cover of episode 09/21 TOP NEWS | 上海投资季结束/上海再发放消费券/伊美诉讼

09/21 TOP NEWS | 上海投资季结束/上海再发放消费券/伊美诉讼

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NEWS ON 09/20 1.INVESTMENT PROMOTION SEASON ENDS 上海投资季结束 2.SHANGHAI GOV’T TO RELEASE ANOTHER 500 MLN YUAN IN SHOPPING COUPONS 上海政府投入5****亿资金发放消费券 3.IRAN FACES U.S. IN INTERNATIONAL COURT OVER ASSET SEIZURE 国际法院就伊朗诉讼美国非法冻结资产案举行听证会 **-----------------**记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.INVESTMENT PROMOTION SEASON ENDS 上海投资季结束 The Investment Promotion Season in Shanghai came to an-end today with 8 final projects announced. Zhang Hong has more. 上海投资季今天(9/20)结束,共发布8个最终项目。张泓带来更多详细报道。 According to the plan, more than 280 kilometers of railway will be added to the city’s subway network. The additional额外的】 lines will transport an average of 3 million passengers each day. The project is budgeted at about 380 billion yuan. 根据计划,上海市轨道交通网络总里程将增加280公里,日均增加客流量300万人,总投资约3800亿元。 Lin Qiangqiang, Project Mgnt. Director of Shanghai Metro Construction Group **林强强 **申通地铁建设集团 工程管理部部长 By 2025, the length of Shanghai’s metro lines will break a record. We’ll make sure all tasks are completed in time. 上海轨道交通在“十四五”期间建设将再创历史新高,接下来我们也将会确保完成各项任务目标。 Other projects include more affordable apartments, renovation【翻新】 of villages, as well as improving tap water quality. Since the Investment Promotion Season started in mid-June, construction started on 296 city-level and district-level projects, with total investment of more than 602 billion yuan. 536.6 billion yuan worth of loans were issued to fund the projects. 其他项目包括保障性住房建设项目、城中村改造和饮用水安全和品质提升工程。6月中旬投资季开始以来,296个市区两级项目陆续开工,总投资6020亿元,发布金融授信总额度达5366亿元。 Wang Rui, Vice President of ICBC Shanghai Branch *王睿 *中国工商银行上海市分行 副行长 We’ve been in touch with superintendents负责人】 of major projects scheduled for the 14th Five-Year Plan. Our head office prepared 100 billion yuan in loans. 全面对接我们十四五规划的一些重大项目,那么总行也是专门配备了1000亿的信贷规模。 More than 60 events were held since mid-June with 597 new projects signed. The regional headquarters of 30 multinational companies and 10 RD centers were certified by the government. They are in the fields of bio-medicine, smart manufacturing, automobile and retail. So far, there are 878 regional headquarters of multinational companies and 522 R & D centers in Shanghai. 6月中旬以来,597个重大项目签约,30家跨国公司地区总部和10家研发中心在投资季中获得认定,涵盖生物医药、智能制造、汽车和商贸零售等领域。至此,落户上海的跨国公司地区总部累计达到878家、外资研发中心达到522家。 Zhu Yi, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce *诸旖 上海市商务委副主任 We want foreign companies to know more about Shanghai and attract them to invest in Shanghai through high-quality investment promotion events. 我们要通过更高质量的活动促进投资,能够让海外的企业更多地了解上海、选择上海、信任上海、扎根上海。 During the Investment Promotion Season, fixed-asset investment increased 8.7% in July year on year and 9.9% in August compared to the same period last year. 投资季带动上海7、8月份全社会固定资产投资单月同比分别增长8.7%和9.9%。 2.SHANGHAI GOV’T TO RELEASE ANOTHER 500 MLN YUAN IN SHOPPING COUPONS 上海政府投入5亿资金发放消费券* Shopping coupons*【消费券】 worth a total of 500 million yuan will be given out this week by the Shanghai government to boost consumer spending. 本周,上海将投入5亿财政资金发放消费券,以促进消费。 