*NEWS ON 08/22 *1.SHANGHAI ISSUES NEW POLICIESTO HELP COLLEGE GRADS GET A JOB* 上海出台新一轮高校毕业生等青年促就业政策措施 *2.JAPAN TO BEGIN FUKUSHIMA WASTEWATER DISCHARGE ON AUGUST 24 日本政府宣布于8月24日开始排放福岛核废水 *3.THAILAND'S FORMER PM THAKSINRETURNS HOME* 泰国前总理他信结束流亡回国* ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.SHANGHAI ISSUES NEW POLICIESTO HELP COLLEGE GRADS GET A JOB* 上海出台新一轮高校毕业生等青年促就业政策措施 The Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued several new policies to help graduates find a job. They include offering subsidies【补贴】** to both companies and students. Zhang Hong brings us the details. 上海市人力资源和社会保障局出台新一轮高校毕业生等青年促就业政策措施,包括向企业和学生提供补贴。记者张泓带来详细报道。 Companies, social welfare organizations, and individual business owners can get a one-time subsidy of 2,000 yuan for each graduate they hire, provided the new employee is graduated from college between 2021 and 2023, or an unemployed person aged between 16 and 24, or a person who has been registered as unemployed for at least three months in Shanghai. Companies don't need to apply for the subsidy. 各类企业、社会组织和个体工商户每聘用一名毕业生,可按2000元/人享受一次性吸纳就业补贴。该新员工必须是2021年至2023年期间的高校毕业生,或在本市登记失业3个月及以上人员或登记失业的16到24岁青年。企业无需自行申请补贴。 The bureau will also waive 50% of social insurance contributions for a maximum of 12 months if a social organization, or small or micro-sized company hires someone who graduated from university between 2021 and 2023 and doesn't have a job. 如果社会机构或小微型企业雇用2021年至2023年期间毕业且未就业的高校毕业生,还将减免50%的社会保险费,补贴不超过12个月。 College graduates from a low-income family, those who are handicapped*【残疾的】**or have a handicapped family member, or graduates from a secondary vocational school are eligible to apply for a 1,000 yuan subsidy to help them get a job or start their own business. This is the first time applicants from vocational schools are eligible for such a subsidy. 低保家庭高校毕业生、残疾人或有残疾家庭成员、中等职业学校毕业生可请1000元的就业创业补贴。这是职业学校的学生首次有资格申请此类补贴。 The bureau will ensure that young people looking for a job will have access to at least one career tutoring session, one introductory meeting on employment policies, three job recommendations, and either vocational skills training or an internship position. Authorities alsoset a target of hiring 90% of jobless graduates. 有关部门需确保到年底本市2023届离校未就业毕业生帮扶就业率不低于90%,并对有就业意愿的青年至少提供1次政策宣介、1次职业指导、3次岗位推介、1次技能培训或就业见习机会。 **2.JAPAN TO BEGIN FUKUSHIMA WASTEWATER DISCHARGE ON AUGUST 24 日本政府宣布于8月24日开始排放福岛核废水 The Japanese government announced on Tuesday that the plan for the discharge of nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean will begin on Thursday. Sun Siqi has more. 日本政府周二(08/22)宣布,将从周四(08/24)开始,将受损的福岛核电站处理后的废水排入太平洋。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。 Despite opposition from both home and abroad, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced the controversial decision following a ministerial meeting heldthismorning. 日本首相岸田文雄不顾国内外的反对,在周二(08/22)上午举行的部长会议上宣布了这一备受争议的决定。 Fumio Kishida Japanese Prime Minister *岸田文雄 日本首相 “The Tokyo Electric Power Company is requested to promptly proceed with preparations for the commencement of ocean release based on the plan approved by the Nuclear Regulation Authority. As for the specific release date, August 24 is the expected date if there are no problems with weather and sea conditions.” “我们将要求东京电力公司,立刻为启动核污染水排海做好准备,排海将按照原子能规制委员会批准的方案进行,如果天气和海况允许,预计核污染水排海将从8月24日开始。” Kishida claimed that the government will take full responsibility for the decision. 岸田文雄称,政府将对这一决定承担全部责任。 