NEWS ON 9/9 **1. **SECOND-HAND PROPERTY SALES DROP 24% IN SHANGHAI 上海二手房市场降温!8月成交量环比下降24% **2. **SU BINGTIAN BECOMES AMBASSADOR OF 46TH WORLDSKILLS COMPETITION **“**飞人”苏炳添再获新身份——上海第46届世界技能大赛推广大使 **3. **US WARSHIP WARNED OFF AFTER ENTERING CHINESE WATERS 美舰非法闯入中国领海!南方战区:警告驱离 **-----------------**记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. *SECOND-HAND PROPERTY SALES DROP 24% IN SHANGHAI 上海二手房市场降温!8月成交量环比下降24% Pre-existing home sales decreased 24% in Shanghai last month compared to July, while the average price dropped 8%. Real estate【房地产】 analysts【分析师】said both sales and prices have dipped to the monthly average of 2019 due to the government’s control measures. Zhang Hong tells us more. 最新数据显示,8月份上海二手房成交量环比下降24%,交易价格也首次出现明显下行,环比下降8%。行业分析师表示密集调控之下,上海二手房市场正在明显降温,量价均已跌至2019年的月均水平。 A local real-estate*agent【中介,代理人】said she’s observed a plunge in buyers checking out second-hand homes and transaction【交易】volume over the past two months. 一家房产中介表示,过去两个月整个门店的带看和成交数据都出现明显下跌。 INTERVIEW Real Estate Agent 房产中介 The number of home-seekers remains the same, but few are purchasing at the moment. Most of them are staying on the sidelines due to a higher down payment percentage and uncertainty in the market. 买房的客户数量还是那么多,但是因为一是首付比例的影响,二也是市场多变,大部分会持一个观望的状态,现在下手的会比较少。 Plus property owners are not willing to lower their asking price. 另一边,房东也并不愿意轻易下调售价。 INTERVIEW Real Estate Agent 房产中介 The list price verified【核验】by authorities does not meet the owner’s expectation, so they’re not willing to sell the property. 很多房东的心理价位和(通过核验的)价位不是匹配的,所以就不愿意卖。 According to a report by real estate agency Lianjia, 18,000 properties were traded last month, down 24% compared to July and a year-on-year dive of 40%, the largest decrease this year. 根据链家的行业分析报告显示,8月份二手房成交量为18000套,环比和同比分别下降24%和40%,为今年最大跌幅。 INTERVIEW Yang Yunlei, Senior Real Estate Analyst 杨雨蕾,行业资深分析师 Home-seekers are expecting flat or even lower prices in the future, so they are not in a hurry to make a purchase. According to the latest government policies, banks are now approving mortgage【按揭】loans based on the lowest price from either the contract price, the price assessed by the bank, or the verified price from the real estate transaction center. So home-seekers are forced to slash【削减】their budget. The second-hand housing market will stabilize by the end of the year. 购房者预期未来的价格会比较稳定,或者出现稳中下行的情况,就不会急着去交易。第二个"三价就低"作为贷款标准,这个其实直接影响了购房者的支付能力,使得购房者被动地下调购房预算,预期到今年年底整体市场会比较平稳。 The Shanghai Housing Administration Bureau issued several measures earlier this year to cool the overheated【过热的】market. They include the verification of the list price of second-hand homes, lower mortgage loans approved by banks and a longer waiting period before lending. 日前上海房地产交易中心采取了一系列措施为二手房市场降温,包括推出“挂牌核验”机制,降低贷款金额,及延长房贷放款周期。 **2. **SU BINGTIAN BECOMES AMBASSADOR OF 46TH WORLDSKILLS COMPETITION **“**飞人”苏炳添再获新身份——上海第46届世界技能大赛推广大使 Chinese sprinter Su Bingtian, who made history by qualifying for the men’s 100-meter final at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, was named as ambassador【大使】for the 46th WorldSkills Competition, which will be held in Shanghai next year. Song Wenjing has the story. 东京奥运会上,中国田径运动员苏炳添创下历史,成功闯进男子100米决赛,赢得全球瞩目。"亚洲飞人"苏炳添也将担任2022年上海第46届世界技能大赛推广大使,为大赛助力。 