。Resident****市民It's sweet and sticky. And it smells good.甜甜的、糯糯的,好香的。Fengxian has more 11,300 hectares of rice fields, accounting for more than 10% of the city's total. Also, a new variety of pumpkin named Royal No. 1 was available for sampling. It's shaped like a papaya. 奉贤区水稻种植面积超过11,300公顷,占全市10%以上。大米展区旁,一款名为“皇家1号”的新品种南瓜也可供品尝,外表和常见的南瓜大相径庭,酷似大型木瓜。Resident****市民It's soft and appetizing. It is already sweet when picked so it caters to many customers’ needs. 它的最主要特点就是粉、糯、香,它在刚采收的时候就有糖味,所以比较迎合消费者的需求。There were two harvesters working in rice fields in Xinhe Town, Chongming Island. The rice can be sold three days after being dried and milled【碾碎】. It's a local variety with strong resistance to pests and diseases.在崇明岛新河镇,两辆大型收割机正在稻田里工作。这些稻米经过烘干、碾米等工序,三天左右即可上市。这一稻米品种是上海地产优质稻米,有很强的抗病虫害能力。Shi Yuping, Manager, SH Beihu Organic Farming Demo. Base****石育萍 上海北湖有机农业示范基地负责人Organic rice is softer. We don't use chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers.(这种稻米)口感比较软糯。我们是采用有机种植的方式,不用化学农药和化学肥料。Drones and automated machinery is being used to irrigate and fertilize crops in Songjiang District. The Harvest Festival takes place on the autumn equinox【秋分】** every year. The country's summer grain output this year was about 147 billion kilograms, a 1% increase from last year as farmers overcame the impact of autumn 2021 floods in the north, and severe heat and lack of rain in some southern regions this summer.松江区正在使用无人机和自动化机械对农作物进行灌溉和施肥。丰收节在每年的秋分日举行。因为农民们成功克服了去年北方罕见秋雨秋汛,顺利应对了南方局部严重高温、干旱等挑战,今年全国的夏粮产量约为1470亿公斤,比去年增加1%。2.BOOK EVENTS LAUNCHED ACROSS THE CITY“阅读走进如常生活”活动开启,引领申城读书新风尚Shanghai Book Fair organizers today launched a series of events that will run until October 10th. They take place in shopping malls and flagship bookstores across the city in an effort to reach more people. Sun Siqi has more.从今天(9/23)起到10月10号,上海书展的组织方推出了一系列活动,将在全市的购物中心和旗舰书店开展,以努力惠及更多人。记者孙思齐带来更多详细报道。At 10am at a Bailian shopping center near Metro Line 1's Lianhua Road Station, a former editor and member of the Shanghai Writers' Association was livestreaming book recommendations. 上午十点,在地铁一号线莲花路站附近百联南方购物中心,一位前任编辑和上海作家协会成员正在进行荐书直播。Wang Wei, Shanghai Writers' Association****王伟 上海市作家协会党组书记If you think of Li Bai and Du Fu's works as the epitome【典型】 of Tang Dynasty poems, then you'll find a completely different perspective on life from Su Shi and Xin Qiji of the Song Dynasty. 我们一直说李白杜甫代表了唐诗的高度,那么接下来就是宋词,苏轼、辛弃疾会让你感觉到不同的人生态度。Between 10 and 11:30am every day during the event, an author or influencer will be at this venue doing a livestream. People can browse the titles they're promoting. 在活动期间,每天十点半至十一点半,都会有一位专家学者或文化名人在这里直播荐书,读者能浏览他们正在推广的书目。Reader****读者Kids nowadays are on their phones too much. Reading is a habit that can help them their entire life. 应该说挺有文化气息的,现在太多的电子产品充斥了孩子们的大脑,静下心来看看书对他们一生都会有意义。Hu Minghua, Head of Publicity Dept., CPC Minhang District Committee****胡明华 闵行区区委宣传部部长 Hosting a book fair in a mall helps both sides. Shopping malls and book fairs attract different types of customers. 把书展和商业综合体、公共空间有机结合,其实这是双方赋能,让书展或读书会的活动能有更多读者和观众。On the first day of the fair, many are purchasing books online during livestream sales. 展会的第一天,许多人在直播中在线购买书籍。Similar events are being held at Duoyun Bookstore in Shanghai Tower. Find more than 300 titles at the flagship boutique【精品店】 or buy them at a discount through livestreams.上海中心大厦的朵云书店也在举行类似活动,旗舰店会精选300本好书,通过现场直播,读者可以以优惠的价格购买。