NEWS ON 08/18 1.PUDONG COMPOUND DOWNGRADED TO LOW-RISK 解封!隔离的14天里,想对你们说一声感谢! 2.SHANGHAI'S FIRST AUTONOMOUS BUS LINE BEGINS OPERATIONS 临港无人驾驶公交开通,带你一览滴水湖美景 3.SHANGHAI BEGINS RECRUITING FIREFIGHTERS 召集“蓝朋友”:上海招录600名消防员 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.PUDONG COMPOUND DOWNGRADED TO LOW-RISK 解封!隔离的14天里,想对你们说一声感谢! The Xinyuanxiyuan complex【建筑群】in suburban Pudong was today downgraded to a low-risk coronavirus area. Residents in lockdown for 14 days rejoiced and thanked volunteers for their time and work. 位于上海浦东的心圆西苑小区今天降为低风险地区。14天隔离结束,居民们欢欣鼓舞,纷纷感谢志愿者的辛勤工作。 Cheering for the recovery of normalcy at midnight, neighbors took a moment to recognize the hard work of volunteers. A man used his camera to record moments of fatigue【疲劳】among the team of volunteers that grew from seven to 398 people who worked day and night during the lockdown. The video has been viewed on social media 20,000 times. 凌晨,在为解封而欢呼的同时,居民们纷纷前来感谢志愿者的辛勤工作。一名男子用相机记录下了志愿者疲惫时的身影。隔离期间,志愿者们日夜工作,前来支援的人数也从一开始的7人增加到398人。该视频在社交媒体上的观看次数已超两万次。 INTERVEW: Min Yong, Volunteer 闵勇****心圆西苑小区志愿者 “We spent the worst and best 14 days. Without the volunteers, the handful of community workers from the residents’ committee would have long been overrun【超过限度】. The pandemic is something nobody can forget about. I wanted to record these moments.” 最坏的14天,也是最好的14天。一开始大家都不知所措,如果没有志愿者的话,靠居委会那几个工作人员,7个工作人员是没有办法承受的。疫情期间是一段很难忘的历史,把它记录下来。 INTERVEW: Zhao Shichen, Resident 赵诗晨****心圆西苑小区居民 “I’d like to sing for the uncles and aunties because they worked really hard during this half month.” 我想唱给这些志愿者叔叔阿姨们,(为什么呀)因为他们很辛苦,这半个月都在为我们服务。 Though the lockdown has ended, the community still asks residents to show a pass proving they live there and get a temperature check to ensure safety. 虽然隔离已经结束,但社区仍要求居民出示通行证以表明居住地,并进行体温测量以确保安全。 INTERVEW: Yan Xiaoming, Chuansha Dispatch Station Pudong Public Security Bureau 严晓明****浦东公安分局川沙派出所民警 “We’ll still be here for support and security under plans issued by the residents’ committee. In the future, we will still ensure daily security work.” 我们主要是根据居委会,他们安排的一个工作方案,我们去维持做安保的工作。后期我们还是会一如既往的做好我们日常的工作,包括后期的人员管控等等。 The compound adds that a visitor will need to show a green health and travel history code, pass a temperature check and register before they are allowed to enter. 社区有关人员表示,访客需出示绿色健康码和行程卡,通过体温测量并登记后才能进入社区。 2.SHANGHAI'S FIRST AUTONOMOUS BUS LINE BEGINS OPERATIONS 临港无人驾驶公交开通,带你一览滴水湖美景 Shanghai’s first autonomous bus line opened today after a one-year trial. The route traverses【横穿】No.1 Huanhu Road in Lingang New Area. 经过一年的试运行,上海首条自动驾驶公交线路今天(17日)开通。该线路覆盖临港环湖一路。 The No.1 Huanhu Road Autonomous Bus Line runs 8.5 kilometers and has 8 stops. The bus starts from No.1 Pier of Dishui Lake and it takes about 30 minutes to circle the lake. The bus is a smart vehicle connected to real-time traffic data and can stop, open and close its doors automatically. It is a third generation automated vehicle, meaning it can manage most aspects of driving, including monitoring the immediate environment and situations that call for an instantaneous【瞬间的】response. 