Su Bingtian set a new Asian record of 9.83 seconds in the men’s 100-meter semi-final to become the first Chinese athlete in Olympic history to qualify for the final at the Tokyo summer games. He was officially announced as the ambassador to promote【推广】the WorldSkills competition today. 中国田径运动员苏炳添在男子100米半决赛中以9.83秒再度刷新亚洲纪录,赢得全球瞩目,成为首位晋级该项目决赛的中国运动员。为了将新时代的体育精神更好地传递至技能运动赛场,上海世赛官方今天宣布,由"亚洲飞人"苏炳添担任上海第46届世界技能大赛推广大使。 INTERVIEW Su Bingtian, Ambassador 46thWorldSkills Competition 苏炳添,上海第46届世界技能大赛推广大使 As a top-level competition for professional skills around the world, the event provides an extraordinary stage for young people just like the Olympic Games. They deserve encouragement and cheers as they have made achievements and contribute to society using their skills. Let’s all support the 2022 Worldskills Competition in Shanghai. 作为最高层级的世界性职业技能赛事,世赛为广大青年技能选手提供了和奥运会一样的广阔舞台,在世界各地无数普通人用技能成就人生,造福社会,他们同样值得大家的鼓励与喝彩。未来请和我一起关注2022年上海世赛的举办。 This is the first time for the Chinese mainland to host a WorldSkills Competition. The city hopes the event will be helpful in promoting vocational【职业的】education and training, as well as the spirit of craftsmanship【工匠,手艺】. The competition will feature over 1,400 competitors from over 60 countries and regions, competing in over 60 skills in the fields of architectural construction, manufacturing and engineering as well as fashion and art. The WorldSkills Competition will be held in Shanghai from October 12 to 17 next year. 上海第46届世界技能大赛将于明年10月12日至17日举办,这也是世赛首次在中国大陆举办。通过举办世赛,上海希望能够进一步推动职业教育与培训发展,大力弘扬工匠精神。上海世赛涵盖结构与建筑技术、制造与工程技术、创意时尚与艺术、信息与通信技术、个人和社会照护、交通与运输6大领域63个比赛项目。届时,将有来自60多个国家和地区的1400多名选手在这里同台竞技。 **3. **US WARSHIP WARNED OFF AFTER ENTERING CHINESE WATERS 美舰非法闯入中国领海!南方战区:警告驱离 The Chinese military sent air and naval forces to monitor and then warn off a United States Navy warship from waters near the Meiji Reef in the South China Sea today. 今日(8号),中国人民解放军组织海空兵力,在南沙美济礁邻近海域对美国导弹驱逐舰进行跟踪监视,并予以警告驱离。 Tian Junli, spokesman for the People’s Liberation Army’s Southern Theater Command, said that the USS Benfold trespassed【闯入】in waters near the reef earlier today without permission from the Chinese government. The PLA Southern Theater Command mobilized its aircraft and ships to follow and expel【驱逐】the intruding vessel. Tian said the move seriously infringed【侵犯】on China’s sovereignty and security, and is more evidence of the US’s attempts at "hegemony of navigation" and militarization of the South China Sea. Tian added that forces under his command remain on high alert and will safeguard【捍卫】national sovereignty and security, as well as peace and stability in the region. 南部战区新闻发言人田军里表示,美国"本福德"号导弹驱逐舰,未经中国政府批准,非法闯入南沙美济礁邻近海域,中国人民解放军南部战区组织海空兵力进行跟踪监视并予以警告驱离。田军里表示,美方这一行径严重侵犯中国主权和安全,是其大搞航行霸权、制造南海军事化的又一铁证。中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。战区部队时刻保持高度戒备状态,坚决捍卫国家主权安全和南海地区和平稳定。 #热词加油站 Real estate /ˈri:əlɪˈsteɪt/【房地产】 Analyst /ˈænəlɪst/【分析师】 Transaction /trænˈzækʃn/【交易】 Agent /ˈeɪdʒənt/【中介,代理人】 Verify /ˈverɪfaɪ/【核验】 Slash /slæʃ/【削减】 Mortgage /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ/【按揭】 Overheated /ˌəʊvəˈhiːtɪd/【过热的】 Ambassador /æmˈbæsədə/【大使】 Promote /prəˈməʊt/【推广】 Vocational /vəʊˈkeɪʃənl/【职业的】 Craftsmanship /ˈkrɑːftsmənʃɪp/【工匠,手艺】. Trespass /ˈtrespəs/【闯入】 Expel /ɪkˈspel/【驱逐】 Infringe /ɪnˈfrɪndʒ/【侵犯】 Safeguard /ˈseɪfɡɑːd/【捍卫】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~