cover of episode 08/27 TOP OF THE DAY 海洋生态保护修复增强/2021沪企百强出炉/上海海关试点新模式

08/27 TOP OF THE DAY 海洋生态保护修复增强/2021沪企百强出炉/上海海关试点新模式

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NEWS ON 8/27 *1. SHANGHAI PUBLISHES LIST OF TOP 100 ENTERPRISES 84亿入门,2021沪企百强榜出炉* **2. **CHINA’S MARINE ECOLOGY SHOWING SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT 自然资源部:海洋生态保护修复持续增强 *3. CUSTOMS SHORTEN CHIP INSPECTIONS FOR MANUFACTURERS 上海海关试点查验新模式,助力芯片企业“随到随产” -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.SHANGHAI PUBLISHES LIST OF TOP 100 ENTERPRISES 84亿入门,2021沪企百强榜出炉* The 2021 Shanghai Top 100 Enterprises List was released today. Only companies headquartered【总部】 in Shanghai can make the list. Song Wenjing has more. 今天(8.26日),2021年度上海百强企业榜揭晓,只有总部设在上海的企业才能入榜。 SAIC Motor, China Baowu Steel Group and Bank of Communications were ranked as the top 3 companies in the city. The combined revenue【收益】 of the top 100 companies reached nearly 8.5 trillion yuan in 2020, an increase of 4.62 percent year on year, higher than the country’s GDP growth rate of 2.3%. 上汽集团,宝武钢铁,交通银行三家企业被评为全市前三大企业。2020年,百强企业总营收近8.5万亿元,增长率4.62%,远超全国2.3%的GDP增速。 INTERVIEW: Zhang Peirong, Director, Shanghai Enterprise Federation Consultative Dept.  张培荣 上海企业联合会咨询研究部主任 First, the threshold has been raised from last year 7.3 billion to 8.4 billion yuan. Second, the revenue of the top 100 enterprises increased nearly 5 percent, and their assets increased nearly 10 percent. Although the rate of operations resumption is lower than last year, and many technological products have been blocked, these results show we are capable of overcoming these difficulties. 首先是门槛由去年的(单企业总营收)73亿元提高到84亿元。第二"上海百强"营收增长将近5%,资产增长将近10%。克服了全年开工率比往年都低,很多技术产品受到阻遏的情况下,我们克服了这些困难才能取得。所以确实是来之不易。 Oriental Pearl Group, which is owned by Shanghai Media Group, ranked No. 89 on the list. 上海广播电视台、上海文化广播影视集团有限公司旗下的上海东方明珠股份有限公司名列榜单第89位。 2.CHINA’S MARINE ECOLOGY SHOWING SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT 自然资源部:海洋生态保护修复持续增强 The country’s environment officials said this morning during a press conference that the overall quality of China’s coastal waters has improved significantly. Zhang Yue has more. 中国生态环境部相关负责人在今天(8.26日)召开的例行发布会上介绍,中国沿海水域总体水质已得到显著提高。 The country’s marine ecology has improved substantially in recent years as the proportion of clean water in coastal waters nationwide last year was 82.3 percent, up by 9.3 percent. Since the Bohai Sea went under comprehensive environmental governance, the overall ecological quality of the sea has improved. Surface water quality in China is divided into five classes, with Class I being the best. 近年来,中国的海洋生态有了很大的改善。去年沿海水域清洁水的比例为82.3%,增长了9.3%。渤海实施综合治理以来,海洋整体生态质量有所提高。中国地表水质分为五类,其中Ⅰ类水质最好。 INTERVIEW: Zhang Zhifeng, China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment 张志锋 生态环境部海洋生态环境司 副司长 So far, 8891 hectares of coastal wetlands【沼泽地】 along the Bohai Sea coastline have been restored and we’ve focused on marine ecological protection for 37.5 percent of the offshore area around the Bohai Sea. 攻坚战期间,环渤海三省一市共完成滨海湿地修复8891公顷,整治修复岸线132公里,37.5%的渤海近岸海域划入海洋生态保护红线区,海洋生态保护修复持续增强。 