cover of episode 09/19 TOP NEWS|纪念抗战胜利78周年/普洱景迈山古茶林申遗成功/2023上海赛艇公开赛

09/19 TOP NEWS|纪念抗战胜利78周年/普洱景迈山古茶林申遗成功/2023上海赛艇公开赛

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NEWS ON 09/18 1.CHINA COMMEMORATES ANNIVERSARY OF WAR AGAINST JAPANESE AGGRESSION 中国各地举办活动纪念抗战胜利78周年 2.ANCIENT TEA FORESTS IN YUNNAN BECOME WORLD HERITAGE SITE “普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”申遗成功 3.RIVER REGATTA BRINGS INTERNATIONAL ROWERS TO SHANGHAI 2023上海赛艇公开赛 国际顶尖选手竞速苏州河 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINA COMMEMORATES ANNIVERSARY OF WAR AGAINST JAPANESE AGGRESSION 中国各地举办活动纪念抗战胜利78周年 As sirens sounded today in Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, pedestrians stood in silent tribute and vehicles honked their horns to commemorate the 92nd anniversary of the "September 18 Incident" that marked the start of Japan's invasion of China. Stephen Rancourt has more.   今天,在辽宁省省会沈阳,随着警报声响起,行人肃立默哀,车辆鸣笛致敬,纪念日本发动侵华战争的“九一八事变”92 周年。本台记者Stephen Rancourt为您带来更多报道。 At the 9.18 Historical Museum in Shenyang, 14 people collectively rang a huge bell while people gathered for a ceremony to commemorate the September 18 Incident. The exhibits on display at the museum detail the Japanese army's long-brewing plan to invade China.  在辽宁省沈阳市九一八历史博物馆,14 人集体敲响了巨大的钟声,人们聚集在一起举行仪式纪念九一八事变。博物馆展出的展品详细介绍了日军酝酿已久的侵华计划。 On the evening of Sept. 18, 1931, the Japanese army bombarded Chinese barracks near Shenyang, earlier in the day the Japanese blew up a section of railway under their control near Shenyang and accused Chinese troops of sabotage【破坏】as a pretext for the attack. 1931年9月18日傍晚,日军轰炸了沈阳附近的中国军营。当天早些时候,日军炸毁了沈阳附近由其控制的一段铁路,并指责中国军队进行破坏,以此作为进攻的借口。 The resistance efforts of the Chinese people after the September 18 Incident signaled the beginning of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. 九一八事变后中国人民的抗战标志着中国人民抗日战争的开始。 Li Mengmeng, Shenyang Student 李萌萌 沈阳市28中学学生  “Those predecessors are great examples and we should learn something from those who sacrificed their lives. ” “我们的先辈们都是好的榜样,我们应该学习他们舍生取义的精神。” September 18th commemoration ceremonies were held across the country today. In Shanghai, this morning people gathered at Shanghai Songhu Memorial Hall in Baoshan District. 今天,全国各地举行了九一八事变纪念仪式。在上海,人们今天上午聚集在位于宝山区的上海淞沪纪念馆。 Ge Xuanzhu, Baoshan Fire Rescue Station 葛烜铸 宝山区消防救援站 政治指导员 “We'll work hard and do our best to protect the people and the country that the martyrs【烈士】sacrificed their lives for.” “作为宝山区消防救援队伍,我们会力所能及做好本职工作,将革命先烈用鲜血和生命换来的热土、保卫好、服务好。” Through historical photos, artifacts, electronic maps, scene restorations at the Shanghai Songhu Memorial Hall, visitors can revisit the history of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. 通过上海淞沪抗战纪念馆的历史照片、文物、电子地图和场景复原,游客可以重温抗日战争的历史。 Wang Yufeng, Deputy Director, Shanghai Songhu Memorial Hall 王玉峰 上海淞沪抗战纪念馆副馆长 “We, together with China's other museums and memorial Halls for the War of Resistance against Japanese aggression, hope more people remember and reflect on history, so the nation may further boost development and maintain peace. ” “我们与全国各地的抗战类纪念馆、博物馆同步举行活动,就是为了警钟长鸣,国耻不容忘却,吾辈当自强。” Also, the Memorial Site of the 4th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai opened an exhibition today on key historical moments during the War and how China's resistance became an important component of the Anti-Fascist War. 此外,位于上海的中国共产党第四次全国代表大会纪念地今天也举办了展览,介绍抗战时期的重要历史时刻,以及中国的抗战如何成为反法西斯战争的重要组成部分。 