NEWS ON 08/15 1.THOUSANDS OF TRAVELERS FLY OUT OF HAIKOU AIRPORT DAILY 海南做好滞留旅客出行 2.22 PROJECTS PUT INTO USE IN LINGANG TO MARK 3RD ANNIVERSARY *临港三周年:22个项目成功投入使用* 3.AFGHANISTAN,A YEAR AFTER U.S. AND NATO WITHDRAWAL 阿富汗:美军仓皇撤离一周年 重建之路道阻且长 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.*THOUSANDS OF TRAVELERS FLY OUT OF HAIKOU AIRPORT DAILY 海南做好滞留旅客出行 In the meantime, stranded【被困住的】 travelers are gradually being allowed to leave the island. As of yesterday more than 27,000 travelers had left through Haikou and Sanya’s airport. They were headed for destinations including Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin. Regular flight services are being restored at Hainan’s 2 major airports. Though travelers have to meet certain requirements before they fly. And now Sun Siqi with the details. 海南被困旅客正逐渐获批离开。截至昨天(8/14),已有27000多名旅客经由海口和三亚的机场离开。旅客们前往的目的地包括北京、上海和天津等。海南的两个主要机场正在恢复以往的定期航班。但是旅客在上飞机前必须满足防疫要求。记者孙思奇为您带来更多报道。 At provincial capital Haikou’s airport, stranded travelers are preparing to board their flights. 在海口机场,滞留旅客正准备登机。 滞留旅客 The checkup was mostly efficient. It was strict but fast. 检查效率还是比较高的,挺严格,也挺快。 滞留旅客 I’m grateful to the government. They’re doing the best they can to get us out. 非常感谢政府。政府已经在尽力帮助我们滞留的游客(返程)。 Haikou’s Meilan Airport allows travelers who haven’t been to a city or county with infections in the past week to purchase a ticket and depart if they test negative twice within 48 hours of departure*【离开】. Those who have been to a city or county with infections can leave if they test negative 5 times in 7 days. The airport says they’re working with airlines on the most efficient flight schedules based on the destination info collected from departure applications. 52 flights carrying more than 7,300 passengers left the airport today as of 4pm, an increase of close to 2,800 people from yesterday. People are reminded to follow their destination city’s quarantine or self-monitoring requirements. 按照海口美兰国际机场的离岛人员查验条件, 7天内没有省内涉疫市县旅居史的旅客,离岛前48小时2次核酸检测阴性,就可购买客票离岛。7天内有省内涉疫市县旅居史的旅客,如果7天5检核酸阴性,也可购买客票,经机场查验后登机离岛。海口美兰机场结合海口市"离琼申请"旅客主要目的地数据,协同各航空公司研究制定高效的航班恢复计划,。截至今天下午4点,美兰机场已执行航班52架次,运输旅客7300多人,比昨日增加2800人左右。同时,旅客返程后也必须按照返程目的地的疫情防控政策,配合当地的防控举措,做好自身健康监测。 2.22 PROJECTS PUT INTO USE IN LINGANG TO MARK 3RD ANNIVERSARY 临港三周年:22个项目成功投入使用** 22 projects were completed and started operating in Lingang today, to mark the third anniversary of the establishment of the Special Area. Officials said the opening of these venues shows that Lingang has become a comfortable living space and a suitable place for business. Zhang Hong brings us the details. 今天(8/15),在上海自贸试验区临港新片区成立三周年之际,22个重点项目完成并正式投入使用。有关负责人表示,这标志着临港已经打造成了“宜业宜居的现代化新城”。记者张泓为您带来更多报道。 The 22 completed projects are in different sectors. In the industrial field, Tuojing Technology’s 270-million-yuan project is expected to enhance semi-conductor R & D capabilities. Other projects include tourist sites at Dishui Lake and renovation**【革新】 of water supply system. A comprehensive management system for energy also began operations today. It is the first government-level energy system that manages water, electricity, oil, natural gas and hydrogen energy. 当前投用的22个项目涵盖多个领域。在产业方面,拓荆科技投资2.7亿元打造的项目,将增强半导体研发能力。其他项目包括滴水湖水上旅游、供水系统改造等。综合能源管理平台也于今天(8/15)开始投入使用。该平台是国内首个涵盖水、电、油、气、氢五种能源的政府性综合能源管控平台。 W****ang Liang, Intelligent City Researcher** Development & Reform Dept., Lingang Special Area Admin. 王亮 临港新片区管委会发展改革处智慧城市研究员 We’ll build at least 5 comprehensive energy stations by 2025 for companies in different industrial parks. These new stations enhance energy efficiency and provide necessary data to structure their energy use. 到2025年,临港至少会建设5个综合能源站,服务于各个园区主体。最后我们也会拿其中的部分数据服务落地新片区,或者已经开工投产的企业,来帮助他们,提升能源使用效率和使用结构。 Lingang officials also released a plan for further development through to the year 2025. 相关工作人员也发布了临港2025年的进一步发展计划。 J**ing Yuan, Development & Reform Dept., Lingang Special Area Admin. 