NEWS ON 08/25 1.TOKYO PARALYMPICS OPEN AMID SPIKE IN COVID-19 INFECTIONS 东京残奥会开幕,期待中国健儿再创辉煌! 2.MENTAL HEALTH PATIENTS FLEX CREATIVE MUSCLES “600号画廊”——艺术的治愈力量 3.CHINA CALLS U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT ON VIRUS ORIGINS "ANTI-SCIENCE" 外交部:由情报机构去搞病毒溯源是反科学的,请美方停止政治化操弄! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.TOKYO PARALYMPICS OPEN AMID SPIKE IN COVID-19 INFECTIONS 东京残奥会开幕,期待中国健儿再创辉煌! The opening ceremony for the Tokyo Paralympic Games【残奥会】is being held at the National Stadium in Japan despite the country’s increased COVID-19 infection rate. The games are hosting around 4,500 athletes from over 160 countries. 尽管日本新冠疫情形势严峻,东京残奥会开幕式仍将在日本国家体育场如期举行。本届残奥会将有来自超过160个国家的约4500名运动员参加。 A total of 162 delegations will compete during the next 12 days. The Chinese delegation marched onto the grounds more than an hour ago, led by Chinese archer【射箭运动员】周佳敏 and long jumper 王浩. The Chinese team which includes 132 women and 119 men, will compete in 20 of 22 sports in Tokyo. This year’s Paralympics will award 539 gold medals across 22 sports, including two new sports—taekwondo【跆拳道】and badminton. The Paralympic games will conclude on September 5th. 在接下来的12天里,将有来自世界各地的162个代表团参加比赛。约一小时前,中国代表团在中国射箭运动员周佳敏和跳远运动员王浩的带领下步入体育场。本届残奥会,中国代表团共有女运动员132名、男运动员119名,将参加20个大项的角逐。本届残奥会共设22个大项、539个小项,其中包括两个新项目——跆拳道和羽毛球。此次残奥会将于9月5日闭幕。 2.MENTAL HEALTH PATIENTS FLEX CREATIVE MUSCLES “600号画廊”——艺术的治愈力量 An exhibition at the Shanghai Mental Health Center in Xuhui Districtis featuring paintings by several dozen patients. The hospital hopes the gallery can be a bridge to better connect mentally ill people and society. 近日,位于徐汇区的上海市精神卫生中心开办的画廊中,展出了几十名精神病患者的艺术画作。医院表示,希望画廊能够成为连接精神病患者和社会的桥梁。 More than 60 paintings are included in "No. 600 Gallery" at the hospital. About 20 of the hospital’s patients created them. One visitor says she is astonished by their creations. 在该院的“600号画廊”里,悬挂着来自20多名患者的60多幅画作。一位参观者表示,看到这些创作,她感到十分惊讶。 INTERVIEW: Visitor 参观者 “I thought the paintings would be more childish and scratchy【潦草的】, but most of them are actually quite mature, with deep themes.” 我本来以为这些画会比较童真,但是现在看下来的话,其实更多的还是他们实际年龄的内心表达。 INTERVIEW: Zhang Xiaojing, Visitor 张晓静参观者 “I like the colors and the use of lines in many paintings. Art, especially painting is not limited to being just an artistic endeavor【努力】, but it’s extremely effective as therapy and a calming technique to increase mental and physical health.” 觉得一些线条感或者说是它的一些色彩的那个比例,会更加的侧重在一个就是治愈方面的一个作用,一方面的话是让公众有一个机会可以就是了解到正在康复中的精神患者一些思维跟他的一些想象力,然后另一个方面他其实也是帮助患者他本身然后从就是可能借助就是绘画这样的一些实践,更好的能够面对自己,融入以后的生活。 The curator, Dr. Chen Zhimin, has been working at the Shanghai Mental Health Center for more than seven years. He has used painting to encourage his patients to better express their inner world. Doctor Chen admit he wasn’t sure about the idea of encouraging patients to create paintings, but it turned out quite successful. “600号画廊”策展人陈智民是上海市精神卫生中心的一位精神科医生,在这家医院工作已有七年多。