NEWS ON 8/20 1.CHINA CELEBRATES 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF TIBET’S LIBERATION 雪域欢歌70载,西藏启航新时代 *2.86 DETAINED OVER LOAN SCAMS 借了还不完?上海警方捣毁跨省新型诈骗团伙 *3.TALIBAN ANNOUNCES CREATION OF ISLAMIC EMIRATE OF AFGHANISTAN 塔利班宣布成立“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国” -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.CHINA CELEBRATES 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF TIBET’S LIBERATION 雪域欢歌70*载,西藏启航新时代* China held a grand gathering today to celebrate the 70th anniversary【周年纪念日】* of the peaceful liberation【解放】** of Tibet. The event was held in Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Sun Siqi has the story. 8月19日,庆祝西藏和平解放70周年大会在西藏自治区首府拉萨隆重举行。 In late July, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese President and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited the Tibet Autonomous Region to extend congratulations on the occasion.Xi said over the past years Tibet has made historic strides【跨越】 in economic and social development, with people’s living standards improving significantly. It has been proven that without the CPC, there would have been neither New China nor new Tibet, and that the CPC Central Committee’s guidelines and policies concerning Tibet work are completely correct. 7月下旬,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平亲临西藏庆祝西藏和平解放70周年并进行考察调研。习总书记表示,西藏和平解放70年来,社会制度实现历史性跨越,经济社会实现全面发展,人民生活极大改善。实践证明,没有中国共产党就没有新中国,也就没有新西藏,党中央关于西藏工作的方针政策是完全正确的。 At the gathering this morning, Wang Yang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee addressed the event. Wang called the peaceful liberation of Tibet a historic transition for the region. He also said Tibet has entered a new era in which greater development and bigger changes have been made and more benefits delivered to the people since the 18th CPC National Congress. 19日上午,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席、中央代表团团长汪洋出席庆祝大会并发表致辞。汪洋表示,1951年西藏和平解放,是西藏具有划时代意义的历史转折。党的十八大以来,西藏步入发展最好、变化最大、群众得实惠最多的新时代。 Tibet’s GDP soared**【剧增】 past 190 billion yuan in 2020 from merely 130 million yuan in 1951.Wang also stressed the need to always follow the leadership of the CPC and march steadily on the path of building socialism with distinctive Chinese features, stability in Tibet and national security and stability in the border areas. 西藏地区生产总值从1951年的1.3亿元增加到2020年的突破1900亿元。汪洋强调,要始终坚持党的领导,坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路,要巩固发展西藏和谐稳定的良好局面,确保国家安全和边疆稳固。 2.86 DETAINED OVER LOAN SCAMS 借了还不完?上海警方捣毁跨省新型诈骗团伙 Shanghai police said 86 people were detained on suspicion of running online loan scams involving nearly 630 million yuan. Zhang Yue tells us the details. 上海警方捣毁一跨省新型网贷诈骗犯罪团伙,抓获团伙成员86人,涉案金额高达6.3亿元。 One of the victims said she initially only borrowed several thousand yuan. But her debts soon added up to 1.47 million yuan over two months, and she had to sell her apartment to pay back the loans. So how did that happen? Police said the gang developed 23 smartphone apps, including Guyu and Aifeng, since April 2020. The gang claimed that borrowers could get the money immediately without any collateral. 其中一位受害人表示,自己最初只借了几千元,但她的债务却在两个月内增加到147万元,她不得不卖掉自己的公寓来偿还贷款。这是怎么一回事?警方表示,自2020年4月以来,该犯罪团伙开发了23款网贷APP,其中包括“谷雨”和“爱峰”。该团伙称,借款人可以在没有任何抵押的情况下立即获得贷款。 The group posted online advertisements and looked for individuals in urgent need of money. However, borrowers were not informed of the loan’s terms, which included a service fee, plus a default fee of 20% if they couldn’t repay in a short time. Police said the group often changed the terms of loan and shortened payment deadlines without notice. 该团伙在网上发布广告,寻找急需资金的个人。然而,贷款人并未被提前告知贷款条款,其中包括服务费,以及如不能在短时间内偿还,将会被收取20%的违约金。警方表示,该团伙经常在未告知贷款人的情况下,更改贷款条款,缩短还款期限。 INTERVIEW: Guo Yu, Fengxian District Economic Crime Unit Police 郭宇 奉贤公安分局刑侦支队民警 If borrowers couldn’t pay back the money in time, they were instructed to download other loan apps, which the group also developed. They thus lured victims into borrowing more money. It was too late for victims to realize they had been scammed. 