China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment also conducts daily investigations in medium and high-risk regions to accelerate the transfer of medical wastes as part of a comprehensive【全面的】 plan for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. 中国省级生态环境部也在中高风险地区进行日常调查,以加速医疗废物的转移,作为COVID-19大流行管理综合计划的一部分。 INTERVIEW: Liu Youbin, Spokesperson, China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment   刘友宾 生态环境部新闻发言人 As of August 24, daily capacity for medical waste disposal in medium to high-risk regions stood at 669 tons, 830 tons less than the peak time on August 11. Major hospitals have been successful in treating their daily waste. 医疗废物处置方面,截至8月24日,处置量为669.26吨,较8月11日高峰时处置量减少830.59吨。全国中高风险地区医疗废物处置平稳有序,涉疫医疗废物均得到安全收运处置,做到日产日清。 Regulations on Medical Waste Management state that in cases of leakage and possible spreading of harmful microorganisms, temporary storage time for medical waste within a medical and health institution should not exceed 48 hours. 《医疗废物管理条例》规定,在发生泄漏和有害微生物可能扩散的情况下,医疗废物在医疗卫生机构内的临时储存时间不得超过48小时。 3.CUSTOMS SHORTEN CHIP INSPECTIONS FOR MANUFACTURERS 上海海关试点查验新模式,助力芯片企业“随到随产” The customs inspection【检查】 procedure for integrated circuits has been speeded up on a trial basis. With global shipments slowing as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the shorter clearance time helps manufacturers reliant on imported chips. Sun Siqi has the story. 上海海关对集成电路的查验流程改革,可节省两天流转时间。新冠病毒大流行导致全球出货放缓,更短的清关时间有助于制造商使用进口芯片。 Customs inspectors were changing and air blasted to enter a dust-free room, where boxes of integrated circuits are opened and inspected. The chips were imported by a company that makes LCD screens for passenger vehicles. They need to be kept free of particles before being installed into the screens. Customs doesn’t have this type of facility, thus, the vacuum【真空】 packed chips were previously escorted to the factory and then inspected there by customs officers. This took time and could result in hefty compensation payments should a client order not be delivered on time. 穿上无尘服、带上防静电帽,穿过风淋门,走进企业的洁净室,为了查验这一片片"娇贵"的芯片,海关关员全副"武装"、避免灰尘入侵。这种集成电路是由一家为乘用车生产液晶显示屏的公司进口的。在将芯片安装到滤网中之前,需要确保芯片没有颗粒。海关没有这种设施,因此,真空包装芯片需要提前送到工厂,然后由海关官员在那里进行检查。这需要时间,如果客户订单不能按时交付,可能会导致巨额赔偿。 INTERVIEW: Yin Tingting, Shanghai Logistics Director, Tianma Microelectronics 殷婷婷 天马微电子股份有限公司上海区域物流部总监 Customs needs two to three days to arrange the escort, and that extends our production cycle and lowers delivery capacity. 流转需要2-3个工作日,会拉长我们整体的清关周期,造成我们生产周期拉长,(产品)交付能力会下降。 But now, customs officers are going to the factory after the outer containers of the chips were inspected at the port. 现在海关在口岸实行外包装查验后,企业提货至工厂洁净室,再由海关赴企业洁净室进行拆箱查验。 INTERVIEW: Zhao Yichun, Freight Inspection Division, Shanghai Pudong Customs   赵一春 上海浦东海关物控查检处副处长 This way, the shipment is inspected the minute the company receives it. 企业可以第一时间提货,同时我们可以在货物到达企业的同时,我们可以进行相关的查验。 The new procedure is about 2 days quicker. Eight tech firms in Pudong are part of the trial. It will eventually be expanded to more companies. 新程序大约可以节省2天的时间,在浦东新区,目前已有8家高新技术企业纳入首批试点,计划将进行进一步推广。 #热词加油站 headquarter【总部】 revenue【收益】 wetlands【沼泽地】 comprehensive【全面的】 inspection【检查】 vacuum真空* 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~