NEWS ON 09/071.RESCUE CONTINUES IN SICHUAN QUAKE ZONE泸定地震搜救工作仍在进行2.JINSHAN SEEDLING BASE GROWS MILLIONS OF PLANTS上海金山:培育“地表最强”小苗苗 种苗工厂辐射长三角3.I.A.E.A. URGES ESTABLISHMENT OF SECURITY ZONE AT ZAPORIZHZHIA国际原子能机构呼吁在扎波罗热核电站区域设立安全区**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.RESCUE CONTINUES IN SICHUAN QUAKE ZONE泸定地震搜救工作仍在继续**The death toll from a **magnitude【震级】**6.8 earthquake that hit Luding County in Sichuan Province on Monday has risen to 74, and 35 people remain missing as of 7am today. 13 aftershocks have been recorded in the area. Lei Shuran has more.“9·5”四川泸定6.8级地震已造成74人遇难,截至今天(9/7)上午7点,仍有35人失踪,共记录到13次余震。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。Wanggangping Town in Shimian County, one of the worst hit areas, has experienced several severe landslides following Monday's earthquake, leaving some residents missing. The Sichuan Forest Fire Department sent 100 firefighters into the quake zone today. As many roads have been heavily damaged, they used assault boats and rubber boats to reach the town. At around 11 am, an injured person in Aiguo Village was saved from a damaged house, and was airlifted to a hospital. At noon, rescuers found 11 people buried at a construction site in the boundary of Wanggangping Town and Caoke Town. Two people have been saved and are in stable condition, rescuers are still in the process of extracting the remaining 9. Currently, helicopters are one of the most important forms of transport for the injured. The Western Theater Command air force has temporarily restricted more than 15,000 square kilometers of airspace above the quake zone for rescue operations. 10 flight paths for rescue helicopters were established. The air force has transported 6 severely wounded victims as well as 22 trapped people as of yesterday. The General Hospital of Western Theater Command has **streamlined【精简】*their patient intake process. 震后,石棉县王岗坪乡受灾严重。地震导致王岗坪乡发生数次山体滑坡,造成部分群众失联。四川森林消防总队今天(9/7)派出100名消防员进入震区,由于通往灾区道路中断,大队利用冲锋舟和橡皮艇赶赴灾区。上午11时左右,森林消防员在王岗坪爱国村受损的房屋中救出了一名伤员,并将其转移至救援直升机送医急救。中午,救援人员在王岗坪乡与草科乡交界处一个建筑工地发现11人被埋,已救出两人,生命体征良好,仍有9名被埋压者,尚在全力抢救。目前,直升机是转移伤员的最重要方式之一。西部战区空军空管系统已经规划1.5万余平方公里的救灾临时飞行管制区,为救援直升机开辟了10条救援航线。昨天(9/6),西部战区空军已转移6名重伤员,以及22名受困群众。西部战区司令部总医院已经简化了病人的接收程序。Sun Shijun, General Hospital of Western Theater Command PLA*孙世俊 西部战区总医院卫勤部副部长**The hospital has integrated the emergency department and the **trauma【创伤】**treatment center, and opened green channel for the injured. All of the work being done here, treatment and surgical operation are being conducted under pandemic control protocols【协议】.医院整合急诊科、创伤救治中心一体化运行,开辟绿色通道,在保证疫情防控的前提下实施救治,使伤员在急诊科实现入院、查体、手术无缝化链接。So far, nearly 4,000 residents have been relocated, and more than 270 injured have been treated. The disaster relief force has dispatched 19 helicopters and set up about 1,000 tents. Drones are also flying over Luding and Shimian counties to search for more trapped or injured people. The Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture has set up 41 emergency shelters to accommodate 13,000 people. The weather forecast says there's chances of showers from tonight until Friday morning in the area, and there's a possibility of heavy rain in parts of Luding County. An advisory has been issued, warning people to be pay close attention to their surroundings as heavy rainfall could lead to secondary collapses, and mudslides.截至目前,救灾部队累计转移群众近4000人,救治伤员270余人,出动直升机19架次,搭建帐篷近一千余顶。急救灾无人机也将持续在泸定县、石棉县上空巡航。甘孜藏族自治州建立了41个应急避难所,可容纳1.3万人。天气预报称,从今晚(9/7)到周五早上该地区预计会出现阵雨天气,泸定县局部地区有大雨。气象部门预警要密切关注周围的环境,警惕强降雨可能引发的崩塌和泥石流等二次灾害。2.JINSHAN SEEDLING BASE GROWS MILLIONS OF PLANTS****上海金山:培育“地表最强”小苗苗 种苗工厂辐射长三角Shanghai's largest seedling base in Zhujing Town, Jinshan District has cultivated more than 31 million vegetable and fruit seedlings this summer, one of the hottest on record. Here's Zhang Hong with the details.在今年这个有史以来最热的夏天,位于金山区朱泾镇的上海最大蔬菜育苗工厂培育了3100多万株蔬菜和水果种苗。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。