NEWS ON 09/22 1.F.A.S.T. TELESCOPE DETECTS MAGNETIC FIELDS OF FAST RADIO BURSTS “天眼”观测到快速射电暴 2.FALL SEMESTER BEGINS FOR SHANGHAI’S NIGHT SCHOOLS 市民艺术夜校秋季学期开学 3.RUSSIA, UKRAINE ANNOUCE MAJOR PRISONER SWAP 俄乌交换战俘 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.F.A.S.T. TELESCOPE DETECTS MAGNETIC FIELDS OF FAST RADIO BURSTS “天眼”观测到快速射电暴 A Chinese scientific research team yesterday published the results of their observations on a fast radio burst, - or FRB - in the journal Nature. 我国研究团队探测到快速射电暴,成果昨天(9/21)在《自然》杂志发表。 An FRB is a sudden, short, violent radio wave burst from deep space, lasting only a few milliseconds, the average FRB can release as much energy in one millisecond as the sun puts out in 3 days. Since they were first discovered in 2007, several hundred of FRBs have been detected, but their physical nature and how they are generated remain unclear. Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope or FAST, also called "China’s Sky Eye", a team of researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory detected 1,863 independent bursts from April 1 to June 11, 2021. Their observations reveal a complicated, dynamically evolving, magnetized environment within about one astronomical【天文的】 unit, or nearly 150 million kilometers of an FRB’s source. 快速射电暴是瞬态电波脉冲,爆发时间短,仅能持续几个毫秒,但能量高,其一毫秒释放的能量相当于太阳3天释放的能量。2007年快速射电暴被发现以来,科学家已经探测到数百次快速射电暴,但仍不清楚其物理本质和产生原因。我国国家天文台研究人员通过“500米口径球面射电望远镜”,即常说的“中国天眼”,在2021年4月1日至6月11日期间探测到1863次独立爆发。他们的观测揭示了在大约一个天文单位内,或距离快速射电暴来源近1.5亿公里内一个复杂、动态演变的磁化环境。 2.FALL SEMESTER BEGINS FOR SHANGHAI’S NIGHT SCHOOLS 市民艺术夜校秋季班开学 The city’s night schools began their fall semester yesterday, offering various courses with a special focus on intangible【无形的】 cultural heritage. 昨天(9/21),上海市民艺术夜校秋季班开学,提供多种课程,特别聚焦非物质文化遗产。 The night classes are non-profit and available【可获得的】 in all of Shanghai’s 16 districts. A semester of 12 lessons only costs 500 yuan, and any Shanghai resident between the ages of 18 and 55 may register. There are 168 courses on offer during the fall semester, from makeup techniques to, traditional Chinese painting and singing. The classes are held in art galleries【美术馆】, libraries, museums, public service centers, commercial buildings and parks. Nearly 20,000 people have registered for night school courses since their establishment in 2016, including the approximately 3,200 people who have enrolled for this year’s fall semester. 艺术夜校是非盈利的,在上海16个区均有开设。一个学期12节课仅需要500元,18-55岁的上海市民均可报名。秋季班一共开设168门课程,包括美妆课、书法课、国画课、声乐课等。课程在美术馆、图书馆、博物馆、公服中心、商圈楼宇和公园都有举办。自2016年夜校举办以来,共有近2万人报名,其中3200人报名今天的秋季班。 3.RUSSIA, UKRAINE ANNOUCE MAJOR PRISONER SWAP 俄乌交换战俘 Russia and Ukraine carried out a prisoner swap yesterday, the largest since the conflict began and involving almost 300 people. 昨天(9/21)俄乌进行了冲突爆发以来规模最大的战俘交换,此次交换涉及近300人。 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said they had been preparing for the exchange, which involved help from Turkey and Saudi Arabia, for quite a long time. Under the terms of the deal, 215 Ukrainians, most of whom were captured【俘虏】 after the fall of Mariupol, were released. Zelenskyy said five leaders are in Turkey, where they will remain in complete safety as part of the deal until the end of the conflict. In exchange, Ukraine sent back 55 Russian and pro-Moscow Ukrainians including Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of a banned pro-Russian party who was facing charges of** treason****【叛国】**. 乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基,乌克兰表示一直在为本次交换做准备,得到了土耳其、沙特阿拉伯长时间的帮助。在交换条款下,俄方释放了215名乌战俘,其中多数为马里乌波尔沦陷后的战俘。泽连斯基表示,5名军官已被送至土耳其,他们将待在那里直至冲突结束。作为交换,乌方释放了55名俄罗斯军人,亲俄乌克兰公民,包括乌克兰被禁的反对党领导人维克托·梅德韦丘克,他面临着叛国罪的指控。 #热词加油站 astronomical / ˌæstrəˈnɑːmɪk(ə)l /【天文的】 intangible / ɪnˈtændʒəb(ə)l /【无形的】 available / əˈveɪləb(ə)l /【可获得的】 calligraphy / kəˈlɪɡrəfi /【书法】原文中未找到calligraphy一词 gallery / ˈɡæləri /【美术馆】 capture / ˈkæptʃər /【俘虏】 treason / ˈtriːz(ə)n /【叛国】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~