3.CHINESE FM CALLS DIALOGUE ON RUSSIA-UKRAINE CONFLICT****中国外交部:呼吁俄乌局势有关方通过对话谈判实现停火止战Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi yesterday called on leaders to stick to dialogue and work together to de-escalate tension between Russia and Ukraine during a UN Security Council meeting on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Stephen Rancourt has more.国务委员兼外长王毅昨天(9/22)在联合国总部出席安理会关于俄乌冲突的会议上,呼吁各国领导人坚持对话,共同缓解俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的紧张局势。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。Wang said Chinese President Xi Jinping has pointed out that sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries must be respected, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be fully observed, the** legitimate【合理的】** security concerns of all countries must be taken seriously, and all efforts that are** conducive【有助的】** to the peaceful settlement of the crisis must be supported. 王毅表示,中国国家主席习近平指出,各国主权、领土完整都应该得到维护,联合国宪章宗旨和原则都应该得到遵守,各方合理安全关切都应得到重视,一切有利于和平解决危机的努力都应得到支持。Wang Yi, Chinese State Councilor & Foreign Minister****王毅 中国国务委员兼外长We must stick to dialogue and negotiations. A top priority is for the parties to resume dialogue without preconditions. Commit to dialogue without any presumptions【推测】 as to their outcome, include reasonable concerns into negotiations, and put feasible options on the table so that the talks can produce results and to bring about peace.第一,必须坚持对话谈判的方向。当务之急是当事方尽快恢复对话,不预断结果地坚持对话,把合理的关切纳入到谈判中,把可行的选项摆到桌面上,谈出结果,谈出和平。U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken yesterday accused Russia of adding "fuel to the fire" by calling up reservists and planning referendums in Russian-held Ukrainian territory. He said Russia should face further censure and isolation for its invasion. 美国国务卿布林肯昨天(9/22)指责俄罗斯,称俄罗斯在其控制的乌克兰领土上征召预备役军人并计划举行全民公决是在“火上浇油”。他说,俄罗斯应该为其入侵行为被进一步谴责和孤立。Antony Blinken, U.S. Secretary of State****布林肯 美国国务卿We cannot, we will not allow President Putin to get away with it.我们不能,也不会让普京为所欲为。Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the UN Security Council that the conflict in Ukraine is effectively Russia versus the “collective West”.俄罗斯外交部长拉夫罗夫在联合国安理会发言时表示,俄乌冲突实际上是俄罗斯与“西方集体”之间的冲突。Serger Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister****拉夫罗夫 俄罗斯外长What is particularly cynical, is the position of states that are pumping Ukraine full of weapons, and training their soldiers. The goal is obvious, their actions are a statement of their policy, which is to drag out the fighting as long as possible, in spite of the victims and destruction in order to wear down and weaken Russia. The policy means direct involvement of the west in the conflict and makes them a party to the conflict.那些向乌克兰提供武器和军事装备,培训乌克兰军队的西方国家,目的非常明显,充分体现了看他们的政策意图,就是要尽可能延长冲突,即使这样做会造成人员伤亡和损失,就是为了要分裂和削弱俄罗斯。这一政策意味着这些西方国家已经直接卷入冲突,成为冲突的一方。UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres yesterday welcomed Wednesday's news that more than 250 prisoners were exchanged between Ukraine and Russia and expressed the hope that the two sides will build on this with further exchanges, eventually leading to an "all-for-all" formula【方案】.联合国秘书长古特雷斯昨天(9/22)对周三乌克兰和俄罗斯之间交换了250多名囚犯的消息表示欢迎,并表示希望双方在此基础上进一步交换,最终达成全部交换的方案。#热词加油站mill  [mɪl]   【碾碎】autumn equinox  [ˈɔːtəm ˈiːkwənɒks] 【秋分】epitome  [ɪˈpɪtəmi]   【典型】 boutique  [buːˈtiːk]   【精品店】legitimate  [lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət]   【合理的】 conducive  [kənˈdjuːsɪv]   【有助的】presumption  [prɪˈzʌmpʃ(ə)n]   【推测】formula  [ˈfɔːmjələ]   【方案】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~