2.ANCIENT TEA FORESTS IN YUNNAN BECOME WORLD HERITAGE SITE “普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”申遗成功 The UNESCO World Heritage Committee yesterday added ancient tea plantations in Yunnan Province to its cultural heritage list. The area includes old villages and tea forests where farmers still follow growing practices that began in the 10th century. Now Ai Bei tells us more about what's special about the area... 联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会昨天中国“普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”列入《世界遗产名录》。该地区包括古老的村落和茶林,那里的农民仍然沿用始于公元10世纪的种植方法。现在由爱新觉罗贝向我们详细介绍该地区的独特之处。 The "Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er was added to UNESCO's list during its 45th session in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The tea plantations and its surrounding villages present an ancient model of tea growing developed 1,000 years ago by the Blang and Dai ethnic groups. 在沙特阿拉伯利雅得召开的联合国教科文组织第45届世界遗产大会通过决议,将中国“普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”列入《世界遗产名录》。普洱茶种植园及其周边村寨展示了 1000 年前由布朗族和傣族发展起来的古老茶叶种植模式。 The indigenous communities in Yunnan's Lancang Lahu hù Autonomous County developed a mode of growing known as "understory cultivation", where growers plant tea shrubs under a forest canopy. Fallen foliage from the forest fertilizes【施肥】the soil for tea trees. The jungle's rich biodiversity offers natural pest control, and the forest helps regulate the amount of moisture essential to tea growth. 云南澜沧拉祜族自治县的原住民发展了一种被称为“林下茶”的种植技术,种植者在林冠下种植茶叶灌木。森林中的落叶为茶树提供肥沃的土壤。丛林中丰富的生物多样性提供了天然的害虫控制,森林也有助于调节茶叶生长所需的水分。 The site consists of 5 tea groves, 9 plantation villages and 3 protective forests. Locals still use the old ways to plant and harvest tea. “普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”由5片古茶林,9个布朗族、傣族村寨以及3片分隔防护林共同构成。当地人至今仍然使用古老的方式种植和采摘茶叶。 Though tea is one of the world's oldest beverages【饮料】, this is the world's first heritage site related to tea growing. Preparations to apply to become a World Heritage Site started in 2010. The application was submitted in 2021. 虽然茶叶是世界上最古老的饮料之一,但这却是世界上第一个与茶叶种植相关的遗产地。世界遗产申报项目的准备工作始于2010 年,于 2021 年提交。  Li Qun, Director, China's National Cultural Heritage Administration 李群 国家文物局局长 “The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er fills the gap in the theme of tea in the World Heritage List. It demonstrates the long history and outstanding achievements of Chinese tea culture, and highlights China's leading position in the birth, planting, trade and dissemination**【传播】of tea drinking worldwide.” “普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观填补了《世界遗产名录》中茶主题项目的空白,生动展现了中国茶文化的悠久历史和杰出成就,彰显了中国在世界茶叶的起源、种植、贸易,以及茶文化领域传播的主导地位。” It's the country's 57th World Heritage Site, joining the Great Wall, the Forbidden Palace and Mogao Caves. UNESCO defines the site as a "cultural landscape", meaning a landscape designed and created intentionally by people. 它是第 57 处中国世界遗产,与长城、故宫和莫高窟齐名。联合国教科文组织将该遗址定义为“文化景观”,即由人类有意设计和创造的景观。 Chen Yaohua, Director, Peking University World Heritage Research Center 陈耀华 北京大学世界遗产研究中心主任 Jingmai Mountain is a tea culture landscape. It is a relatively secluded landscape unit, with very specific soil, climate and moisture【水分】levels. In this area, both the tea and its culture are preserved. 景迈山是一个茶文化景观,有很多特定的自然因素,比如土壤条件、气候条件。另外它的水分条件。所以这些都是它特定的自然条件。在这个地方,茶还有文化传统能够被保留下来。 3. RIVER REGATTA BRINGS INTERNATIONAL ROWERS TO SHANGHAI 2023上海赛艇公开赛 国际顶尖选手竞速苏州河 Suzhou Creek became a battle field for international rowers this weekend, at the 2023 Head of Shanghai River Regatta. The event brought together rowers from across China, as well as some of the world's best rowing squads from the UK and Australia. Reporter Zhang Yue was at the races and spoke with some of the visiting competitors. 