cover of episode 09/07TOP NEWS | 上海助推智能网联汽车发展/古船打捞工作启动/扎波罗热与乌电网再中断

09/07TOP NEWS | 上海助推智能网联汽车发展/古船打捞工作启动/扎波罗热与乌电网再中断

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NEWS ON 09/06 1.SHANGHAI GOVERNMENT RELEASES PLAN FOR DRIVERLESS VEHICLES 上海出台实施方案加快智能网联汽车发展 2.SALVAGE WORK BEGINS ON QING DYNASTY SHIPWRECK 长江口二号古船打捞工作启动 3.ZAPORIZHZHIA PLANT DISCONNECTED FROM ITS SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 扎波罗热核电站再次与乌电网中断 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.SHANGHAI GOVERNMENT RELEASES PLAN FOR DRIVERLESS VEHICLES****上海出台实施方案加快智能网联汽车发展 The Shanghai government yesterday released an action plan to build a system for driverless vehicles in a sector they project being worth 500 billion yuan by 2025. The plan calls for 70 percent of new cars in the city to be equipped with Level 2 and Level 3 autonomous【自动的】driving systems by 2025. Zhang Hong looks at some of the details. 上海昨天(9/5)出台实施方案,明确到2050 年上海建成智能网联汽车创新发展体系,产业规模力争达到 5000 亿元,L2 级和 L3 级自动驾驶汽车占新车生产比例达到 70%。记者张泓为您带来更多详细报道。 According to the plan, Lingang will be opened to driverless car testing, while Jiading District will be used to try applications that synchronize smart cars and a smart traffic system.  根据《方案》,临港将开展全域自动驾驶测试;嘉定将建设车路协同应用环境。 Han Dadong, Smart Manufacturing Director of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy & Information****韩大东 市经信委智能制造处处长  By the end of this year, legislation will be completed pertaining to driverless car testing with no supervisor in the vehicle. We are also trying to enable the commercialization of driverless cars so that companies can get their products into real-life scenarios【情景】. Shanghai is expected to become one of the first cities for intelligent connected vehicle testing, which means those cars will be granted special licenses to hit the road.  在今年年底之前,我们可以看到上海无安全员这样测试的一个立法工作即将完成,同时也争取在商业化方面实现可收费,让企业产品可以真正应用到现实场景中。上海有望在第一梯队进入国家的一个智能网联试点,那这样的话我们今后可以看到这辆车停在马路上,挂着智能网联汽车的这个牌照。 Shanghai now has over 7,000 testing scenarios for smart taxis, buses, logistics vehicles and automated delivery machines. Smart vehicles will also be tested at ports, urban areas, communities and tourist attractions to explore possible business opportunities.  目前,上海智能网联汽车测试场景已达 7000 多个,聚焦智能出租、智能公交、智能物流和无人配送,并在港口、城区、社区、景区等场所开展持续性测试,探索示范应用商业路径。 Shi Wei, Deputy Director of Science & Technology, Shanghai Transportation Commission****石伟 市交通委科技处副处长  Roads in Lingang and Donghai Bridge have been open for testing of driverless vehicles since last year. We’ll continue to adopt a smart traffic system on roads in Jiading and on the G60 highway. Driverless heavy trucks are expected to operate in the city by 2025. 去年在临港地区的两港大道和东海大桥实际上已经实现了(自动驾驶测试)开放,后续我们还会推动嘉定地区和 G60 等等一些智慧高速的开放和运营 。从货运方面来讲,到 2025 年我们基本上可以能实现智能重卡真正无人的商业化运营。 Level 4 cars will be commercially available in limited areas and specific scenarios by 2025. The eventual goal is Level 5, or fully autonomous vehicles. 到 2025 年,L4 级汽车在限定区域和特定场景将实现商业化应用,最终目标是实现 L5 级汽车,即完全自动化汽车。 2.SALVAGE WORK BEGINS ON QING DYNASTY SHIPWRECK****长江口二号古船打捞工作启动 Salvage work started today on a Qing Dynasty ship-wreck found in the estuary【河口】of the Yangtze River. Sun Siqi takes a look at what’s been found on board. 今天(9/6),对长江口发现的一艘清朝商船的遗迹打捞正式启动。记者孙思奇为您带来更多详细报道。 