*NEWS ON 09/081.WHEN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY MEETS ANCIENT TECHNIQUES当数字技术遇上古老工艺——沪上数字工艺文化展开幕2.SICHUAN QUAKE TOLL RISES TO 82四川地震灾情**3.PUTIN SPEAKS AT THE PLENARY SESSION OF THE 7TH E.E.F. 普京出席第七届东方经济论坛并发言-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.WHEN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY MEETS ANCIENT TECHNIQUES当数字技术遇上古老工艺——沪上数字工艺文化展开幕**An arts and crafts exhibition opens tomorrow at Shanghai K11 Art Museum, showcasing【展示】how gilt-decorated lacquer【漆器】, an intangible cultural heritage that originated 2,000 years ago, is **reinterpreted【重新诠释】*with digital technology. Zhang Yue was there and finds out the highlights...明日(9/9),上海K11美术馆将举办一场工艺美术展,展示诞生于2000年前的鎏金漆非物质文化遗产是如何通过数字技术被重新诠释的。记者张悦带来更多现场精彩报道。With the help of touch screens, light and sound effects, visitors are able to travel back in time to the Qing Dynasty and immerse themselves in a world of "black paint and gold". 在触摸屏、灯光和音效的帮助下,游客可以穿越到清朝,沉浸在“黑漆描金”的世界里。14 groups of authentic antiques are being presented, showcasing how gilt-decorated black lacquer was used in the early Qing Dynasty. 14组展出的真迹古玩,显示了清朝早期是如何使用镀金黑漆的。Visitor*游客**A story **pops【突然出现】*up on the screen when I wave my hand, which is a fun way to learn history, and how traditional Chinese culture and art collides with European. It is more interesting than sitting there and watching a 30-minute video. 我刚一挥手,屏幕就蹦出来一个小故事,能让我活灵活现了解到一些历史,如中西方当时在晚清这个时候文化是如何交融以及碰撞的,这个可能要比我专门去看一个半小时视频更加有趣。The gilt-decorated black lacquer style can be seen on cabinets, chairs, tables, and incense stands. Two hundreds years ago, the technique was adopted by westerners when Guangzhou became the most important foreign trade port in the world. 在橱柜、椅子、桌子和香架上都可以看到鎏金装饰的黑漆风格。两百年前,当广州成为世界上最重要的对外贸易港口时,这项技术被西方人所采用。The exhibition also features crafts and designs featuring gilt-decorated black lacquer that Chinese and French artists created with modern techniques. 该展览还展出了中法两国艺术家用现代技术创作的以镀金黑漆为特色的工艺品和设计。Visitor*游客**Some of the ancient arts and techniques are so distant from us, but artists, scholars, and artisans carry them on and give them a new life. Exhibitions in Shanghai are more diversified, and I can even see works of art in shopping malls and on some street corners, not just in galleries.其实有一些传统技艺虽然是离我们已经很遥远了,但是还好有一代又一代的匠人、学者、艺术家,让中国传统手工艺重新焕发新生机。上海的展感觉比其他地方更多元化吧,不一定非要去博物馆什么的,在很多地方都有一些不错的展品,也有多媒体的互动体验。 The exhibition runs until November. An adult ticket costs 68 yuan.该展览将持续到11月。一张成人票需要68元。2.SICHUAN QUAKE TOLL RISES TO 82*四川地震灾情**The death toll from a magnitude 6.8 earthquake that hit Luding County in Sichuan Province on Monday has risen to 82, and 35 people remained missing as of 8am today. More than 270 people were also injured in the natural disaster. Song Wenjing has more.周一(9/5)四川泸定县发生6.8级地震,截至今日(9/8)上午8时死亡人数已上升至82人,35人失踪。另有270多人在这场自然灾害中受伤。记者宋雯婧带来更多详细报道。Telecommunications was restored today in Moxi, Detuo and Yanzigou Towns, all within 20 kilometers of the epicenter, after repair teams fixed damaged facilities.在抢修队修复受损设施后,距震中20公里范围内的磨西、得妥和燕子沟三个镇的通信已于今天恢复。In Moxi, many roads were heavily damaged by mudslides, forcing rescue teams to build a suspension bridge to get trapped people to temporary shelters.在磨西,许多道路被泥石流严重破坏,救援队不得不修建一座吊桥,将被困群众转移到临时避难所。Five of the town’s villages are in the mountains, where most roads were damaged. 该镇的五个村庄位于山区,那里的大部分道路被损坏。The Western Theater Command air force has sent 15 helicopters【直升机】, and evacuated more than 80 villagers. All roads were damaged in Mogangling Village. 西部战区空军已派出15架直升机,并疏散了80多名村民。磨岗岭村的所有道路都被损坏了。Rescuers had to climb slippery mountainsides with slopes of about 70 degrees to reach the village. 救援人员不得不爬上坡度约为70度的湿滑山坡以到达村庄。One villager was still missing. This morning, 45 firefighters from Kangding City’s forest fire brigade crossed a cliff with ropes to reach the village and search for the individual. And in Ya’an City, 48 kilometers from the epicenter, rescuers reached Xingfu Village.