NEWS ON 9/231.J-16D, JL-10 AIRCRAFT WILL BE AT ZHUHAI AIRSHOWJ-16D和JL-10重磅亮相!珠海航展将于28日开幕2.WHITE-HEADED LANGUR POPULATION REACHES 1,300 IN CHINA“猴”丁兴旺!我国白头叶猴野外种群达1300只左右3.BIDEN, JOHNSON SEEK DEEPER COOPERATION潜艇风波持续发酵,美英会见再商合作-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.J-16D, JL-10 AIRCRAFT WILL BE AT ZHUHAI AIRSHOWJ-16D和JL-10重磅亮相!珠海航展将于28日开幕China’s new electronic【电子的】 warfare J-16D plane and JL-10 training fighter jet arrived at Zhuhai, Guangdong province yesterday. Both will be displayed at the 13th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, which opens on September 28th. Zhang Yue has more.第十三届中国国际航空航天博览会将于9月28号在广东珠海国际航展中心开幕。昨天(21日),歼16D和教10两种机型先后抵达珠海,随后将参加本届中国航展。A 30-millimeter cannon and infrared【红外线】 sensor were removed from the J-16D so that the aircraft could be equipped with electromagnetic【电磁的】 sensors. Military analysts said such sensors disrupt and jam enemy electronic systems like radar. The United States is the only other country to have developed electronic warfare aircraft. The JL-10 features advanced technologies and closely resembles【像,类似于】 a genuine fighter jet. It was first seen publicly during the National Day military parade in 2019. Airshow visitors will be able to see the JL-10 give a demonstration flight. 20 pilots from China’s Red Falcon Air Demonstration Team arrived at the exhibition center in 10 JL-8 trainer jets earlier this week. They will perform with Bayi Aerobatics Team during the airshow.歼16D移除了红外搜索跟踪感应器和30毫米加农炮,机身可容纳电磁传感器等电子装置,可用于干扰和压制敌方雷达防空系统等;我国也成为了继美国之后,世界上第二个具备研制先进电子战机能力的国家。新一代高级教练机教-10运用尖端技术,可以媲美真正的战斗机。教10曾于2019年首次亮相国庆阅兵场,本届航展期间将有两架教10进行飞行表演。此前,中国空军航空大学"红鹰"飞行表演队的20名飞行员,驾驶10架教8飞机,已分批抵达珠海国际航展中心。本届航展,"红鹰"将与"八一"飞行表演队再次联袂亮相,为观众们带来震撼的视觉盛宴。2.WHITE-HEADED LANGUR POPULATION REACHES 1,300 IN CHINA“猴”丁兴旺!我国白头叶猴野外种群达1300只左右The white-headed langur is classified as a first-class protected animal and is also one of the rarest primates【灵长类】 in China. The latest data show that the population of the white-headed langur has increased in recent years, with reaching around 1,300. Sun Siqi has the story.白头叶猴是我国一级重点保护野生动物,也是我国特有的灵长类物种之一。最新数据显示,近年来,我国白头叶猴野外种群得到稳步恢复增长,目前已达到1300只左右。The animal is known for its long tail and tuft【撮】 of yellowish white hair on its head that makes it look like it’s wearing a pointed hat. They dwell【居住】 in the karst hills in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and tree leaves are their primary source of food. Driven to the brink of extinction due to excessive hunting and habitat loss, there were fewer than 300 white-headed langurs in China before 1980.In order to protect this endangered【濒危的】 species, China set up a nature reserve for the white-headed langur in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The reserve is the first ecological corridor【走廊】 for primates, and is expected to restore connectivity between habitats by facilitating the migration【迁徙】 of monkey populations more safely. 白头叶猴有长长的尾巴,其最特殊、也最萌的是成年猴子头部高耸着一撮直立的白毛,就像带了一顶白色瓜皮小帽。白头叶猴常年栖息在广西壮族自治区喀斯特石山地区,以树叶为食。1980年以前,由于过度捕猎及栖息地的破坏,白头叶猴濒临灭绝,在中国仅有不到300只。为了对白头叶猴种群进行抢救性保护,广西壮族自治区建立起成为我国首个灵长类动物生态廊道——白头叶猴生态廊道,联通过去碎片化的栖息地,帮助猴群安全迁徙。INTERVIEWNong Dengpan, Deputy DirectorGuangxi Chongzuo National Nature Reserve Management Center农登攀 广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区管理中心副主任The population has been growing well. The number of white-headed langurs was 362 in 40 groups when the reserve was established. By the end of 2020 there were 136 groups of 1,239 monkeys.在保护区建立之初的时候,白头叶猴的数量是40群共362只。到现在,我们在2020年底的时候,是136群共1239只,数量得到了很大的发展。