环湖一路客运专线全长8.5公里,共设置8个公交站台。自滴水湖1号码头开始绕湖一圈,单班次运营时长约30分钟。该公交是智能网联公交,具备红绿灯信息交互功能,可自动靠边停站、自动开关门。该公交是第三代自动驾驶车辆,可实现自动驾驶运营,具备环境实时监控和即时响应功能。 INTERVEW: Li Bing, Chief Engineer Shanghai Lingang Traffic 李兵****上海临港交通有限公司总工程师 “We’ve made a big progress in safety, efficiency and other indications.” 在安全性、效率以及其他的指标上来说,已经走到了(更进)一步。 The bus line is essentially a commuter route but can also serve as a sightseeing ride around Dishui lake. People interested in going for a ride on the Autonomous bus can make a reservation for a free ride on the No.1 Huanhu Road Intelligent Bus’s official WeChat account. 该线路同时具备通勤和环滴水湖观光功能。即日起,公众可通过环湖一路智能公交微信公众号预约免费体验。 3.SHANGHAI BEGINS RECRUITING FIREFIGHTERS 召集“蓝朋友”:上海招录600****名消防员 This year’s national recruitment drive for firefighters is underway. The country plans to recruit 10,300 firefighters, including 600 here in Shanghai. More people are applying than usual and applications can be submitted until the end of the month. 2021年国家消防员招录工作目前正在进行当中,全国共将招录消防员10300名。其中,上海地区将招录600名。报名人数较以往有所增加,报名截止日期为8月31日。 At Xujiahui Fire and Rescue Station this morning, applicants were waiting to submit their application. Many of them were young people who had either previously joined the army or had experience as a firefighter. 上午,在徐家汇消防救援站,报名者正在等待提交材料。其中不少人参过军,或是有过消防工作经验。 INTERVEW: Chen Jun, Applicant 陈俊,报名者 “I have worked as a firefighter for five years.” 因为我之前也是做消防员的,做了5年。 INTERVEW: Yan Shaojie, Applicant 闫少杰,报名者 “I wanted to be a firefighter when I was little. I just left my hometown, and signed up for the post in Shanghai.” 我从小就喜欢这个职业。今年也是从家里面刚出来,看到上海消防有招聘的,我就直接报名了。 The Shanghai Fire and Rescue Brigade will offer600 positions to applicants in Shanghai, as well as Chongqing, Shandong, Shanxi and Henan. So far, 667 people have applied, which is more than usual. 此次上海市消防救援队伍共提供600个招录名额,分别面向上海、重庆、山东省、山西省和河南省招录。截止目前共有667人报名,人数较以往有所增加。 INTERVEW: Xie Xuyang, Staff of Recruitment Office Shanghai Fire & Rescue Brigade 谢旭阳****市消防救援总队招录办工作人员 “We will provide physical training for newly recruited firefighters. Regardless of their previous performance, we will make sure all firefighters meet our standards after training.” 我们入职培训期会进行系统性的体能训练。不管你前期考核的成绩好与坏,我们都会让你在入职培训结束后,达到一个合格的消防员的标准。 The upper age limit for firefighters this year has been lowered. Physical requirements have also changed. For example, applicants will get extra marks in the 1000-meter run if they finish in 4minutes and 35 seconds or less, which is 10 seconds longer than previous requirements. 对今年招录的消防员,年龄上限较以往有所收窄,同时体能要求适当放宽。比如,1000米跑加分从原先的4分25秒放宽至4分35秒。 **#**热词加油站 complex【建筑群】 fatigue【疲劳】 overrun【超过限度】 traverse【横穿】 instantaneous【瞬间的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~