NEWS ON 08/171.AGREEMENT SIGNED TO PROMOTE DEVELOPMENT IN YANGTZE RIVER DELTA沪苏浙皖签署一体化发展协议,促进长三角地区发展2.SHANGHAI GOVERNMENT TO GIVE OUT VOUCHERS WORTH 1 BILLION YUAN TO HELP ECONOMY上海将分三批发放10亿元电子消费券,助力经济增长3.S. KOREA SAYS DPRK FIRED 2 CRUISE MISSILES INTO WESTERN WATERS韩国称朝鲜向西部海域方向发射两枚巡航导弹**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------** 1.AGREEMENT SIGNED TO PROMOTE DEVELOPMENT IN YANGTZE RIVER DELTA****沪苏浙皖签署一体化发展协议,促进长三角地区发展Representatives of Shanghai and the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui today signed an agreement to improve sharing of public resources and create a better business environment in the Yangtze River Delta. Song Wenjing has more.今天(8/17),沪苏浙皖四地共同签署了《长三角公共资源交易一体化发展合作协议》,以提升要素资源市场化配置能力,优化营商环境。记者宋文靖为您带来更多报道。The agreement was signed to build a united market for exchanges of public resources in the region by enhancing connectivity and breaking barriers in cross-border business transactions【交易】. Among the eight tasks in the agreement, three are being carried out in Shanghai including the establishment of an integrated service platform, which will allow market entities in the Yangtze River Delta region to share information and resources on the website. The service will be launched on a trial basis by the end of the year.该协议的签署有助于破除市场隐形门槛和行政壁垒,形成长三角公共资源交易统一大市场。《合作协议》提出了8项具体合作任务,目前,上海正在积极推进3项具体任务,其中长三角公共资源交易统一门户一体化服务平台已启动建设,将逐步实现区域内交易信息“一网尽览”和市场主体“一地注册、区域通用”。该服务平台预计年内上线试运行。Zhao Hongguang, Vice President of Shanghai United Assets & Equity Exchange****赵红光 上海联合产权交易所 上海公共资源交易中心副总裁Public resources will first be shared and integrated within the 2,000-square-kilometer demonstration【示范】 zone, before the service is promoted to the whole Yangtze River Delta region.具体来说就是能够在示范区的2000平方公里的面积之内,完成有关公共资源整体的一个运作安排。然后在具有可复制可推广的能力之后,再面向整个长三角区域进行推广。To promote sustainable development in the region, a research team for carbon neutrality【平衡】 was formed today. The team will work to help reduce carbon emissions through technological innovation.为推进长三角可持续发展,长三角碳中和产学研联盟今天成立,通过科技赋能、创新策源,实现“精准降碳”。Bao Xinhe, Academician of Chinese Academy of Science & University of Science and Technology of China****中国科学院院士 中国科学技术大学校长 包信和Renewable energy resources are abundant in the Yangtze River Delta region. We have a solid theoretical foundation for the research and application of energies including hydrogen. We hope to apply these theories to energy production in the future. 我们长三角地区可再生能源的资源还是比较丰富的,包括后面氢能的一些研究和应用,我们都有一些属于世界级的理论基础研究。我们也希望能够尽快地把这些理论的突破转化成生产力,在未来能够用上。Governments in the Yangtze River Delta region are also working on energy infrastructure projects to ensure a sufficient supply. 长三角区域也正在发展能源基础设施项目,建立能源供应互济互保机制。Huang Dinan, Chairman of Shenergy Group****申能(集团)有限公司董事长 黄迪南We are bringing natural gas from Zhejiang and Jiangsu to Shanghai. We are also building a pipeline to Anhui so that we can ensure a better supply of natural gas within the Yangtze River Delta region.比如说我们天然气的供应,浙江和上海、江苏和上海的连接线已经在推进建设。我们也在推进跟安徽之间的联通,这样长三角天然气供应就能够得到更好的保障。The local authority says the Yangtze River Delta region will be built into an integrated energy market demonstration zone.地方政府表示,未来长三角地区将建成综合能源市场示范区。