NEWS ON 8/24 1. ALL CLOSE CONTACTS OF AIRPORT COVID-19 PATIENTS TEST NEGATIVE——00:09 毫不放松,严防严控!上海全力应战新冠疫情! 2. CHINA WINS FIRST PLACE AT SUVOROV ATTACK MILITARY GAMES——02:09 国际军事比赛首战打响,中国步战车一骑绝尘! 3. CHINA'S PARALYMPIC FLAG-BEARERS——04:33 东京残奥会开幕在即,中国代表团旗手公布! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. ALL CLOSE CONTACTS OF AIRPORT COVID-19 PATIENTS TEST NEGATIVE 毫不放松,严防严控!上海全力应战新冠疫情! After five local COVID-19 infections emerged among Pudong airport employees covering international flight between Friday and Saturday, Shanghai health officials said they have traced 143 close contacts and 942 secondary contacts. Here’s Sun Siqi with the details. 上周五至周六,浦东机场工作人员中出现5例新冠本土确诊病例,均涉及境外货运。上海市卫生防疫人员表示,已经排查追踪了密切接触者143人,密接的密接942人。 All contacts have been placed in quarantine【隔离】 and tested for the coronavirus twice. The results have come back negative. More than 80,000 people in the same work and living environments have also been tested twice, no positive cases were found. Officials added that the five individuals were most likely infected after exposure to people or objects from abroad carrying the virus. All five were infected with the Delta variant, and there was little possibility that it came from the other coronavirus clusters circulating within China. 所有的接触者均已落实集中隔离,并接受了两次冠状病毒检测,结果为阴性。8万余名浦东机场确诊病例相关人员也接受了两次检测,没有发现阳性病例。工作人员补充说,这5例病例的感染来源可以聚焦在,暴露于境外输入病毒污染的人员或环境。病例所感染的病毒为德尔塔变异株,其病毒与与近期我国其他本土确诊病例病毒同源性低。 Pudong Airport started what it called "remote luggage screening", where Customs officials monitor X-ray scans and passengers from a separate room. Only suspicious bags are opened. With this process in place, 98 percent of arriving passengers can get through Customs within five minutes of picking up their suitcases. 浦东机场开始通过先期机检系统,进行“远程行李检查”,海关官员在一个单独的房间中监控X射线扫描结果以及旅客。只有异常的行李包裹才会被打开检查。有了这一流程,98%的入境旅客可以在提取行李后五分钟内通过海关。 Zhang Wei, Deputy commissioner Shanghai Pudong Airport costums 张炜,上海浦东国际机场海关副关长 We open only the bags that need to be checked more precisely, which reduces the chance of contact with the virus. 我们精准地开箱,那样的话接触(病毒)的几率就大大下降了。 Customs also paired up employees so they can remind each other when one takes off their protective gear during work. At railway stations, all arriving passengers were still being asked to show a green health code and pass a temperature check. Those found with a fever will be taken to an isolation area for questions about their travel history. 海关还将工作人员两人一组进行了分组,以便他们在工作中脱下防护服时可以互相提醒。在火车站,所有抵沪旅客仍会被要求出示绿色健康码并通过站内测温。发现体温有异常的,会直接进入临时隔离点,进一步确认旅客的旅居史。 Lyu Zhengfeng, Party secretary Shanghai Huatie Passenger Service 吕征峰,上海华铁旅客服务有限公司上海分公司党支部书记 Our cleaning staff also have to show their health and travel history code when they come to work. We check and record their temperatures three times a day. 包括上班每天点名的时候,都要看他们的健康码、行程码。他们是每天早中晚各进行一次测温,然后登记记录。 The station’s janitorial staff have been fully vaccinated. Turnstiles【闸机】 and escalators【自动扶梯】, which are touched frequently by many individuals, are disinfected every two hours. The entire indoor area is disinfected each night after the station closes. 站内所有参与清洁的工作人员都已经接种了疫苗。对于旅客经常接触的闸机、扶梯等重点区域,保洁人员会按照两小时一次的频率进行消毒。每晚清客后还会增加一次全方位消杀。 2. CHINA WINS FIRST PLACE AT SUVOROV ATTACK MILITARY GAMES 国际军事比赛首战打响,中国步战车一骑绝尘! Chinese soldiers got the first place in today’s individual race of "Suvorov Attack" contest at the ongoing 2021 International Army Games. The contest was held in Korla, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Zhang Hong tells us more. “国际军事比赛-2021”正在进行中,中国参赛队员在今日(8月23日)的“苏沃洛夫突击”单车赛中获得第一名。这一比赛项目在新疆维吾尔自治区库尔勒市举办。 Soldiers from countries including China, Belarus, Egypt and Russia have gathered in Xinjiang to compete in three military games: "Suvorov Attack", "Clear Sky "and “Safe Environment”. Soon after the contest started, Chinese soldiers arrived at the firing location and managed to shoot all of the 5 targets at ranges of 1,100 to 1,500 meters. 