被害人会认为我们在从事正常的民间借贷行为,但是从犯罪团伙的环环相扣的设置来讲,他实际上是进入了一个诈骗的流程。这个过程就会让被害人陷入被包围、被围猎的局面。 Police said more than 10,000 people across the country were deceived【欺骗】. 86 people were arrested in five cities, and the 23 apps had been shut down. 现已查证到全国各地受害人1万余名,目前86名犯罪嫌疑人因涉嫌诈骗罪、帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪,均已被依法采取刑事强制措施,由该团伙开发的23个网贷APP平台均已被关闭。 3.TALIBAN ANNOUNCES CREATION OF ISLAMIC EMIRATE OF AFGHANISTAN 塔利班宣布成立“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国” On the occasion of Afghanistan’s Independence Day on August 19, the Taliban officially declared the country as an "Islamic Emirate". The Taliban changed Afghanistan’s name to "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan", a name that the group has used to refer to itself in official communications. Lei Shuran has the details. 在8月19日,阿富汗独立日之际,塔利班宣布成立“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国”,并在官方通讯中使用该名称。 The group’s senior official said yesterday that the new government would be an Islamic government guided by sharia law. He also said that Afghanistan may be governed by a ruling council, while the group’s supreme leader Haibatullah Akhundzada would likely remain in overall charge, playing a role akin to the country’s president. Chinese Foreign Ministry said today it believed the Taliban had changed and history would not repeat itself. 该组织的高级官员表示,该组织将会致力于构建开放包容的伊斯兰政府。同时,他还表示,未来阿富汗可能会由一个执政委员会管理,由塔利班的最高领导人海巴图拉·阿洪扎达(Haibatullah Akhundzada)全权掌控。阿洪扎达可能还会担任类似于总统的职位。中国外交部发言人今天(8.19日)表示,塔利班目前的做法是良好的、积极的、务实的,不会重演过去的历史。 INTERVIEW: Hua Chunying, Spokesperson, Chinese Foreign Ministry 华春莹中国外交部发言人** We advocate a comprehensive connection and development of authentic understanding to look at and treat the issues. We must not only look at the past, but also at the present. We must not only listen to what is being said, but also look at what is being done. 我们主张要用全面,联系和发展的辩证思维,来认识看待和处理问题,不仅要看过去怎么样,也要看现在怎么样,不仅听其言也要观其行。 A Senior Taliban commander met former Afghan president, Hamid Karzai for talks yesterday, as the group worked to establish a government in the country. On the same day, Afghan President in exile Ashraf Ghani, speaking in the United Arab Emirates, said that he had left Kabul to prevent bloodshed and denied reports of taking large sums of money with him as he departed the presidential palace. 昨日(8.18日),塔利班高级指挥官与阿富汗前总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊举行了会谈。同日,逃往阿联酋的阿富汗总统阿什拉夫·加尼表示,他离开喀布尔是为了防止发生流血事件,并否认有关他在离开总统府时带走了大笔金钱的报道。 VIDEO: Ashraf Ghani, Afghan President 加尼****阿富汗总统 My life was in danger as Taliban gunmen were already at the palace gates. I left Afghanistan in a vest, shoes, and a T-shirt, and I didn’t take anything else with me. 当时塔利班枪手已经在总统府邸门口,我穿着背心、鞋子和T恤离开了阿富汗,其他任何东西我都没带。 In a TV interview yesterday, US President Joe Biden said he had committed to keeping US troops in Afghanistan until every American was evacuated**【撤离】. When asked about the scenes of violence and disorder in recent days, Biden said the chaos was unavoidable. 在昨日(8.18日)的一次电视采访中,美国总统拜登表示,美军将留在阿富汗直到所有美国人撤出。当被问及最近几天的暴力和骚乱时,拜登称混乱是不可避免的。 INTERVIEW: Joe Biden, U.S. President 美国广播公司主持人采访拜登,美国总统 --What did you think when you first saw those pictures? – What I thought was, we have to gain control of this. We have to move this more quickly. We have to move in a way in which we can take control of that airport. And we did. -当你第一次看到(有人从美国飞机上摔落的)照片时,你是怎么想的? -我的想法是,我们必须控制这个机场,我们的确做到了,但没有一种完美的处理方式可以让美国完全脱身。 Biden’s approval rating dropped by 7 points to 46 percent, its lowest level since he took office as the US-backed Afghan government collapsed, causing thousands of civilians and Afghan military allies to flee for their safety. 拜登的支持率下滑7个百分点至46%,跌至他1月上台以来最低。随着美国支持的阿富汗政府垮台,数千名平民和阿富汗军事盟友为了安全逃离。 #热词加油站 anniversary【周年纪念日】 liberation**【解放】** stride【跨越】 soar**【剧增】** deceive**【欺骗】** evacuate**【撤离】** 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~