cover of episode 09/02 TOP NEWS | 世界人工智能大会开幕 / 上海试点“企业码” / 扎波罗热核电站局势

09/02 TOP NEWS | 世界人工智能大会开幕 / 上海试点“企业码” / 扎波罗热核电站局势

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NEWS ON 09/01 1.AI TECHNOLOGIES ON METAVERSE SHINE AT ZHANGJIANG 世界人工智能大会开幕,元宇宙会场闪亮登场 2.SHANGHAI ISSUES COMPANY CODES TO BUSINESSES 上海今起试点“企业码” 3.I.A.E.A. WANT PERMANENT PRESENCE AT ZAPORIZHZHIA NUCLEAR PLANT 国际原子能机构或将在扎波罗热核电站设立常驻观察团 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.AI TECHNOLOGIES ON METAVERSE SHINE AT ZHANGJIANG 世界人工智能大会开幕,元宇宙会场闪亮登场 The World Artificial Intelligence Conference opened today in Shanghai, and over 200 exhibitors were invited to show off their latest technological advances. Among the exhibitors, more than 30% are first-time participants. Reporter Zhang Yue decided to have her own avatar【化身】created, so she could explore the metaverse元宇宙】. 2022世界人工智能大会今天(9/1)在沪开幕,200多家企业受邀展示最新技术成果,其中30%企业为首次参展。记者张悦将打造一个自己的专属“虚拟化身”,近距离感受元宇宙的魅力。 Construction of the Zhangjiang Science Hall was completed last year, and this year it is one of the side venues【场所】for the AI Conference. Eight AI application scenarios are being showcased here, featuring the latest products and services in the industry. 张江科学会堂去年建成,今年是人工智能大会的场馆之一。展会中将发布人工智能八大应用场景,展示行业最新产品和服务。 If you are going to visit the Metaverse, you’re going to have an avatar. These cameras around me are going to capture images of my face from all angles, then convert them into a 3D asset that can be viewed from any direction in just 15 seconds. (showing my avatar to the camera) Check out my very first avatar. What do you think? 参观元宇宙,你首先需要有一个虚拟化身。我身边的这些相机可以全方位捕捉我的脸部照片,15秒内就可以将其转变为能从任何角度观看的3D影像。(向镜头展示虚拟化身)来看看我的第一个虚拟化身。你觉得怎么样? Feng Zhichao, DGene 冯智超 叠镜数字科技 Our avatar collecting device is equipped with 27 cameras, which is going to capture 27 pictures of the individual. We have also got a bigger one at our corporation for the full body scanning. We are trying to reduce technical defects【缺点】of the images in maximum extent. 我们的技术是由27个相机组成的,我们会瞬间产生人脸的27张照片,我们还有个全身的采集器在我们公司,在一个瞬间采集人全身的形象,我们基本上可以避免瑕疵的生成。 And I am not tapping the air by using optical reconstruction technology, a 3D image will be generated in front of me, so that I can touch it, and also zoom in and out. 而且我不是在用光学重建技术来在空气中成像,一副3D图像会在我面前生成,我可以触摸到它,也可以将其放大缩小。 Chen Wenjie, YesAR 陈文杰 衍视电子科技 The device will be used in public places such as banks, schools, and hospitals. Everything will be able to be controlled in a non-contact mode, which helps reduce chances of cross-infection and improves public health and safety. 应用在医院、学校展厅或银行等公共场所。无接触的情况下,提高公共安全,减少交叉感染以及疾病传播。 In the Metaverse, a user can be just about anywhere. It’s rather difficult to show Virtual Reality to a camera, but if you look at this tablet you can get an idea of how virtual space works. With a full VR kit, the user can take a walk on the moon, or travel through a tropical rainforest. 在元宇宙,用户可以去任何地方。向镜头展示虚拟现实不太容易,但如果你能看到这个设备,就会知道虚拟空间究竟是什么样子的。用户穿戴全套VR设备后,就可以漫步月球,或穿越热带雨林。 Wang Jinsong, CEO, WAYZ 王劲松 维智科技首席执行官 All of the data is run by cloud computing, the three-dimensional models are overlaid on top of the real scenes. This space measuring technology helps calculate the perspective layers and distances of each objects, even the lighting matches. 空间孪生和空间计算,哪里有人哪里是天空哪里是地面,把虚拟的内容渲染到准确位置,和真实的景和人物融合起来。这样的话,距离透视关系甚至光照都是合理的。 Some of these AI application scenarios will stay on display here at the science hall after the conference concludes on Saturday, so residents will be able to see how some of these cutting-edge technologies are changing our lives. 周六(9/3)大会闭幕后,这些人工智能应用场景仍会进行展示,居民将会看到这些前沿技术给我们生活带来的改变。 2.SHANGHAI ISSUES COMPANY CODES TO BUSINESSES 上海今起试点“企业码” Shanghai started to issue a "company code" on the business licenses of more than 3.2 million market entities on a trial basis today, as part of the city’s efforts to strengthen market supervision【监察】and make it more convenient for businesses. Zhang Yue has the story. 今天(9/1)起,上海在全国首批开展“企业码”试点,320余万市场主体参与试点,旨在加强市场监管,为企业提供更多便利。记者张悦带来更多详细报道。 At Xuhui Administrative Service Center, a technology company became the first in the city to obtain a business license with a company code printed on the top right corner. The company only needs to show their digital QR code on a smartphone to prove its identity when doing business. 