People can apply for the coupons starting today using Alipay, Wechat Pay, and Union Pay. Those who have their applications approved will each receive 200 yuan worth of coupons that can be used at designated retailers, restaurants, and travel service providers. Applications will end on Thursday, and results will be issued starting this Sunday. The coupons will be valid for 20 days. A total of 2.5 million residents will win the coupons, 500,000 more than the first round. 今天(9/20)起,消费者可通过支付宝、微信、云闪付平台报名。中奖者将获得价值200元的消费券,可在指定商店、餐厅和旅游服务中使用。周四(9/22)报名将截止,周日(9/25)起将发布结果。消费券有效期20天,中奖人数将有250万,比第一轮增加50万。 3.IRAN FACES U.S. IN INTERNATIONAL COURT OVER ASSET SEIZURE* 国际法院就伊朗诉讼美国非法冻结资产案举行听证会 At the International Court of Justice in the Netherlands yesterday, Iran’s international legal affairs attorney told judges that the United States was in breach of international law, as it has created an industry of litigation against Tehran. Sun Siqi has more. 昨天(9/19),伊朗的国际法律事务代表向位于荷兰的联合国国际法院提出,美国针对伊朗建立的诉讼行业违反了国际法。孙思奇带来更多详细报道。 Hearings began with Iran’s opening arguments, where lawyers for Iran accused Washington of having breached a 1955 friendship treaty by allowing American courts to confiscate assets from Iranian companies, including 1.75 billion U.S. dollars from Iran’s central bank. 伊朗代表团首先进行口头陈述,指责美国允许法院没收伊朗公司资产,包括伊朗中央银行的17.5亿美元,违反了1955年的友好条约。 Tavakol Habibzadeh, Head Attorney of International Legal Affairs for Iran **哈比布扎德 **伊朗代表 The United States has created an industry of litigation against Iran and Iranian companies. As Iran has demonstrated in its reply, American courts have already rendered 138 judgments against Iran, condemning it to pay a total of 72 billion U.S. dollars in compensation. 事实上 美国已经建立了一个针对伊朗和伊朗企业的诉讼行业。至今,美国法院已对伊朗作出138项判决,涉及高达720亿美元的赔偿金。 The proceedings will continue tomorrow with opening statements by Washington. In 2016, Tehran filed a suit at the International Court of Justice after an American district court judge found that Iran was responsible for the 1983 bombing of an American military base in Lebanon, a claim which Iran denies. The U.S. Supreme Court then ruled that money held in Iran’s central bank could be used to compensate the 241 victims of the Lebanon bombing. The international court ruled it had jurisdiction to hear the case in 2019, rejecting an argument from the United States that its national security interests superseded the 1955 Treaty of Amity, which promised friendship and cooperation between the two countries. The International Court of Justice is the United Nations’ highest court that deals with disputes between states. Its rulings are considered binding, though the ICJ has no power to enforce执行】 them. 明天(9/21)听证会将继续进行,由美国进行陈述。2016年,美国地方法院法官发现伊朗应对1983年轰炸黎巴嫩美国军事基地负责后,德黑兰向国际法院提起诉讼。但伊朗对此表示否认。美国最高法院随后裁定,伊朗中央银行持有的资金可用于赔偿黎巴嫩爆炸案中的241名受害者。2019年,国际法院裁定其有权受理此案,驳回美国的说法,即美国国家安全利益高于1995年承诺两国友谊与合作的《友好条约》。国际法院是联合国处理国家间争端的最高法院,虽然国际法院无权执行裁决,但各国均承认其裁决具有约束力。 #热词加油站 additional / əˈdɪʃən(ə)l /【额外的】 renovation / ˌrenəˈveɪʃ(ə)n /【翻新】 superintendent / ˌsuːpərɪnˈtendənt /【负责人】 coupon / ˈkuːpɑːn /【消费券】 enforce / ɪnˈfɔːrs /【执行】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~