Early in the morning, 30,000 cabbage seedlings are being loaded onto a truck at the seedling base in Jinshan District. It's **bound【驶往……的】*for the largest vegetable cooperative in Jiashan, Zhejiang Province. Vegetables can be harvested four months after the seedlings are planted.一早,在金山区的育苗基地,3万株卷心菜苗被装上一辆卡车,它们将被运往浙江省嘉善市最大的蔬菜合作社。菜苗种下4个月后,到年底就能丰收。Zhu Jishan, Production Director, Mingguan Fruit & Vegetable Cooperative*朱纪山 浙江省嘉兴市嘉善县明冠果蔬专业合作社 生产负责人 **The seedlings are healthy. We come to Shanghai twice a week to collect them. We buy a total of 1.2 million seedlings each year from this base in Shanghai.育的苗又粗又壮,根包裹得又好,我们每个星期要来上海拿两次苗,全年要在上海拿120万株苗。This summer's high temperatures and lack of *precipitation【降水】*have made it more difficult for the seedlings to thrive. But with advanced agricultural technologies, more than 31 million seedlings have been cultivated in this 25,000-square-meter greenhouse.特别是今年,持续高温加上缺水干旱,给育苗带来了前所未有的考验。但凭借先进的农业技术,在这个2.5万平方米的温室里,照样培育出了3100多万株新苗。Niu Qingliang, Professor of Agriculture & Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University牛庆良 上海交通大学农业与生物学院 教授**The greenhouse has an automated system installed to adjust nutrients and fertilizer based on the changing environment. Even facing this year's high temperatures and lack of rain, we can still grow quality seedlings.根据现在碰到的非常明显的变化的环境条件,这个温室会自动调控机质的配方、营养液的供给和水肥补给的频率和数量,哪怕遇到今年高温干旱少雨强光的环境,也能正常生产出优质合格的种苗来。The base has an annual output of 60 million seedlings. Nearly 30 types of vegetable seedlings and even watermelons are grown here and transported to places across the country.该基地年产6000万株种苗。这里种植了近30种蔬菜苗,还有西瓜等产品也在这里繁育,并被运往全国各地。3.I.A.E.A. URGES ESTABLISHMENT OF SECURITY ZONE AT ZAPORIZHZHIA国际原子能机构呼吁在扎波罗热核电站区域设立安全区**The recent shelling in the area surrounding the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine has led the International Atomic Energy Agency to call for the establishment of a nuclear safety and security protection zone. Stephen Rancourt has more.由于乌克兰扎波罗热核电站周围地区发生的持续炮击事件,国际原子能机构呼吁在核电站区域建立“核安全保护区”。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。The IAEA issued a report yesterday which stated that while the ongoing shelling has not yet triggered a nuclear emergency, it continues to represent a threat to safe operations, and could potentially impact critical safety functions that may lead to radiological consequences. According to the report, the IAEA urged an immediate end to shelling around Europe's largest nuclear power plant. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres yesterday stated that all military operations around the plant should cease【停止】. 国际原子能机构昨天(9/6)发布报告指出,虽然炮击目前尚未引发紧急情况,但安全隐患持续存在,甚至可能发生严重的放射性事故。该报告称g,国际原子能机构呼吁立即停止对扎波罗热核电站及其周边地区的炮击。联合国秘书长古特雷斯昨天(9/6)表示,核电厂周围的所有军事行动都应停止。Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General****古特雷斯 联合国秘书长As a first step, the Zaporizhzhia facility and its surroundings must not be a target or a platform for military operations. As a second step, an agreement on a demilitarized perimeter should be secured. 首先,扎波罗热核电站及其周围不能成为军事行动的目标或平台。其次,各方应达成协议,将扎波罗热核电站作为非军事区。Ukrainian representatives again called for the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. The Russian side maintained that the presence of troops in the area of the nuclear power plant is for security purposes. China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations Geng Shuang reiterated China's support for the IAEA's mission yesterday, saying both Russia and Ukraine should avoid any and all actions that endanger the safety and security of nuclear facilities.乌克兰代表昨天(9/6)再次呼吁俄军撤出扎波罗热核电站。俄方代表反驳称,在核电站区域内驻军正是为了保障安全。中国常驻联合国副代表耿爽昨天(9/6)重申了中国对国际原子能机构工作的支持,称俄乌双方都应避免采取危及核设施安全的行动。#热词加油站magnitude [ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd] 【震级】streamline [ˈstriːmlaɪn] 【精简】trauma [ˈtrɔːmə] 【创伤】protocol [ˈprəʊtəkɒl] 【协议】bound [baʊnd] 【驶往……的】precipitation [prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 【降水】cease [/siːs] 【停止】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~