2.SHANGHAI GOVERNMENT TO GIVE OUT VOUCHERS WORTH 1 BILLION YUAN TO HELP ECONOMY****上海将分三批发放10亿元电子消费券,助力经济增长The Shanghai Commission of Commerce said the city is going to issue vouchers【代金券】 worth a total of 1 billion yuan from August to October to boost consumer spending. Residents are able to apply online starting August 20th. Zhang Yue has the story.上海市商务委员会表示,从8月到10月,上海市将发行价值10亿元的购物券以促进消费。自8月20日开始,居民均可在线申请。记者张乐为您带来更多报道。The first set includes three vouchers -- one 50-yuan cash voucher on purchases over 100 yuan, and two 25-yuan cash vouchers on purchases over 50 yuan. Only one voucher can be used per purchase. The vouchers will be accepted at more than 10,000 stores and restaurants in the city.第一轮发放的电子消费券的券包涵盖三张消费券,有一张消费满100元以上抵50元券,有两张消费满50元以上抵25元券。每次购物只能使用一张消费券。全市1万多家商店和餐厅均可使用该消费券。Huang Yu, Shanghai Commission of Commerce****市商务委综合处处长 黄宇Residents over age 18 in Shanghai are eligible to apply for the package. It doesn’t matter if the individual has a Shanghai hukou or not. 只要是在上海的,无论是否沪籍,常住人口,还是外来人口,只要年满18周岁且实时定位在上海就可以(申领)。A Shanghai government official said the vouchers will be distributed in three batches on Alipay, WeChat Pay, and UnionPay. Residents are able to apply online for each batch. A lottery draw will be used to determine who receives the vouchers. 一位上海政府工作人员表示,消费券将通过支付宝、微信支付和云闪付三个平台发放。消费者可在线报名,摇号中签。Liu Min, Deputy Director of Shanghai Commission of Commerce****市商务委副主任 刘敏We wish to stimulate consumer spending by issuing vouchers, boost confidence, and most importantly, help the market recover by benefiting residents at the same time. 我们希望可以进一步促进消费回补,提振消费信心,更希望能做到惠企利民,促进市场恢复。A total of 2 million sets will be issued on August 26th. The second batch of vouchers will be issued in September and the third batch in October.8月26日将发行200万份消费券。第二轮和第三轮电子消费券将分别于9月和10月开始发行。3.S. KOREA SAYS DPRK FIRED 2 CRUISE MISSILES INTO WESTERN WATERS****韩国称朝鲜向西部海域方向发射两枚巡航导弹South Korea’s defense ministry said today that the DPRK fired two** cruise【巡航】** missiles in the direction of the western waters. A defense ministry official said that the South Korean military detected two cruise missiles that were launched at daybreak by the DPRK from west coast of the peninsula. The South Korean and the United States military are reportedly assessing the details of the missiles. The missile test-firing came a day after the combined forces of South Korea and the United States began four-days of preliminary【初步的】 drills ahead of the Ulchi Freedom Shield exercise, an annual military exercise between the two allies involving field maneuvers【军事演习】. The DPRK has denounced【谴责】 the exercise as a dress rehearsal for a northward invasion.韩国国防部今天(8/17)表示,朝鲜向西部海域方向发射了两枚巡航导弹。韩国军方人士称探测到了朝鲜在天亮时从半岛西海岸发射的这两枚导弹,韩美军方正在对相关详细参数进行分析。朝鲜发射导弹的前一天,韩美两国军队开始了为期四天的预备演习,为下半年“乙支自由之盾”联合军演做准备。此次军演包括实战演练,是两个盟国之间每年举行的例行军事演习。朝方谴责这次演习是为北上入侵进行的彩排。#热词加油站transaction [trænˈzækʃ(ə)n] 【交易】 demonstration [ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn] 【示范】 neutrality [njuːˈtræləti] 【平衡】voucher [ˈvaʊtʃə(r)] 【代金券】cruise [kruːz] 【巡航】preliminary [prɪˈlɪmɪnəri] 【初步的】maneuver [məˈnuːvə(r)] 【军事演习】denounce [dɪˈnaʊns] 【谴责】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~