Currently, more than 90 percent of the 1,300 langurs live in four isolated areas of the Guangxi Chongzuo National Nature Reserve. 目前在我国1300只左右的白头叶猴种群中,90%以上分布在广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区。3.BIDEN, JOHNSON SEEK DEEPER COOPERATION潜艇风波持续发酵,美英会见再商合作Australia’s decision to break off a multi-billion-US-dollar submarine contract with France signed in 2016, and turn to the United States and Britain for nuclear-powered alternatives【替代品】 has sparked【引发】 an outcry【强烈抗议】 from the European continent. French president Emmanuel Macron will not be in New York for the UN General Assembly and will not send a pre-recorded address. Sun Siqi has the story.此前,澳大利亚单方面撕毁2016年与法国签订的数百亿美元潜艇大单,转而与美国和英国合作打造核潜艇,在欧洲大陆引起强烈抗议。法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙表示将不会参加在纽约举行的联合国大会,并不会发表视频演讲。Even under such circumstances, U.S. President Joe Biden and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson underscored their cooperation on several issues after meeting with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. World leaders are converging【齐聚】 in New York this week for the United Nations General Assembly.与此同时,在与澳大利亚首相斯科特·莫里森的视频会议后,美国总统乔·拜登近日再次会见英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊,就多方面合作展开沟通。本周,世界领导人正齐聚纽约参加第76届联合国大会。INTERVIEWJoe Biden, U.S. President拜登,美国总统And today we’re going to discuss the next steps and all on all of this and as well as how the U.S. and U.K. can continue our cooperation in Afghanistan and the Indo-Pacific and around the world. 今天我们将讨论下一步动作,以及美英如何在阿富汗、印太地区乃至全世界继续展开合作。Boris Johnson. UK Prime Minister约翰逊,英国首相Then, of course, there’s the progress that we’re making in the defense technology partnership that that you’ve you’ve led and with our Australian friends. 在你主导的国防技术合作伙伴关系中,我们和澳大利亚朋友的合作取得了进展。On Sept 15, the United States, Britain and Australia announced a new security partnership, dubbed "AUKUS", under which the first initiative is the delivery of a nuclear-powered submarine fleet to Australia. France recalled its ambassadors to the US and Australia for consultations on Sept 17. France’s European Union partners agreed on Tuesday to put the country’s festering【恶化的】 dispute over a major Indo-Pacific defense deal between the US, Australia and Britain, at the top of the bloc’s political agenda, including at an EU summit next month. On Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron discussed cooperation with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Macron assured Modi of France’s continued commitment to the strengthening of India’s strategic autonomy【自主,自治】 as part of a close relationship based on trust and mutual respect. 9月15日,美英澳三国联合宣布成立“AUKUS”军事安全合作伙伴关系,其第一步计划便是协助澳大利亚打造核潜艇。作为回应,9月17日法国宣布召回其驻美及驻澳大使进行商讨。周二,法国的欧盟伙伴同意,将美英澳该印太防务协议引发的争端作为优先政治协商事项,包括将在下月举行的欧盟峰会上优先讨论。周二,法国总统马克龙与印度总理莫迪通话,进一步讨论合作事项。马克龙还向莫迪保证,法国将继续致力于加强印度的战略自主能力,推进两国基于互信与尊重的紧密伙伴关系。 #热词加油站electronic adj. /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk/【电子的】 infrared adj. /ˌɪnfrəˈred/【红外线】 electromagnetic adj. /ɪˌlektrəʊmæɡˈnetɪk/【电磁的】 resemble v. /rɪˈzembl/【像,类似于】 primate n. /ˈpraɪmeɪt/【灵长类】 tuft n. /tʌft /【撮】 dwell v. /dwel/【居住】 endangered adj. /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/【濒危的】 corridor n. /ˈkɒrɪdɔː/【走廊】 migration n. /maɪˈɡreɪʃn/【迁徙】alternative n. /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv/【替代品】 spark v. /spɑːk/【引发】 outcry n. /ˈaʊtkraɪ/【强烈抗议】 converge v. /kənˈvɜːdʒ/【齐聚】 festering adj. /ˈfestərɪŋ/【恶化的】 autonomy n. /ɔːˈtɒnəmi/【自主,自治】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~