NEWS ON 08/29 1.PCR TEST SITES SET UP GREEN CHANNEL FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 开学在即“三天两检”!沪上核酸检测点为师生开辟绿色通道 2.SHENZHOU-14 CREW GROW PLANTS ON SPACE STATION 问天实验舱应用任务进展顺利植物生长状态良好 3.DUTCH COMMANDOS WOUNDED IN SHOOTING OUTSIDE INDIANA HOTEL 3名荷兰突击队员在美遭枪击1死2伤 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.PCR TEST SITES SET UP GREEN CHANNEL FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 开学在即“三天两检”!沪上核酸检测点为师生开辟绿色通道 The new school semester【学期】will begin this Thursday. Many primary and secondary school students went for a PCR test today, and need to do one more before Thursday. PCR test sites across the city have beengearing up for weeks for the sudden increase in demand. Zhang Hong has the story. 新学期将于本周四(9/1)开学,今日(8/29)大部分中小学生完成了(第一次)核酸检测,并需要在周四前再做一次。对此,上海部分的常态化核酸点位和居民小区适时启动绿色通道或增设检测点,应对(由于新学期开学)突然增加的核酸检测需求。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 At 2:30pm, long queues were seen at a PCR test site on Changning Road. Many of them were teachers and students as they are required to complete two PCR tests before the new semester. To meet the demand, a green channel was set up at the site to speed up the process. 下午两点半,长宁路常态化核酸点位处排起了长队,其中不少是老师和学生,因为他们需要在新学期开学前进行两次核酸检测。为满足增加的检测需求,该核酸点位立刻增开绿色通道,以加快核酸进程。 Resident 市民 It’s very good, very efficient. She is very busy because she is preparing for the new term of the school. It’s very quick, no need to line up. It’s very good service. 这个(绿色通道)很好,很高效。我的孩子最近忙于为新学期做准备,这里的核酸非常快,不需要排队,服务非常好。 In Huayang Road subdistrict in Changning, five PCR test kiosks【亭】*have also set up special lanes for teachers and students. 长宁区华阳路街道辖区内,5个核酸检测点均为教师和学生设置了专用绿色通道。 Zhang Qingzhi, Field Staff of Huayang Road Subdistrict Health Unit 张庆治*华阳路街道卫生组外勤工作人员 The number of students coming for PCR tests have increased 50 to 60 percent. So, we have opened up green channels to prioritize their testing. (这两天)来进行核酸检测的学生大概比平常数量增加五六成,所以我们开辟了绿色通道,优先为学生和老师采样。 Parents are also preparing hard copies of health codes for their children, as they don’t have smart phones. They need to present the code when taking public transportation. Local transportation departments have made preparations to cope with the large passenger flow as the new semester begins. 由于中小学生目前没有智能手机,家长们为其准备了健康码的纸质打印件。学生们乘坐公共交通时需出示该健康码。随着新学期的开始,当地交通部门也已做好相应准备,以应对开学时的巨大客流量。 Zhang Zhuo, Captain of the No. 71 TrafficTeam 张卓71路中运量车队队长 Our transportation capacity has increased 20 percent from 49 buses to 65. During morning rush hours, buses depart around 4 minutes. 运能增加了20%,配车从原来的49辆增加至65辆。早高峰的发车时间,我们控制在(间隔)4分钟左右。 Traffic police in Yangpu conducted inspections****【检查】on school buses this morning before issuing passes for them to pick up students for the new term. 今日(8/29)上午,杨浦交警对校车进行了检查,并为校车发放了新学期接送学生的通行证。 2.SHENZHOU-14 CREW GROW PLANTS ON SPACE STATION 问天实验舱应用任务进展顺利植物生长状态良好 The Chinese Academy of Sciences said today that plants cultivated on the country’s space station are growing well in the Wentian lab module【(航天器的)舱】. Song Wenjing has more. 今天(8/29),中科院表示,我国航天空间站培育的植物在问天舱生长良好。记者宋雯婧带来更多详细报道。 The experiment began on July 29th, when thale cress and rice seedlings**【幼苗】were planted. The thale cress seedlings have grown four leaves, while some rice seedlingshave grown to about 14 centimeters high. A dwarf【矮小的,矮种的】*rice seedling is now almost 5 centimeters high and in good condition. 本次实验7月29日正式启动,当时主要种植了些拟南芥幼苗和水稻幼苗。目前拟南芥幼苗已长出四片叶子,一些水稻幼苗已长到大约14厘米高,矮秆水稻现在差不多也有5厘米高,生长状态良好。 