NEWS ON 08/1****5 *1.NATURAL RESOURCES MINISTRY WEIGHS INON ECO-CONSERVATION ACHIEVEMENTS* 全国划定生态保护红线面积约319万平方公里 *2.SURVEYED URBAN UNEMPLOYMENTRATE AT 5.3% IN JULY* 国家统计局:7月全国城镇调查失业率为5.3% **3.*CHINA CUTS KEY POLICY RATES TO SUPPORT COMMERCIAL, POLICY BANKS 政策利率再度下行,货币政策加力逆周期调节 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.NATURAL RESOURCES MINISTRY WEIGHS INON ECO-CONSERVATION ACHIEVEMENTS* 全国划定生态保护红线面积约319万平方公里 The ministry stated that 3.19 million square kilometers of land and sea have been delineated within what the central government calls "ecological protection red lines", a scheme*【计划】**proposed in 2011 to put an end to "irrational development" that had encroached on ecosystems. 自然资源部表示,我国划定包括陆地和海洋在内的“生态保护红线”面积合计约319万平方公里。该计划于2011年提出,旨在结束侵占生态系统的“非理性开发”。 Local governments must ensure "mandatory protection" in these areas. 地方政府必须确保这些地区的“强制性保护”。 According to the blue book, red line areas now cover 35 priority biodiversity protection areas and more than 90 percent of ecosystem types. 根据蓝皮书,红线区域目前涵盖我国全部35个生物多样性保护优先区域和90%以上的典型生态系统类型。 Tian Chunhua, Deputy Director China Land Surveying & Planning Institute 田春华 自然资源部中国国土勘测规划院副院长 “我国99%的红树林、92%的冰川及永久积雪、91%的珊瑚礁、89%的海草床以及94%的未开发利用无居民海岛,都纳入了生态保护红线。” “More than 99 percent of the country's mangrove forests, 92 percent of glacier and permanent snow, 91 percent of coral reefs, 89 percent of seaweed beds and 94 percent of undeveloped islands are within the protected red lines.” These areas are scattered across the country and include the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, forests in the northeast, the southern China hills and swathes【大片区域】of coastline along the South China Sea. 这些地区分布在全国各地,包括青藏高原、黄河和长江、东北的森林、华南的丘陵和南海沿岸的大片区域。 Chen Yuqi, Researcher China Land Surveying & Planning Institute 陈瑜琦 自然资源部中国国土勘测规划院研究员 “我国生态保护红线主要分布于西部地区,划定面积约246万平方千米,占全国生态保护红线总面积的77%。” “About 77 percent of all protected areas are in the West, accounting for 2.46 million square kilometers.” Local governments are expected to ensure conservation of the habitats and endangered species in the protected areas. 地方政府应落实好保护区内栖息地和濒危物种的保护工作。 Authorities added China now has the world's most planted forests and grassland. Both environmental indices and biodiversity are improving. 有关部门补充道,中国草地面积、人工林保存面积均居世界第一,环境指数和生物多样性不断改善。 Close to 74 percent of lakes now have water rated as moderate to satisfactory. More than 300 million acres of land have been treated under a plan to reduce desertification【荒漠化】. 目前近74%的湖泊水质被评为中等或满意。一项荒漠化治理计划使超3亿英亩的土地得到了治理。 Average PM2.5 readings have dropped 57 percent. The number of heavily polluted days has declined 92 percent. Ministry officials say China has had the fastest improvement in air quality in the world. Over the last 10 years, 19 environmental protection laws have been either issued or revised. PM2.5平均读数下降了57%。重度污染天数减少了92%。环保部表示,中国是世界上空气质量改善最快的国家。10年来中国已颁布和修订了19部环境保护法。 Here in Shanghai, PM2.5 readings last year averaged 25 micrograms per cubic meter, the lowest since records have been kept. 在上海,去年的PM2.5平均读数为每立方米25微克,是记录以来的最低水平。 Aquatic animal diversity indices and fish counts are on the rise in major water bodies including the Huangpu River, Suzhou Creek and Dianshan Lake. 黄浦江、苏州河和淀山湖等主要水体的水生动物多样性指数和鱼类数量呈上升趋势。 Energy-wise, 36 percent of Shanghai's electricity comes from nuclear, hydro, solar and wind. More than 10,000 factories were improved to reduce carbon emissions. 能源方面,上海36%的电力来自核能、水力、太阳能和风能。超1万家工厂进行了升级改造,以减少碳排放。 About 1.2 million electric vehicles run on Shanghai's roads. The city's subway lines total 831 kilometers -- both figure rank #1 among cities in the world. 上海市电动汽车保有量约120万辆。地铁线路总长831公里。两项数据在世界城市中均排名第一。 *2.SURVEYED URBAN UNEMPLOYMENTRATE AT 5.3% IN JULY* 国家统计局:7月全国城镇调查失业率为5.3% The National Bureau of Statistics said today that the country's overall employment remained generally stable with the urban surveyed unemployment rate at 5.3 percent in July, up 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. Zhang Yue tells us more. 国家统计局今天(08/15)表示,全国就业总体保持稳定,7月份全国城镇调查失业率为5.3%,比上月上升0.1个百分点。记者张乐带来更多报道。 