cover of episode 08/17 TOP NEWS 丨 沪研新冠疫苗 / 长三角“一网通办” / 德国开征天然气附加费

08/17 TOP NEWS 丨 沪研新冠疫苗 / 长三角“一网通办” / 德国开征天然气附加费

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*NEWS ON 08/16*1.STEMIRNA’S mRNA VACCINE APPROVED FOR CLINICAL TRIALS  沪研新冠mRNA疫苗一期临床试验入组完毕2.GOVERNMENT SERVICES AVAILABLE ACROSS YANGTZE DELTA*长三角一体化三周年 “一网通办”化繁为简3.NEW GAS LEVY IN GERMANY TO BE IMPOSED ON OCTOBER 1ST德国十月开征天然气附加费**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------***1.STEMIRNA’S mRNA VACCINE APPROVED FOR CLINICAL TRIALS  *沪研新冠mRNA疫苗开展临床试验The first mRNA COVID-19 vaccine developed in Shanghai has received approval【许可】 to launch Phase one clinical trials, and volunteers have already been given their first shot. Song Wenjing has more.日前,首个沪研新冠mRNA疫苗获得国家药监局批准,一期临床试验入组完毕,受试者现已完成首针接种。记者宋雯婧带来更多详细报道。Stemirna Therapeutics recruited【招募】120 participants and divided them into adults and seniors. They will receive two shots with a 21-day interval. During the trial, researchers will study participants’ blood tests to assess the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness. The company has already completed Phase II trials in Laos【老挝】. None of the participants in the Phase I trials that got the vaccine have yet been infected.上海企业斯威生物此次开展的一期临床试验,共入组120名受试者,分为成年人组和老年人组。受试者注射首针21天后,将接受第二针注射。两剂注射完成后,受试者将在不同阶段抽血检测疫苗的安全性和有效性。此前,研究团队已在老挝完成了二期临床试验。截至目前,在接种过该新冠mRNA疫苗的一期临床受试者中,,尚无新冠感染病例报告。Shen Haifa, Chief Scientist/Stemirna Therapeutics*沈海法 斯微生物首席科学家**This is an mRNA vaccine, which generates immunity in bodily fluids and in cells. It should provide good protection against infection and severe illness. We estimate a high protection rate even against asymptomatic infections.我们这个是mRNA疫苗,它的特性是能够产生体液免疫和细胞免疫,不但防感染,而且防重症。这个疫苗对防无症状感染效率也非常高。The company combined the Omicron and Delta **variants【变种】*of the coronavirus to produce antibodies and activate a person’s immune system to defend against infection.据介绍,疫苗在研发设计中包含了奥密克戎、德尔塔等多种新冠病毒变异株均有的突变,对当前新冠病毒流行株具有保护效力,有一定的广谱性。Shen Weiping, Executive Director/Quality management Center, Stemirna Therapeutics*沈卫平 斯微生物质量管理中心执行总监**We have closely monitored the use of ingredients and production environment to ensure no microbes contaminate the vaccines. This will help us set quality control standards for mass production of vaccines in the future.我们密切监测疫苗生产过程中的原料和环境,以确保疫苗不会受到微生物污染。为以后大规模疫苗生产,做好质量控制标准的建立。The company says it has built two vaccine production plants -- one in Zhoupu area, Pudong; and the other in Fengxian District -- that have the capacity to produce 400 million vaccine doses annually【每年】.目前,斯微生物已在周浦和奉贤各建立了一个mRNA疫苗生产基地,形成了成品每年4亿剂次的生产能力。2.GOVERNMENT SERVICES AVAILABLE ACROSS YANGTZE DELTA*长三角“一网通办”化繁为简**Online government services across the Yangtze Delta Area have been available for over three years. So far, 138 services including healthcare payments and use of the **housing provident fund【住房公积金】*can be completed in another city within the Yangtze Delta. Zhang Hong brings us the details.长三角"一网通办"正式上线3年多来,已推出138项长三角跨省通办服务,其中包括医疗支付、住房公积金等项目的长三角地区内跨省办理。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。Ms. Yang came to Shanghai from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province to consult an ophthalmologist this morning. She was happy to learn the fee would be covered by her Hangzhou healthcare coverage.从杭州赶来的患者杨女士,在上海某眼科门诊就诊。让她欣喜的是,自费部分的费用仍可以使用杭州医保报销。Ms. Yang, Patient*患者 杨女士**Part of the medical fee was deducted from my social security account. The remaining part will be deducted from my credit quota【限额】.部分费用会自动从医保里面扣款,剩下的部分费用还会自动从信用就医的额度里面去扣款。The credit quota refers to a 5,000-yuan loan from the Bank of Communications to pay for the part not covered by social security. About a month ago, patients with social security in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui could apply for inter-provincial medical treatment online to use the credit, then pay it back after treatment is completed. 