Zheng Huiqiong, Researcher from the Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 郑慧琼中科院分子植物卓越中心研究员 They can’t grow up like on Earth as there is no gravity in space, which makes it difficult for the leaves to receive light. 到太空以后,由于缺乏重力导致植物很难有效接收光照,因此水稻不能像在地球上那样(整齐一致地向上)生长。 Scientists want to study the life cycle of rice in space, and explore possible ways to use space environmental factors to control plant flowering and maximize plant productivity in a relatively small sealed space. 科学家们想在太空中研究水稻的生命周期,并探索在相对较小的密封空间内利用空间环境因素控制植物开花和最大限度提高植物生产力的可能方法。 Zhao Liping, Chief Designer of Wentian Experiment Module Mission in Space Application System 赵黎平空间应用系统问天实验舱任务总体主任设计师 Around late September, the astronauts will collect the plant samples, then put them in a cold pack to keep them alive before returning to earth. Once they are back, scientists can study the plants. 初步计划9月下旬左右,航天员将收集植物样本,并将其放置在冷冻袋中保持活力。一旦返回地球后,由科学家对其做更深入的研究。 Shenzhou-14 was launched on June 5th, bringing commander Chen Dong, plus astronauts Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe to the country’s space station for a six-month mission. 神舟十四号载人飞船于(今年)6月5日发射,飞行乘组由航天员陈冬、刘洋和蔡旭哲组成,展开了为期6个月的在轨飞行任务。 3.DUTCH COMMANDOS WOUNDED IN SHOOTING OUTSIDE INDIANA HOTEL 3名荷兰突击队员在美遭枪击1死2伤 The Dutch Defense Ministry said that three Dutch commandos staying in the United States for training exercises were wounded in a shooting incident outside their hotel in Indianapolis last Friday night. Lei Shuran has more. 荷兰国防部表示,上周五(8/26)晚上,三名在美国进行演习训练的荷兰突击队员在印第安纳波利斯市所住酒店外的枪击事件中受伤。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 The soldiers, members of the Dutch Commando Corps, were in Indiana as part of a training exercise. Officers responded to the Hampton Inn shortly before 4 a.m. and found three men with gunshot wounds. 三名士兵来自荷兰皇家陆军突击队,案发时正在印第安纳波利斯市受训。警方于(27日)凌晨4点前赶到(案发地)汉普顿酒店,并发现三名受枪伤的男子。 The Dutch soldiers had been training at the Muscatatuck (Mus-Kata-Tuck) Urban Training Center, a 1,000-acre complex southeast of Indianapolis that is being used for training by the US Department of Defense. Indianapolis police said that preliminary information suggests a prior altercation【争执】occurred between the victims and the suspects, which led to the shooting at the hotel. 这三名荷兰士兵(案发前)一直在位于印第安纳波利斯东南部占地1000英亩(405公顷)的马斯卡塔克城市训练中心进行训练。该中心目前正被美国国防部用于士兵训练。印第安纳波利斯警方表示,初步信息显示受害者与嫌疑人之前发生过口角,由此引发枪击案。 Joshua Gisi, Major of the Indianapolis Police Department 约书亚·吉斯 印第安纳波利斯警察局少校 This is not something that occurred inside the hotel. It was a previous altercation, we believe, another location. We are still working through that with all of our witnesses. 枪击并非发生在酒店内部。这三名特种兵先在其他地方与人发生了争执,我们还在和目击者们确定事发经过。 All three men were taken to a local hospital, at least one of them was in critical condition. The shooting happened just outside the hotel where the soldiers were staying, and occurred while they were off duty. 这三名男子被送往当地医院,其中至少一人情况危急。枪击事件发生在这些士兵下榻的酒店外,而且发生在他们的休息时间。 Guest of the*Hampton Inn ** 汉普顿酒店住客 It’s like you can’t even go out and have dinner with friends without worrying about if you are risking your life. 这就好比,你外出和朋友吃顿晚饭都得担心自己是否会有生命危险。 The incident is under investigation and authorities reported no arrests in connection with the shooting. 目前该事件正在调查中,当局报告尚未逮捕到与枪击有关的人员。 #热词加油站 semester [sɪˈmestə(r)] 【学期】 kiosk [ˈki:ɒsk] 【亭】 inspection [ɪnˈspekʃ(ə)n] 【检查】 module [ˈmɒdju:l] 【(航天器的)舱】 seedling [ˈsi:dlɪŋ] 【幼苗】 dwarf [dwɔ:f] 【矮小的,矮种的】 altercation [ˌɔ:ltəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 【争执】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~