National Bureau of Statistics spokesperson Fu Linghui said various measures have been taken to help college graduates find a job as more than 11 million are expected to complete university this year. He said private companies have hired 670,000 more college grads in 2023 compared to previous years. The bureau said government departments in regions across the country are finding ways to help college students who have not yet found a position to enter the job market. Fu added the number of students in colleges and universities has increased in recent years. 国家统计局新闻发言人付凌晖表示,今年预计将有超1100万大学生毕业,因此国家采取了各种措施帮助大学毕业生找工作。与往年相比,2023年私营企业大学毕业生雇佣量增长了67万名。全国各地的政府部门都在努力帮助尚未找到工作的大学生进入就业市场。近年来,高校学生人数不断增加。 Fu Linghui, Spokesman National Bureau of Statistics 付凌晖 国家统计局新闻发言人、国民经济综合统计司司长 “2022年,我国16-24岁城镇青年有9600多万人,其中在校学生达到6500多万人。在校学生的主要任务是学习,毕业前寻找工作的学生是否应纳入劳动力调查统计,社会各方面有不同的看法,需要进一步研究。再比如,随着我国居民受教育水平提高,青年人在校学习时间增加,在劳动力调查统计中,对于青年人年龄范围的界定也需要进一步研究。” “In 2022, China had more than 96 million young people between the ages of 16 and 24 in urban areas, and 65 million of them were students. The main task for students is studying. There are different opinions on whether to include students who are looking for jobs before graduation into the labor force survey. With the improvement of the education level, young people spend more time studying in colleges and universities. Therefore, further research needs to be done to define the age range for young people in the labor force survey.” Fu also said starting this month, the surveyed urban unemployment rate of young people will no longer be released to the public, adding the statistical work needs to be updated due to the development of the economy. He added the survey on labor force statistics also needs to be optimized. 付凌晖表示,从本月开始,全国城镇调查失业率将不再向公众发布,由于经济的发展,统计工作需要更新,劳动力统计调查也需要优化。 3.*CHINA CUTS KEY POLICY RATES TO SUPPORT COMMERCIAL, POLICY BANKS 政策利率再度下行货币政策加力逆周期调节 China's central bank today cut the interest rates it charges for both its medium-term lending facility,its standing lending facility, which provide different forms of financing to commercial banks. Lei Shuran explains the day's financial events. 央行今天(08/15)下调了中期贷款便利和常备贷款便利的利率。常备贷款便利为商业银行提供不同形式的融资。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 The People's Bank of China today injected 401 billion yuan into the market through the one-year MLF facility at an interest rate of 2.5 percent, down from its previous 2.65 percent. It was the second such move in three months. The MLF tool helps commercial and policy banks maintain liquidity by allowing them to borrow from the central bank using securities as collateral. 中国人民银行今天(08/15)通过一年期MLF贷款向市场注入4010亿人民币,利率为2.5%,低于之前的2.65%。这是三个月来的央行第二次注资。MLF工具允许商业银行和政策性银行使用证券作为抵押品从中央银行借款,从而保持资金流动性。 Qin Tai, Chief Macro Analyst Huajin Securities 秦泰 华金证券首席宏观分析师、研究所所长助理 “对于长端利率小幅调整,多次、少量的调整方式,更利好于投资周期比较长的基建投资,以及制造业投资这些项目,去形成更多有效投资的实物工作量。所以我们是认为现在的政策导向,很明显是两个不同的方向,对于制造业和基建投资,以促进为主,那么对于房地产市场的信心,以稳定为主。” “Regarding the small adjustments to the long-end interest rate, implementing them in small amounts but over multiple times will be more conducive to the longer investment cycle of infrastructure investment and manufacturing investment projects, allowing them to more effectively invest to support their production. We believe the current policy*orientation**【方向】**has two objectives: promoting investment in manufacturing and infrastructure, while stabilizing confidence in the real estate market.” The bank today also announced 10-basis-point cuts to the overnight, seven-day and one-month interest rates for its standing lending facility, which also supports banks with needs of different terms. Analysts believe the moves could be opening the door to a potential cut in China's lending benchmark loan prime rate, which is scheduled to be revealed in the bank's monthly announcement next week. In June, both the one-year and five-year LPRs were cut by 10 basis points, with the five-year rate falling to 4.2 percent. 央行今天(08/15)还宣布,将其常备贷款工具的隔夜、7天期和1月期利率下调10个基点,为有不同期限需求的银行提供支持。专业人士认为,这些举措可能为中国下调基准贷款优惠利率打开大门,该利率计划在下周的月度公告中公布。6月,1年期和5年期利率均下调10个基点,五年期利率降至4.2%。 #热词加油站 scheme/skiːm/【计划】 swathe/sweɪð/【大片区域】 desertification/dɪˌzɜːrtɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/【荒漠化】 orientation/ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃ(ə)n/【方向】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~