NEWS ON 8/26 *1. SHALE OIL DEPOSIT DISCOVERED IN HEILONGJIANG 12.68亿吨!大庆油田页岩油勘探取得重大战略性突破* *2.HAN DYNASTY IMPERIAL EXAMINATION INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE 金榜题名时,穿越再升级——沉浸式科举剧情实景秀在上海首展 3.“QUALITY” ISSUE WITH TOKYO OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL* 金牌“掉皮”?日本造币局:掉落的并非镀金层 **-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1. SHALE OIL DEPOSIT DISCOVERED IN HEILONGJIANG 12.68亿吨!大庆油田页岩油勘探取得重大战略性突破* Daqing Oilfield Company today announced the discovery of a major shale oil 【页岩油】deposit with estimated reserves of about 1.27 billion tons. 今天(25日)中国石油披露,大庆油田古龙页岩油勘探取得重大战略性突破, 新增石油预测 地质储量达12.68亿吨。 The PetroChina subsidiary is expected to produce one million tons annually from the deposit within a few years. Located in Heilongjiang Province, the oilfield also known as Daqing was discovered in 1959. Since then, more than 2.4 billion tons of crude oil【原油】has been pumped from it. The oilfield remains one of the country’s largest oil production centers. The company began exploring for shale deposits in the 1980s. 未来"十四五"期间,大庆油田页岩油年产量将达100万吨以上。自1959年以来,黑龙江大庆油田勘探开发已逾60年,累产原油24亿多吨,成为中国最大的采油基地之一。上世纪80年代以来,面对油田储采失衡和稳产难的严峻挑战,大庆石油人创新非常规勘探思路,向页岩油进军。 2. HAN DYNASTY IMPERIAL EXAMINATION INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE 金榜题名时,穿越再升级——沉浸式科举剧情实景秀在上海首展 One East Plaza in Huangpu District is hosting an immersive【沉浸的】exhibition which brings visitors back to the Han Dynasty to take part in an imperial examination【科举】, or Keju. Sun Siqi brings us more. 近日,沉浸式剧情实景秀“金榜题名时”在黄浦区博荟广场ONE EAST开演,参与者将穿越回汉朝,亲身经历一场科举中榜之旅。 Visitors need to wear typical Chinese clothing in Han Dynasty called Hanfu during the visit. They will face a set of challenges before they take the final exam. They not only have to spend time on various subjects including writing, politics and arithmetic【算术】, but also need to be proficient in music, calligraphy【书法】and painting. Before the exam, visitors will tie a red ribbon and a small wishing plaque【匾牌】to a tree to pray for good luck. When it comes to the day of the exam, they will sit in a small compartment【隔间】and use their mobile phones to answer questions. 参与者需身着汉服,完成一系列挑战后方能参加最后的殿试。考试科目包括写作、时事政治和算术,同时还要求熟知音律、书法和绘画。参加考试前,参与者会在门口的树上系上红丝带与许愿牌来祈求好运。考试当天,他们将分别坐在小隔间内用手机进行作答。 INTERVIEW Visitor, 参与者 I've never seen the old imperial examination system being explained in such a straightforward way. 原先从未如此清晰地了解过科举制度。 INTERVIEW Visitor, 参与者 The exhibition is very interesting. It made me feel like I was back in the Han Dynasty when I was dressed in Hanfu. 很有意思,穿上汉服就能感受古代的意境。 China’s imperial examination system dates back to the Sui Dynasty over 2,000 years ago. The exam was held annually as a way to recruit talent for the government. The system had lasted for over 1,000 years before it was finally abolished【废除】in 1905, as part of the Qing Dynasty’s attempts at modernization. 科举是中国古代通过考试选拔官吏的制度,创始于2000多年前的隋朝,经过1000多年的兴衰起落,最终因清政府推动现代化发展而废除于1905年。 INTERVIEW Yang Xuezhi, Curator 杨学智,策展人 This exhibition highlights the importance of education and encourages young people to study hard by telling the inspiring stories of ancient scholars who strived for years to earn recognition from the emperor’s court. 举办这个以古代科举制度为主题的展览,为的就是突出教育的重要性,希望用古代人的寒窗苦读和学子们考取功名的励志故事激励现代年轻人多读书。 The exhibition runs until December 19th and costs 78 to 138 yuan per person. Vistors can either wear their own Hanfu costumes or borrow one from the venue. 该实景展将开放至12月19日,门票价格为每人78至138元不等。参与者可身穿自己的汉服也可到场后租借。 *3. ***“QUALITY” ISSUE WITH TOKYO OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL 金牌“掉皮”?日本造币局:掉落的并非镀金层 A group of photos of a Tokyo Olympic gold medal posted by trampoline【蹦床】athlete Zhu Xueying朱雪莹on Weibo has sparked a discussion concerning the quality of the medals. 几天前,东京奥运会女子蹦床冠军朱雪莹在社交媒体上晒出自己的金牌照片,发文询问:你们的奖牌也能被抠掉一层皮吗?奥运奖牌的质量问题随即便引发了热议。 Zhu wrote that she discovered a small mark on her medal, and thought that it was probably just dirt, so she rubbed it with her finger and found that nothing changed, so then she picked at it and the mark got bigger. The Organizing Committee of Tokyo Olympic Games responded today that the part of the medal that came off was not the gold plating【镀层】, but a coating【覆盖层】applied to the surface of the medal. The Tokyo medals were a new experiment for the Olympic Games, as they were made from metal extracted from electronic devices donated by people in Japan. 朱雪莹表示,自己看到金牌上缺了一小块,以为是污渍,擦不掉就用手抠了一下,没想到掉了更大块。针对各方疑问,东京奥组委今天(25日)回应称,剥落的部分是奖牌表面的保护膜,并不是镀金层。本届东京奥运会的奖牌,为了特别展现环保和节约,都是取材于废弃电子设备,是奥运会的一次新尝试。 #热词加油站 coating【覆盖层】 plating【镀层】 trampoline【蹦床】 abolish【废除】 compartment【隔间】 plaque【匾牌】 calligraphy【书法】 arithmetic【算术】 imperial examination【科举】 immersive【沉浸的】 crude oil【原油】 shale oil 【页岩油】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~