The wooden shipwreck, dubbed "Yangtze Estuary No. 2" by** archaeologists**【考古学家】, dates back to the years of Emperor Tongzhi  of the Qing Dynasty, who reigned in the 1860s and 70s. It was discovered in 2015, and measures 38 meters long with 31 cabins. Archaeologists have found more than 600 terracotta and porcelain pieces in and around the vessel【船】. This set of green glazed tea cups, for example, demonstrates exquisite【精美的】craftsmanship. Its bottom seal reveals when it was made. 考古学家命名的“长江口二号古船”可追溯到清同治年间,即 1860-70 年代,于 2015 年被发现,长 38 米,有 31 个舱室。考古学家已从船内和附近区域发现 600 多件陶瓷器。像这组绿釉杯,展示了精美的工艺,且底款清晰。 Zhai Yang, Deputy Director of Shanghai Culture Relic Protection Center****翟杨 上海市文物保护研究中心副主任 As you can see, the red seal reads "Made in Tongzhi’s Reign", this is an essential guide to determine the ship’s age. 那么最重要是在它的这个白釉的底上,有一个“同治年制”的这个矾红彩的这个篆书款,为证实这个古船的年代提供了一个重要的这个依据。 "Yangtze Estuary No. 2" is the largest ancient wooden ship ever found in the country. Archeologists say it’s better preserved and carried more artifacts than previously discovered shipwrecks. The project was initiated in March. Today, the main salvage boat, the Dali, set out for the area. The plan is to seal the wreck in a cylindrical box, then lift both the vessel and surrounding sludge in one piece.  “长江口二号古船”是我国发现距今历史最久的古船。考古学家表示,长江口二号古船比此前发现的古船保存更为完整、船载文物数量更大。打捞项目于 3 月开始。今天(9/6),主作业船“大力号”出发前往古船遗址现场,计划把古船及周围泥沙包裹成一个古船沉箱。 Zhao Luo, Deputy Researcher of Shanghai Culture Relic Protection Center****赵荦 上海市文物保护研究中心副研究员 We expect the work to take 2 to 3 months. Once Dali is done constructing the underwater cylinder, another ship will lift the 10,000-ton load out of the water before the end of 2022.  "大力号"这次出海标志着长江口二号古船迁移打捞工程的正式启用,它的海上作业时间预计是两到三个月,到时由另一艘船"奋力轮" 将1万多吨重的古船整体抬起,预计年底之前把古船打捞出水。 Once the boat sees daylight, the plan is to move it to an old pier in Yangpu District and turn it into an ancient shipwreck museum, where archeologists will continue to study it. 古船打捞出水后,将被转移至杨浦区的上海船厂旧址,未来这里将变成一座古船博物馆,文物考古工作人员将继续进行研究。 3.ZAPORIZHZHIA PLANT DISCONNECTED FROM ITS SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY****扎波罗热核电站再次与乌电网中断 In Ukraine, the Zaporizhzhia power plant, Europe’s largest nuclear power facility, was disconnected from its backup power supply yesterday. The plant continues to operate safely by drawing power from its only operating reactor. 昨天(9/5),欧洲最大的核电站扎波罗热核电站再次与乌电网中断,并将从唯一运行的反应堆中获取电力维持安全运行。 The Russian military claims that Ukrainian forces caused the power cut, by shelling a distilled water container located in close proximity【附近】to the plant’s secondary power unit, and they also stated that the nuclear power plant itself was damaged in the attack. The Ukrainian military denies the claim, and says it was 3 days of intensive shelling by Russian forces that caused a fire which led to the power cut. On the same day, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that Western sanctions were to blame for the complete shutdown of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany. Peskov said that the sanctions were "causing chaos" in terms of maintenance work. 俄军表示,乌克兰军队炮击核电站发电机组附近的蒸馏水容器,导致停电,且核电站在袭击中受损。乌军否认了这一说法,并表示俄军过去三天内持续密集炮击核电站所在地,引发火灾,导致输电线路断开。俄总统新闻秘书佩斯科夫当天(9/5)重申俄德之间的“北溪-1”输气出现问题是西方制裁的结果。 #热词加油站 autonomous / ɔːˈtɑːnəməs /【自动的】 scenario / səˈnærioʊ /【情景】 estuary /ˈestʃueri /【河口】 archaeologist / ˌɑːrkiˈɑːlədʒɪst /【考古学家】 vessel / ˈves(ə)l /【船】 exquisite / ɪkˈskwɪzɪt /【精美的】 proximity / prɑːkˈsɪməti /【附近】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~