他常常鼓励患者绘画,来表达自己的内心世界。陈医生表示,他一开始并不确定,艺术创作是否对患者康复有帮助,但实际上最后呈现的效果非常好。 INTERVIEW: Chen Zhimin, Doctor Shanghai Mental Health Center 陈智民精神科住院医师 上海市精神卫生中心 “It’s safe to say that they are changing for the better through painting, not just that their attention is more focused, or their fingers are more flexible, but their whole mental condition. For example, they are more energetic rather than gloomy【忧郁的】,and they are always excited for the next painting. They are proud of their works, and they will praise others." 我们还是能够明显看出他们整个精神状态发生改善,我并不是说他注意力变得更集中,或者说是手指精细活动度得到提升等等具体的改善,而是说我发现他们整个精神面貌上的改变,每当来到画室当中,他们就会就是全神贯注的很有热情的打开自己的一些绘画工具来画起画来,还会主动去欣赏别人的作品,夸赞别人哪里画的好,他没有经历过艺术技巧的学习,也没有经过学院派这种训练,他们就是在没有技巧的帮助或者限制下,比较自由比较流畅的表达自己内心的感受。 The exhibition is being held in a separate building from the buildings treating mental health patients. So that patients won’t be disturbed by groups of people. Due to the pandemic, admission of gallery is limited to medical workers, patients of the hospital and their families at the moment. 此次展览与诊疗场所分开设置,以免患者被参观者打扰。疫情期间,该画廊仅允许医务人员、医院患者及其家属参观。 The hospital said it wants to work with art organizations, NGOs and artists to organize similar events to improve mental health awareness and inclusiveness【包容性】among the public. The hospital’s Daytime Intensive Treatment and Rehabilitation Center is used as a transition place for patients who have already been discharged from the hospital, as most of them face challenges readjusting to life. Music lessons, handicrafts tutorials【辅导课】, lectures and mock job interviews are being organized regularly to help ease the transition. 上海市精神卫生中心表示,希望接下来能与更多的艺术组织、非政府组织以及艺术家合作开展此类活动,提高公众的心理健康意识以及社会包容度。该医院还设有日间康复中心,定期组织音乐课、手工艺品制作、讲座和模拟面试等活动,以帮助出院患者重新适应社会生活。 3.CHINA CALLS U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT ON VIRUS ORIGINS "ANTI-SCIENCE" 外交部:由情报机构去搞病毒溯源是反科学的,请美方停止政治操弄! Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said during a press briefing【新闻发布会】today that the US intelligence【情报】report on the origin of the novel coronavirus is anti-science, unreliable and contains predetermined conclusions. 中国外交部发言人汪文斌在今天(24日)召开的例行记者会上指出,美情报部门溯源报告只不过是一份先有结论、后拼凑“证据”的栽赃报告,本身就是反科学的。 Wang said that origin tracing requires science, and that using intelligence agencies to trace the origins of the virus wasn’t a scientific approach. He also urged the US to "revert to the right track" and "stop politicizing the issue". The spokesperson added that tracing the origins of the virus requires unity, not finger pointing. 汪文斌表示,溯源需要的是科学,而不是什么情报,由情报机构去搞病毒溯源本身就是反科学的。汪文斌还敦促美方从本国人民和世界人民生命健康利益出发,停止政治化操弄,早日回到科学溯源的轨道上来。汪文斌强调,溯源需要的是团结,而不是陷害。 #热词加油站 Paralympic Games【残奥会】 archer【射箭运动员】 taekwondo【跆拳道】 scratchy【潦草的】 endeavor【努力】 gloomy【忧郁的】 inclusiveness【包容性】 tutorial【辅导课】 press briefing【新闻发布会】 intelligence【情报】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~