一名村民仍然处于失联状态。今天(9/8)上午,康定市森林消防大队的45名消防员用绳索越过悬崖,到达该村并搜寻该人。而在距离震中48公里的雅安市,救援人员已到达幸福村。They found 14 people who were trapped after more than 20 hours of work. 经过20多个小时的搜寻,他们发现14名被困人员。 Zhang Yang, Deputy Chief of Staff, Sichuan Armed Police Force Ya'an Detachment****张扬 武警四川总队雅安支队副参谋长There are 8 temporary shelters in three villages here. Apart from transferring injured people, the helicopters will also send deliver necessities such as rice, cooking oil and blankets. Everyone will be cared for.(草科乡)这里面总共有3个村8个安置点。直升机除了运送伤员出去之外,还把粮油往里面送。可以说每个人的生活是不成问题的,他们这个保障还是比较有力。The weather forecast called for moderate to heavy rain in parts of Luding County. People were warned of potential **mudslides【泥石流】**and the possibility of damaged buildings collapsing. 天气预报称泸定县部分地区将有中到大雨,人们需警惕可能引发的滑坡、泥石流等二次灾害。Critical care specialists and emergency medical teams were sent to the worst-hit areas. Pandemic control experts also arrived to prevent the virus from spreading.重症专家组和紧急医学救援队已深入灾区指导伤员救治,同时防疫专家也深入一线落实疫情防控措施,严防疫情、灾情叠加。**3.PUTIN SPEAKS AT THE PLENARY SESSION OF THE 7TH E.E.F. **普京出席第七届东方经济论坛并发言The 7th Eastern Economic Forum is being held at Russia’s far eastern city of Vladivostok. Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday spoke on the global situation, energy, economy at the forum’s plenary session. Sun Siqi has the story.第七届东方经济论坛在俄罗斯远东城市符拉迪沃斯托克举行。俄罗斯总统普京昨天(9/7)在论坛全体会议上就全球形势、能源、经济发表了讲话。记者孙思奇带来最新报道。In his 37-minute speech, Putin began by talking about Russia’s relations with the West. He noted that new global challenges have **emerged【出现】 **after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. 在长达37分钟的演讲中,普京首先谈到了俄罗斯与西方的关系。他指出,新冠肺炎疫情爆发后,新的全球挑战出现了。Putin said western countries are trying to preserve the old world order despite irreversible transformations happening in the system of international relations.普京表示,尽管国际关系体系正在发生不可逆转的变化,西方国家仍试图维护旧的世界秩序。**Putin, Russian President **普京 俄罗斯总统I’m speaking about the sanctions fever of the West and its aggressive attempts to force modes of behaviors onto other nations.我说的是西方的制裁热及其将行为模式强加给其他国家的侵略性企图。The president noted that the current system has been going through fundamental and inevitable changes, where the role of promising countries, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, has significantly grown. Putin also issued a strong warning concerning Russian energy exports.普京指出,目前的体系一直在经历根本性和不可避免的变化,有良好发展前景的国家,特别是亚太地区的国家,已经在扮演越来越重要的角色。普京还就俄罗斯能源出口发出了强烈警告。**Putin, Russian President *普京 俄罗斯总统We will not supply anything outside the scope of the contract and if it contradicts our interests, in this case, economic ones, we won’t supply gas, or oil, or coal, or fuel oil.如果我们的利益遭到侵犯,我们将不会供应任何东西;如果我们的经济利益被侵犯,我们将停止供应天然气、石油、煤炭以及燃油。The European Union proposed a price cap on Russian gas yesterday after Putin threatened to cut off all energy supplies if it took such a step. 普京威胁称,若欧盟对俄罗斯天然气设置价格上限,俄罗斯将切断所有能源供应,但欧盟昨日(9/7)还是给出了这样的提案。EU energy ministers are due to hold an emergency meeting tomorrow.欧盟各国能源部长将于明天举行紧急会议。Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan yesterday blamed Western provocations【挑衅】 for Russia’s decision to cut natural gas supplies to Europe.土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安昨日(9/7)指责称,是西方的挑衅行为导致俄罗斯决定削减对欧洲的天然气供应。Recep Tayyip Erdogan,Turkish President*雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安 土耳其总统**I can say that I do not find the attitude of the West to be right. In fact, the West has an established policy of provocation.我可以非常清楚地说,西方(某些国家)对待俄罗斯的态度是错误的,那是一种基于挑衅的政策。Erdogan will meet with Putin in Uzbekistan next week.埃尔多安将于下周在乌兹别克斯坦与普京会面。#热词加油站showcase [ˈʃəʊkeɪs] 【展示】lacquer [ˈlækə(r)] 【漆器】reinterpret [ˌri:ɪnˈtɜːprət] 【重新诠释】 pop [pɒp] 【突然出现】helicopter [ˈhelɪkɒptə(r)] 【直升机】mudslide [ˈmʌdslaɪd] 【泥石流】emerge [ɪˈmɜːdʒ] 【出现】provocation [ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃn] 【挑衅】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~