40 top-level hospitals in Shanghai now accept this form of payment. 信用就医额度是指交通银行提供的5000元信用额度,用于支付医保没有覆盖的部分。大约一个月前,苏浙皖参保人员可以线上申请来沪异地就医,在试点医院就医时,便可支配5000元的信用额度,治疗完成后再偿还这一款项。目前,这一服务已在上海40家三级医院试点上线。Liang Zhang, Yangtze Delta Integration Mgnt./Bank of Communications梁璋 交通银行长三角一体化管理总部副高级经理*In the future, we’ll increase the quota for patients who need to be hospitalized. The loan will also be applicable to buy medicines offline.未来我们将会推出针对住院、线下购药等场景的更高的(信用)额度。Aside from healthcare, other regional government services have been upgraded. Mr. Hui works in Shanghai and wants to buy an apartment in his hometown Wuxi. The latest policy streamlines the process.除医疗方面以外,其他长三角跨省通办服务也在不断升级。在上海工作的惠先生打算在老家无锡买房,最新政策将使这一过程更高效便捷。Mr. Hui, Resident市民 惠先生*In the past, I would have had to acquire proof to use the fund in Shanghai and bring it to Wuxi. Now I can get the document online. 以前需要我先到上海这边,在柜面办完再带回无锡,现在是我在网上开具文件就可以了。 People in the Yangtze Delta have drawn nearly 2.4 billion yuan from the fund outside their city since the service was launched last year. Household registration of newborns and getting an ID card for the first time will also be added to inter-provincial online services this year.去年上线至今,长三角异地提取公积金业务的累计提取金额已接近24亿元。今年还将有新生儿入户、首次申领身份证“多地联办”等一系列创新应用落地。3.NEW GAS LEVY IN GERMANY TO BE IMPOSED ON OCTOBER 1ST德国十月开征天然气附加费*Germany’s economy minister said on Monday that the country had to introduce a new levy【税款】 to help utility companies cover the cost of replacing Russian gas or its energy market would collapse. Lei Shuran has the story.德国经济部长周一(8/15)表示将征收一笔天然气附加费,来帮助企业减轻替换俄罗斯天然气供应商所带来的高额成本压力,否则德国将会面临能源市场的崩溃。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。German households will have to pay almost 500 euros more a year for gas after a levy was set to help utilities cover the cost of replacing Russian supplies, piling pressure on Berlin to come up with further relief measures for the public. The levy will be imposed from Oct. 1 and remain in place until April 2024 in a bid to help Uniper, the country’s largest importer of Russian gas, and other importers cope with soaring prices. An average family of four will be paying an additional 480 euros per year. 德国家庭每年将需要支付近500欧元的天然气附加费,来帮助企业弥补替换俄罗斯天然气供应商带来的额外成本,这也增加了德国政府制定新的缓解措施的压力。天然气附加费会从10月1日起开始征收,持续至2024年4月,以帮助德国最大的俄罗斯天然气进口商Uniper以及其他德国天然气供应商应对天然气价格上涨的情况。一个四口之家的年均生活成本将因此增加约480欧元。Robert Habeck, German Economy and Climate Action Minister罗伯特·哈贝克 德国副总理兼经济和气候保护部长 **This levy is the fairest way to spread out and carry the additional costs we are facing across the country. The alternative would have been the collapse of Germany’s energy market and with that, the collapse of large parts of the European market.征税是分担我们所面临的额外成本的最公平方式,我们也可以选择不征税,但这会导致德国乃至欧洲大部分能源市场的崩溃。A massive drought is also sweeping across Europe, many countries including Germany are experiencing their driest ever summer on record. The water levels on the River Rhine continue to dwindle, with a record low of two centimeters recorded in Emmerich near Germany’s border with the Netherlands on Monday. While in the United Kingdom, as the country basks in its latest heatwave, many have flocked to local swimming pools to cool off and in London the Dive Chess Championship is currently underway. The game is pretty much the same, only the clocks are replaced by players’ ability to hold their breath. The championships serve as the ultimate battle of quick-thinking mental strength and strong lung capacity.一场大干旱正在席卷欧洲,包括德国在内的许多国家都在经历有史以来最干旱的夏季。周一(8/15),在德国与荷兰交界处的艾默里奇地区,莱茵河的水位还在持续下降,已达到2厘米,创历史新低。不过,英国人似乎在热浪中找到了别样的乐趣,许多人涌向当地游泳池享受凉意。一场"水下国际象棋锦标赛"在伦敦举行。这和常规的象棋比赛基本相同,只不过参赛者们用憋气时间代替计时器,在游泳池底享受体力和脑力的双重博弈。#热词加油站approval/əˈpruːvl/【许可】recruit/rɪˈkruːt/【招募】Laos/laʊs/【老挝】variant/ˈveəriənt/【变种】annually/ˈænjuəli/【每年】housing provident fund【住房公积金】quota/ˈkwəʊtə/【限额】levy/ˈlevi/【税款】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~