在徐汇区行政服务中心,一家技术公司领取到了全市第一份印有企业码的营业执照——右上角印有一方二维码。企业在开展业务时仅需展示手机上的电子二维码来证明主体身份。 Zhang Dongwei, Senior Vice President, GienTech 张东蔚 中电金信高级副总裁 After we scan the code on the machine, all of our company information can be accessed. We no longer need to fill out forms and type in our information each time, which improves efficiency. 以后我们办事人员到大厅来的时候,只需要把这个码出示,在机器上扫一下码之后,所有的信息在后台可以互通。现在我感觉到都能“少动笔、少敲字”了,效率大大提高。 The company codes have also been given to banks and restaurants. They also show the company’s operation information. Customers can scan a restaurant’s company code to learn whether it has a record of violations and find out more about its business scope. 银行业和餐饮业都领取到了企业码,可展示公司的运营信息。消费者在餐厅扫码后,餐厅是否违规、餐厅的经营范围均一目了然。 Wang Zhangfeng, Restaurant Owner 王张峰 店长 It puts pressure on us and motivates us to do better. But the move also reassures customers of our service quality. 对我们来说是有压力的 但是对我们也是一种正向的约束,我们做得好的话,消费者也放心。 The code also helps local market supervision officials when doing food safety inspections at restaurants. 企业码也更便于当地市场监察官员审查餐厅食品安全。 Sun Weichen, Minhang District Market Supervision Administration 孙巍宸 闵行区市场监督管理局虹桥市场监督所一级行政执法员 We can do regular spot checks if a company has received numerous complaints or a record of penalties【处罚】. 受到投诉举报较多,或者是有过处罚记录的,我们就可以通过企业码,更有针对性地对其进行定期的复查。 A company can obtain a code by downloading its business licenses online or renewing its paper-based license. 企业可在线下载电子营业执照,或换发纸质营业执照获取使用企业码。 3.I.A.E.A. WANT PERMANENT PRESENCE AT ZAPORIZHZHIA NUCLEAR PLANT 国际原子能机构或将在扎波罗热核电站设立常驻观察团 The International Atomic Energy Agency mission led by Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi will visit the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant today. Stephen Rancourt has more. 总干事拉斐尔·马里亚诺·格罗西带领的国际原子能机构专家团今天(9/1)将抵达扎波罗热核电站。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。 A convoy of 19 cars, at least 10 of them with "UN" painted on the side, entered the Zaporizhzhia region yesterday. The IAEA Director General says he is considering the establishment of a permanent**【永久的】**presence at the nuclear power plant. 昨天(8/31),代表团的19辆车进入扎波罗热地区,其中至少10辆车身有“联合国”标识。国际原子能机构总干事格罗西表示考虑在核电站地区派驻永久代表。 Grossi, IAEA Director General 格罗西 国际原子能机构总干事 I am going to consider the possibility of establishing a continued presence of the IAEA at the plant, which we believe is indispensable to stabilize the situation, and to get regular, reliable, impartial, neutral updates of what the situation is there. 我将考虑在扎波罗热核电站设立国际原子能机构常驻观察团。我们相信这对稳定局势,获取常规、可靠、中立的最新情况至关重要。 Local officials say the expert mission will inspect the nuclear plant for one or two days, and six to eight I.A.E.A. experts may stay there afterward. EU foreign ministers decided yesterday to make it more expensive and lengthier for Russians to obtain visas to travel to the bloc. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko responded that Russia reserves its right to take any necessary retaliatory steps, adding that the visa decision will ultimately do the bloc more harm than good. Russia’s largest gas producer Gazprom temporarily halted gas deliveries through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline for scheduled maintenance yesterday, the gas is scheduled to begin flowing again on Saturday. This is the second suspension of Nord Stream 1 after its 10-day shut down for maintenance in July. In Washington yesterday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen met British Finance Minister Nadhim Zahawi, at the top of the agenda was a proposed European price cap on Russian oil. Secretary Yellen believes the cap would place more economic pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin and have the added benefit of keeping energy prices in check worldwide. 当地官员表示,专家团将在核电站地区考察一到两天,6到8名专家随后或将驻扎在此。昨天(8/31),欧盟外交部长宣布将使俄罗斯至欧盟签证申请更加昂贵,耗时更长。俄罗斯副外长格鲁什科表示,俄方保留采取任何必要报复措施的权利,并指出签证制裁对欧盟弊大于利。昨天(8/31),俄罗斯最大的天然气厂商天然气工业股份公司证实,因例行检修,“北溪-1”天然气管道暂时停止输气,预计将在周六(9/3)恢复。自7月份“北溪-1”天然气管道因维修暂停10天后,这是该管道第二次暂停输气。昨天(8/31),美国财长耶伦在华盛顿会见了英国财政大臣扎哈维,会晤中再次提出对俄罗斯能源进行限价。财长耶伦认为对俄石油设立价格上限能向俄总统普京施以更多经济压力,并确保全球能源价格保持稳定。 #热词加油站 avatar / ˈævətɑːr /【化身】 metaverse / ˈmetəvɜːrs /【元宇宙】 venue / ˈvenjuː /【场所】 defect / ˈdiːfekt /【缺点】 supervision / ˌsuːpərˈvɪʒ(ə)n /【监察】 penalty / ˈpenəlti /【处罚】 permanent / ˈpɜːrmənənt /【永久的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~