这周末,2023上海赛艇公开赛在苏州河上开桨。来自中国各地的赛艇选手,以及英国和澳大利亚的世界顶尖赛艇队汇聚一堂。本台记者张乐在比赛现场采访了一些选手。 Rowing power houses from overseas dominated the event. The Cambridge University Boat Club won the men's 4.2 kilometer chase on Saturday, in just 12 minutes 38.43 seconds. They were followed by the Australian national team and Oxford Brookes University Boat Club. 来自海外的赛艇强队在比赛中独占鳌头。剑桥大学赛艇俱乐部在周六的男子4.2公里追逐赛中以12分38.43秒的成绩夺冠。紧随其后的是澳大利亚国家队和牛津布鲁克斯大学赛艇俱乐部。 Luca Ferraro, Student, Cambridge University Boat Club 卢卡 法拉利 剑桥大学赛艇俱乐部学生 “What an amazing course to race down, obviously a little bit tired of the moment. So take me a while to process it but what an experience racing through this beautiful city, thing we put together, a race that we're happy with. We'd hope to go off really aggressively set the tone at the start of our season to build on into the coming months.” 比赛的赛道真是令人惊叹,很明显,我现在有点累了。我还需要一段时间来适应,但在这座美丽的城市里比赛,真是一次难忘的经历。我们希望能在赛季开始时就积极地为比赛定下基调,并在接下来的几个月里继续努力。 Toby Lassened, Student, Oxford Brookes University Boat Club 托比·拉塞德 牛津布鲁克斯大学划船俱乐部学生 “It's a very tough race, especially with the corners and everything. It's very bouncy. It's good that they've got one minute gaps between each crew otherwise it would just be complete carnage【大屠杀】**and it will be very horrible. But since they've done that and the organizer done such a good job to get all this up and all it running and amazing media and everything around, it's just a-mazing. So thank you very much for letting us be here and hopefully we can come again.” “这是一场非常艰苦的比赛,尤其是在弯道和其他地方。好在每个车组之间都有一分钟的间隔,否则比赛将是一场大屠杀,非常可怕。但是,由于主办方做得非常好,所有的一切都准备就绪,让所有的媒体和周围的一切都令人惊叹,这实在是太神奇了。非常感谢你们让我们来到这里,希望我们还能再来。” The Australian national team, Team Jiangsu, and Oxford Brookes University Boat Club topped the women's 4.2-kilometer race. The 500-meter race on Sunday was more intense, with the Australian national team winning both men's and women's elite groups. 澳大利亚国家队、江苏队和牛津布鲁克斯大学赛艇俱乐部在女子4.2公里比赛中名列前茅。周日进行的 500 米比赛更加激烈,澳大利亚国家队在男子和女子精英组比赛中均夺冠。 Zhang Yue, Reporter 张乐 记者 “Shanghai has a rich history in rowing, dating back to the mid-19th century. The Shanghai Rowing Club was founded in 1863, and was based out of the building behind me on South Suzhou Road. 150 years later, international athletes are gathering in the same place, to race on Suzhou Creek.” “上海的赛艇运动历史悠久,可追溯到19世纪中叶。上海赛艇俱乐部成立于1863年,总部就设在我身后的苏州南路上。150 年后的今天,国际赛艇运动员仍聚集在同一个地方,在苏州河上比赛。” The club hosted regular regattas and attracted participants from across the region back then.  Before the race, the foreign teams spent some time getting to know the city. 当时,该俱乐部定期举办帆船比赛,吸引了整个地区的参赛者。赛前,外国参赛队花了一些时间了解这座城市。 Judith Ungemach, Coach, Australian Rowing Team 朱迪斯 澳大利亚赛艇队教练 “I said to the the girls before they went out for the first row to have a sightseeing tour and they were like 'oh my god, I wish I took my camera with me'. We trained in a center in Shanghai and we could see there the facilities are amazing so I'm not surprised that it's growing and it's getting better and faster.” “在她们第一排出去观光之前,我对她们说,'天哪,我要是带着相机就好了'。我们在上海的场地接受过训练,那里的设施非常棒,所以我对它发展地越来越好、越来越快并不感到惊讶。” The event also included club and university groups events, as well as individual races, attracting huge crowds along Suzhou Creek. 本次活动还包括俱乐部和大学团体赛以及个人赛,吸引了苏州河沿岸的大量人群。 #热词加油站  fertilizes /ˈfɜːtəlaɪz/【施肥】 beverages /ˈbevərɪdʒ/【饮料】 dissemination /dɪˌsemɪˈneɪʃn/【传播】 moisture /ˈmɔɪstʃə(r) /【水分】  carnage /ˈkɑːnɪdʒ/【大屠杀】 sabotage /ˈsæbətɑːʒ/【破坏】  martyrs /ˈmɑːtəz/【烈士】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~