NEWS ON 9/24 1.SHANGHAI GEARS UP FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION 上海进行数字化转型,2035年至少50个场景实现数字化 2.CHINA OPPOSES TAIWAN’S ACCESSION TO OFFICIAL AGREEMENT, ORGANIZATION 台湾申请加入CPTPP?外交部:坚决反对 3.WANDERING WALRUS SPOTTED IN ICELAND 离开爱尔兰消失逾三周,北极海象冰岛再现身 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.SHANGHAI GEARS UP FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION 上海进行数字化转型,2035年至少50个场景实现数字化 A rising number of services have been digitalized since the city outlined its plan to become a global capital for digitalization【数字化】 by 2035. The city hopes to create an inclusive and human-centered digital life. Sun Siqi checks out a smart canteen for the elderly along with other ambitions. 自上海提出到2035年建立全球数字化之都以来,越来越多的服务已经实现了数字化。该市致力于打造包容和以人为本的生活方式。 In a community canteen for the elderly in Minhang District, a set of smart facilities【设施】 has just been added to better cater to customers. It took only a few seconds at the checkout, with the price of each dish shown on the screen when a senior places his tray on the machine. And of more importance is the increase in menu variety. 上海市闵行区的老年社区近日新增加了一套智能设施,以便更好地满足顾客的需要。老人仅需要将托盘放到结算区,单价和总金额就会在大屏上显示出来,整个结算过程只需要几秒钟。同时,菜品的种类也有所增加。 INTERVIEW: Resident 市民 We used to have limited choices. Now, we have more choices and can order whatever we want. It's much more convenient and it saves time. (原来的)老年食堂它配什么我们吃什么,这个呢,可以随意的点,方便的点,老年人省时省力。 The secret lies in the smart system that tracks sales. A small chip【芯片】 was added to the bottom of each plate, which stores the information of the dishes. With the system, canteen managers will know which are the best sellers and replace dishes that don't sell well.This is just one of 100 such canteens the city plans to build, which will feature unmanned operations and perhaps even robot chefs. With the use of an algorithm【算法】 and artificial intelligence, similar smart systems and high-tech facilities will be adopted in the community to boost its governance and help ensure a convenient and secure living environment for residents. 这背后的秘诀其实是一套智能系统。每个盘子下面都安装了小芯片,用来储存盘子的信息。通过该系统,工作人员可以及时掌握菜品的销售情况,并及时更换销售量不高的菜品。这只是上海市计划建造的100个此类食堂中的一个,这些食堂的一大特色便是无人操作,甚至是使用机器人厨师。通过使用算法和人工智能,社区将采用类似的智能系统和高科技设施来,以加强,并帮助确保为居民提供方便和安全的生活环境。 INTERVIEW: XueZelin, Deputy Researcher of Politics & Public Admin., Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 薛泽林,上海社会科学院政治与公共管理研究所副研究员 Our digitalization efforts such as AI canteens and smart elderly care have solved many problems. But in terms of providing high-quality public services and resources, we still have much room for improvement. We need to expand investment in services before residents can benefit from digitalization measures. 我们的数字化转型,如AI食堂、智慧养老,其实是解决了很多问题。但在高质量的公共服务、城市资源供给方面,不管是上海还是全国,都体现出一定的不足。我们要增加优质公共服务的投入,在这个基础之上再通过数字化更好地汇集资源为老百姓服务。 The digitalization trend is driving the city's endeavor to build itself into a smart city of global influence, with at least 50 scenarios to be digitalized by the end of 2035. For instance, the city plans to build over 50,000 charging poles for electric vehicles and realize digitalization in 90 percent of schools and over 1,000 hotels. 在数字化的推动下,上海正努力建设成具有全球影响力的智能城市,到2035年底,至少有50个场景将实现数字化。例如,上海计划建设5万多个电动汽车充电桩,并在90%的学校和1000多家酒店实现数字化。 INTERVIEW: XueZelin, Deputy Researcher of Politics & Public Admin., Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 薛泽林,上海社会科学院政治与公共管理研究所副研究员 I believe public venues such as museums and art galleries will be upgraded after the establishment of a smart and digital city. Services like elderly care, education and medical care still need to be improved. 相信未来我们的数字驱动双驱城市、虚拟城市、数字孪生城市建立起来之后,我们的公共服务如美术馆、博物馆可以实现极大的扩容。但是需要人与人之间服务的,比如说养老、教育、医疗等问题,我们还需要继续加强。 And an average of 120,000 forms and applications for various documents are submitted to the Shanghai government each day. About 50 percent of those are submitted through the government's website. 上海政府平均每天都会收到12万份各种文件和申请,其中大约50%是通过政府网站提交的。 2.CHINA OPPOSES TAIWAN’S ACCESSION TO OFFICIAL AGREEMENT, ORGANIZATION 台湾申请加入CPTPP?外交部:坚决反对 Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian today said that China firmly opposes the Taiwan region's accession【加入】 to any official agreement or organization and any form of official exchanges between the region with other countries. Zhao made the remarks after the island said it had applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. 台湾表示已申请加入《跨太平洋伙伴关系全面进步协定》,中国外交部发言人赵立坚今天(9.24日)表示,中国坚决反对台湾地区加入任何官方协议或组织,坚决反对该地区与其他国家进行任何形式的官方往来。 Press Conference Zhao Lijian, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson 赵立坚,中国外交部发言人 There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory【领土】. This fact is recognized by the international community and a basic norm of international relations. China firmly opposes the Taiwan region's accession to any official agreement or organization and any form of official exchanges between the region with other countries. 世界上只有一个中国,台湾地区是中国不可分割的一部分。一个中国原则是公认的国际关系准则和国际社会普遍共识。我们坚决反对任何国家与台湾进行官方往来,坚决反对台湾地区加入任何官方性质的协议和组织。 3.WANDERING WALRUS SPOTTED IN ICELAND 离开爱尔兰消失逾三周,北极海象冰岛再现身 Marine experts say Wally, the Arctic walrus【海象】, has been spotted in Iceland and is believed to be heading home to the Arctic after a tour of the British coastline. 海洋专家称北极海象沃利在冰岛现身,并坚信它在游览英国海岸线后将会回到北极。 Wally was originally spotted lounging on rocks in Valentia Island back in March, before being seen off the coast of England, as well as several European countries including France and Spain over the course of several months. Wally hadn't been seen for three weeks when marine experts spotted him in Iceland on Sunday. They recognized him by the scars【伤痕】 on both of his front flippers. It is believed that Wally's adventure may be linked to climate change. Experts say more and more of these Arctic species may be forced to be wanderers as they are displaced from their natural habitats. 人们第一次发现沃利是在今年三月份,当时它正趴在瓦伦西亚岛的岩石上休息。随后在接下来的几个月里,英格兰海岸以及包括法国,西班牙在内的几个欧洲国家,都陆续发现了沃利的身影。周日,当海洋专家在冰岛发现沃利时,它已经三个星期没有露面了。专家从它两个前脚蹼上的伤疤认出了它,并表示沃利的冒险之旅可能与气候变化有关。专家表示,越来越多的北极物种可能会因为栖息地环境变化被迫流浪。 #热词加油站 digitalization, n. [ˌdɪdʒɪtələˈzeɪʃn]【数字化】 facility, n. [fəˈsɪləti]【设施】 chip, n. [tʃɪp]【芯片】 algorithm, n. [ˈælɡərɪðəm]【算法】 accession, n. [ækˈseʃn]【加入】 territory, n. [ˈterətɔːri]【领土】 walrus, n. [ˈwɔːlrəs]【海象】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~