井源 临港新片区管委会发展改革处一级主任科员 The document contains detailed plans for upgrading the area based on existing general guidance. It also highlighted major tasks and goals for the next three years. 该方案包含基于现有的政策方针进行城市升级的详细计划,也为我们指明了后续3年建设的重点任务和目标。 The document outlined a goal to build Lingang into a "international digital city" and set up a new pattern of low-carbon development. 该方案明确,到2025年,临港新片区将初步建成"国际数字之都",创建低碳的都市发展新范式。 3.*AFGHANISTAN,A YEAR AFTER U.S. AND NATO WITHDRAWAL 阿富汗:美军仓皇撤离一周年 重建之路道阻且长 It’s been a year since the US and NATO troops withdrew from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s takeover of the country. Years of wars and natural disasters have brought countless scars to Afghanistan. Stephen Rancourt has more. 距离美国和北约部队从阿富汗撤军以及塔利班接管阿富汗已经一年了。多年的战争和自然灾害给阿富汗带来的创伤仍在持续施加影响。记者Stephen Rancourt为您带来更多报道。 Afghanistan has an estimated population of 41.7 million, more than half, over 20 million, are living with extreme food insecurity. 阿富汗人口总数大概4170万,其中一半以上,也就是有2000万多人,生活在极端的粮食危机当中。 Neil Turner, Refugee Organization Derector* 特纳 阿富汗难民组织负责人 The future is very bleak【暗淡无光】. We see this is a precipice, and we are driving towards the precipice without even a safety belt on. 阿富汗未来一片灰暗。眼前是一座“悬崖”,而我们没有系上安全带就驶向这个“悬崖”。 In the year since the takeover, many children have been forced to give up their education and earn money for their family. A common job for Afghan children in Kabul is working in brick factories. A 15-year-old boy said he has to work day and night to earn less than 3 US dollars a day. 在塔利班接管阿富汗后的一年里,许多孩子被迫放弃学业,赚钱养家。喀布尔的儿童通常在砖厂工作。一个15岁的男孩说,他必须没日没夜地工作,但是每天连3美元都挣不到。 Rahmatullah 拉赫马图拉 阿富汗少年 I have no other choice. My father has heart disease. I have no time to go to school, as I have to work from one o’clock in the morning every day. I once dreamed of becoming an engineer or a doctor. 我别无选择。我父亲患有心脏病。我没有时间上学,因为每天凌晨一点我就要开始工作了。我曾经梦想成为一名工程师或一名医生。 As problems in the country continue to mount, and many Afghans remain unemployed, the future remains bleak.Mike McCaul, the top Republican on the US House Foreign Affairs Committee, recently criticized the White House and State Department for the chaotic withdrawal【撤回】 of U.S. troops from Afghanistan a year ago, saying "there was no plan" for pulling out of the country. 随着阿富汗诸多问题的累积,大量阿富汗人长期处于失业状态,未来暗淡无光。美国众议院外交事务委员会成员兼高级共和党人迈克•麦考尔最近批评白宫和美国国务院一年前从阿富汗混乱撤军,称当时没有撤离该国的“完备计划”。 Rep. Mike McCaul, Us House Foreign Affairs Committee 麦考尔 美国众议院外交事务委员会成员 The problem was the White House and State Department putting their head in the sand, not wanting to believe what they were saying, and therefore not adequately planning. 混乱撤军问题出在白宫和美国国务院。它们罔顾事实,自欺欺人,没有进行充分规划。 Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said today the Kabul Moment became synonymous【同义的】 with the failure of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, and a failure of the U.S. democratic transformation plan. 中国外交部发言人汪文斌表示,“喀布尔时刻”不仅标志着美国入侵阿富汗的失败,也标志着美国民主改造计划的失败。 Wang Wenbin, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson 汪文斌 中国外交部发言人 The U.S. failed in Afghanistan, but the U.S. side apparently did not learn from this lesson, not only seizing 7 billion US dollars of Afghanistan’s foreign exchange assets and setting obstacles to Afghanistan’s development and reconstruction, but also continuing to carry out political intervention and manipulation around the world under the banner of democracy and human rights. 美国在阿富汗失败了,但美方显然并未从中吸取教训,不仅扣押阿富汗70亿美元的外汇资产,为阿富汗发展重建设置障碍;而且继续打着民主、人权旗号,在世界各地进行政治干预和操弄。 Wang also said that the United States move against the tide of history will only lead to the recurrence of Kabul moments. 汪文斌还表示,美方没有吸取在阿富汗失败的教训,依旧逆历史潮流而动,只会导致更多的“喀布尔时刻”再现。 #热词加油站 stranded /ˈstrændɪd/【被困住的】 departure/dɪˈpɑːtʃə(r)/【离开】 renovation/ˌrenə'veɪʃ(ə)n/【革新】 bleak/bliːk/【暗淡无光】 withdrawal/wɪðˈdrɔːəl/【撤回】 synonymous/sɪˈnɒnɪməs/【同义的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~