来自中国、白俄罗斯、埃及和俄罗斯等国的参赛队员齐聚新疆,参加中方在这里承办的三个项目:“苏沃洛夫突击”、“晴空”和“安全环境”。首日比赛开始后不久,中国参赛队员驾驶步战车抵达射击阵位,并成功在1100到1500米的距离外击中了全部5个靶标。 The green infantry【步兵】fighting vehicle hit all of the targets. 绿色步战车目标全部命中。 The "Suvorov Attack" contest has an individual race and a relay race. It tests the infantry’s skills at maneuvering【驾驶,操纵】 a fighting vehicle on a track filled with obstacles as well as their firing rate and accuracy. “苏沃洛夫突击”项目分为单车赛和接力赛,它考验车组在满是障碍物的赛道上驾驶步战车的能力,以及射击速度和准确性。 Chen Kewen, Leader Chinese team for "Suvorov Attack" 陈克文,"苏沃洛夫突击"项目中国参赛队领队 There are 12 obstacles the track. They are larger than we have in our regular training. There are also two firing locations where we are given three chances to shoot at 142 targets that appear randomly. We need to find the targets and destroy them as soon as possible . 这个整个赛道它是10种12个障碍物,这个障碍物比我们现行训练大纲这个障碍的要求都要大。两个射击阵位它分别要完成三次射击,靶标142个随机显示,你提前不知道它的位置。要及时发现、命中,来解决这个问题。 Soldiers from China, Russia, Belarus and Venezuela took part in today’s contest. Russia used their own vehicles while others used ZBD-86A infantry fighting vehicles provided by China. The 86A infantry fighting vehicles are 6.74 meters long, 2.97 meters wide and 2 meters tall, with a maximum speed of 65 kilometers per hour. 中国、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和委内瑞拉参加了今日(8月23日)的项目。除俄罗斯使用自带的BMP-3步战车参赛外,其他参赛队均使用中方提供的86A步战车。86A步兵战车长6.74米,宽2.97米,高2米,最高时速65公里。 Chen Kewen, Leader Chinese team for "Suvorov Attack" 陈克文,"苏沃洛夫突击"项目中国参赛队领队 The vehicle carries 30-millimeter cannons with an effective firing range of 1,500 meters. The vehicle can move quickly, strike effectively and it is stable. 这个它的车载武器主要是30炮,30炮有效射程是1500米。应该说整个车具备良好的机动力和打击能力,性能还是比较稳定的。 Winning the contest requires the seamless cooperation of three crews. 赢得这场比赛需要车组三名成员的通力合作。 Chen Kewen, Leader Chinese team for "Suvorov Attack" 陈克文,"苏沃洛夫突击"项目中国参赛队领队 After the vehicle stops, the driver and the crew leader exit the vehicle. The cannon will be handed over to the leader from the driver and then to the gunner. The gunner will load the cannon and fire at the target. 停稳以后三个人下车协同补弹,驾驶员和车长下来,驾驶员把弹给车长,车长把单弹再给炮长,准确装弹,快速击发。 The Chinese team ranked first, finishing the contest in less than 16 minutes. Russia and Belarus ranked second and third. The International Army Games will run until September 4th. 中国车组用时不到16分钟就完成了比赛,排名第一。俄罗斯、白俄罗斯分别位列第二、三名。“国际军事比赛-2021”将持续至9月4日。 3. CHINA'S PARALYMPIC FLAG-BEARERS 东京残奥会开幕在即,中国代表团旗手公布! Chinese archer Zhou Jiamin and long jumper Wang Hao have been chosen as the flag-bearers for Team China at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games, which will be held from tomorrow to September 5. 中国女子轮椅射箭运动员周佳敏、男子肢残田径运动员王浩,将担任东京残奥会开幕式中国体育代表团旗手。本届残奥会将从明日(8月24日)到9月5日在东京举行。 Zhou claimed the women’s composite bow open-individual and mixed double titles at the 2016 Rio Paralympics. Wang was a gold medalist in the men’s long jump in the 2017 and 2019 World Para Athletics Championships. 周佳敏曾获得2016年里约残奥会复合弓公开级个人赛、混双冠军。王浩曾获得2017年、2019年世界残奥田径锦标赛跳远金牌。 China’s Paralympic team for the Tokyo games is made up of 132 female and 119 male athletes, they will compete in 20 of the 22 events. This group is the 10th Chinese delegation【代表团】 to attend summer Paralympics since 1984. Around 4,400 athletes from about 160 countries and regions are expected to take part in this year’s Paralympics. 东京残奥会中国体育代表团由132名女运动员和119名男运动员组成,他们将参加全部22个大项中20个的角逐。此次为1984年以来,中国第10次派团参加夏季残奥会。届时将有来自约160个国家和地区的4400名运动员参加本届残奥会。 #热词加油站 quarantine【隔离】 Turnstile【闸机】 escalator【自动扶梯】 infantry【步兵】 maneuvering【移动,操纵】 delegation【代表团】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~