Following the announcement, TEPCO said it began transferring the first batch of treated water from storage tanks into a facility to mix it with sea water to dilute it shortly after 10:30 a.m.today. 在宣布这一决定后,东京电力公司表示,今天(08/22)上午10点30分后不久,公司开始将第一批经过处理的水从储罐中转移到设施中,与海水混合稀释。 About a hundred people gathered in front of the Japanese Prime Minister's official residence to protest this decision. According to an opinion poll by national news agency Kyodo, a total of 88.1 percent of respondents expressed concerns over the discharge plan. 大约一百人聚集在日本首相官邸前抗议这一决定。日本共同社的最新民调显示,共计有88.1%的日本民众对日本核污染水排海计划表示担忧。 Hong Kong and Macao will ban aquatic products from 10 places in Japan including Tokyo and Fukushima starting August 24. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin today responded that Japan did not adequately consult with the international community regarding its ocean discharge plan. China urged Japan to rethink its decision. Wang also added China will take all steps necessary to protect the marine environment, food safety, and people's health. 自8月24日起,香港和澳门将禁止源自东京、福岛等日本10个都县的水产品进口。中国外交部发言人汪文斌今天回应称,日本政府不顾国际社会严重关切和坚决反对。中方强烈敦促日方纠正错误决定,并将采取一切必要措施维护海洋环境,维护食品安全和公众健康。 *3.THAILAND'S FORMER PM THAKSINRETURNS HOME* 泰国前总理他信结束流亡回国* Thailand's former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra returned to the country today after years of self-exile abroad while a deal was reached for formerproperty tycoon Srettha Thavisin to become prime minister. Stephen Rancourt has more. 流亡海外十余年的泰国前总理他信·西那瓦今天(08/22)回到泰国。前房地产大亨赛塔·他威信当选新一任泰国总理。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。 Accompanied by his family, Thaksin made a brief public appearance to greet his core supporters and media this morning after arriving in a private jet inBangkok. 今天(08/22)上午,他信在家人的陪同下,乘坐私人飞机抵达曼谷,向其支持者和媒体挥手致意。 Thaksin was Thailand's premier from 2001 to 2006, but had been in self-exile since 2008. He was convicted of multiple corruptioncharges and faces up to 10 years in jail. 他信曾于2001年至2006年期间担任泰国总理,但自2008年以来一直流亡海外。他被判多项腐败罪名成立,面临长达10年的监禁。 Deputy PM Wissanu Krea-ngam said earlier that Thaksin will be subjected to legalproceedingsand sent to jail. Hundreds of supporters of Thaksin were at the private jet terminal to welcome his return. 泰国看守副总理维萨努曾表示,他信抵达泰国后将接受法律程序并被送入监狱。数百名他信支持者在私人飞机航站楼迎接他信的归来。 Mayuraet Kodchompoo Thaksin Supporter 他信支持者 “We've waited for today for 15 years. We've waited for him to return to the land. There's the feeling that we got someone we love back home.” “我们等了15年才等到今天,我们一直盼着他回国,这种感觉就像我们所爱之人回家了。” Upon arrival, the country's supreme courtsentencedThaksin to serve8 years in prisonalthough it wasn't clear whetherhe will serve any time. Hewas in custody and under the care of Thailand’s Corrections Department. 他信抵达曼谷后,泰国最高法院随即判处他信8年监禁,但是不清楚他信是否会实际服刑。他信目前被拘留,并由泰国矫正司负责照顾。 Also today, Srettha Thavisin, a candidate backed by Thailand's Pheu Thai-led coalition, secured a simple majority in a parliamentary【议会的】** vote to become the country's new prime minister. 为泰党提名的总理候选人赛塔·他威信在当天(08/22)举行的议会投票中获得过半数议员支持,当选新一任泰国总理。 The 60-year-oldformerreal estate tycoon was endorsed by a joint sitting of the upper and lower houses, paving the way for the Pheu Thai Party and its alliance to form a new government,which endsapolitical stalemate since the election in May. 这位60岁的前房地产大亨得到了泰国上下两院联席会议的支持,为为泰党及其联盟组建新政府铺平了道路,结束了自5月大选以来的政治僵局。 #热词加油站 subsidy/ˈsʌbsədi/【补贴】 handicapped/ˈhændikæpt/【残疾的】 parliamentary/ˌpɑːrləˈmentri/【议会的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~